Brothel San Jose Costa Rica

Brothel San Jose Costa Rica


Brothel San Jose Costa Rica
May 30, 2021 October 19, 2020 by bolivar
Costa Rica prostitutes Party on the Beach
Crazy Party with Prostitutes in Costa Rica
Let’s be honest about Costa Rica’s prostitution . Every year, thousands and thousands of men (and some women and couples) travel to this little country for. . .
Costa Rica prostitutes. San Jose is the epicenter of Costa Rica nightlife and sexual activities with Costa Rica prostitutes, most of whom are between 18 and 35. But, of course, there are many, many who are older than that.
You don’t have to be in San Jose to find sex. Costa Rica prostitution is everywhere in this little country.
With the exception of the United States (parts of Nevada aside), prostitution is legal throughout most of the world. In Costa Rica, this is the case provided that the girl (or male) is at least 18 (the legal age for consent, not prostitution, is lower).
It’s easy to see why so many men travel to Costa Rica for sex.
Many of the girls are spectacularly beautiful and have a justifiable reputation for passion.
The plain fact is that for about the price of one night with a comparably beautiful woman in many U.S. cities, men have discovered that they can take an entire adult vacation—including travel—in a tropical locale.
Like Vegas, “What happens here stays here.”
Only cheaper, much cheaper—from about $60 in a massage parlor to $100+ in some hotels, and more for escorts.
For many men, the Hotel Del Rey in downtown San Jose is the starting point for sexual liaisons.
Any night of the week 100-200 (or more) young women is to be found in the famous Blue Marlin bar of San Jose. There are girls from all across Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Columbia, even some Russian beauties.
And right across the street is the Key Largo, also widely used for picking up women.
Some travel sites declare that the government “tolerates” prostitution.
The Costa Rica Tourism Board (a governmental body) lists the Del Rey and Key Largo as official tourist sites.
Indeed, the Del Rey is so famous that Frommer’s travel guides (not to mention other guides) list it as a place to visit for fun.
But though the Del Rey is probably (certainly) the best-known place for Costa Rica prostitution , there are literally hundreds of bars, strip joints, massage parlors, nightclubs, private clubs, hotels, and even restaurants across this country that welcome the business that Costa Rica prostitution brings.
In many ways and at many levels, much of Costa Rica’s tourism rests on the backs of beautiful young women. Some are professionals. Some are students looking to pay for school. Many are single mothers who work as needed.
Many hotels allow Costa Rica prostitutes into their bars so long as they do not openly solicit business. The potential client starts the date by asking if the girl wants a little company or using any sort of (hokey) pick-up line of his or her choice.
Casinos are everywhere in Costa Rica and are a very popular place for tourists, ex-pats, and Costa Rica prostitutes to meet. Casinos are a very popular part of Costa Rica nightlife, click to find out where they are There are also many escort services in Costa Rica advertising on the internet. Essentially, many of them offer a kind of a “girlfriend experience” for a few days at a resort or in your private vacation rental during your group gateway or bachelor party retread in Costa Rica .
The price for this escort female companionship is steep (the girl will only get about a third and never more than half of what you pay) and there is a sort of Caveat Emptor you should know about.
Many of these companies bait and switch after you’ve paid. Don’t expect to get the girl you see on the internet.
If you’re looking for a “girlfriend experience” while at a resort, you’ll be much better off financially (and get a very wide selection of girls) to look for girls at places like the Del Rey. Many will gladly be your temporary girlfriend at the beach for a fraction of the escort services cost.
TIP: WHEN SHE’S A HE As a general rule, be cautious about picking up a beautiful streetwalker who waves at you in the vicinity of the Holiday Inn and nearby Parque Morazon in downtown San Jose. That area is notorious for gorgeous and very bold—transvestite prostitutes.
