Brutal Asshole

Brutal Asshole


Brutal Asshole
Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
Here's the Dangerous and Grotesque Anal Sex Trend You’ve Always Wanted
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Jezebel's Crush of the Week: Jennette McCurdy
“It smells like blood. And it tastes like raw flesh. It’s not something you’ve ever been exposed to. But it strikes a chord somewhere deep inside.” That’s how Michelle Lhooq opens her article on Rosebudding, a new trend in the world of hardcore anal pornography. And if you’re faint of heart or weak of stomach, you may want to stop reading now, because the act is literally ripping out actresses’ rectums through their anus.
Rosebuds are often seen as nice, delicate things. In popular culture, Rosebud often brings back memories of Citizen Kane . It’s a nice, even cozy, euphemism for the kind of movies Sheena Shaw, the actress quoted in the Vice article on the trend makes. In reality, the act is much worse than anything I’ve seen in legal pornography before. Worse than eating shit; worse than people engaging in sex with traffic cones and putting double fists into every orifice. When I shared the video included with the Vice story with a friend — a video of two women dressed as bumblebees doing everything one could to a collapsed asshole — her response was that if porn had a Faces of Death (that didn’t include any actual snuff), this might be it. Because this isn’t really, sexy — it’s just strange.
The medical term for Rosebudding — anal prolapse — is actually much more dangerous and bizarre than the titles on the DVD boxes may lead you to believe. In short, a prolapse occurs when one’s rectum collapses and slip-slides its way out of the anus. In general, an individual is immediately rushed to the emergency room when such an event happens. In Shaw’s world, the cameras keep turning as the prolapse is looked at, touched, licked, and prodded until the director believes that the viewer will have enough to satiate them. Sometimes honey is poured all over it. It’s a visual that appears to dare the viewer to get off despite what they’re seeing, not because of it.
The act of rosebudding is, of course, something that has been around for a long time. I first became aware of it when I was 21 years old, alone at home and excited to try out my insanely fast new internet connection. I downloaded everything I could get my hands on from the torrents databases I visited (regardless of whether I was interested, I just wanted porn) and was perplexed to find one video entitled something like Bud.avi. In it, gentlemen from some eastern European country did things to each other that made me sweat in fear and want to call emergency services immediately. Three minutes into the video, I shut it off and silently wondered whether the actors were okay, swearing off porn forever (two hours, it turned out) as I hyperventilated. For four years, I managed a video store and while I was the one who curated the small adult film section —which I called The Super Tiki Adult Room to make it more friendly — I never once saw this type of act mentioned on the hundreds of boxes we carried. Now, it is becoming more and more mainstream.
There are two reasons that rosebudding is taking the world by slow and bloody force. First, the internet has made pornography a much tougher business. With the advent of sites like PornHub, RedTube and Xvideos, viewers are less likely to shell out money for site memberships or digital downloads. Companies try to get their videos taken down, but they reappear as fast as they’re removed, new bunches of clips (really taking this flower metaphor to its limit) popping up daily, never letting the companies catch up. Due to this, pornographic actors, directors, and producers have to find novel ways to get the viewer to part with their hard-earned cash, which means that they have to come up with edgy and sometimes risky new settings, positions, and acts.
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The ennui that comes with watching the same kind of scenes over and over might eventually force the viewer to pay to see something they’ve never seen before, even if it is potentially gruesome or disgusting. Then, as Vice points out, there is the reality that watching amateur porn might be fine, but if you want high quality production or actresses that can perform rosebuds well, producing sights and sounds — rainbows you can taste — on command you’re going to have to shell out for your solo bone sesh. And the industry has no choice but to deliver.
Second, the actresses who star in the films — and this currently appears to be more aimed at heterosexual audiences — need to find a way to distinguish themselves. Sheena Shaw is one of the queens of rosebudding. This is her calling card. Like it or not — and it sounds from her quote that Shaw has at least some conflicted feelings — this is what keeps the money coming.
