Brutal Gemini

Brutal Gemini


Brutal Gemini
13 Brutal Truths About Loving A Gemini (As Written By One)
Have you ever felt like the person you’re dating is two people at the same time? Trust me, it’s not because you’re crazy — it may be because you’re dating a Gemini.
While we can be difficult to love at times, we’re the best kind of people to love out of all the zodiac signs in astrology.
Known as ‘the twins,’ we tend to have two distinct different personalities in one. We’re curious, social, witty and creative, while simultaneously being emotionally unreachable and difficult to get your hands on.
In other words, welcome to the world of dating, love and relationships with a walking contradiction!
Here are 13 brutal truths about dating and loving a Gemini, possibly the most complicated of all zodiac signs in astrology .
So you’re sick of eating at the same restaurants or want a new date spot? Perfect, we are too.
Want to try making love someplace new and exciting? We’re game. (Although truth be told, having some norms and consistency in a relationship is important to us, too.)
But with Geminis, you’ll never get bored — but at what expense to your sanity?
Geminis are anything but homebodies, but then again we love being home. Wait, is that confusing? Exactly.
One weekend, we’ll want to paint the town red with balls, galas, bars and clubs … but the next, we’re all about Netflix and the couch.
Geminis are faithful, loyal people, but boooooy do we like to look at the opposite sex!
Because we enjoy praise and being the center of attention, we love to receive compliments and feel sexy and wanted — only to come home and be with just you.
We ask a lot of questions and first dates with us may seem like interviews. Because we’re an air element, we have strong intellects and are skilled debaters and conversationalists.
Our partners must also be strong and understand that a good debate is just that: a debate.
We don’t want an argument; we just enjoy conversing and sharpening one another.
Love a sarcastic jokester? We’re your girl! With the quick wit and smart mouth, we’re fun to hang out with but also very frustrating to argue with.
Leave a Gemini to decorate your home or come up with a perfect birthday celebration idea. They love to give gifts and create fun experiences, most of which are are brainstormed in their fun-filled head.
The typical Gemini will love planning the perfect surprises because it helps make their own dreams come true, too!
Count on a Gemini to flake at the last minute on plans or want to change the location. If they don’t flake or change plans, they’ll be 10 minutes late to wherever you were supposed to meet anyway.
Geminis are extremely analytical people, which also makes them self-aware.
While this seems like the perfect recipe for self-assurance, it actually causes a lot of doubt since they’re apt to also consider where they “should” be in life or what they “should” be doing.
Geminis are much more motivated than the average person. They like to achieve and are pretty hard on themselves if they don’t get what they strive for.
Likewise, they’ll want to date someone who’s equally ambitious otherwise they’ll bore and feel like they’re running the show — even though they don’t always want to.
Deal with it. When I was younger, I used to laugh when I read horoscopes that claimed that Geminis were frivolous spenders.
And then I became an adult and was like, ‘Oh.’ We make money, we’re good at investing (and even saving), but part of our impulsive personality is to purchase whatever we want whenever we want. Because, well, why the hell not?
Be spontaneous (see item number one).
Don’t women hate that label? Yes, we do! But with two personalities constantly fighting each other, we can seem flippant, all over the place and quite frankly a little crazy.
But don’t worry, we still love you. We’ll calm down from whatever argument we just had in about five minutes.
There’s a reason they call us a Jack of all trades, but master at none. Because we’re intellectuals, we like information about a variety of things and can pretty much have a conversation about anything.
Sadly, we’re also good at finding things out and researching.
Basically, if you’ve got secrets, a Gemini will find out.
A Gemini is great at being prim and proper at a dinner party when they actually want to throw their drink across the table because they’re the ultimate dual personality. But this also causes internal conflict between emotions and intellect.
Emotions rule their world, coupled with very logical thoughts.
This article was originally published by YourTango .

