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11. Grab the ice. "Grab ice cubes and use them to run along your partner's body while they are restrained," Saynt says. "Use the ice to stimulate their body and offer a chilling experience ...
The movie focuses on the affair between psychologist Carl Jung and Sabina Spielrein, who was initially a patient of Jung's and later became a physician herself (not to mention one of the first...
these adult short stories see the light of day. The stories and the characters described herein are completely fictional and are not to be construed as representing any person or persons. Any similarity to an actual person, persons or events is merely coincidental. I chose not to create "named" characters but rather concentrate on ...
Confession #1356. him. He had me wear heels, stay-up stockings, one of my micro-skirts, a sheer black button-up blouse, no bra and no panties. We went to his friends house, hubby let the dog out, and then he tied me up. spread eagle to the kitchen table. He put on the radio and turned it up, he unbuttoned my blouse and.
He grunts. I try to push him away but my arms are weak. "I don't want to.". I try to pull my underwear up, they're around my knees. He pins my arm down. "Please." "Shhh." "I'm going to be sick." "Shhh.". He's getting angry. There's a crack in the door and I can see wood paneling in the hallway. He finishes on the ...
Tommy, who has a stunningly beautiful mother at the age of 30 with wonderful size 8 feet and 2 sisters that are adopted when their mother was 21, are both blonde with size 7 feet, one of which was 17 and the other 18, his father had died after a plane crash.
Back in the days before I got into creating and producing bondage photography art, I found my release in penning erotic bondage stories. Made quite a name for myself on IRC as a bondage story telling scribe in the imaginary world of on-line Gor. Kajira flocked to my cyber room which pissed off more than a few "Masters", especially those of the ...
The range of stories published here will be limited only by the experiences and imagination of our members. There are no restrictions on what can be published beyond those in common law in all relevant jurisdictions. Fast story without any preparation I am not a story writer but I am needing to put myself out there for any dominant people to...
Original Fiction by Ben -- Exclusively on LISA. I had just had my 14th birthday when my parents heard that they had been left some money by a relative who had just died. We were not a wealthy family by any means but, fortunately, neither were we among the poorest either. My mother and father had always tried to give my elder sister and me the ...
WELCOME TO RIWA'S LIBRARY. Inside you will find a variety of stories to suit a wide range of tastes. Major themes include asphyxia and underwater situations. Some of the stories inside are graphic and are sexual in nature. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. By clicking on "enter" you are indicating that you are 18 years of age or older.
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Spread-eagle Confessions
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One time when hubby was house sitting /watching a dog for one of his friends he had me tag along with
him. He had me wear heels, stay-up stockings, one of my micro-skirts, a sheer black button-up blouse,
no bra and no panties. We went to his friends house, hubby let the dog out, and then he tied me up
spread eagle to the kitchen table. He put on the radio and turned it up, he unbuttoned my blouse and
opened it up and pulled the skirt up so that my pussy was completely exposed. I started asking what if your
friend comes back?? Hubby replied that his friend wasn't due back for 2 more days. Hubby grabbed the
phone and said he'd be right back and went out the back door to make a phone call. I was getting
wet wondering what hubby had in mind for me. Hubby came back in the house about 20 minutes later.
Then he went out to the living room at the front of the house and said that he'd be back in a few minutes.
The front doorbell rang and I could here him talking to somebody. I was in total panic mode totally exposed,
tied up spread eagle, when in walked hubby with a pizza delivery boy! I think I went numb in sheer panic, but
was also already quite turned on. I really started wondering to myself what hubby had in mind?

So there I lay, this kid, (20 - 24 year old kid), staring at my tits and pussy! Then hubby tells the kid
that I'm his tip and tells him to go ahead and fuck me since I was spread out and waiting to be fucked! Then
hubby starts eating pizza watching this kid fuck me!

Hubby was even cheering him on and this kid kept on fucking me! He came three times inside my pussy!!
I just kept having orgasm after orgasm enjoying the good fucking from this young energetic delivery boy!

After the kid left, hubby let the dog back in the house, left me tied to the table and said that he'd be back in
about a half hour and he left out the back door. I heard the car start and he drove away. Andrés dog (a large
female German sheppard) was now in the kitchen sniffing at my crotch, (at this point I figured that she could smell sperm mixed in with my sweetness), and she nuzzled her nose and mouth up to my pussy and began to lick away! I was pretty uneasy with it at first but I've got to say it wasn't long until I was having some more amazing orgasms! She was licking my pussy and clit at a feverish pace which drove me absolutely wild! When hubby came back he asked if I enjoyed how André had trained his dog to clean up after a good fuck!!!

