Bts Orgasm

Bts Orgasm


Bts Orgasm

BTS Reaction┊He’s the first guy to make you orgasm
nora | 25 ✿ aries baby | i fall in love way too easily
⇢ paιrιng ┊ bts x reader ⇢ genre ┊ smut, a little fluff, reaction ⇢ warnιngѕ ┊ sexual content under the cut!!, fingering, oral (f receiving), sexual intercourse, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), swearing, dirty talk bc i’m a sucker for dirty talk (sry not sry), ex boyfriends being d*cks ⇢ dιѕclaιмer ┊This is all fiction! Nothing mentioned/written are facts and/or real! So please just keep that in mind when reading and enjoy! Thank you ♡
At this point you are feeling almost delirious with all the pleasure your body is experiencing. Your mind feels numb, your mouth forming an ‘o’ as small silent gasps of air leaves your lunges. 
Looking down the length of your naked body, you rest your eyes on Jungkook’s head between your legs. The pink flesh of his tongue peeking out and teasing you as he toys with your clit. His fingers have been buried deep inside of you for some time now - working your body into a frenzy. 
His eyes meet your gaze, his lust filled eyes making you clench around his fingers. He hums in appreciation and his eyes flutter close as he continues to pay close attention to the signs of your body. 
This is the first time you and Jungkook are doing anything remotely sexual. You have been dating for a few weeks now and you can solemnly say that you are crazy about him, but you are nervous as this is your first time together and your past sexual encounters haven’t been all that great. 
“Shit Jungkook!” You gasp in surprise when he adjusts his fingers inside of you and repeatedly hits a sensitive spot against your inner walls. 
Toes curling into the bed and hands fisting the sheet and his hair, you throw you head back as the tension in your body suddenly snaps. 
The unfamiliar feeling of your orgasm rushes through your body, way to fast, but Jungkook keeps his fingers and mouth on you, helping you ride it out.
You lay there in surprise and embarrassment, while Jungkook slowly retreats his fingers from your heat and goes to lay on top of you. Immediately you turn your head and hide in the pillows, away from his gaze. Your cheeks are on fire. 
“Why are you hiding?” He chuckles and tries to turn your head. 
You quickly mumble out the words, but with your face still buried amongst the pillows, Jungkook cant hear you. “What?” You can still feel him chuckling against your chest. “Look at me please.”
You do as he says, and with your cheeks still on fire you repeat what you said. “That was my first orgasm.” 
He looks surprised for only a second, “Seriously?” You nod. “So you’re a…”
He let’s his words trail off and you instantly shake your head no in case he wants to back out. “I’m not a virgin. My ex boyfriend just never… made me cum.”
Jungkook brushes his hand down your cheek and plants a lingering kiss to your lips. “What a fucking moron he must have been.” 
Taehyung’s face is buried in the crook of your neck as his hips violently smack against yours. You can feel his breath hot against your skin with every pump and you cling onto him for dear life. 
You welcome his weight on top of you, his skin on yours and your chests rubbing together as you both move in sync. 
“Fuck, you feel so good!” He tells you breathlessly.
You respond to his praise by digging your nails further into his shoulder blades, making him groan against the side of your neck. The vibration travels all the way down your body and make your toes curl. 
“You’re clenching my cock so good! Are you gonna cum?” Even though you aren’t sure, you nod vigorously. 
You have found that Taehyung has a thing for talking dirty and you never knew you needed to hear him talk like that to you before this moment. The way his words makes your inner walls tighten so deliciously around him.
With one hand, Taehyung reaches down to grab one of your legs and brings it over his shoulder. You cry out at the new angle - the way he now hits so perfectly is making your eyes flutter close. 
You are trying your best to keep up with his pace, your hips meeting his on every thrust. Within long a sensations starts within your body, one you have never felt before with another lover. 
You feel slightly panicked and before Taehyung makes you fall over the edge, you stop him. “Wait, wait.”
He stops immediately, his eyes searching yours, “What’s wrong?” You can hear the panicked undertone of his question. 
He smirks, his bangs falling over his eyes, “Usually that’s preferred during sex.”
“You’ve never orgasmed during sex before?” he finishes for you and you shake your head suddenly feeling shy. 
“Oh baby,” he groans and leans down to capture your lips just as his hips pick up where they left off. “Get ready.” He tells you and continues to pound in and out of you till you are right back on the cliff, ready to fall over.
Seconds later, his name is the only thing you manage to cry out as you cum around him. 
With your thighs burning, your hands placed firmly on his chest and breathless gasps filling the room, you ride Jimin with all you have - using all your energy.
Below he looks like a mixture of an angel and a demon. His lust filled and dangerous eyes the demon, but his perfect smile the angle. His hands are gripping your hips, helping you move on top of him and angling your pelvis to rub against his, perfectly stimulating your clit. 
