Brother And Sister Shower Together

Brother And Sister Shower Together


Brother And Sister Shower Together
When you showered communally in school, over the years, it was only with a relatively small part of the whole male student body. I had a brother who was in HS with me. He was a sophomore, I was a senior, and I'm sure we both had PE during those years. But we never had it at the same time. (Different grade levels would often use the locker room at the same period, having PE in different areas. We had two gyms, both in jr. & sr. high.) I wonder what it would've been like if we'd had to shower together. I imagine pretty awkward for both of us. Beyond a certain age, 7, 8 at the oldest, I never saw my middle brother naked, though I did my youngest, as described in an earlier post here, without the least bit of embarrassment, when I was about 13 or 14, he about 9 or 10.

My two younger brothers were both in cross country for 2 years together in HS when I was a year out it. This was in 78 & 79. I assume they showered back then, but I don't know if the shift towad "optionality" had happened. I wonder if they had to shower together and if it was awkward for them. (I never asked, and don't intend to.) My youngest brother is/was even more gymnophobic than I was.

For those who had siblings (male or female) during the communal showering era, did you ever have to shower with them? Was it at all awkward for either or both of you? Did you get used to it? Did you talk about or comment on it? Or was it sort of stoicly ignored? Or was it never mentioned because it was "no big deal"?
Nations, regions, generations, cultures, families and individuals have all compartmentalized semi/nudity in ways that were acceptable and made sense to them, but shocked, offended or surprised other nations, regions, generations, cultures, families and individuals. In the final analysis, it may all be arbitrary.
I didn't have any brothers and sisters until my father remarried when I was in junior high school and then it was an instant family. But we had no shower anyway. But there were showers at school, both in junior high and high school.

One thing about the school showers was that it was, in our case, no more than one class there at a time, probably about 30 or 40 boys. As it was, you didn't have gym every year and even when you did have gym, you didn't have it every day, typically Monday-Wednesday-Friday sort of thing, althernating with "health," which was taught by the same teacher. However, the most important thing was that you knew everyone and some you had known since first grade, although they weren't necessarily your friends, just people you knew. The way things work out in scheduling, there was only a 50-50 chance that you'd have classes with people you'd known for a long time, although you'd still see them every day. Small town, one high school and one junior high school.

Given that if you had sibling only a few years apart, you would have been living together in the same household for over ten years before you'd ever get to the school level where you'd be changing clothes and taking showers together. One would think you'd be comfortable with one another by then.
Luckily, I never experienced communal showers at school or home. I never remember showering or bathing with my dad or my brother. Maybe I did as a baby or toddler but I have no memory of ever doing so.
I have an interesting perspective on this post, despite it being an older one.

My brother is 3yrs older than I am. We both were on school swim teams at a time when the teams practiced without suits.
Normally because of the 3yr gap we would never have been in the same classes, but it was different with swimming. There were times when I was at or in the pool at the same time as he was for swim practice. He and I saw each other naked many times in that situation. In fact since he was not nude friendly like me, I say that I saw him naked more often at school than at home (even tho that is probably not true).
It was not at all odd or strange and we avoided each other only because he really didn't like his "kid brother" around at any time when he was with his friends.
On the flip side, I got to see all his friends naked and there was nothing he could do about it... LOL

I think I may have mentioned this somewhere else already. When our son was going through cub scouts, we took them for an outing at the local rec center, a really fancy and huge facility a couple of miles from where most of us lived. There are a lot of private swim clubs around here and competitive swimming is big with some families with school age kids. Some of the scouts (Webelos) were on swim teams, too. When we left the pool and went to the shower area and locker room, it was clear that the kids had no problem with being nude not only with each other but with the grown-ups, including adult men who were not part of our group. Don't know anything about the Girl Scouts, though.
Well - if you have been around the forum for a while you will know I was the mom who had to go to the school and insist my boys be given the opportunity to shower.

I showered in school - and it seemed absurd that boys after running around and getting sweaty didnt even have the option to shower (although the school has showers, time was never provided.) And it was a bit of a fight. Seriously?

Anyway, in the end, the boys showered. A few joined them.
I don't remember getting sweaty in gym, actually, but we all took showers anyway. Don't remember using soap, either.
We were required to shower every day after PE. And depending on the activity we might be pretty sweaty and in real need of a shower. I did have a twin brother who was in the same PE class so we saw each other in the shower but we saw each other nude at home so it was not a big deal. As for my other classmates, I had known most of them since kindergarten so I really didn't find it all that uncomfortable showering together. Some of the boys were shy at first but modesty took a back seat to getting showered and changed in the short time allotted. Showering after basketball practice was more fun because we weren't in a time crunch.
We were required to shower after PE in both jr and sr high. It was often a necessity and there was enough time for us to do it and get to the next class. It was very rare for anyone to skip the showers. This was back in the 60s and the showers were all communal.

