Buddy Fucker

Buddy Fucker


Buddy Fucker
Because he has to do something in his free time

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One who will do anything to further his own personal interests without regard for the impact his actions will have on the interests of his "friends" or colleagues. Buddyfuckers cannot be trusted to "do the right thing" and have no regard for abstract principles such as ethics or morals.
This title is used frequently in the U.S. Naval Aviation community. When speaking discreetly, Aviators may say "buddy is only half of a word."

I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; he is such a buddyfucker! I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; to him, buddy is only half of a word.

One who will do anything to further his own personal interests without regard for the impact his actions will have on the interests of his "friends" or colleagues. Buddyfuckers cannot be trusted to "do the right thing" and have no regard for abstract principles such as ethics or morals.
This title is used frequently in the U.S. Naval Aviation community. When speaking discreetly, Aviators may say "buddy is only half of a word."

I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; he is such a buddyfucker! I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; to him, buddy is only half of a word.

One who will do anything to further his own personal interests without regard for the impact his actions will have on the interests of his "friends" or colleagues. Buddyfuckers cannot be trusted to "do the right thing" and have no regard for abstract principles such as ethics or morals.
This title is used frequently in the U.S. Naval Aviation community. When speaking discreetly, Aviators may say "buddy is only half of a word."

I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; he is such a buddyfucker! I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; to him, buddy is only half of a word.

One who will do anything to further his own personal interests without regard for the impact his actions will have on the interests of his "friends" or colleagues. Buddyfuckers cannot be trusted to "do the right thing" and have no regard for abstract principles such as ethics or morals.
This title is used frequently in the U.S. Naval Aviation community. When speaking discreetly, Aviators may say "buddy is only half of a word."

I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; he is such a buddyfucker! I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; to him, buddy is only half of a word.

One who will do anything to further his own personal interests without regard for the impact his actions will have on the interests of his "friends" or colleagues. Buddyfuckers cannot be trusted to "do the right thing" and have no regard for abstract principles such as ethics or morals.
This title is used frequently in the U.S. Naval Aviation community. When speaking discreetly, Aviators may say "buddy is only half of a word."

I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; he is such a buddyfucker! I can't believe Brad tried to steal my job just so he could get a bonus; to him, buddy is only half of a word.

The biggest buddy fucker you've met
The biggest buddy fucker you've met
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Comment deleted by user · 6 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 6 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 6 yr. ago
Comment deleted by user · 6 yr. ago
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We had a super special soldier in AIT who I'm going to call Robert. Robert was a bit of an idiot, but in the last few weeks he fucked us all harder than we could have imagined on multiple occasions. Robert seemed to be determined to make us lose all of our privileges and get us all fucked just as we were about to leave. The first incident came on the bus back from the DFAC on a Saturday. We had a very chill sergeant with us, but people were being too loud in the back, so he shouted "be quiet!" and Robert, without knowing who gave the order to be quiet, shouted back "shut up!". The NCO asked who said it, and despite pleas from nearly everyone, Robert stayed silent. After a few seconds, someone said that Robert was the one, but the sergeant replied "too late, this bus is fucked once we get back, because someone didn't decide to have integrity. Once we got back to the battery, he told our bus to get in formation in the grass while the other bus got to go inside. While we were being smoked, the sergeant asked why Robert thought he was special. Rather than explain that he wasn't and that it wouldn't happen again, he tried to justify it by saying that he thought it was another Private, earning us even more 8 counts and flutter kicks. After lunge-walking back to the battery, he was still unrepentant and said that he didn't do anything wrong (aside from not admitting your mistake).
A few days later, he got caught chewing gum outside the chow hall and got us all smoked for a good period of time in 100 degree weather, in addition to our platoon sergeant's threat of taking away our cell phones. But the worst part was how in the middle of the gum chewing smoking, Robert said that he didn't think it was a big deal, and that everyone else should just get over it since we were a week from graduating. After the gum chewing incident, our platoon sergeant made Robert the PG and ordered him to march us to the bus. While we usually sound off with our platoon name, "Honey Badgers," while marching, this time we sounded off with "Fuck you Robert". Our platoon sergeant did not care. After being made PG , this slimy fucker never apologized or tried to do better; every PT session he would be the first to lag behind during a run or go to his knees while doing push ups, and he was usually the last one downstairs or even late, getting him fired as PG. I was considered a better PG then him, and I was chosen as a joke because I was on profile for most of AIT and was pretty lazy overall, and my APG was the guy who was getting chaptered for mental health issues and non-healing fractures. So, who was the worst buddy fucker you've met in the Army?
P.S Chainsaw if you reply and make it about me than at least make it good for why I was a buddy fucker, I'd be interested to hear.
Wow wait till someone really fucks you
Robert sounds like the AIT version of Abu Hajaar
I still don't understand mass punishment.
Look. If you allow mass punishment, you HAVE to allow some hazing. If you ban all hazing, than individual punishments are required. But mass punishments and no hazing just means a ton of pissed off good soldiers and little change from shit ones.
Mass punishment (outside of BCT) is for "leaders" who have poor leadership skills.
Because peer pressure is a helluva influence.
How did this Robert not manage to "fall off" the top bunk in the middle of the night?
I remember that you just needed to stop taking a shower for a week in order to "fall down" a lot
Fuck falling off, just be quick with it
TC robbed me of 3 minutes of my life.
I love this is at 0. Now you can tell your guard unit that r/army fucked you too

