Brother And Sister Teen Sex

Brother And Sister Teen Sex


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In an interview published Monday, Hollywood director Nick Cassavetes, whose new movie Yellow tells the story of a fictional love affair between an adult sister and brother, claimed that incest is just the latest frontier in people throwing off the shackles of rigid, cultural convention and following their hearts.
According to Cassavetes’ interview with The Wrap, “I have no experience with incest . . . . We had heard a few stories where brothers and sisters were completely, absolutely in love with one another. You know what? This whole movie is about judgment, and lack of it, and doing what you want. Who gives a shit if people judge you? I’m not saying this is an absolute but in a way, if you’re not having kids — who gives a damn? Love who you want. Isn’t that what we say? Gay marriage — love who you want? If it’s your brother or sister it’s super-weird, but if you look at it, you’re not hurting anybody except every single person who freaks out because you’re in love with one another.”
With this declaration, Cassavetes misses an inherent reality about human beings and joins the ranks of those whose ignorance of psychological truth (that’s right, truth, not flabby, toxic relativism and malignant narcissism) imperils our children under the guise of freeing them.
Here’s the truth: When sisters and brothers have sex with one another they are not expressing genuine romantic love; they are expressing long-forged, pathologically fractured boundaries that existed in their family of origin. They are manifesting roots deep in soil that was fouled at some point. They are enacting a drama that is really about having grown up in a household or in households that unleashed inappropriate, toxic sexual impulses—always, in my experience, because one or both of the siblings was exposed to child sexual abuse or was suffering with a severe mental illness.
Sorry, Nick, that’s just how it is: Normal, healthy brothers and sisters don’t have sex as kids, adolescents or when they grow up. Sick ones do. And when you make the statement that it is just fine for consenting sisters and brothers to have sex, you presumably also believe (based on the comments quoted above) that fathers can have sex with their “consenting” adult daughters.
And, you believe it is fine that mothers bed their consenting adult sons.
Why would anyone suggest, otherwise? Aren’t human beings free to do as they choose? Why should we call anyone disordered? Isn’t that just vicious name-calling? And how about this one, Nick? Why can’t a killer do in a consenting victim? Why can’t someone who believes the CIA is following him and who ends up homeless just be called a “life artist?” Why does that person have to be labeled psychotic? Who’s to pass judgment? Certainly not you.
No, you won’t, because you have no guiding principles, other than this one: There are no guiding principles. But, I will. Because I don’t mind taking a stand on the side of inherent, human truth when twisting it confines people to psychological pathology and leaves them forever in pain. So, here you go: Sisters and brothers who have sexual affairs are not well. They need help sorting out and overcoming psychological suffering and terrifying traumas that visited them long ago.
In our increasingly psychologically ill society, the mainstreaming of psychiatric pathology—what one of my mentors termed, “collaborating with madness”—passes for tolerance and enlightenment. And the ambassadors of this epidemic of pathological-behavior-as-freedom too often come from an industry that I happen to have more than a little experience with: television and film.
So here’s the truth, from this one psychiatrist, so that not every psychiatrist is presumed to be a pushover for psychiatric disorders masquerading as one’s “rights” or as expressions of “freedom:” A sexual 'affair' between an adult brother and sister means both of those individuals are severely psychologically disordered. Period.
I’m here to help them, in part by telling them that, even if they are in denial about the underlying suffering fueling their symptoms (incest), they will have to confront it, eventually. And, Nick—even with my respect for some of your other work and full disclosure, here, with my personal and positive history with your family, your notion that disordered psychology and behavior is freedom, means that, in time, you will have to confront some long-denied demons, too.
Because in my office, and eventually, in yours, too, the truth always wins.
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I just wondered. Its not supposed to happen or be natural but me and my older brother are attracted to each other and very much in love past a brother and sister relationship. We have been this way since we were in grade school. I don't really know where it all started and how but its just always been this way. All I did know is that it was wrong and it had to be hidden. I am not going to lie we have done everything as far as a sexual relationship. He is actually the only guy I have been with and the only guy I have wanted to be with. I live with him and we are free to do what we want in the house because its just us. Nobody has ever suspected anything or asked and we put on the face that we live a normal single life. We will go on dates with people and tell family and friends that we have "this boyfriend" or "this girlfriend." But at the end of the day we go home together. Its getting to the point that I feel like people are going to start to wonder. With us getting older, I am 20 in a few months and he is 22. What are we supposed to do? We want to be together but we know that society will never except it and either will the law. Why did me and him live this life? Sometimes I wonder what normal life is like and wish I would have been able to live it.
Just to let everyone know. I know that a lot of these situations stem from molestation but me or my my brother have never been molested or abused. It just happened
I am attracted to my brother! Why are me and my brother attracted to each other?
This isn't that uncommon.. Just look at the history of European monarchs! Look at the great Cleopatra (Cleopatra VII Philopator) she came from a long line of incest and even slept with her brother. It is also more common in our society than you would think, but is kept underwraps: fathers raping daughters, etc. I would say that it would be very unhealthy if the two of you ever had children.. incest increases the chances of birth defects in children. So for the sake of them, please do not ever have children and always use birth control.