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A Night at Costa Rica’s Famous Brothel
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I have spent a lot of time in San Jose , but had an extra day and night to spend in the city. As such, I looked for ideas as to what I could do that was a little bit out of the ordinary. I wanted to write a story on San Jose, but was lacking creative material. One of my friends jokingly said “why don’t you go to ‘Rey’ and watch old men acting like big shots as they pick up hookers?” The ‘Rey,’ formally known as the Hotel del Rey, is one of the most famous hotels in San Jose, Costa Rica, not for it’s amazing rooms, but the fact that the hotel basically serves as San Jose’s largest brothel for freelance prostitutes.
For those who do not know the laws of Costa Rica, prostitution is a completely legal trade, and one that is quite prevalent, especially among foreign travellers. As long as a girl is of age, has proper identification listing when her last medical examination was, prostitution is a common, if not endorsed, trade in the country. What is illegal, however, is pimping, meaning that women have to freelance and lack what “security” a pimp can offer. Thus, the majority of women in the trade use massage parlours, strip clubs, and hotels like the Hotel del Rey as not only their office, but their source of protection.
For the record, I want to state that I am in no way neither condoning or endorsing prostitution in this post.
As I step through the glass doors of this famous hotel my heart races as I know that everyone outside the doors, as well as inside, thinks they know the reason I am there. I walk to the reception desk as a pre-season NFL game plays on the television and smoke hangs gently in the air above wooden tables and green casino felt. As I register in the book of the hotel I can feel eyes upon me, both from foreign men and the women that sit grouped together at tables smoking cigarettes.
I check into my room and enter the huge space. I sit down on the bed and turn on my computer before wondering to myself how many times that bed had been “used.” As I try to get some work done my mind can’t help but wander and wonder about what’s going on below me in this famous bar.
“It’s still early,” I think as I assure myself that it’s probably business as usual. Old men having lunch while paying for beautiful women to accompany them; as if anyone actually believes they’re really “with” them.
As the digital clock on the nightstand beside me flickers to remind me that the evening is approaching I feel my stomach rumble from hunger and know that I have to come out from my hiding spot to find food and drink. Why did I come here? My journalist curiosity has driven me to spend a night among the weary.
I leave the hotel with my head down, hoping no one will recognize me, even though I am in a foreign land, or perhaps just hiding my shame. As I eat my traditional Costa Rican casado (which ironically translates to married) as my mind is still set on the “Rey.”
When dinner ends, I race up to my room trying not to look around the scene which is starting to build in activity in the hotel. My two sides begin to fight with themselves as they always seem to do in these types of situations. My shy side doesn’t want to be seen downstairs, it doesn’t want to have to deal with telling women that I’m not looking for an hour or two of companionship. It is telling me that I can still write an article about this place without going downstairs. My journalistic side can’t help but be curious about what’s going on; it can’t help but remind me that there is no such thing as a bad experience, just a good story. I pack up my computer and breathe deeply before dipping the electronic key back into my pocket and sneaking out of my room quickly.
I walk into the main lobby of the Hotel del Rey and again feel eyes upon me. But as I look around I wonder if perhaps it’s my own imagination playing tricks on me. Everyone seems occupied. A couple of young women sit at the bar flirting with a man no older than 40. A table of older men, obviously American are sitting to watch the Sunday NFL football games decked out in their team gear. I scan the scene quickly, without trying to look like a target and decide that the casino is probably my best bet for seclusion.
As I slide my way onto a busy table of blackjack and toss 60$ dollars down on the table I look back at a gallery of onlookers resting their arms on a ledge; they must not be allowed in the casino without being invited I think to myself. They’re so beautiful. Stunning, nearly all of them. I wonder what gets them into this. Sure, 100$ a night is great money for someone in Costa Rica, but can it really be worth it? A friend of mine told me that the majority of them are girls trying to get themselves through university. That it’s not a drug addiction or a lifetime career, but a means to an ends.
“I hope so,” I think as I toss 2 more 5$ chips down on the edge of the betting circle.
