Brother Spanking Brother

Brother Spanking Brother


Brother Spanking Brother
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Little Brothers Caught and Spanked Published: Apr 15, 2013
Ok, since I doubt that any of you have heard of it, this one’s going to get a lot of explaining, so bear with me. When I was little, I used to watch an old British show called ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. I recently found it again on Netflix and was reintroduced to its awesomeness. The show follows the life of James Harriet, a country veterinarian, along with his partner, Siegfried Farnon (Harry Potter’s Cornelius Fudge) and Siegfried’s younger brother Tristan (Doctor Who’s Fifth Doctor). There is so much spanking potential between those two brothers. First, Tristan won’t care if someone threatens to call the police or a higher authority, but the moment someone threatens to tell his brother, he gets a terrified look in his eyes. When his brother is actually yelling at him he will back away from him, keeping his butt protected, and hide behind his friends. Second, Siegfried has sat Tristan down to let him know that he will ‘still kick that idle backside of yours if I think you deserve it’, only he ‘will no longer do it in the heat of the moment so that you won’t grow to resent me for it.’ He also asks James if his brother is behaving himself and says how hard it is when at times he’s had to take the role of a father rather than brother with Tristan. He’s given Tristan a curfew (Tristan is in his early twenties, by the way). And in one of the episodes, when company was present and Siegfried was mad at his little brother for something, he pat him on the cheek twice and then gave him a warning smack, as if to say that if they were alone, he would kill him, and that he shouldn’t tempt him further. And here is just a short sample of what Tristan has done so far over the course of the show: - Failed his final exams after Siegfried spent hours helping him study -smokes all the time even though the vet clinic is supposed to be smoke free -gets drunk on a regular basis -totaled his brother’s car -drove the car through the garage -played a prank on the entire town, pretending to be a ghost -prank called his best friend -stayed out past curfew -messes up veterinary affairs (such as confusing addresses so a sample of infected poop gets sent to someone who was expecting ointment instead of the lab it was supposed to go to) -accidentally gave a girl a shot in the boob because he was distracted -lies to get out of work And that’s just a few of the things. You can take your pick of what he’s getting spanked for in this particular picture. Of course, he’s not the only one at fault. Siegfried is a complete jerk. He will tell Tristan or James to do something one way, then yell at them later for doing it that way, or he will tell them not to do something and then do that thing just moments after he said not to. If there’s a patient that none of them like, say, an aggressive dog, he signs Tristan up to deal with it, he hides Tristan’s love letters from his various girlfriends, and once, after Sieg came back from visiting his mother, Tristan asked him if their mother had asked about him. His response was, “No, and that’s probably significant.” Then he smiled and walked away. It does balance out sometimes, though. Whenever Tristan is hurt or sick, Sieg will go out of his way to take care of him, and when he’s having a really bad day Sieg usually manages to cheer him up. Anyway, I haven’t finished rewatching all of the seasons yet, but I think if Tristan doesn’t at least get a swat, I might cry.
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I love this ! I’ve only ever read the books and came away with the same impression. In the book All Things Bright and Beautiful. Tristan plays the ghost trick on a police officer. This particular officer is known for carrying around a stick to punish minor offenders. The officers goes chasing after Tristan saying he is going to “Lay it [the stick] across his arse!”. I’m rereading the books but this was the most explicit example so far. Afterward Jim tucks Tristan into bed which is very sweet. The books are autobiographical so I’m guessing there is a good deal of truth. Frankly depending on the family and culture you are from getting spanked in your twenties can still happen. My friend from Mexico has told me they still aren’t sure their parents wouldn’t spank them. I had a girlfriend from Nebraska who got spanked over thanksgiving our freshman year of uni. She was pretty matter of fact about it. So, it does happen.and for someone as bratty as Tristan?  As I understand it you are not legally considered an adult in the UK until your 20’s. Siegfried was probably still Tristan’s legal guardian. I’m sure it happened at some point.


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Spanked By My Brother And His Friends (Hayes Grier Story)
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by _Magcon1DPlz


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Hayes Grier Parents Died at the age of 14. He now has to so Hayes Move Into His Older Brother Nash (20 year old brothers) House.
When he moves in with Nash he discovers he doesn't live alone and lives with his friends.

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# jackjohson
# jackjohsonspankingggirls
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# magconspankinghayes
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# nashgrierspankinghayes
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# wattys2014

My alarm clock beeped meaning it was time for me to pick Hayes up from school.
I quickly jumped to get the key and raced to the car happily for some reason
The little girl next door gave me a weird look making me straighten up I cleared my throat trying not to act childish again.
Once I was in the car I let out a sigh and turned on the radio You got a bae or nah? The radio played out
Apparently the little girl heard me and glared
I gave her an unpleasant look but opened the window sticking my middle finger up
"Smh thinking she could get away" I said driving away feeling like a boss (A/N haha I'm sorry I couldn't help it)
Maybe I was acting a little childish with her and what if she tells her parents??
Oh dear that ain't good! I quickened up my paste going at high speed not wanting to waste a moment.
I parked my car in one of the teachers private spot but I didn't care.
I waited watching students come out talking with their friends and others walking alone or to their parents/guardians cars.
It's been 20 mins now! Where the hell could he be?!!??!?!?!?
I got out of the car and headed for the front doors when I saw a brown haired boy with his fists clenched while another boy was on the ground with a bloody nose
"You want more b*" the boy said But that's when it hit me! That's Hayes voice!
"Hayes?" I call out He turns around and gulps
"Bu-he begins but I don't let him NOW!
He quickly rushes outside at the impact of my voice
I turn around to the trembling boy and help him up
"Look I'm really sorry do you need help I could help you home and explain to your parents even h-but he cut me off No thank you sir it was really nice of you to help me out when he tried beating me" he said bowing his head
"No it's not a problem" I offer again
"You did enough thank you" he says walking in a different direction
Well now it's time to talk to Hayes! I quickly rush out of the school not wasting anytime
I jump into the car and let out a deep breath to calm myself down but I can't "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I scream turning red
Hayes kept his head low and played with his fingers
"H-he made f-fun of m-me" Hayes mumbled
"Only because he got me mad" Hayes defended
"How would you like it if I used my hand on you when I was mad hmm!?!?" I yell
"It's a punishment not abuse" I growl
"Oh you know what! Save it till we get home because when we get home you'll be sorry" I growled driving away in silence.
"Upstairs! Go in the corner bare down from the waist I'll meet you their in 5 mins and if your not bare I swear to god your going to be wishing you obeyed me" I growl
"Okay" Hayes groans going upstairs I decided to calm myself down not wanting to spank him with anger but I decided to drink some vodka just one won't hurt right?
One turned into two and before I know it I already gulped down 7 glasses I made my way upstairs to give Hayes his punishment.
As I walked up stairs my legs were pretty wobbly but I could still manage As I reached the room Hayes was obediently bare from the waist with his nose in the corner
I sat on the bed and grabbed the brush
Are you drunk?" Hayes asked still in the corner
"Yeah,whatever just come here!" I demanded
"NOW!" I boomed jumping off the bed to grab him
I yanked his arm throwing him on the bed
I threw the brush and pulled my belt out and started
I didn't count how much I did I just kept going till my arm was tired I finally stopped when my arm told me it was tired I got a glimpse of Hayes bum to see it was Crimson purple but who cares he golly did deserve it.
"Scram before I give you more!" I growled
He quickly shot up running to his room sobbing some more but I don't really care I just need some sleep.... needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

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