Bryiana Noelle Flores Nude

Bryiana Noelle Flores Nude


Bryiana Noelle Flores Nude
Bryiana (Flores) Noelle Miss September 2013 Playboy Playmate of the Month
Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis
euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.
Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan .
Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem ,
suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

I’m Bryiana. 21 years old. Filipino, Chinese, Spanish, Cherokee, Blackfoot, and White. VERY easy going- most people I’ve worked with will agree. Former beauty queen. Current waitress. I’m not a super active MM member, so if you really wanna work with me, continue reading then email me at
Bryiana Flores, a petite brunette of mixed heritage, shot her Playmate pictorial with photographer Josh Ryan just a few days ago

Playmate Bryiana Noelle’s Sexy Mummy Beauty Advice
With Halloween coming up, we know some of you are going to want to look your best. That’s why we got together with Miss September 2013 Bryiana Noelle to make this very important Halloween public service announcement.
Huh, she has an interesting look. The pics make it look like she’s got a high forehead, I hope that’s not as prominent as it seems. Great eyes and smile. I guess this is more of what Cooper mentioned in terms of a more modern or whatever type of Playmate? I won’t complain in the least.
“Mixed heritage”? Don’t you mean Filipino/Chinese/Spanish/Cherokee/Blackfoot-American? Just rolls off the tongue.
If Cooper is behind the recent influx of Playmates who are lovely ethnic coctails (Ashley Doris, Jaslyn Ome), then I say go Cooper! If I had my way, most playmates would resemble Raquel Pomplun, Raquel Gibson, or Jessica Burciaga.
But I believe that she will be a 2014 playmate.
We have already had 2 ‘mixed heritage’ playmates – Ashley and Jaslyn – and it is very rate for PB to have more than two non-Caucasian playmates in a calendar year.
Given that Danielle Burt and Alexa Sandberg have to appear – there is only 5 slots left in 2013.
I’m guessing Bryiana will probably be Miss March or Miss April 2014.
The 60th anniversary playmate in the January/February issue will most likely be twins or triplets.
another exotic looking brunette ? awesome. the brunette playmates have all been unique and sexy this year so far. I know there’s only been two, but both have been very memorable as in my view there’s nothing worse than a forgettable playmate.
For the record, Cooper tweeted that Jaslyn Ome was indicative of a more “modern” girl next door that Playboy will be pursuing with their Playmates. He didn’t go into detail about what exactly he meant, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Jaslyn’s “multi-ethnic” heritage is part of what they’re going after. If that’s the case, I certainly welcome that!
As with Playboy covers and Playmate selection and general design direction of the magazine, I think the old “rules” that Bette is citing are likely to apply less and less now. I think we’re starting to see a decline of the bottled blonde with implants as the Playmate “ideal” (which seemed to peak around the early to mid-2000s).
As mentioned before, having 5 successive PMOYs in a row being brunettes (with a very likely 6th brunette when the 2013 PMOY is unveiled) definitely qualifies as the rules being broken.
If I may offer some input, I hope Playboy embraces curvy girls like those that seemed to be common in the ’60s with Jayne Mansfield/Rosemarie Hillcrest/Cynthia Myers-style measurements. Never goes out of style in my eye.
If Cooper is behind the recent influx of Playmates who are lovely ethnic
coctails (Ashley Doris, Jaslyn Ome), then I say go Cooper! If I had my way, most
playmates would resemble Raquel Pomplun, Raquel Gibson, or Jessica Burciaga.
So Bryiana has indicated she’ll be either Miss September or Miss October 2013?
Is the photo shoot she did recently a test shoot or the actual PM shoot?
As for Danielle Burt – why has she been declined? She was mentioned as a ‘Next
Month’ playmate last year so why the change?
Surely she isn’t underage like Spencer Scott was – or is she pissed because she
was promised PMOY like Terri Welles was.
Interesting to see what sort of PMs Cooper gives us for them rest of the year.
My original post said that Bryiana commented on her photos either September or
October. It was an actual Centerfold shoot. PMOM pictorials are now two-day
on-location shoots. If it was a test shoot, it would have been an afternoon at
Studio Beverly Hills.
Bryiana tweeted about wanting a tiger in her beauty shoot. That refers to the
nude video shoot for Playmates!
Danielle Burt was all set to be Miss September. She shot her pictorial and video
and was named Miss September 2012 but she had a last minute change of heart and
decided not to be a Playmate.
Fingers crossed that the ‘tiger’ Bryiana wants in her shoot is a live one and
not a dead one. Kimberly Conrad is a member of PETA I believe and I’m sure her
sons would not be keen on having dead animals used in pictorials.
As for Danielle – what a waste of time and money she caused.
Hef and co. wouldn’t be too impressed with her right now.
The setting up of the centrefold shoot would have cost quite a bit. The
photographer, cameraman, hair stylist, make up artist, fashion consultant,
lighting guy, interviewer, production designer etc etc etc wouldn’t have come
cheap – especially if it takes two days to do a shoot.
And wouldn’t Danielle have signed a contract? Do the girls receive any payment
upfront – or are they paid in full once the edition is completed?
I can’ believe after all this, Danielle just ‘changed her mind’.
If I was Hef – I’d be asking her to reimburse some of the costs of the
centrefold shoot.
No wonder the ‘Next Month’ section is not naming the playmates on a regular
basis anymore. After Spencer Scott and now Danielle Burt – I’m sure Hef is
avoiding getting burnt again.
Is this what happened to Alexa Sandberg as well?
She wants a tiger for her video shoot so I would think she meant a live one. A
stuffed tiger would be pretty static in a video.
Danielle’s change of heart is def a huge loss for Playboy. She was gathering a
huge fan base and would have been a great Playmate. I’m not sure how Playboy
dealt with the financial loss or if they would have made Danielle repay the
The Next Month page not naming recent Playmates is due to the shoots coming in
too close to, or past, the deadline dates. For example, if you look at the media
kit, it says the materials for the May issue were due March 14th. Miss June shot
at the end of March so the mag was already on the way to the printers and could
not tell us who would be Miss June.
Now you’re probably wondering who is Miss June and I’ll give just one clue – she
is a blonde Playboy Plus model.
i hope this lady is a playmate soon.
i think she looks a lot like rhinana the singer
Yesterday Bryianna tweeted that she was relaxing at the beach and got the call that she is officially Miss September 2013. About 15 minutes later, the tweet was gone. She seems to be bartending at some nude strip club in LA. Is this something PB is OK with?
Playboy seems to care more about what nude photos they might have been in. Various Playmates have been involved in various activities at one point or another that Playboy would have frowned on. As long as she is a clothed bartender, I don’t think that job would be of much concern to Playboy. It isn’t as if all of the Playmates lead squeaky clean lives before they all of a sudden decide to get naked for an international publication.
I watched her test shoot video and I am here to tell you, she has great, great tits. This one is going to be fantastic.

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