Honestly, your love will never be accepted in this society.. or probably most societies. However, that does not mean it is not accepted everywhere. I am sure if you get your head to studying anthropology you will find a culture in which this is a much more accepted (maybe even more common) practice. If the two of you are really serious about your love.. maybe you should move there. You will definitely not have the benefits of living in a technological society, but if it is really true love then you should not care.

The only other option (than continuing to hide it) would be to accept that it is (society considers it to be) wrong, harmful to any possible children, etc. and for the two of you to go seek professional help. If the person is a trained psychologist or psychiatrist they should be able to really help. It is not embarrassing. He/she will not judge you. And he/she cannot tell any one about your issues.

Those are your three options. But from what you have said, the two of you better start saving up for the plane ticket! and hitting the library! (Don't go live in some other society without understand their way of life and languages.. become one of them and don't force them to become Americanized/whatever your religion is. Especially because you have to worry about the society not accepting you in the first place.)
I didn't realize until I read it that you could do as the others suggest.. move to a different country or state with a similar culture/language where nobody knows you and say you're married. That would probably be less of a culture shock for you. You would still be hiding your true identities and may have severed relationships with friends and family.. but like I said if you're truly in love it should be worth it. Still.. if you're gonna have kids adopt please!
cont.. But I guess if you did adopt the adopted children may also find out and be disgusted by you.. and that would hurt to lose them. So yes I guess if you are going to stay in a society where it is not accepted you should probably not have children period.. adopted or not. People never consider the children in these situations so make sure you do!
With gene splicing it's ok to have children today.
wow!...You both are adults now and you know right from wrong sweetheart. I have a question for you...Did you guys ever watch any Disney movies growing up. Well we all did and Mr. Disney had a lot of bad hidden messages in his movies that affected all of us as kids in the past and even tho he's dead and gone his sh*t still messes with our future. Now that I have knowledge of the subliminal messages I stay away from things like that. Any type of Free Mason (especially a 33 degree one) sh*t is not what's up! They're job is to deceive us as humans and make us do f***ed up sh*t by using subliminal messages in movies, music, religion and everything else that people seem to "flock" 2. I'm not tryna give you a pass for having sex with your brother cause at the end of the day like I said earlier you guys are adults and you know right from wrong. I suggest you move out ASAP! I suggest you take this secret to the grave and date other guys..Its not that bad honey. Did you ever think of what may happen if you got pregnant by your brother? All the birth defects that could occur to the baby should not be worth the "lust" you have for your brother. Its not fair to the baby, think of how confused he/she would be. His mother and father would actually be his Aunt and uncle so what would he/she call you guys...AUNTIEMOM, AND DADDYUNCLE?...Jus find it in your heart to let that go cause its so not cool and it would break your mother's heart...cause I don't even know you and it broke mines. I'm praying for you guys!
My step brother has always said that if we wasn't "brother" and "sister" he would sleep with me.

Currently, we have no contact due to a misunderstanding that happened about Christmas last year I think. He gave me some Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula that day just before he left.

It makes me think of him and all the good times. Ah and he also does girls makeup so he is a bit controlling.

There was a time a couple of weeks before when we played tootsies (kicking/touching each others feet) which my parents and grandparents saw. The thought it was cute lol.