Mike South, a blogger who is referred to by Vice as the king of porn gossip, believes that turning towards extremism is not the way the industry needs to go, that by doing so it loses touch with the core values of pornography:
“At first it was relatively benign—gang bangs, anal, that kind of thing,” he recalls. “Then it was dressing girls up like preteens and picking them up on swing sets in schoolyards, forced oral until they threw up, forced anal… The more uncomfortable the girl looked, the more the industry would give it awards.
“Companies in porn are like blackbirds on a phone wire,” he continues. “When one takes off they all follow. I think, in this case, they all followed into the side of a glass building.”
But the trend is only getting more popular.
Porn’s appeal has long been the holding up of a light, or a magnifying glass, to the inner workings of human pleasure. Rosebudding continues to play on that theme, literally turning a medical oddity — something second year medical students might discuss with a hand gently stroking their chins — into something amorphously sexual.
Ali Davis, in her excellent book True Porn Clerk Stories , discusses something she calls porn drift. In her book Davis recounts how customers at the store she worked at would go from one section of the store to another, dipping into pornography that they might have not chosen before when they’d seen too much of their preferred combination of acts and actors. When I worked at a video store, I was always delighted when someone who had only rented straight gang bangs would bring up a bi video or delve into the world of porn that featured actors who were transgender. It was great to see people exploring their sexuality but this new trend raises the question of how far the rabbit hole goes and whether pornography can continue satisfying the needs of viewers while keeping the actors and actresses who are doing the work safe.
Repeated prolapses — I’m sorry, rosebuds — are risky. The actual prolapse doesn’t just happen and actresses have to train to get the bud to occur when they want. To be able to rosebud effectively, actresses need to have prolonged sessions with multiple massive objects so that their rectal walls become loose and easy to push right out. Training might also include sleeping with toys in the anus the night before a shoot. The feeling, Shaw says, is similar to that of pushing out a baby. And there are side effects.
Repeated prolapses can cause severe bowel problems and anal leakage. While some can take time off, the only way to really heal everything is with rectal surgery which carries risks (such as infections ) of its own. And the risks are not often discussed with the actresses who star in these types of movies. In fact, the safety of the performer is not really of concern to the directors and the producers, who play the health risks off with a nonchalant “they can take breaks.” But taking breaks means losing money, or becoming less in demand.
There’s no safety net in porn. Shaw, a veteran of the business and someone who commands a higher price for her anal scenes — something that’s not true of all the women who perform this act — says that she’s heard of women tearing their anuses or developing fissures. And there’s no worker’s comp on the set. The industry demands more and more of its performers without medical help. When asked about what she could do in the event of an injury, Shaw said this to Vice: “No one ever talks about that. They make you sign waivers before you do these scenes. You’re absolutely not going to get workers’ comp.”
Rosebudding in itself isn’t the core problem. Sure, it’s disturbing, but it also speaks to how bored we become with sexual images and how quickly we become desensitized to them, always looking for another peak when we plateau at a favorite scene. The fact that this trend exists could suggest that rosebudding is a symptom of a much broader concern: The fact that as more and more pornographic images become readily available, it takes much more to scratch one’s sexual itch. And sometimes, that leads to the necessity for extremism. Even when it comes at the expense of the performers. Based on the risks and dangers involved, then, perhaps it would be best for all cinematic genres if Rosebud remained a sled.

Lorenzo Jensen III ,
August 7th 2017

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“That dude involved in a nuclear accident who got exposed to a fuckton of radiation and lived, fully conscious, for a few months, Hisashi Ouchi . Literally 83 days with all of his skin melted off, his DNA completely obliterated, his immune system destroyed. He was undoubtedly in excruciating pain throughout all of this. He begged for death but they kept pumping him full of healthy blood, transplanting new skin, and keeping him alive to whatever extent they could. There’s an article here , with extremely disgusting pictures. From day one they knew that this level of radiation poisoning was absolutely unsurvivable, what with it being 20,000 times the fatal dose, but this information was kept from him and his family. It’s a nightmare of Cronenberg proportions.”