Needles to say, every time after that, when hubby was house sitting I dressed as slutty as I could and looked forward to being tied spread eagle and await whatever CAME my way!!
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> (my Nick Grace2002)
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© 2021 The When You\'re Ready Project
The first time I was raped I was 16 years old. The night exists for me in a series of flash-bulb images that I can neither piece together nor erase from my memory, despite years of trying. I’m still not sure if it was my fault, even though I know it wasn’t.
I don’t think about it very often anymore, but every few years I revisit the spiral of shame, and guilt.
My last clear memory was stumbling away from the crowd, looking for a place to sleep. I was drunk… really drunk. I was being a typical teenager: acting out, rebelling – trying to distance myself from a goody-two-shoes image. Before that night, I had only been to a couple of parties, most of my wild stories were embellishments. My parents were known for being strict, so I didn’t get invited out very often. I w anted desperately to be part of the cool, older crowd who drank and smoked cigarettes. I was thrilled to be at the party, drinking cans of Coors and tossing them in the back yard of the kid whose parents were out of town. I realized m y ride had left without me, I was feeling sick and disoriented and needed to sleep until I could walk home. I found an empty bed, it was a child’s bedroom, I was going to lie down for just a few minutes.
I’m awake and it’s dark. He is inside me. I feel sick. Who is on top of me? “What are you doing?” He grunts. I try to push him away but my arms are weak. “I don’t want to.” I try to pull my underwear up, they’re around my knees. He pins my arm down. “Please.” “Shhh.” “I’m going to be sick.” “Shhh.” He’s getting angry. There’s a crack in the door and I can see wood paneling in the hallway. He finishes on the child’s bed, next to me. He wasn’t wearing a condom. He gets up and walks out. I want to run away, but I’m ashamed and I don’t want anyone to see me. I cry myself to sleep.
I’ve known my rapist since childhood. He was one of the cool kids at my school, a popular jock who was older than me. The next morning, his friend called me a slut and said “don’t worry, I won’t tell his girlfriend.” His girlfriend found out, and soon everyone had heard what a slut I was. Somehow I was more comfortable with being a slut than with being raped, so I accepted it.
And I never told anyone, until now.
I’m afraid to tell my parents. I’m afraid my step-father will read this, figure out who it was, and confront my rapist. I’m nervous about how he’ll feel when he realizes he inadvertently teased me about the events that happened after that night. I forgave him but I’m afraid he won’t forgive himself.
I’m afraid the people in my home town will call me a liar, and judge my parents. I live 3000 miles away now, but my family will have to deal with the backlash.
I’m afraid for my rapist’s wife and children.
But today I’m facing those fears, as much as I can handle at a time. Today, this blog is the beginning of an idea that may or not become big. It’s still anonymous, but that’s okay. It’s all I’m ready for, just yet.
When you’re ready, and want to share, I’m here. We’ll do this together.
When You're is a community for survivors of sexual violence to share their stories.
alert(‘HACKING IN PROGRESS!!! ^%$ I HAAZ HAXX (&&* 1337 ‘);
Sounds like a fake story. Sorry, pretty cliche.
I think it sounds pretty fake but even though it might not be fake, nobody has to experience that, but my real question is why would you feel ok if people call you a slut. If I were you I wouldn’t like people calling me a slut, etc.
The When You're Ready Project is a community for survivors of sexual violence to share their stories and have their voices heard, finding strength in one another. When you're ready to share your story, we'll be here.

This is a story I made up and wanted to share with people, hope you enjoy it.

P.S. This is not a real a story, only a fantasy.

