Building Rom For 'XAGA'

Building Rom For 'XAGA'



Private:(do not share) it's only for test tube

buildGuide: A Beginner's Guide on How to Compile a Custom ROM




Custom ROM Build Guide !!

A Beginner's Guide on How to Compile a Custom ROM.

Step 1: Initiate Directory

mkdir romname
cd romname
git config --global "" && git config --global "yourname" 

Step 2: Cloning ROM Source:

repo init -u -b branches
repo sync -c -j$(nproc --all) --force-sync --no-clone-bundle --no-tags

Refer to your ROM's Manifest for detailed clone guide.

Step 3: Cloning Trees:

I have opted for xaga belongs so clone your DT's according to the device you are going to build for.

Check your device on your ROM's Official Devices Repo to figure out all the trees required for it.

Cloning Device Tree :

git clone -b 13 device/xiaomi/xaga

Cloning Kernel Tree :

git clone -b stable kernel/xiaomi/mt6895

Cloning Vendor Tree :

git clone -b 13 vendor/xiaomi/xaga

Cloning Sepolicy Tree:

git clone -b lineage-20 device/mediatek/sepolicy_vndr

Step 4: Editing Device Tree:

cd device/xiaomi/xaga

Rename the to your current ROM.

Edit Rename the pre-existing aosp to your current ROM.

Step 5: Compiling the ROM:

Setup Build Environment:

. build/

Setup Lunch:

lunch romname_devicename-userdebug


mka bacon 

Refer to your ROM's Manifest for Compile Flags.

Fixing Errors:

Fixing errors that arise during a ROM Development is a whole another branch of headache. Your build might get an error. It might not get an error. Each build might get an different error. It takes a lot of research and understanding to figure out the solutions. Wishing you Best of Luck !

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