“Be prepared. This is horrible. Junko Furuta was a 17-year-old Japanese teenager was kidnapped by a group of young men. They kept her captive in the house owned by one of their parents. That was the beginning of her 44 days of torture that led to her death. They fed her only cockroaches to eat, only her own urine to drink. Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus including a still lit light-bulb, broken bottles, cigarettes, fireworks. They lit her legs on fire multiple times. There was rape and sodomy every day. She’s estimated to have gone through approx. 500 rapes due to her captors’ Yakuza ties. She endured constant physical beatings included hits with golf clubs and bashing of face against cement floor. She was beaten to such an extent that her brain was shrinking from the trauma. She lost bowel control after dumbbells were dropped on her stomach while she lay on the floor with hands and feet bound. She was hung from the ceiling and used as boxing bag. On her last day of custody, she begged for them to just kill her. They challenged her to a game of Mahjong Solitaire and told her if she won they’d let her go. She did win but instead of releasing her they beat her with iron barbells and set her legs, arms, face and stomach alight after pouring lighter fluid on them. She went into shock and died the next day. Her corpse was found stuffed into a concrete filled barrel on a tract of reclaimed land in Kōtō, Tokyo.”
“I would look at the case of Kiki Camarena .
Camerena was an undercover DEA agent that was captured and tortured by a cartel in the 80s. He was injected with amphetamines and other drugs to ensure that he remained conscious while being tortured over a 30-hour period, culminating with a hole drilled into his head with a power drill.”
“Spoiler alert, I guess. The death of the ‘Grizzly Man.’ At the end of the documentary Grizzly Man , you hear the guy getting killed by a bear that wandered into his camp. His screams as the thing kills him are horrific. All the while this is happening, you can hear his girlfriend screaming in shock in the background.”
“ György Dózsa led a peasant’s revolt in Hungary, and was captured in 1514. He was bound to a glowing iron throne and a likewise hot iron crown was placed on his head, and he was roasted to death.”
Qi was consort to emperor Gaozu of the Chinese Han dynasty, and she bore him a son. The empress, Liu Zhi, was attempting to push her son to be the emperors heir, though the emperor preferred the son of his consort. This infuriated Liu Zhi.
So she did the logical thing, and had Qi shaved, placed in chains and dressed as a prisoner. She had assassins force poison down Qi’s son’s throat, she cut off her lips, cut out her tongue, gouged out her eyes, and had her arms and legs amputated. Afterward, she threw her in a manure filled pig sty, where she survived for several torturous days, being presented as ‘the human swine.’
Liu Zhi’s son, having become the next emperor, was so disgusted by her cruelty he became a fervent alcoholic basically giving up his duties as regent.”
“Look up Execution of the Munster Anabaptists .
3 men, strapped to a stake so they could feel all the vibrations, and hear and smell what was happening to the others. Each one was tortured, individually for an hour, with white-hot tongs, their skin was ripped away, their flesh cooked, their muscles torn, their tongues ripped out. If they at any point went unconscious, that time was not counted towards their hour. They had to be alive and awake for it all. They were tortured one by one. Imagine being the last of the three, knowing what’s coming for two hours, and then, finally, getting it.”
“ Link to an article about a guy who worked for Bumble Bee Tuna, who ended up trapped in a walk-in oven and slowly roasted to death at 270°. To put that in a little perspective, usually you toast bread around 225°. So this was less than 50° hotter than toasting to death.”
Wallace was taken from the hall to the Tower of London, then stripped naked and dragged through the city at the heels of a horse to the Elms at Smithfield. He was hanged, drawn and quartered — strangled by hanging, but released while he was still alive, emasculated, eviscerated and his bowels burned before him, beheaded, then cut into four parts. His preserved head (dipped in tar) was placed on a pike atop London Bridge. It was later joined by the heads of the brothers, John and Simon Fraser. His limbs were displayed, separately, in Newcastle, Berwick, Stirling, and Perth.”
“ Omayra Sánchez Garzón . A 13yr old Colombian girl who became trapped, pinned under the debris of her house in floodwater after the eruption of a volcano where she survived for SIXTY HOURS before she died. This photo of her was taken in her last days. ‘On the third night, Sánchez began hallucinating, saying that she did not want to be late for school, and mentioned a maths exam. Near the end of her life, Sánchez’s eyes reddened, her face swelled, and her hands whitened.’”