As far as siblings, I'm the oldest of t and my brother is the youngest so that he wasn't even in school at all until I was out of high school. I did see him naked at home occassionally. He went to the same schools , just years later.
In modern times, the requirement for communal showering after gym class is dead. Even tho schools cannot demand kids shower after class, the school (At least the relatively small school my kids go to) still have communal showers. It's up to the kids to use them. Now days, most don't because of extreme modesty.

During a recent parent-teacher conference, I was talking with both the male and female gym teachers and they told me that over the last two years, to their delight (for health reasons), the use of the communal showers in both the male and female locker rooms has dramatically increased within the 3rd to 7th grade students to the point that more than half of the students are choosing to shower after gym class or extracurricular activities.

We realized that commonality was that the kids in this age group were all friends and have spent a great deal of their time at my home nude. Since these kids have been introduced to social nudity at my home and have even been aloud to practice casual nudity at their home as a result, I came to the conclusion that our decision to allow social nudism amongst our children and their friends has increased the usage of the communal showers at school!

As for siblings, my kids often shower using the deck shower in the back patio by the pool and often, at the same time.

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Any stories of this happening to you when you were growing up or of your childre

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Any stories of this happening to you when you were growing up or of your children bath with other children of the opposite sex after the age of 5
here are a few of the responses to the question
When I was 10 I shared a motel room with a female friend who was a year younger when our families went on vacation together (I am a guy). Emily wanted to take a bath and so did I. We couldn't decide who should go first so Emily suggested we should get in together. We had never seen each other naked before and we were a bit shy at first but we did it. I filled the tub and we giggled like hell as we got undressed. We both blushed a lot when we first saw each other but we didn't mind after a few minutes. We laughed a lot and helped to wash and dry each other. After the bath we didn't mind being naked and it was very warm so we stayed naked all evening.
I have a twin brother, we're 13 and we share a room, sometimes sleep in the same bed, we take showers and baths together. We have our own bathroom in room, like our parents do and it's almost as big. They have a jacuzzi bathtub, ours is a little bigger then normal and we have a big shower with 2 shower heads, you can fit like 4 almost 5 people in it. A couple of his friends have taken showers with us and couple of my friends have done the same. They like it and never minded. Sometimes when one or two of his friends spend the night, we push the beds together.
I bathed with my twin sister until we was 12. I'm a boy and she is a girl. When we had friends over we would squeeze then in the tub with us. We had a big garden tub so there was room even when we was older. Our friends loved taking baths with us. My friends liked seeing my sister naked,. and her friends liked seeing me naked, so it was all fun. We are 14 now and sometimes we will take a shower together but none of our friends join us anymore.
Here are some more anwers
This situation often occurred with my younger sister and me. One of us would often have a friend stay over at weekend, and the three of us would bath together. I bathed with my sister till I was about 13 years old and she was 10.
I was bathed with a friend by his older sisters at age 10 when I stayed overnight at his house. I was used to bathing myself.
Hi I'm clare. I'm 18 now, but up until I was about 13 I used to bath with my younger siblings. There's three of us, my brother is two years younger, and my sister is five years younger. We have all been adopted to foster parents from separate backgrounds, although we knew each other at the foster home. Me and my youngest sister usually bathed together, however on one occasion my brother had a friend over when I was 12 and they were 10. They didn't want to bath together but my parents only permitted 2 baths a night, so I was forced to have a bath with my brothers friend, whilst my brother and younger sister had one. It was very embarrassing as I was so exposed to this boy. I had started puberty so had developing breasts and light pubic hair so I was at a body shy age. For me to wash my hair I had to slide forward towards him to get my head under the water, this put my private parts on his lap allowing him to take a good look at it. If you want to reply, feel free to email me at:
From about the age of 6 to when I was 13 I was friendly with a family who had 4 kids, two boys and two girls. In age I was between the boys and their sisters were younger than us. I slept over with them quite a lot and their mother bathed us almost all together, starting with whoever was undressed first. I lost contact with them when I was 13 because we moved house.
My best friend is a girl and lives next door to me. We have known each other since I was 5 and she was 4, and we always took baths together when we were growing up. We often went to the toilet together too and even helped wipe each others bottoms. I am 13 now and Ellen is 12 and we are still best friends. Last night she asked me to take a bath with her like we did when we were little. It was the first time we bathed together for 3 years and it was lovely. We chatted and laughed about the fun we had when we were little and we both enjoyed doing it again. We are going to take more baths together now and start going to the toilet together again.
"I bathh with my brother or dad almost every night and when a friend comes over too
