Bromo dragonfly

Bromo dragonfly

Bromo dragonfly

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As with the earlier and less potent dihydrofuran series of compounds nicknamed FLY , Bromo-DragonFLY was named after its superficial structural resemblance to a dragonfly. It has been sold in the form of blotters , similar to the distribution method of LSD, which has led to confusion, and reports of mistakenly consuming Bromo-DragonFly. It has a much longer duration of action than LSD and can last for up to 2—3 days \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[3\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] following a single large dose, with a slow onset of action that can take up to 6 hours before the effects are felt. The toxicity of Bromo-DragonFLY appears to be fairly high for humans when taken in doses significantly above the therapeutic range , with reports of at least five deaths believed to have resulted from Bromo-DragonFLY reported in Norway , \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[6\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] Sweden , \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[7\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[8\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] Denmark, \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[9\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[10\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] Finland \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[11\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] and the United States. This mistake is believed to have contributed to several lethal overdoses and additional hospitalizations. The batch implicated in these deaths also contained significant synthesis impurities, which may have contributed to the toxicity. Vasoconstrictive action resulting from severe overdose of Bromo-DragonFLY is known to have caused tissue necrosis of the extremities in at least one case. In September , a year-old Swedish male required amputation of the front part of his feet and several fingers on one hand after taking a massive but unknown overdose; reportedly, the compound acted as a long-acting efficacious vasoconstrictor, leading to necrosis and gangrene which became apparent several weeks after the overdose occurred. Treatment was of limited efficacy in this case, although tolazoline is reportedly an effective treatment where available. Overdose-associated disturbing experiences and health problems have been described. One case in in England involved inhalation of vomit, causing nearly fatal asphyxia. On October 3, , a year-old male from Copenhagen died after ingesting Bromo-dragonfly. His friend described the trip saying, 'It was like being dragged to hell and back again. It lasted an eternity. On May 7, , in the United States, two young adults died after overdosing on Bromo-DragonFLY, which they thought was 2C-E , and several others were hospitalized during the same incident. Because they took a dosage appropriate for 2C-E, those who took the drug received, in some cases, x the normal dose. Both deaths followed seizures, vomiting blood, and terrifying hallucinations. Several surviving victims are reportedly still suffering from its physical effects. Schedule III as of Oct 12 If the prosecution could demonstrate structural similarity in court, it would be considered a Class A substance \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[22\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] but as a benzodifuran it is significantly different to this class. It is not explicitly named in the misuse of drugs act. On December 3, the drug was banned in Denmark. It is currently classified as a dangerous narcotic and therefore its possession, manufacture, importation, supply or usage is strictly prohibited. Anyone involved in such activities can face legal action. Nationally, the drug is listed under Schedule 9 Prohibited of the Poisons Standard. Accordingly, the drug is prohibited in all states and territories. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bromo-benzodifuranyl-isopropylamine \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[ citation needed \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Interactive image Interactive image. CC N Cc1c2ccoc2c Br c2ccoc Southern Association of Forensic Scientists. Retrieved 16 March Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Designer drugs on the internet: Information about a death reportedly related to Bromo-Dragonfly'. Helsingin Sanomat in Finnish. Can cause tissue necrosis as demonstrated by the first described case. Journal of Medical Toxicology. Institute of Psychiatry, London. Retrieved 12 June Archived from the original on Archived from the original on June 24, Retrieved February 28, Diphenidine Ephenidine Fluorolintane Methoxphenidine. Dextrallorphan Dextromethorphan Dextrorphan Racemethorphan Racemorphan. Apomorphine Aporphine Bromocriptine Cabergoline Lisuride Memantine Nuciferine Pergolide Phenethylamine Piribedil Pramipexole Ropinirole Rotigotine Salvinorin A Also indirect D 2 agonists, such as dopamine reuptake inhibitors cocaine , methylphenidate , releasing agents amphetamine , methamphetamine , and precursors levodopa. Glaucine Isoaminile Noscapine Pukateine. AR-A Beta blockers e. Agomelatine Atypical antipsychotics e. Adatanserin Agomelatine Atypical antipsychotics e. Alosetron AS Atypical antipsychotics e. ABT Atypical antipsychotics e. Retrieved from ' https: Psychedelic phenethylamines Entheogens Serotonin receptor agonists Bromoarenes Designer drugs. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 26 July , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Other names Bromo-benzodifuranyl-isopropylamine \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[ citation needed \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\].

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