Bruised Cervix Treatment

Bruised Cervix Treatment


Bruised Cervix Treatment
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Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Writer, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
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Soreness or cramping: It can feel sore inside, Trubow notes, and it may be similar or more intense than sensations you feel around your period. Painful sex: The sex that initially caused the cervical pain may have been painful itself, and any penetration or intercourse thereafter can hurt too until you've healed. Spotting: It's possible that if sex was particularly rough, there could be some spotting afterward. Nausea: Pain and cramping may cause some nausea.
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"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt," the old saying goes—and yes, it applies to sex.
Sex injuries aren't uncommon, and whether because of fear or shame, we can often feel hesitant to bring them up. But in the case of cervical pain—aka a bruised cervix—it may be too intense to ignore. Luckily, it's usually not a cause for concern. Here's what to know about cervical pain, plus how to prevent it going forward.
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A bruised cervix is a condition where the cervix, the small canal between the vagina and the uterus, feels sensitive or tender. It can feel like intense pain around the pelvic or lower abdominal region, or it may feel like a dull ache or discomfort similar to cramps. It's typically caused by vigorous sexual activity.
"The cervix is like any other body part and can become bruised if it's hurt," functional medicine gynecologist Wendie Trubow, M.D., explains to mbg. "The most common cause of a bruised cervix is rough intercourse or rough play with vaginal toys."
Certain factors can make cervical pain more likely, according to OB/GYN Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, M.D. "The position and consistency of the cervix changes throughout the menstrual cycle for menstruating women who are not on hormonal contraception," she notes. "It is higher up in the second half after ovulation, and lower during the week during and immediately following menstruation."
Additionally, the cervix also rises with sexual arousal as the vagina lengthens, because of changes in blood flow to that region, she adds. So, when the cervix is lower, it's easier to hit.
If your cervix was bumped, you likely felt it, and it's possible you still felt it the next day. Here's a general overview of what it might feel like:
A bruised cervix typically resolves itself on its own and doesn't take that long to heal. Trubow says it can take a week or so to completely feel better, adding, "The vagina is a pretty forgiving organ, so it can heal relatively quickly."
Until then, your best bet is to avoid vaginal penetration and particularly strenuous activities to let your body recover, she says.
According to Trubow, cervical bruising should heal itself with avoidance of vaginal penetration, and she's actually only seen a couple of instances of it in her 20 years of practice. Nevertheless, if it doesn't seem to be resolving, or pain with intercourse is a recurring issue, she recommends seeing your OB/GYN.
Understanding your body—including where you're at in your menstrual cycle and whether you're aroused enough for penetration—is key for preventing cervical bruising going forward. For example, you may want to keep rough sex to a minimum during the times when your cervix is lower, such as during and after your period. It's also important to make sure you're fully aroused before vaginal intercourse, as the arousal makes your cervix lift in the vaginal canal, making it harder to hit.
In addition, Trubow suggests changing things up during sex is something isn't feeling good: "If intercourse is uncomfortable, I would recommend changing positions, increasing foreplay , and using a lubricant. Prevention is focused on avoiding the behavior that causes it." If you realize there's a position where your cervix is getting hit more, avoid it and switch things up.
"Sex—with another or self—is a mind-body experience," Gilberg-Lenz adds, "so understanding your physiology and honoring your body's response to stimulus are paramount in supporting pleasure."
Topical products including CBD or THC designed for vaginal or anal sex may help, she adds. "Some evidence supports using these products, especially for folks who have experienced pain or other arousal issues."
Cervical pain is no fun, but it can be prevented. Understanding your body—including where you're at in your menstrual cycle and whether you're aroused enough for penetration—is key for preventing cervical bruising going forward. Tune into your body , know your limits, and don't be afraid to express them to your partner.
In the meantime, be sure to give your body time to heal, and keep these tips in mind going forward so a bruised cervix doesn't get in the way again.
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Sign up for our FREE doctor-approved gut health guide featuring shopping lists, recipes, and tips
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Writer, as well as a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
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Have you ever experienced a certain sense of discomfort after sexual intercourse? Well, sex is a little painful, but that pain should subside with regular intercourse and must be enjoyable.
However, if pelvic/abdominal discomfort replaces that pleasurable feeling, then there could be a chance of you having a bruised cervix. In this blog post, we will cover everything about a cervix, including its causes, common symptoms, and last but not least, the available treatment options.
For the amateurs, let’s start from the basics.
A cervix is essentially a canal that connects the vagina to the uterus. It forms the lower neck of the uterus and opens into the vagina, and this distinction is brought about by the internal orifice and external orifice , respectively.
However, a cervix serves two vital functions that render it an essential part of the female’s reproductive anatomy:
A bruised cervix is a sex injury that makes your cervix incredibly tender. It is an uncommon injury and doesn’t require any medical attention. However, as it can cause excruciating pain, it’s better to avoid contracting an injury of this nature. Usually, it is caused if the penetration is deep enough to slam against the cervix repeatedly. 
