Broken Hymen

Broken Hymen


Broken Hymen

The hymen is a thin membrane surrounding the vagina. It may be in different shapes in different people.
It is widely known that first time intercourse can lead to light bleeding that signifies the membrane is torn in the act. However, there are instances that can lead to losing your virginity even without engaging in penetrative intercourse.
But how do you know if your hymen is broken or torn? Does it mean you have lost your virginity regardless of the cause?
Find out below from the symptoms to look out for. Also, you will know what exactly happens when the membrane is torn and whether it can grow back afterwards.
This membrane often has a crescent shape and either partially covers or surrounds the external vaginal opening.
Also, while the most common shape is crescent, other shapes are also possible . It may appear thick and rigid or thin and stretchy.
The hymen may also not be present at all in some people even before engaging in any activities that may break it.
If you need to know if yours is torn or cut, then the first thing to take note of is the shape of the hymen.
If you knew the shape before and are looking at your vaginal canal to confirm whether it is broken, you need to look for broken pieces of skin at the opening of the vagina.
A hymen has been the symbol of virginity for a very long time. If you just had sexual intercourse for the first time, chances are high that you tore the membrane.
The breaking may be accompanied by some light spotting (which is perfectly normal), and some pain which shouldn’t last long.
Even with the different types and shapes, the symptoms of a broken hymen are similar across the board. You will know it is no longer intact if you notice the following signs.
However, this is not always the case in some people since you may not have all the symptoms stated above yet you are highly suspecting a broken hymen.
While a visit to the doctor will conclusively tell you whether you have a broken hymen or not, you can also confirm on your own with the following steps:
You will need: a mirror, a chair, a water-based lubricant, and some clean water with soap and a towel.
There are cases of a missing hymen from birth. This does not in any way mean that you have a problem since the sheath has no actual purpose in the body.
The presence or absence of the hymen is often assumed to be the determinant of virginity in women. However, while having penetrative sex will surely break the membrane, there are other causes of such tearing. They include:
All these conditions will tamper with your ‘virginity’. Even with that, it is not a guarantee that engaging in these activities or conditions will break the membrane. In some cases, even sex will not tear the hymen but only stretch it.
When you break the membrane, you are bound to experience the following:
At other times, may not see any of these signs yet the hymen is cut, torn or broken. After the activity, simply check for its presence as stated in the steps above.
If you notice some bleeding and pain, you can do the following to ease the pain and bleeding right at home:
If you experience anything beyond the norm, you should see a doctor as fast as possible given that postcoital spotting (bleeding after sex) can occur due to many different reasons including:
No. Once broken, it cannot grow back no matter how long you abstain from sexual intercourse or any other activities that penetrate the vagina such as masturbation.
The hymen is a mucous membrane whose formation starts early in the development of a baby. Once the baby is born, the mechanism to grow this membrane is rendered useless meaning that, however early or late the sheath is broken in your life, it will not grow back.
There are two cases that have been confusing women as far as the regrowth of the membrane is concerned. They are:
Secondary virginity is when you decide not to engage in penetrative sexual intercourse anymore after a period of sexual activity. It simply means choosing to abstain from sex no matter your age even after you have had a period of being sexually active.
While the word virginity is employed here, it has nothing to do with the presence of the hymen. Even when you bleed for the first time after secondary virginity, it would not be due to the breaking of the hymen.
Also called hymenoplasty or reconstruction, hymenorrhaphy is the artificial creation of the virginity membrane with the aim of causing bleeding after sex in the first sexual encounter after marriage.
This is required in some cultures as a proof of virginity at marriage.
Hymenorrhaphy can be performed under the following conditions:
As seen here, once you know if your hymen is torn, the only ways to revert back to virginity would be through virginity or hymenorrhaphy.
The hymen comes in different sizes and shapes. No one shape is correct or normal over the other. Among the most common types hymes are:
The septate membrane has bands of tissue extending across the opening of the vagina. The tissue can either be soft and supple or rigid and thick.
That means that penetration during sex is only possible after the breaking of these bands. Besides that, using a tampon will also be impossible with the bands in place.
These bands may at times break on their own, during sex or by a surgical procedure.
This is a type that is almost gone. It appears as a thin layer of skin on the sides of the vaginal opening. Either you may be born with it or you could have broken away the existing membrane.
The cribriform membrane has many small holes in the opening of the vagina. These holes are enough to allow for the passage of menses and other vaginal discharges.
However, abdominal examinations and the use of tampons is highly limited. Sexual penetration will only be possible with the breakage.
Unlike the other types, the imperforate hymen completely covers the vaginal opening. It means that menstrual blood will not be allowed out of the body.
You will thus require a surgical procedure to correct this case since retained menses is bad for the body. The good news is that the imperforate membrane is very uncommon as only about 2 percent of women will have it.
The annular hymen is one whereby the hymen forms an almost perfect circle around the opening of the vagina. A look at it will reveal a fully-formed vagina with a little hole in the middle.
For this kind, masturbating, having sex or other physical exertion will widen the hole with the reduction of the hymen. It is also called the microperforate membrane.
If you are in suspicion of having an imperforate, cribriform or septate hymen, you need to pay your doctor a visit for a checkup.
Medical Disclaimer: This website is intended for informational purposes only. We do not diagnose, treat or prescribe. See your physician or ObGyn for proper diagnosis and treatment of your ailments.

