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Будапешт купить Ecstasy - UPSМы профессиональная команда, которая на рынке работает уже более 2 лет и специализируемся исключительно на лучших продуктах.
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The pills, which are reportedly only still in circulation in the UK, have an extremely high dosage of MDMA and are three times as strong as regular tablets. Some pills even carry mg of MDMA. A statement by police authorities read that multiple clubbers fell ill at The Medicine Bar in Middlesbrough after taking the tablets. Users experience extreme overheating, so the possibility of dehydration is greater than with regular-sized pills. A statement from drug-safety organization The Loop reads:. Start with as low a dose as possible and wait at least 1 hour before considering redosing. Take plenty of breaks from dancing; avoid mixing with alcohol or other drugs; and ensure you stay hydrated and drink water regularly no more than 1 pint per hour, sipped. For updated reports on dangerous drugs that are currently in circulation, check out Pill Reports. Why the Superman pill has resurfaced. Select a Region Amsterdam London Ibiza. The latest from London. The latest from Ibiza. Information About Contact Privacy Policy. Choose Region Amsterdam London Ibiza. Website beheer door Pielanen Online Communicatie Sitemap.
Six More People Hospitalized After Taking Strong ‘UPS’ Pill
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Инверсионные столы Teeter Hang Ups (Оборудование для фитнеса)
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WARNING issued over new batch of UPS shaped Ecstasy Pills
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Medical Check-ups in Hungary
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Super Strength UPS Ecstasy Tabs Leave Hundreds Dead Happy To Finally Have Decent Pills Again
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Six in hospital after taking super strength ‘UPS’ ecstasy
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Warning: Extra strong 'ups' pills in circulation
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Каталог оборудования
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Six in hospital after taking super strength ‘UPS’ ecstasy
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Medical Check-ups in Hungary
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Каталог оборудования
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Каталог оборудования
Знаменск купить Марки LSD 170мкг
Six in hospital after taking super strength ‘UPS’ ecstasy
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Warning: Extra strong 'ups' pills in circulation
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Бердск купить VHQ Cocaine 98% Colombia
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