I think if you really love him stay with him
i guess that kind of thing happens more than the world knows. I don't judge people because there is a lot of sh*t that goes on in this world that I'd assume be oblivious to. something like that could definitely cause problems in the family. one of those things that they don't talk about but you know its on their minds. sounds like you 2 have had this going on for a long time. and consider the fact that you've never been with any body else. Has he? must be a lot of deep-seeded emotions there. I think the best way to get past it is to meet somebody else and start a relationship with him, so you can see that there are much better options. also is he your step brother or biological brother? don't know if that makes a difference psycologically. from what I read, this kind of behavior commonly stems from being molested or sexually abused at a very early age. I'm not implying that you were, I was just commenting one root of the behavior, though there can be many other reasons. I really don't have much useful information for you, I've never quite answered a question like this on this site. sorry if I wasn't of any help. best of luck : )
Visit counsellors and seek advice from those whom you are free to share your feelings with, people whom you trust. Close friends and relatives whom you are sure won't backstab, seeking help and advice from them immediately. Tell your brother the same also. I am telling you this cause people out here are not aware of your life and the situations you faced and are not interested of your good. All you get here is the kind of advice such as "do what you wanna do" "carry on even if its against thr society" blah blah... seek help from real people in ur life and please i request you DONT POST SUCH THINGS ON THE INTERNET...
Why am I'm attracted to my brother who's 2 years older?
!! Guys, why do some guys lash out on a womans appearance?
Why do I always crush on my friends’ brothers?
Girls, If physical attraction and sexual attraction is same thing then why do girls use this word differently?
It is a great deal more common than people think. If you care close in age then there was probably no molestation. My half-sister and I had sex of some kind for over 40 years. We started in 1963 when she was 13 and I was almost 16. We did not live in the same home and had only known each other for a short time. There was an instant attraction when we met and we began as phone sex. Our short times together caused us to explore quickly to take advantage of the time we had. Our interests were similar so curiosity led the way for us. We used anal and oral sex to preserve virginity and for birth control, which was difficult in those days especially for ones so young. While we had great affection for each other we were never "in love" as you call your situation. She was definitely a "hot" woman in many ways and there is not space or time to cover that here. She had an early marriage, not preggers, that separated us for a while and probably cooled things a bit for a couple of years. The marriage was not as successful as she had thought it would be so we began to meet again after the birth of her only child. We were sporadic over the decades because of our marriages but she was also bisexual and seduced my first wife so we could have threesomes. As I said she was hot. We lived only a few miles from each other and her husbands never knew about us at all. We carried on until she had a totally unexpected heart attack and died at 56. At our last tryst she was hot as ever. I don't know how but we were never caught up with by anyone. You need to be very careful or move away from your hometown at least a couple of states. I have known some other incestuous females over the years and it never seems to hurt anyone I've met. A couple of them were with fathers and one who had been with her father, two brothers and some cousins. Other than the hiding issues none of them seemed worse for the situations and all knew others who had done it, too. Some had been caught and others hadn't. Good luck and enjoy each other as much as you can. No kids, please.
I just want to say "Scam" on this one and on most incest posts. Truth is that if a brother and sister do get down, its probably not the norm for them and if it is then they are really young and not dating or just horny/really really bored. I think these post are made by people, probably men, wanting to yerk the jerkins to someone admitting they are having sex with a sibling.

Why I think this post is a scam is it looks like a paste job, i. e. grammar and structure. If for some reason this isn't crap some family play is ok, as long as nobody is underage and I don't want to delve further (eww..)...

I mean I get some of it, I've had a few times with cousins in the jungle gym and once with my half-brother's sister (which isn't incest). There is a closeness, that if two people go "fuck it, let's get down"", I get it. Just don't make it a thing, there's probably someone out there you'd like better. If you continue having sex and you are both are only into each other that much, consider birth-control for the rest of us.
You know NOTHING! My sister and I have had other relationships and are married to others, who have no problem with our meeting on occasion. We know other sibling couples who pretend to be married or meet like my sister and I do, when we can. The relationship and sex is unequaled, and our spouses like the essence we come home afterward with as it lasts for months. My sister's husband will actually say to her, "You need to visit with your brother again, and soon!" My wife is totally okay with it too. She says it takes the pressure off her as well, especially as she is now older and she just doesn't have the libido she used to have. She knows I love her most and would NEVER leave her or ruin our family.

My asking my wife for permission took a lot of explaining, but I was honest with her all along. If Mormons can do this for over a century, so can everyone else. We set the ground rules of who, what, when and where and life has been blissful ever since.

Comment on what you KNOW, not what you think.
There are a lot of ill informed people commenting on this. First off and foremost molestation has absolutely NOTHING to do with an intimate incestuous relationship. it is the opposite the relationship is seen as molestation by those outside it, looking in. And while it doesn't guarantee genetic anomalies to offspring it substantially multiplies the chances of them occurring. Your biggest issue comes in the fact that you have very limited interpersonal social skills with members of the opposite sex... are you sure this isn't just physical attraction? How do you Know?
A friend of mine married a first cousin unknowingly, and her children have severe learning
Learning problems! In the UK I believe some Pakistani’s will marry cousins. They have big birth
Defect issues!
I understand the bond in sister brother. We all have that, but most want a healthy happy family too.
In later years perhaps things may change as they may live together again. Just as adults.
hi...i too had a relation with my sister... we had excellent sexual relation...
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Brother And Sister Teen Sex

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