As the night progresses I hope that my 60$, which has now become about 100$, keeps me going. I tell myself I’ll stay in the bar until my chips run out. I would watch from a distance, like a bad journalist, until it was time to run and hide in my room for the night, alone. The bar begins to fill, and the crowd isn’t what I expected. It’s not just older men in the Rey, it’s young men, often younger than me engaging. The difference between the old men and the young is that the young ones don’t waste time. The older men sit at the tables with the women, laughing, touching, flirting, drinking, while the young guys head right to the counter at the Rey with their girl and head upstairs.
My head begins to fog from the Flor de Cana rum I’ve been drinking on the rocks since I sat at the table about 3 hours ago. I look down at my stack of chips which has risen and fallen to about 200$ and decide that it’s time for one drink at the bar and then bed. The bartender is the most beautiful woman I have seen in my life. I sit and order my drink, the 7 year special reserve, and sip it gently while wondering what she must think of all this. Does she think it’s shady? Does she get involved? I’m approached at all angles by women asking if I’m looking for companionship while telling me how handsome I am, while trying to engage in small talk. I turn them down politely while joking shyly with them that I have no idea what type of companionship they are talking about.
I take the last bit of my drink and thank the waitress and wish her a good night. As the elevator doors begin to close I hear a shout to hold them. A man enters with a girl on both arm. He thanks me and then asks me where my girl is. I look back and tell him I’m alone tonight, and that I won’t be partaking.
He laughs and says, “son, in Costa Rica, you don’t ever have to be alone.” The girls laugh too, although I’m not sure they understand him.
As the elevator doors open on the 3rd floor and they say their goodbyes as I continue to the 4th.
I slide the key into the electronic reader and look at my big empty room. I am shaken by the realization of why some men engage in this: the world can be a lonely place sometimes.
As my eyes begin to weaken I hear the sound of a woman faking her pleasure and a man announcing his own in a room nearby. I roll onto my side, place the pillow over my ears and attempt to shut the noise out.
I wake up at 6 in the morning pack my bags, and head out of this infamous hotel. In the lobby, it is business as usual.
Tsk, tsk Brendan. I’m a little disappointed in you. I came looking for pictures of hookers… 🙂
@raymond – I should have known a comment was coming like that. Here’s hoping I don’t get any hate mail from it!
I’ve been the The Rey for a long long time. I will tell you one thing. With the quality of girls there, you definately had some good sex AND PAID FOR IT TOO.
So flipping true, as if he passed up on an opportunity like that when your whole story is about how great the place is and why did you go in the first place. Anyway I’ll leave it to the gullible to lap up your bs. But it doesn’t fly with me son!!
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I loved this post! Great story–really kept me reading. Excellent description, which put me/the reader right there. Refreshing look at things…
@Lisa – Glad you liked it. It’s gotten over 1200 views and three comments… I think people are shyyyyy haha
On the contrary, is there anything interesting, new or unexpected in the article? I am sorry to say that but I am slightly disappointed. Just another story without any progress and point.
I really felt that conflict between wanting a story and being a gawking voyeur. Maybe that’s inevitable when you are on a mission, so to speak. it’s much easier when these things unfold around you unplanned.
@Val – You’re spot on there. Did you get your photo print? Puralator emailed me to say it had been delivered.
Great post, and despite the title is is “safe for work” 🙂
You did a great job describing the atmosphere in the place and how you felt being there.
If I would have been there, I would have “contracted” one of the girls there, just to talk and hear her story of course 🙂
Good to hear you survived the Flor de Cana rum express you rode! *laugh*
Really enjoyed this post due to the story-telling style. Thnx
Ewww!! The ending killed it for me. Dirty old men make me wanna puke!
How your photo shows you are another oldy moldy female who plays such as princes of dreams as if you have only 17 years of age!
Do you think always Young North american men must be hooked up with an ugly fat and defenitly old (GRINGA)woman?! Wake up woman here is Costa Rica with mostly exotic fresh Young Latina girls:)
I would think if you come here is for HASH only!
Get a life and do not judge others pleasure woman!
Turn over in bed 5 more times Kelly and you’ll be an old woman making young men puke. Old age is Karma to people like you.
A VERY entertaining read. Vivid descriptions, really put me there.
