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Bruce banner 3 купить семена

Bruce banner 3 купить семена

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The effects come on quickly to provide an immediate burst of euphoria before easing into relaxation. This powerful hybrid has a great balance between the Sativa and Indica effects. The energy Bruce Banner gives is easily channeled into productivity, making this strain suitable for daytime or evening smoke sessions, though its potency is often too much for professional situations. It is a pleasure to grow this strain: A coating of large-headed trichomes covers all surfaces, the buds are dense, completely frosted and slightly rounded. The aroma of Bruce Banner 3 is very sweet with lemon undertones and leaves a slightly spicy aftertaste. The effect begins immediately with a euphoric head high, that lets you slowly drifting into a pleasant relaxed body stoned, while the mind still accomplishes maximum performance. A great choice for experienced Marijuana users and those looking for a powerful and strong high. Bruce Banner produces big yields despite its extreme potency. The buds get very sticky, heavy and big and the plants have an expansive grow. Therefore the strain often must be tied down to get the height under control. The Sativa dominant strain is often used for treating pain, depression, PTSD, inflammation and migraines. Add your info about this strain to the SeedFinder:. Go to the shops page Bruce Banner 3 Breeder:

Bruce banner 3 купить семена

Bruce Banner #3 (Anesia Seeds), 3 feminisierte Samen

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Bruce banner 3 купить семена

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28.35 % THC Bruce Banner #3

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10 самых мощных гибридных стрейнов

The effects come on quickly to provide an immediate burst of euphoria before easing into relaxation. This powerful hybrid has a great balance between the Sativa and Indica effects. The energy Bruce Banner gives is easily channeled into productivity, making this strain suitable for daytime or evening smoke sessions, though its potency is often too much for professional situations. It is a pleasure to grow this strain: A coating of large-headed trichomes covers all surfaces, the buds are dense, completely frosted and slightly rounded. The aroma of Bruce Banner 3 is very sweet with lemon undertones and leaves a slightly spicy aftertaste. The effect begins immediately with a euphoric head high, that lets you slowly drifting into a pleasant relaxed body stoned, while the mind still accomplishes maximum performance. A great choice for experienced Marijuana users and those looking for a powerful and strong high. Bruce Banner 3 has a flowering period of weeks. Bruce Banner produces big yields despite its extreme potency. The buds get very sticky, heavy and big and the plants have an expansive grow. Therefore the strain often must be tied down to get the height under control. Bruce Banner will provide a relaxing body high accompanied with useful pain killing effects for users. The Sativa dominant strain is often used for treating pain, depression, PTSD, inflammation and migraines. You must be logged in to post a review. The product is already in the wishlist! Growing Bruce Banner 3 Bruce Banner 3 has a flowering period of weeks. Medical Use Bruce Banner will provide a relaxing body high accompanied with useful pain killing effects for users. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Related Products Featured Add to Wishlist. Featured Add to Wishlist.

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Bruce Banner #3

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