Women's Health and Pregnancy How To Tell If A Hymen Is Torn or broken

Do not bother. Leave it as it is. Tearing of a hymen is very common and normal to lives of almost all women.
Apply ice on the vaginal area to stop the bleeding and to help ease the pain [ 1 ].
Do not use tampons for a while.
Before engaging into sexual intercourse, allow your hymen to heal [ 1 ].
Women can also try an artificial hymen, which adheres to the inside of the vagina giving it a temporary appearance of an intact hymen [ 6 ].
If you want your hymen to be repaired or reconstructed, consult a surgeon for hymenorrhaphy or hymenoplasty. But this may not last long because your normal life and daily activities may cause it to be torn anyway [ 7 ].

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The hymen is a mucous membrane circling the vaginal opening. Physiologically speaking, its function is overlooked most of the time. And truthfully speaking, a female will only be concerned about her hymen when it is torn, lacerated, or too thick that it nearly covers the entire vaginal opening.
Hymen can be ruptured if a female experiences her first sexual intercourse; regular use of tampons; use of vaginal speculum for medical examinations; regular strenuous physical exercise; injury or trauma; and even physical abuse [ 1 ].
Yes, we know the probable causes of tearing a hymen, but one thing we are not sure of is how to identify whether a hymen is torn or not.
Well, you came to the right site. By the end of this article, you will be able to know how to determine an intact or lacerated hymen.
In a sociocultural view, a torn hymen is often linked to a woman’s virginity.
Nowadays, sex is viewed as a normal activity and is sometimes considered to be a part of physiologic needs. This is the case for most Western countries. A torn hymen is no big deal for them. A big deal for them is if you reach your 20’s and you are still a virgin. For them, that is the unusual and funny story.
Contrary to the Western countries, Eastern countries most especially the Arab and Islamic countries frown upon unmarried women who have torn hymen.
For them, you are a total disgrace to your family if your virginity is lost before you get married. Having sex outside marriage will make the woman look and feel disgusting. Everybody will look down on you and your family. [ 2 ]
There are cases when women are penalized of having a sex outside her marriage by only words of mouth, without any proof or evidence. Sadly, there are also cases where the death is the ultimate price for this. For them, it is the only way to restore the honor of the family. [ 2 ]
Many believe that an intact hymen is an indicator of a female’s virginity. Well, this is a myth.
A hymen can be torn or lacerated not only due to first sexual intercourse. It may be torn even before a female she encounters her first sex. Sports, tampons, vaginal speculums, and injury are only some of the factors that could do it [ 1 ].
The thing is, not every female is born with a hymen. One out of one thousand females do not have hymen at birth [ 3 ]. So would you say that those babies are not virgin just because they don’t have hymen? No, you won’t.
Hymen does not always tear and bleed after sexual intercourse.
Research says only 43% of women who had their first sex encountered bleeding [ 4 ]. So what happened to the other 57%? Are they still virgins because their hymen did not tear and bleed? Of course not.
Moreover, 19% of sexually active women do not have obvious tear or abnormality in their hymen [ 5 ].
The hymen is not a reliable indicator of a female’s virginity. Hymen may be present or not in a female’s external genitalia. A female may bleed or not due to sexual intercourse. Her hymen may tear or not due to sexual intercourse. Not all females with intact hymen are virgin.
You can easily determine if your hymen is torn or not by a very simple method, for which you need not go to a gynecologist. Follow the simple steps mentioned below:
Hymen rupture does not cause profuse bleeding. If you experience an excessive bleeding for a prolonged period of time, consult your doctor. This may be an indication of a vaginal tear or cervical cancer.
Postcoital bleeding or bleeding after a sexual intercourse can occur in conditions like cervical dysplasia, gonorrhea, cervical polyps, vaginal yeast infection, uterine polyps, chlamydia, vaginitis, trichomoniasis, endrometritis and fibroid tumors.
Consult your gynecologist for better inspection and appropriate treatment.