Tommy was 13 the day when his life was fully changed.
It was Friday, the day Tommy would go to his room and talk to his friends on social networks or applications, he was home alone, as it was like this everyday. Tommy, who has a stunningly beautiful mother at the age of 30 with wonderful size 8 feet and 2 sisters that are adopted when their mother was 21, are both blonde with size 7 feet, one of which was 17 and the other 18, his father had died after a plane crash. Tommy would usually make his sisters and mother angry by his natural aggression to them, but this week, he was grounded with no computer in his room and couldn't leave his room after school hours. He was extremely bored, so he decided to ride his bike, even if it was against the rules of his punishment, but he went on to ride it anyways. After about 2 hours he parked his bike back home and opened the door, there his mother and sisters stood there.
"What on earth were you thinking Tommy?!" Yelled his mother.
"I was bored so I went for a bike ride, but that's none of your business, bitch." Replied Tommy.
His mother was just an inch from beating him, but that never worked, Tommy was a true paintballer, he could rarely feel pain.
"That's another week for you Tommy, cussing at your mother is a terrible sin." Said his mother.
But Tommy didn't care... at all.
"Can it skank!" Tommy said with anger coming from his voice.
"Go to your room we will arrange what will your punishment be. NOW!" Said his mother angrily.
Tommy could never stand his mother's screaming so he went to his room immediately. After fifteen minutes Tommy heard his name called by his mother from the Entertainment room.
"Tommy come down here, I want to apologize for the screaming and drama I did fifteen minutes ago."
Tommy rushed down and saw his mother and sisters sitting down in front of the television.
"You can watch T.V. if you're that bored." Said his mother
"Cool, where's the remote though?" Replied Tommy.
His mother had told him that she forgot where she put it and asked him to find it under the sofa, as she reminded him that it might have been there. Tommy went down on his knees and hands to look for the remote, but as he saw the remote he felt the pressure from his mother and sisters hands pressing on to his hands and simply bringing them behind his back and tying them up.
"OH WHAT THE F**K LET ME GO!!" Tommy screamed out.
His mom and his sisters dragged him to the sofa and moved the carpet, it seems that they have installed chain loops for Tommy to hold him and prevent him from escaping. His mom stood over him, she was still in her business dress, pantyhose and high heels.
"Listen, we've got you now, you're ours. You will follow every single command that we give you from now on."
"NO LET ME GO NOW!" He flinched and moved, but nothing worked.
His mother attached the loops and chains of his to the loops on the ground.
"I told you once, if you don't follow our commands, we will call the police, and set you up in a way that it would seem that you wanted to brutally murder us. So you've got 2 options."
His mother took off her high heels and held it in her hands.
"Now this is extremely necessary. I know, I know, I've been on this heels like, aaaalllll day, but you gotta accept your consequences, we're not taking shit from you anymore. So get ready to give up your life to us now."
Tommy shook his head and accepted the consequences.
"Alright here we go, first whiff for our new family owned slave"
She lowered her high heel to his face and placed the smelliest part of her foot, the toes. He inhaled, coughed and gagged he did, but he knew what his job was and had to do it. His mother and sisters laughed as hard as they could. The youngest of the two sisters took off her Puma high tops that she wore all day at cheerleading.
"Hey loser, I've been at cheerleading all day today, mind if you take whiff of what that smells like?"
"Yes Josie, I do, if it is your command and wish." Said Tommy
"Excuse me? My name isn't Josie for you anymore, from now on you will call me Goddess!" Said Josie
"Yes Goddess, you are the most powerful one and rule me. I am meant to be stepped on and nothing more." Replied Tommy
"That's better." Said Summer, Tommy's oldest sister
Their mother smiled with happiness in her, seeing her daughters dominating her son as well as her. She always thought that men are nothing more but snakes and deserve this kind of treatment from women. Josie placed her Puma on his face and held it there for a minute straight. Tommy almost died without any air in him. Summer, his older sister took off her knee high boot and placed it on his face after her younger sister was done. After several minutes they all finished choking him with their terrible foot odor inside of their shoes, boots and heels.
"Okay dear, now you need to clean our shoes, the inside and the outside, we've been walking on dirt and they're really dirty. I mean, you can't expect me to go to work with dirty heels like these will you now?" Said Mary, Tommy's mother.
"No! Smelling them is the last straw, but licking them?! I mean that's just degrading!" Tommy replied.
"Oh dear, you are a comedian aren't you? You know what's going to happen if you don't do it dear. I'm not going to clean my heels for something I didn't do, so as default you'll do it. Oh, and also you'll clean everything that I do to them too!" His mother told him with a sweet voice.
So he got to it, knowing he would have to do this for the rest of his life. After what seemed like hours to Tommy, he was finally done with licking the dirtiness from the outside of their shoes and the sweat from the inside of their shoes.
"That's right dear, suck it up. You will be doing this for the rest of your life. Oh yes and I've planned out what we're going to do to you tomorrow and so forth." Said her mother sweetly.

Part 2 will be continued soon. 
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