With more than two months of dating behind you, this is the first time you are having sex. To say that you were nervous, and still is, is an understatement, when Jimin goes around looking like actual sex god on the daily, when you haven’t even orgasmed before. 
You’ve had ex boyfriends, but they have all been to selfish to tend to your needs and just wanted to get off themselves, and the times you have tried to do it yourself you end up giving up because it just feels weird. 
You don’t notice your hips slowing down until Jimin’s grasp on your hips tighten , “What are you thinking about?” his voice a low groan. 
Shaking your head, you move faster, “Nothing,” you dismiss quickly. 
Jimin takes your answer for what it is, instead focusing back on you. His hands leave your hips only to travel up your body and grasp your breasts. Their heavy weight fits perfect in his hands, and he toys with your erect nipples as you begin bouncing on him. 
“That’s it!” He growls feeling you tighten around him. “Make yourself cum on my cock!” 
You don’t have to be told twice! Speeding up, you ride him with what ever energy you have left. Nails scraping against his firm chest and you head tipping back as you near the edge. 
“Jimin - oh god! ” You moan loudly as you start to shake, the orgasm hitting you hard. 
“Fucking shit !” Jimin groans, his hands grabbing your ass when you limply fall to his chest. 
With force he begins pounding into you from underneath you. With your orgasm still in full force, it makes it easier for him to thrust in and out of you. 
Continuously you cry his name against his shoulder, all the while trying to catch your breath. You barely register him twitching inside of you, it’s only when you feel the hot telltales of liquid inside of you, that you know he’s finished too. 
That was one hell of a first orgasm!
You don’t really know how it happens, but one second you are still in the club with your friends, dancing, drinking and just having an all around good time, and the next thing you know, you find yourself lying naked in your bed with an equally as naked Namjoon on top of you. 
You met him at the club, one of your friends introduced you and Namjoon didn’t waste any time and he immediately started flirting with you. You flirted back, and bada boom bada bing here you are. 
His kisses are hot and heavy as he parts from your lips and descends down your body. He stops by your breasts. His pink tongue teasingly circling each nipple before he continues downward. 
You already know where he is headed and your body is tense with the anticipation. Is he going to be like all of your past lovers or is he going to be a gentleman? 
When his lips reach your already soaked fold and he runs his tongue up the entirety of your slit before using one of his hands to separate your folds. Sinking further into the mattress you let go of all your thoughts. 
Namjoon moves his mouth to your clit, placing a kiss the hood before gently sucking it between his lips, the tip of his tongue joining the mix. Your hands reach for your breasts, cupping and massaging them while Namjoon runs a single digit along your wet slit. He gathers some of your arousal, coating his finger before he gently pushes it inside you. 
Instantly, your back arches off the bed and one of your hands tangle in his dirty blond lock, keeping is mouth on you. You can already feel yourself building towards that sweet high you crave so badly. 
“Please don’t stop, please don’t stop!” You beg him, repeating it like a mantra. 
He hums against you, adding another finger and speeding up. “So sweet.” His tongue rapidly flicks across your clit to the rhythm of his fingers. The mixture is almost to sweet - too unknown, but you don’t dare stop him. 
Namjoon curls his fingers inside of you, a new sensation that has you tumbling towards your climax. “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m com - ahhh !” 
His fingers and tongue keep going, driving out every last drop of your orgasm and it leaves you shaking in satisfaction with a lazy smile on your face. You want to do that again!
“Wait,” you rasp breathless, stopping Hoseok last minute from entering you. “I have to tell you something.” 
“You wanna stop?” He asks you, internally praying that the answer is no. 
You shake your head and you don’t miss the relief that passes by his eyes. “No. I just thought you should know that I’ve never orgasmed during sex before.” 
You nod feeling a little embarrassed. You have had sex plenty of times in your life, but somehow you have managed to never have an orgasm. You don’t know if it’s you or the way your body is set up, or if your previous partners have just been total dipshits.  
“Well, why don’t we change that,” he murmurs, dipping his lips to your collarbone while one of his hands guides his cock to your wet entrance. 
He pushes inside of you slowly, giving you enough time to adjust to his size. The stretch isn’t too bad, but it’s enough to make you shut your eyes until he is seethed completely inside of you. 
His lips linger on your collarbone, softly peppering you with kisses until you give him the okay to move. When you finally do, he draws back slowly and thrusts in equally as slow. 
“Mmm, you’re so tight baby,” his lips leave your collarbone to kiss your lips, “I’m gonna make you cum so hard around my cock,” he pick up the pace, hips rolling into you so effortlessly, “would you like that?”
“Yes!” You would like nothing more, the only question is are you able to? 
He is relentless. Hips smacking against yours, the sound of skin on skin contact floating through the room, his weight on your body and his hands on your ass angling your pelvis upward and making him reach deeper. 