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Marine, Nasty girl 11B, Big Green Weenie SME
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So I’m prior service guard, I work at a pretty big local gun store, guy comes in last night with his cac and recruiter orders,(e6) plain clothes tries to buy a gun, gets denied after a hour, his Id was also within a month of expiring, I normally don’t care but i fee like this guy was either already out or in some serious trouble, should I call the recruiters station and ask about the guy or am I being a Karen, he just game me some real Bad vibes last night, please advise.
Edit/update: called the recruiters office , not only is he still in, they are baffled by his situation, I feel better now.
Could let his recruiting commander know, especially if his background check was denied.
Hey man if he seems sketchy and doesnt pass a nics check, then you are perfectly within your right to deny him a sale. He might not be a bad dude, it could be one of those cases where he has a common name or someone mistyped his ss# into their system when they ran the check- but you don't know that, and you're working with the info you got. That doesn't make you a buddy fucker. He could be totally legit and pass the check at a different store, but if something about him is making your gut tell you "this isn't right" then go with that feeling. I'm what a lot of people would consided a "gun guy" and a staunch supporter of the 2A, but I still think you made the right call here. You're good, homie.
It’s also illegal for an FFL to sell to him if he fails NICs.
Look, better safe than sorry. If something feels off to you, follow your gut. Try calling his command or w.e. If that doesn’t work, then get in contact with the local authorities. If you do and nothing happens, at least you did everything you can. But again, better safe than sorry.
You're not a buddy fucker and probably saved him some serious jail time.
This is exactly how Nader Abdo has captured.
Commentary: Go with your gut meatbag, you have that feeling for a reason. You made the right call.
Hey man, you did the right thing. If this chode had murdered someone, the comment section would be full of people wondering why no one stopped him earlier.
I assume this guy can only purchase a handgun in your state due to his active military with orders status?
I've seen shops make a call before to determine if the orders are still valid as a printed PCS order is a relatively easy item to fake. You are then getting into a whole different realm of legal no no by the individual in question if that is the case.
printed PCS order is a relatively easy item to fake
Went to buy a gun, gave the guy a copy of my orders. He says "I'll go make a copy of this". I tell him he can just have that one, it's already a copy. Tells me no, it needs to be the original, and no amount of explaining that there is no original because it was sent digitally changes his mind.
So I walk out, go get a meal across the street, come back in with my "original" copy and get my gun.
What exactly are you going to call about? It's not clear what your spidey sense is telling you.
Well it’s either he’s in some sort of legal trouble or he’s not in the military anymore, leaning towards someone who’s out who didn’t turn in their cac
I love how guys in this thread, that very well know how functionally retarded pretty much every .gov resource is, put so much stock in a NICS denial.
I've denied people without a NICS check.
If he got denied, that stops the whole process. He’ll get denied elsewhere as well. What’s the point of reaching out?
Do you have any sort of procedure you have to follow for others customers who get denied?
Edit/update: called the recruiters office , not only is he still in, they are baffled by his situation,
Baffled by his situation? What does that mean?
Well we give them some paperwork so they can find it why they were denied, apparently you didn’t read my whole post I normally don’t care,but since we got people out here getting chaptered of the army and doing terrible shit, ima ask questions, my brother is stationed at ft Stewart where just a few months ago a discharged sgt snuck on post and murdered a specialist in his own Damn room
I feel like in the gun business you are never being a Karen for noticing something the could even remotely be a red flag. Worst case scenario you are wrong and just trying to ensure you are selling to legit gun owners, best case you kept a disgruntled Recruiter from going postal.
As gun store employees, we can deny anybody we feel the need to. And good leadership will stand by you.

noun: Someone who tends to give their friends the shit-end-of-the-stick, someone who screws their buddy for selfish reasons.
In military lingo , also a " Bravo Foxtrot ."
Private: " Roger that , Bravo Foxtrot ."
Guy 2: Man, what a buddy fucker !!!
Private: "Buddy Fucker, ya'deuche!"
noun: A dude who fucks a chick that his buddy had sex with earlier, generally without said buddy's permission .
A description of one or both individuals in a couple who were at first " just friends ." Commonly referred to as " friends with benefits " these indivuals are literally "Buddy Fuckers "
GUY 1: man, he wrote up that work order again, and he wrote in it that it wasnt done right to begin with just to fuck us with the higher ups.
A description of one or both individuals in a couple who were at first " just friends ." Commonly referred to as " friends with benefits " these indivuals are literally "Buddy Fuckers "

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