Building the DHCPLB server

Building the DHCPLB server

Jack Prabha

Once we had the new library, we set out to extend DHCPLB to make it responsible for serving requests. The new setup allowed us to take advantage of the multithread design to prevent the new server from blocking and queuing up packets when doing back-end calls. We first had to make changes to DHCPLB to add a new mode that doesn’t forward packets but instead generates responses. The open source DHCPLB project is the framework we use for our own implementation. It now provides an interface for writing your own handler to craft DHCP responses and make calls to a back-end system.

Know more: DHCP network

Having the load balancer in front of the servers helped with the development, testing, and rollout of the new servers. DHCPLB gives us the ability to A/B test changes on the server implementation. Even after we rolled out DHCPLB, we continued to run the Kea servers in parallel so we could monitor error logs until we were confident that the replacement would be at least as reliable as Kea had been. We have since deprecated the Kea DHCPv6 server.

The graph below shows that, for Kea, latency increases as QPS increases, until it starts timing out and dropping requests. For DHCPLB, it stays constant, showing that our move to DHCPLB allows us to handle a significantly higher QPS load without timeouts or failures. Performance was validated using our open source load-testing tool FBender.

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