When I was 11 a new family moved into my neighborhood. They are Australian. There son was same age as me, and I made friends with him fast because he is a fun guy to hang out with. He invited me over for a sleepover and of course I was excited to go. Mom explained to me that them being from Australia they might have a few customs different from us and told me to be on my best behavior and do what I am told. It was fun being at his house. I loved how his family talked. His little sister was 10 and thought I talked funny. When bathtime came, his mom gathered all three of us and took us into the bathroom and told us to strip while she ran the tub. I looked at my new friend and he was stripping naked and I looked at his sister and she was stripping naked so I went ahead and stripped naked to and we all got in the tub and his mom gave us all three a bath. Then after we stayed naked until bedtime and slept naked in the same room. I am 14 now and my friend has his own room separate from his sister, but he still takes his bath and stays naked until bedtime and sleeps naked so I do to when I sleepover at his house.
I am 13 and my sister is 12 and we have always taken showers together. We got a big walk in shower. It don't even have curtains it is so big it don't need none. So it got lots of room for people to take showers together. Sometimes mom and dad take showers with me and my sister. When I have friends over or my sister has friends over we still all get in shower together. My friend have seen my sister naked in shower since she was real little and her friends have seen me naked since she started having sleepovers. What is fun is when we both have a sleepover at same time, so me and my friends take shower with my sister and her friends so there sometimes 6 of us in shower at same time.
My younger real sister and I were bathed together by our older step sister every night with the door open and any argument got our bottom smacked either by step sister or step mom. There were no exceptions to this nightly bathing before bed. When she had a friend over for sleepovers her friend enjoyed watching our bath and seeing us being stripped naked before and after bath. Step sisters girl friend sometimes brought her sister who was my age over and she had a bath with us. My step mom said boys and young sister did not need modesty. Step sister washed my privates and bottom roughly too. I was still being given a nightly bath at 11 and naked for them to see.
There's nothing wrong with kids bathing together regardless of age. It's just a time to get clean. No one needs to be embarrassed.
but I think it should be acceptable no matter what age, for a boy to join 2 girls or a girl to bathe with 2 boys, no matter which is older. You should get the permission of the visiting child's parents, though. I also think it is no problem if the kids wash each other, touch each other while playing, or touch each other sexual
"My best friends are 2 brothers, one slightly older than me, and the other 11 months younger. They have 2 sisters who are younger than us boys. I often stay over, specially on weekends. Their mother bathes the girls first, then it's us boys turn. We are often all in the bathroom at the same time, so the girls have often seen me naked since I was about 5 years old.
"I'm 14 and I often bath with my younger sister. She's 10 and we both have friends sleepover on weekends. When they do we still bath together. It's fun and no big deal
Most kids whose houses I sleep over at take baths together. They're sometimes a little surprised when I join them but I quickly make it fun
often bathed with my friend {10 yo} and his 8 yo sister. We loved soaping each other all over. She loved to watch me wash my friend all over as he always got hard! We would both wash her and she loved it and was happy to spread her legs while we washed her completely
"I've answered this poll as if I were one of my 4 kids and in the way I think they would answer it. My kids do in fact bath with each other and also with one of their brother's or sister's friends. I have 4 kids from 7 to 14 and they are quite happy being naked around each other. We are not really a nudist family.
"This summer my parents invited a family to spend a month at our holiday house. The house is just across from the beach. There were 5 kids. My sister 12 and me 14 and the other family, a girl 10 and 2 boys 12 and 14. In the late afternoon we would come off the beach. We would strip off and take showers, 2 at a time. And then get dressed to go down town for the evening. We had to share a room, so we saw each other nude from the shower, in underwear getting dressed and in shirts and shorts. The summer is now over and we are back home and mom has taken over once again. She bathes my sister and me most nights, but on weekends we have a sitter. She brings her younger sister who is 11 and she bathes the 3 of us together at bedtime. I get teased a bit at school because some of the guys know my situation, but I also know that some of them get bathed by their moms with their sisters and sisters' friends.
My mom bathes my sister and me every evening and we have had all the situations in this poll. I've had friends stay over and so has my sister her friends. My mom bathes our friends the same as she bathes my sister and me. I've also been bathed at friends' houses together with my friends and brothers and sisters
i was at home and some of my old sisters friends came home.the older sisters friends were like 17 i was mom allowed me too bathe with my sisters friends and my sister.we undressed and there were in totall 3 teens and me.i had a hard one that day. I got to see boobs and vagina's.once the water was all hot we dove in without clothes on.
Bathed with my friend next door and his sister many times.
I am a boy but my best friend when I was a kid was a girl. We often had sleepovers together and always shared a bath. When I slept over with her we shared with her one year younger sister too. We were not shy because we were all really good friends and we had seen each other so many times it really didn't matter. We only stopped bathing together when they moved away when I was 12.

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