P.S: The penis, dildo, or any other sex toy can be responsible for this injury.
Well, generally speaking, it takes about two days for a bruised cervix to heal. Please note that this time frame can vary from person to person as every female has a different cervix. If you take care of this condition promptly and keenly, your cervix will heal in no time. However, while doing so, it would be a better option to refrain from any sexual activity until the pain subsides.
When it comes to bruising your cervix, a few notable causes can cause this injury. For starters, vigorous sex can cause a bruised cervix, and so can deep penetration. Moreover, using sex toys that are larger than your vagina or unusual, uncomfortable sex positions can also cause a bruised cervix.
There are some anatomical reasons as well, as every woman has different pelvic anatomy . Women with a shallower vagina are more prone to cervical bruises, so a shallower vagina means a lower cervix. And the lower a cervix is, the easier it is to bruise. 
If you’re not significantly aroused, it gets challenging for the penis to penetrate because your cervix and vaginal opening are closer together, making it easier to bruise.
Alright, so something doesn’t feel right up in your body. How can you determine that you have a bruised cervix? Here’s the answer:
If these signs and symptoms present concurrently, there are high chances that you might be having a bruised cervix.
While bruised cervixes tend to heal with time, certain conditions require prompt medical attention. If you experience any of the following, it would be wise to seek immediate help from a healthcare professional:
It is advisable to contact your primary doctor, preferably a gynaecologist, if you face these problems as you may be suffering from an unknown infection or any underlying disease.
Getting your cervix bruised isn’t a common occurrence – this doesn’t really happen. However, it still is a possibility, and it can be prevented.
The first and foremost thing to do is to communicate with your partner and let him know what’s wrong. It is crucial to tell your partner if he is getting too rough with you or if the sex is hurting you. Moreover, there are certain positions that you and your partner can adapt to minimize the chances of bruising your cervix.
Being properly aroused is another thing, and in order to ensure it, you and your partner can practise role-playing. It does not only prevent you from ending up with a bruised cervix but also provides a fun element that boosts your private life.
A bruised cervix doesn’t require medical treatment; however, it needs time to heal. Here are a few ways to speed up the healing process:
You can also take painkillers like Advil or Aleve to relieve the pain as well. Most of the time, this is the preferred choice of treatment because it’s enough.
So, here it is – a complete and detailed look into a bruised cervix. Unfortunately, because it is a rare problem, many women can’t narrow it down and don’t know how to deal with it. 
However, if you’re suffering from these symptoms or know someone who is complaining, maybe you are a victim of the bruised cervix, and it’s high time you should pay attention to it.
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If you feel that cervix injury is common amongst women, think again. However, no matter how rare the phenomenon is, it does happen. The cervix serves as a protective barrier to your uterus and looks over what enters it. If it has happened to you once, chances are you may suffer from it again. That is why we suggest that you know the signs and symptoms of this issue for successful recognition. Continue this blog for detailed insights on the bruised cervix, its symptoms, and treatment alongside preventive methods for the future.
The condition is prevalent in women who opt for vigorous sexual intercourse. This encompasses penile penetration, an object, or even another human body part, i.e., the fist. If anything hits the cervix during sexual activity, it results in an injury of the said body part, making it sensitive and tender.
Cervix is not something that is easy to touch during intercourse; a bruised cervix can only happen because of deep penetration and specific positions. This is because anatomically, the cervix is situated on the top part of the vagina; therefore, it is highly unlikely for any other activity to bruise it. Moreover, sexual assault or trauma can also cause this issue
The feel depends on the severity of the cervix tear as well as every individual’s pain threshold. For a few women, the symptoms brought along with a bruised cervix are swelling of the area, nausea, vomiting, and painful cramps. On the other hand, some may have mild discomfort or dull ache deep inside their bodies.
The giveaway is cervix pain, and it serves as a prominent marker. But, there are other signs, too some of which are mentioned below:
The symptoms aggravate during and after you have sexual intercourse. However, any long-lasting excess bleeding may indicate something else going wrong in the reproductive system.
Usually, there is no need to get treatment for bruised cervix until the symptoms become unbearable or your doctor says so. The good news is that cervix damage is temporary, and injury to this part resolves itself just like any other on your body. But, taking OTC painkillers help in managing pain. If you are concerned about your injury, schedule a pelvic exam to understand the situation better.
Apart from trauma, your cervix may feel tender and painful due to certain infections that may mimic bruising. In such a situation physical exam of the pelvis comes in handy.
Some women are at increased risk of suffering from this compared to others because vaginas and uterus are in different positions. Usually, the vaginal canal is 3 to 7 inches long, and when aroused, the area grows a few cm for better, smoother penetration. If the canal is small compared to the foreign body entering, it may result in an injury.
A bruised cervix is mainly caused due to rough sexual activity. There are multiple reasons why you may suffer from it. If this has happened to you, call Family Diagnostic Clinic for help at 281-351-6800
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