“ John Jones , in Nutty Putty Cave:
Though Cannon said they were able to get some air-powered tools into the cave to chip away at some of the rock that trapped him, Jones most likely died from the pressure on his body and his inability to breathe. He was wedged around his mid-torso and upper hip area.
“Due to the circumstances with his body being held the way it was and being wedged, it was most likely difficult to get a full deep breath,” Cannon said. “It would have affected his ability to breathe adequately.”
Rescuers first responded to the call about Jones around 9 p.m. Tuesday. Jones had entered the caves with a group of 11 others, but decided to explore a different route, his brother Josh Jones said.
Josh Jones said his brother continued through the tight passageway known as the Birth Canal to Bob’s Push, described by police as an 18-inch by 10-inch “L-shaped pinpoint.”
Shawn Roundy, a rescuer with Utah County Sheriff’s Office, said they had difficulty reaching John Jones, as he was stuck in “absolutely the worst spot in the cave.”
“It’s very narrow, very awkward, and it’s difficult to get rescuers down there,” Roundy said Wednesday evening. “It’s a really tight spot, but we’ve been able to get around him. We were able to hold his hand at some point.”
He said they were able to free Jones initially using a rope-pulley system. At that point, Jones had been hanging, headfirst, at a 70- or 80-degree angle for more than eight hours, said Utah County Sheriff’s Sgt. Tom Hodgson. ”
“My favorite martyr, St. Lawrence (of the gridiron) was roasted alive on a huge grill. Reportedly when his roaster asked him to deny his faith, Lawrence said ‘turn me over, I’m done on this side.’”
“Some people think that King Edward II was killed by having a red-hot poker shoved up his anus.”
“ Shanda Sharer . I think that’s her name. I’m fuzzy on the details, but as far as I can remember she was a young (12 or 13 years old) girl that was mercilessly beat, tortured, and ultimately set on fire (while still alive) one night after sneaking out of her house to hang out with some ‘friends.’ All because one of the girls that killed her thought she was trying to steal her girlfriend. It’s such a fucked up case. I think the girls who did it only recently got out of prison. (Happened in the 80s I think, maybe early 90s).”
“The story of Sylvia Likens comes to mind.
She was locked in the basement of a woman who was paid to take care of her. She was beaten, burned, starved, forced to eat feces (among other things), forced to shove a glass bottle into herself, she was also kept naked. She eventually died of brain hemorrhage, shock, and malnutrition after 3 months of escalating torture.
The movie based on her torture (which is dramatized to make it worse, if that’s possible) is called The Girl Next Door , made in 2007, not to be confused with the comedy made in 2004. It was a fucked up movie. I definitely lost sleep the night I watched it.”
I went to a museum that is located at one of the old killing fields (a grim name for a camp dedicated to killing your neighbors.). This place had several locations taped of because the ground will regularly push up teeth during rains. I saw a couple of teeth in the ground there.
Then the audio tour took me further. I stopped at a treee, wondering what was so special here. Living babies were swung by their feet and tossed, smashed or otherwise impacted with the tree.
The Khmer Rouge killed 25% of Cambodia’s population. If you had an education of any kind or were a doctor, an engineer, a worker or lived in a city (yes, that was a criterion) – or really anything besides a farmer, you were killed. Old. Young. Babies. Children. Everyone.”
“Probably this one, I caught it on Unsolved Mysteries when I binged episodes a few years back, the story of David Bocks. Dave Bocks died in 1984, working in a Uranium processing plant (NLO). His death occurred in a uranium furnace, they found out when the furnace temperature dropped by 28 degrees when it was kept at a constant 1300 degrees F. He had apparently fallen into the furnace, which investigators ruled a suicide. Evidently, he was conscious during his time in the radioactive smelting furnace. It took 3 days for it to be cooled off enough for investigators to dig through. His remains were so irradiated they could not even be buried, but rather had to be stored in a special hazardous waste compound.
But what makes this even stranger, is the nature of his death. This would have been extremely painful. No one would want to g
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