Buddy-Development Automation Platform 

Buddy-Development Automation Platform 



As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


Buddy is a progressive blockchain-based stage made to encourage the improvement of robotized applications. Buddy is available as a genuine irritation in the application mechanization industry, which keeps on developing essentially after some time. Pal will make the GRID computerization and the DevOps Marketplace decentralized, inevitably changing the manner in which designers test, construct and convey their applications. Note that the computerization advertise is developing quickly, its turnover will reach $ 345 billion by 2022. 

Brief History 

The gathering was established in 2007 while bootstrapping springloops, a mainstream subversion facilitating stage with arrangement instruments for web engineers. The acquiring privileged insights, encounter and new innovation patterns have at last driven us to design amigo. Established in 2015 with a mission to vertically apply mechanization to the application improvement process, so engineers can center around imaginative difficulties, not sitting idle on obligation. Discharged in 2016 to a vast positive reaction from the network Quickly turn into an accomplice of Google, GitHub, Microsoft and other key players in its mission to enable designers to convey quicker and better item quality. Since 2017, the amigo has been continually developing. 


Buddy objective is to make life less demanding for other programming designers via mechanizing every single routine undertaking. This will give software engineers a chance to understand their inventiveness and empower them to center around thoughts that can change the world. 


Huge associations do many forms, tests, and different undertakings identified with improvement and activities. These assignments set aside much opportunity to finish. Organizations are endeavoring to assemble quicker to accomplish quicker outcomes. Therefore, they spend much in their construct foundation. This circumstance in the end prompts unpredictable and expensive undertaking DevOps (advancement and activities) framework. Also, it needs general and persistent support. It is only to send. There is additionally an issue with respect to parallelism. The organizations additionally do much to make conveyance times quicker, for example, to decrease superfluous lines. What's more, to run numerous pipelines all in the meantime, they additionally perform fabricates and activities inside pipelines without a moment's delay. It needs thorough endeavors as far as readiness and execution. This ends up one of the real weight on the foundation. 

Brilliant contracts have been utilized to alleviate this issue. Be that as it may, managing shrewd contract improvement isn't simple. Indeed, even senior off-chain engineers still discover a few difficulties to begin with it. Software engineers need to see extremely well about some principle ideas before beginning any works. These real ideas incorporate the Blockchain itself, dApps, EVM, and numerous others. The appropriation of Blockchain tech, savvy contract, and dApps are getting additionally difficult as there are numerous fantasies about Blockchain improvement. 


Buddy proposes a few answers for take out the issues. To begin with, it applies a culture-moving methodology in which assist the group with obtaining their objectives with the approach's adaptability and magnificence. In addition, their execution will be constantly kept up. Second, an open model is utilized. It fills in as the reason for experienced application engineers to make quality additional items in managing improvement robotization. Third, Buddy gives auto-scaling highlights that give mindfulness of what can be offloaded to an open system in view of the scholarly resources and direction of the organization. 

Buddy Features 

Buddy has different points of interest that will have the capacity to tackle the instance of the issues above. Pal has an exceptionally total component that can convey an extremely straightforward and effective improvement process. 

Lattice Automation – Using a decentralized Infrastructure to run boundless number of errands of computerization for application improvement 

Automation Pipelines

Using Automation application development and deployment with more than 70 steps ready to use.


Preview a full & test environment that serves as an automatic instant app preview for every branch of code.


Uses Bot-developed automation for Blockchain applications to make it smarter, better & faster and more efficient.


The rich palette with custom integration provides comprehensive support for many piles

DevOps Marketplace

Available App store for developers by developers with solutions that automate application development.

The Project structure 

The stage comprises of three sections specifically: 

•DevOps Marketplace 

This is a store that right now has in excess of 80 instruments for computerization, with which you can create and convey programming. By part instruments into pipeline, applications can be planned, tried and sent with a couple of snaps. To grow the store, it is intended to draw in outsider designers will's identity ready to put their instruments in the store. They will have the capacity to do this for nothing in return with the expectation of complimentary utilization of their improvements in non-business open source ventures. The designers trust that this will help quicken the advancement of the blockchain. The guardians of the stage will nearly screen the nature of the advancements offered in the store, sift through violators and interlopers. 

•Private Automation GRID 

This is a private system where you can send numerous duplicates of Buddy to play out different errands in the meantime. Clients will have the capacity to pick where to do it-on their machines, in the cloud or from the IaaS supplier. With the consent framework, you can arrange the stage to increment and diminishing duplicates of Buddy, and in addition their on and off on a timetable. 

•Shared Automation GRID 

P2P organize, which will enable you to transfer a duplicate of the Buddy client with an adequate measure of assets in return for tokens. The system can be utilized when open information activities are required, and when PCs on the private system are not great enough. Specifically, it will be conceivable to get the aftereffects of stress tests and execution checking in no time flat. Pal will check all hubs in the system for consistence with the base framework necessities. Subsequent to sending the aftereffects of the work to the client, the possessed space on the PC will be discharged. It is conceivable to consolidate work in the two systems – advancement to direct in a private system, and tests – in joint. This will fundamentally accelerate the procedure. 

For blockchain designers, Buddy is setting up an administration called "Blockchain as an administration". It very well may be utilized to make any blockchain bolstered by the stage, empower hubs utilizing Shared Automation GRID, and even fill the blockchain with obstructs for testing. 

The dAppOS module will be accessible for designers of decentralized applications. Utilizing prepared to-utilize contents, engineers will have the capacity to "step by determined step" to manufacture robotized paylines.

Token Info

Name : Buddy

Token Symbol : BUD

Platform : Ethereum ERC20

Token Price : 1 BUD = 0.0002 ETH

HardCap : 60,000 ETH.

Emission level : No new token will be created.

Token Emission Date : up to 30 days after the token expires.

Conditions : Unsold tokens when crowsale will be burned.

Total Suplay Token : Maximum Token 470.000.000 BUD Allocated for Sales Token.

The final amount depends on the bonus that will be applied in Crowdsale.

Private Sale of 15 June – 15 July 2018

Pre-sale on 23 July – 30 July 2018

Crowdsale begins August 1, 2018

Allocation of Token


Q4, 2016 – Run beta test BUDDY.

Q1, 2017 – End of beta, first customer payment.

Q1, 2017 – Starting BUDDY Enterprise.

Q2, 2017 – Further development of BUDDY, weekly release of new features.

Q2, The concept of BlockchainOps uses the BUDDY automation pipeline.

Q4, 2018 – BlockchainOps.

Q1, 2019 – GRID personal automation.

Q1, 2019 – DevOps Market.

Q2, 2019 – Distributing Blockchain-as-a-Service.

Q2, 2019 – Expert service in the DevOps marketplace.

Q3, 2019 – Sandbox Feedback and Templates.

Q4, 2019 – GRID of the general architecture.


For more information, please visit:

Website : https://token.buddy.works/

Whitepaper : https://files.buddy.works/ico/BuddyWhitepaper.pdf

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3798597

Telegram : https://t.me/buddytoken

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/gitbuddy/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/buddygit

Medium : https://medium.com/@BuddyWorks

Github : https://github.com/buddy-works

Bounty Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4258059.0

Author TheJohnMatch


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