Bryan Legend knows What it Takes and How to Get There

Bryan Legend knows What it Takes and How to Get There

Let us know a little about you.

Blue-collar was my upbringing. I grew up in a family that thought money was hard to come by. They also believed that it was something that the wealthy and famous had, or that someone didn't deserve for causing harm to others.

This is a completely wrong mindset. Since my teens, I knew I wanted money. I knew deep down that it was calling me and that I was meant for more than just everyday life. I felt worthy and knew that I could not accept a life of inefficiency.

I felt constantly distracted throughout my school years and was often disobedient to orders. An entrepreneur trait that I know is my desire to do my thing and not worry about things outside of my control.

Three years prior to my graduation, I dropped out of school during the first semester of the 10th year.

After spending the first few years working in the labor industry at a low wage, I realized this wasn't my calling. There was something that would fulfill my dream of becoming wealthy and successful.

It was here that I learned the art of selling by working in different industries, including telecommunications and transport.

I was able to communicate clearly and educate others about how to sell to them and what they want.

Because I was successful in this field and wanted to improve my skills, I started to concentrate on business management. I learned everything I needed along the way to be a successful CEO.

Since then, I have founded several companies, each of which have been successful in their own ways. The most recent being Clever Defi. Bryan King Legend Details LinkedIn allows you to view my past history and see the companies I have been a part of.

What Does Clever deFi Do?

CleverDeFi is the original truly decentralized protocol that gives power to the many rather than to the few. It offers a new Decentralized Finance (DeFi) token using Blockchain to distribute interest payments on a 14-day basis.

Each cycle can offer up to 11% compound interest, and all 888 cycles are completed in just 34 years. Clever Token (CLVA), has been programmed with a predicted average ROI of 80.60% per year.

It is a smart, new and improved way to store your wealth.

What do you consider your greatest success in life?

Being able to do my own thing and not have to follow anyone else's path is something I am grateful for.

Bryan King Legend News, I don't think it is a bad thing to be able to buy a few high-end toys.

What's one trend that excites you?

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency are two areas that I am very interested in. The DeFi (Decentralized Financing) space is another area that I find very appealing.

DeFi allows us to gain a better understanding of our finances and empowers us to understand how finance works. DeFi opens up new possibilities for redefining this.

What is one habit that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

If I believe wholeheartedly in something and set a goal for it to be achieved, I will give up all other priorities and focus my efforts on that task. The idea of starting a new enterprise or business.

I will put 110% effort into making sure the event is successful. Being productive with my time allows for me to navigate these waters. I keep my eyes on the goal and don't let it slip away from me.

What is the Best $100 you've ever spent? What and Why?

My first "real business" was the best $100 I ever spent. It plugged a niche in the world of digital advertising.

This business was founded in my living room. It grew to include a prominent office space within the CBD, and I managed several employees to make it a multimillion-dollar company.

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