The Good and Bad of Loving A Gemini (13 Brutal Truths) Yourtango Zodiac Signs N Secrets
Loving a Gemini is nothing unlike an adventure, where you will get to see, and experience different things every day. And that’s the beauty of Geminis.
Have you ever felt like the person you’re dating is two people at the same time?
Trust me, it’s not because you’re crazy — it may be because you’re dating a Gemini.
While we’re difficult to love, we’re the best kind of people. Known as ‘the twins’ for having two distinctly different personalities in one, we’re both curious and social, witty and creative, yet emotionally unreachable and difficult to get your hands on.
Here are 13 brutal reasons why dating a Gemini is both sucky and also the best decision you can ever possibly make.
Welcome to the world of a walking contradiction!
So you’re sick of eating at the same restaurants or want a new date spot? Perfect, we are too. Want to try making love someplace new and exciting? We’re game. (Although truth be told, having some norms and consistency in a relationship is important to us, too.)
But with Geminis, you’ll never get bored — but at what expense to your sanity?
Geminis are anything but homebodies, but then again we love being home. Wait, is that confusing? Exactly. One weekend, we’ll want to paint the town red with balls, galas, bars, and clubs … but the next, we’re all about Netflix and the couch.
Geminis are faithful, loyal people, but boohoo do we like to look at the opposite sex! Because we enjoy praise and being the center of attention, we love to receive compliments and feel sexy and wanted — only to come home and be with just you.
We ask a lot of questions and first dates with us may seem like interviews. Because we’re an air element, we have strong intellects and are skilled debaters and conversationalists.
Our partners must also be strong and understand that a good debate is just that: a debate. We don’t want an argument; we just enjoy conversing and sharpening one another.
Love a sarcastic jokester? We’re your girl! With the quick wit and smart mouth, we’re fun to hang out with but also very frustrating to argue with. Don’t get on our bad side.
Leave a Gemini to decorate your home or come up with a perfect birthday celebration idea. They love to give gifts and create fun experiences, most of which are brainstormed in their fun-filled head.
The typical Gemini will love planning the perfect surprises because it helps make their own dreams come true, too!
Count on a Gemini to flake at the last minute on plans or want to change the location. If they don’t flake or change plans, they’ll be 10 minutes late to wherever you were supposed to meet anyway.
Geminis are extremely analytical people, which also makes them self-aware. While this seems like the perfect recipe for self-assurance, it actually causes a lot of doubt since they’re apt to also consider where they “should” be in life or what they “should” be doing.
Geminis are much more motivated than the average person. They like to achieve and are pretty hard on themselves if they don’t get what they strive for.
Likewise, they’ll want to date someone who’s equally ambitious otherwise they’ll bore and feel like they’re running the show — even though they don’t always want to.
YourTango is the leading online magazine dedicated to love and relationships. View Author posts
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By Casey Imafidon
Updated January 24, 2019







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Of course, I am a Gemini and I should be talking Geminis up and giving you tons of reasons why you should be in a relationship with us and how wonderful Geminis are. But that’s selfish. I want to tell you a thing or two about why you should date us but the truth is that there are also some things about us that could break your heart and make you feel wronged.
Decisions are tough and pretty spontaneous for us. If it is a big one, you may have to help us out. We would love to be caught up in activities rather than become so thoughtful.
You may not like this idea if you date us because you may wonder why we are impulsive in our spending. We seem to buy items based on our urgent feeling. According to Melissa Thompson, founder of Harcourthealth, “it is a big boost to a Gemini’s ego when he can spoil him/herself with their money.” We wonder why we just can’t. We know we just have to live and enjoy the moment.
Someone told me this while I was growing, she just couldn’t understand why I got along with everyone and was all over the place. Geminis are great with social situations and would do well in almost any gathering. They just won’t be stuck to a particular place.
How You’ll Do Everything Based On Your Zodiac Sign includes an exhaustive analysis of each sign’s personality. You’ll learn which high school clique represents them (Pisces are the cool art kids), who would get eaten first in a scary movie (Gemini, obviously) to how each sign prefers to say ‘I love you’ (for Taurus, it’s with good food). Alternating between silly, sweet, and serious, this book is filled with deep dives into the mind of everyone whose birth chart you can get your hands on.
Perhaps this is because we have a short attention span or because we are picky about those things that grab our attention. But sorry, we won’t be listening to everything you have to say.
We love being around people who are witty and intelligent. It would do us no good to spend our time with people who are not fascinated by knowledge.
We want our space, we cherish it, so respect this. While some other zodiac signs are terrified of solitude, we need it to grow.
We don’t work well with some other zodiac signs. It may not be an ideal relationship if you are not a Leo, Libra, Aries, Aquarius. We are more comfortable with certain signs and would do better with them. Certainly, it won’t be a plus for the relationship if you are not any of these signs. 
It is cool to be with someone who is mature and can be committed to a relationship. But a Gemini may act childish sometimes and not be the adult you want to be with. Geminis always prefer to be young at heart and may not be overly concerned with starting a family or tapping into long term opportunities.
We love to hear ourselves talk. It may just be our passion for the spotlight but we love to hear our own voice. If you can’t have the patience to hear them speak, it may be a difficult one for you to always listen to their rambling.
Casey Imafidon is a full time writer and has been featured on Inc, Elitedaily, Addicted2success and numerous other blogs.