Your entire body is tingling, your breath short as you rake your fingers down his back trying desperately to hold onto him as he takes your body to a place it has never been before. 
Too soon the unfamiliar feeling of your orgasm washes over your body. You part from his lips with a choked cry of his name as you climax around him. 
But it doesn’t stop there. Hoseok is desperate for his own release, and his cock never ceases - continuing to slam against you till he eventually cums. 
Guess your previous partners were just total dipshits then. 
You never thought that your first sexual encounter with Yoongi would be in a bathroom stall backstage at his own concert while he waits to go on stage. But yet here you are, your front pressed up against the door, your pants and underwear around your ankles, about to have sex.
Not the most romantic place, but still far better than any time with your ex boyfriend who couldn’t even make you cum during sex. 
All thoughts of your ex boyfriend immediately disappear when Yoongi presses his cock against your entrance. Shutting your eyes you wait for the moment when he enters you, and a small whimper escapes your lips when he pushes inside. 
“Quiet,” he reminds you, pushing your hair over one shoulder to get better access to your neck. 
You can do nothing but mumble a quick sorry because he draws back and slams back inside of you, leaving you out of breath. 
Yoongi remains relentless. His cock setting a punishing rhythm that is making your inner walls tighten around him and your toes curl. You hold on to the fragile door as best as you can while trying to stop any sound you might make from flying past your lips. 
It’s hard! “Shit! Shit! Right there!” You whimper maybe a little too loud, because soon after Yoongi’s hand covers your mouth, his lips pressing to your cheek. 
“Told you to be quiet, princess.” His rugged voice has you pushing back against him. 
“You wanna cum?” he hoarsely asks and you feel his smirk pressing against your cheek as you vigorously nod. “Think you deserve it?” 
Again you nod, “Please,” you beg him, your words muffled by his hand, “I’ll be good!” you promise. 
He growls, the sound radiating through the small stall, and his cock thrusts into you. You feel your entire body beginning to tighten with the tension, and your walls are sucking him in and making him falter slightly. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum inside of you.” He warns you, but you don’t care at this point. Your orgasm is at the tips of your fingers. 
Within seconds then tension in your body snaps and you cry against Yoongi’s hand, your body shaking in his hold. Behind you you hear him groan against your shoulder before he pulls out and spills his warm seeds against your lower back. 
You struggle to keep your eyes open when Jin slants his lips down the column of your neck. He stops just above your collarbone where he gently nips and sucks at the skin, leaving behind a small red mark. 
“What’s wrong?” he suddenly asks pulling away with a small but concerned frown. 
“Nothing,” you shake your head, but he doesn’t buy it. 
“You’re shaking baby,” he comments and takes a hold on your hips a little firmer. 
You swallow hard, “I’m just a little nervous.” You explain hoping he will let it go. 
“Why are you nervous?” he questions and you are not surprised that he does. He’s a caring person after all - one of the things you like the most about him. 
You spend a few moments trying to piece together how you’re going to explain this to him without sounding…rude. “I just, my ex, he never made me…h-he never made me cum.” Jin already knows that you have only had one sexual partner before. 
“And you’re afraid that I’m going to be like him?” he pieces together the last bit. 
Afraid you have made him upset, you quickly try to explain, “It’s not that I think that about you! It’s just something that’s etched into my brain and now-”
He shuts you up with a kiss and you instantly relax against him. “I’m nothing like your ex,” he tells you, lips still pressed against yours, “Let me show you?” 
To this you nod, and within long you both end up on his bed naked, Jin laying comfortably between your spread legs, lips still pressed together and fingers intwined above your head. 
With an effortless roll of his hips, his cock instinctively finds you soaked entrance and with one push he buries himself in your heat. 
“God,” you moan, your hands squeezing around his. 
“Yeah, but you can call me Jin,” he jokes. 
You laugh, a full blown smile. This is yet another reason why you like him so much. “Shut up,” you chuckle a little breathless. 
Gradually, Jin begins picking up the pace. His cock searching deeper within you, reaching a spot no one has ever reached before, and you arch off the bed, your eyes closing. 
“Good?” he asks, one of his hands roaming down your body to your breast. He gently massages it, his thumb swiping across your nipple till its erect against his touch. 
“Yes,” you hiss when he hits perfectly inside of you. 
All the nervous feelings you had previously are now fully gone, and you feel a little stupid for even feeling like that in the first place. Of course, Jin isn’t like your ex boyfriend! He never will be. 
Your core begins tightening, the feeling of your orgasm bubbling within and you feel numb all over. Jin’s name is a mere whisper on your lips when he thrusts into you one final time before sending you head first into your orgasm. 
He follows you quickly. Your walls clenching around him repeatedly, enough to tip him over. He slows down until he completely stills inside of you and he finds your eyes with his. 
A lazy smile is stretched out on your lips, “I think God is the perfect name for you.” 

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