I’m super fascinated with prostitution – the arguments for and against legalization, who the johns are, why women get involved…. everything! I’d probably spend a night in this place to learn more as well… but like you I’d probably get shy, lol. It’s a little different being female, though…. I wonder how I’d be perceived and interacted with in that environment. Did you see other women there who weren’t obviously prostitutes?
@Christy – When I was at the table another woman joined me who was dressed about as scandolously as you could. However, I’m pretty sure she was just there with a friend that was a guy. As far as I noticed, if you were anywhere in the lobby, bar, and not working as a casino table lady or waitress… you’d be perceived as a positute. I think if you were a foreign girl there the guys would hit on you, and probably, the girls would hit on you too.
Really interesting post! I had never heard of this place before nor did i know prostitution was legal in Costa Rica.
I really like this because it’s such a clear-headed look at prostitution in this one place. I’ve seen a lot of hookers in my travels, everywhere from Thailand to Colombia and I’ve never really been able to think about it objectively without my emotions and preconceptions and feminism clouding the way. Is it right or wrong? I don’t know really, but it’s a definite reality of travel.
@Steph – I’m glad you got that from the article. I think when I went into Hotel del Rey I knew I would get a story, but didn’t know what it would be at the end. To this day, I’m not sure what the lesson was that was learned… maybe there wasn’t one. It’s kind of tough to think of though isn’t it?
Nice adventure, glad your journalistic side took over the shy one cause it’s a cool story. And you made some money at the casino thanks to that 🙂
Prostitution is a quandry in my mind. On one hand I hate the fact that beautiful young women feel the need to do it to make ends meet. On the other hand, I don’t like to tell people what to do. Two adults can do whatever they want as long as they do not hurt anyone. If a women makes the choice to sell herself, I am not going to be the one to tell her not to. I think you went about this piece the right way. Actually, I think it is interesting because you went in with preconceived negative ideas and ended with a certain understanding. Well done.
Ted – You have the same idea of prostitution that I do I think. For me, as long as “pimps” or “boyfriends” aren’t in the equation pressuring anyone it’s free choice. At the same time, it’s quite sad that people (we forget men become prostitutes sometimes as well) feel the need to sell themselves.
Thanks for taking one for the team to share this with us, haha. It is nice to see an objective, factual post about prostitution – interesting read!
@Laura – This was definitely one of the more difficult articles for me to write,.. I’m glad it has gone over well.
Great insight and observation into their world. With any issue, there are pros and cons. As in prostitution, there are countries who have learned to accept and to manage it, while some rather choose not to open the pandora’s box.
Either way, it must be tough to observe in first person account while not losing money. Good job!
Hi, can i just first off say i’m really glad you didn’t partake in the “action” that goes on in that place. I was really nervous about posting this, after stumbling across this just googling about the hotel, but myy curiousity got the better. I was wondering…have you done any research or found out more about Hotel del Rey after leaving?? I was in San Jose for almost 4 weeks and got to see this place. It still haunts, and sometimes angers be honest. We worked with a lady who has been going down there for years on friday or saturday nights to pray on the corner across the street til midnight. You get to meet a lot of the guys and hear some pretty interesting stories. Even the government had been trying to shut this place down, but couldn’t find any cracks in. Just recently lawyers are looking into it again. It’s RUN by an American and an English guy…and i know what every one is tolddd about this brothel, but there is definitely human trafficking going on there. Believe it or disagree, say what you want…this place WILL come crashing down, someday. Sooner than later i would say. God bless…thanks for having a better story than most i’ve seen posted.
Man that was lame you should have stayed home
I think you took that small profit and spent it on something nice. Nice try, maybe your girl will believe you.
Not really my style Anthony… despite temptations.
Very good read Brendan, I loved the story telling and that ending. I am from Costa Rica. I know and completely understand what you try to communicate here. I like your point of view and unbiased review of the situation here. You are telling no lies and as a Costa Rican myself this kind of places ashamed me.
Thanks for the comment Marco. The issue of Costa Rica prostitution is interesting… as is the case in general abo
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