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By Lindsey Matthews — Written on Dec 01, 2020
Geminis are known for being impulsive and intimidating, but sometimes their traits can be so extreme that it's downright scary.
Are their personalities just too intense?
Or do they just give off bad vibes ?
Ruled by Mercury, this zodiac sign is smart, and while not all Geminis are the same , some have personality traits that are unpredictable. 
Not only are they interested in a variety of topics, but their knowledge about life can take you by surprise.
They are multi-talented and often ahead of the rest, so why do some people view Gemini in a negative light?
Whether you’ve just met a Gemini or known one for some time, they might scare you from time to time.
Here’s why Geminis can scare you, according to astrology:
Geminis are highly adaptable and can navigate different people and scenarios with ease.
While this may seem like a benefit of a Gemini personality, it can come off as alarming to those who are watching the transition happen first hand.
You might notice this more with a Gemini that you’ve known for a while and have seen interact with different types of people.
It’s almost as if their personality changes to fit the person they are talking to and might make you question their true identity.
This is scary because it makes those close to the Gemini wonder what’s an adaptation and what’s the truth.
Part of the reason they adapt their personality so often is always to remain the center of attention.
This is concerning when you watch them tell other people what they want to hear and act in a certain way solely for attention.
They might even act over the top obnoxious and loud to obtain center stage.
Not only is this scary, but it’s also exhausting as well. Nothing is more annoying than watching your friend or loved one be someone they're not for attention from others. It can even make you embarrassed for them and embarrassed to be around them. 
Geminis are intense when it comes to their emotions, you’ll never have to guess if they’re upset.
They are used to getting their way , having attention, and always being right.
If one of these gets thrown off course, you can expect them to lash out.
They have no problem making a scene and will even do so for attention if they feel they aren’t getting enough.
This can be terrifying and cause friends and family to feel as though they’re walking on eggshells around the Gemini. It can be scary not knowing when they are going to feel they aren't getting their way and not knowing what they will do to get it. 
While they might exhibit a roller coaster of emotions, empathy probably won’t be one of them.
They don’t have the highest regard for other people’s feelings and will likely tell you to ‘get over it’ if you come to them with a problem.
The same goes for their personal struggles as well.
They don’t feel emotional pain in the same way that other zodiac signs do and you might wonder if they even care at all. 
They have a unique ability to numb their emotions when something distressing occurs, causing them to come off as heartless.
Geminis do not consider what could go right or wrong when making a decision, they only focus on the gratification of the action.
This tends to negatively affect themselves and those that end up getting involved in their impulse decisions.
However, they will never admit that what they did was a mistake, regardless of how bad the outcome.
They couldn’t care less about the consequences of their actions, making them seem out of control and scaring those along for the ride.
If you are unfortunate enough to cross a Gemini, watch your back.
They might not show their anger towards you right away but they will absolutely plan out some sort of revenge .
Geminis stay silent about their feelings of being betrayed in order to hide their intentions of hurting you back.
They wait until you least expect it to reveal their true motives of revenge.
This is alarming to those close to the Gemini because they never know if they have accidentally hurt the Gemini's feelings or what they’ve done to deserve this spitefulness.
Lindsey Matthews is a writer who covers love and relationships, news, and pop-culture topics.
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