Hi! I did the steps to see if your hymen is torn but I am a bit confused. When I spread the labia I could clearly see my hymen. It sort off shoots out of the vagina with a little whole in it, it kind of looks like a butthole (it looks a lot like a fimbriated hymen). When i “push” like I am going on the toilet to poop I can see the little hole in my hymen getting bigger…and it looks more zig-zag. I can insert a finger in the whole without feeling any pain…and I can go in really deep. Is my hymen intact? I can cleary see it when I’m relaxed, thats when the hole looks small…but when I “push” it does get bigger and looks zig-zag…but thats normal right? but I can also put a finger inside it. Did I tear it? Can I have an itact hymen if I can see it when spreading my labia (it looks like a fimbriated hymen when relaxed…and zig-zag when I “push”), and put a finger inside it?
It sounds like your hymen is intact. But honestly, it does not matter because hymen’s are broken or torn early in life for many natural reasons.
Is my hymen broken.?
I’ve never had sex (though I have masturbated myself outside the vagina since i was 15). now i am 26. I know technically even if my hymen is broken that I am still a virgin. But in my culture/religion (especially if I marry someone from my culture) they would expect me to bleed my first time.
I know there are ways to self check, but I can’t tell exactly from the pics online. I do have a full moon shape surrounding my vagina opening, but when I push out my body (as in when I just sit normally I see the full moon shape, but when I breathe out it expands that section so that the top part kinda goes out of shape…the bridge to make the circle goes out upwards, so the shape becomes more half moon instead from the bottom). However, just inside the vagina opening, I can still see a pink kinda bridge thing, so even though on the outside it expands up, inside I can see a thin pink layer going across the opening from the inside (but I also see other pink material inside). I don’t know though if just inside I’m seeing the folds of the vagina walls or the hymen. And on the outside, I do have the moon shape until I push out and it becomes half moon shape on bottom with the top curving upwards.
I was thinking of going to my local doctor and maybe seeing if it’s still in tact but I don’t know, I might be making it into a big deal for nothing.So I thought I might ask here and see first.
Hi, i want to know if my hymen is broken or not.. I have inserted a cucumber in my vagina but it doesn’t bleed and no pain. i had never sex i am single and i am worried about this.plz tell me.i can show you pics of my vagina in personal msg
Heyy um one day I was riding my bike and uh I fell off the seat onto the frame really hard, there was blood and I did the finger test. I put 1 finger in and it doesn’t hurt and I’m really scared because me and my boyfriend are planning to lose it together and I’m scared of bloood and pain I just wanna know if it’s there or not ;-;
Hey Steve how can ine break their viginity..ive been trying with my boyfriend and it doesnt seem to work
hi when i was in year 3 a pencil went through my vagaina i didnt bleed but im worried my hymen is broken
hi , i’m really worried about my virginity because it’s really important in my culture > i was ignorant about the concept when at night i pressed the tip of my finger to the first knuckle in my vaginal opening i did’t feel any pain at the time but in the morning i found blood in my underware and i was sore for 3 days after > does that mean i broke my hymen ? and if it does will i still bleed if i had intercourse for the 1st time? > i tried to check for myself and i can see a skin covering my whole vagina but its open on top and when i wash i can feel water inter ? please answer quickly > thanks for your help
im from the Same culture and I can tell how worried u are , most likely you have torn your hymen. Be safe okay
Today I landed right on an upright thin fence when my leg slipped while I was climbing over it. I ended up with a leg on either side. It hurt like hell and there was a little bit of blood around my vaginal area. It really hurts because it is most definitely bruised. I don’t want to check if my hymen is intact yet because my vagina area hurts when I touch it. Do you think my hymen might be broken. Call me crazy but I would be relieved because it saves me the trouble of doing it in the future. It did hurt like hell but I never cry because of pain and all I did was grit my teeth and say ow a bunch before the pain subsided. I only get pain when I touch it which kinda makes trousers a problem but what do you think? Is my hymen torn?
Hi. I think my hymen has already ruptured but I have not had sex till date,neither have I done any strenuous physical exercise. I have no clue how all this happened. Can you help me please
My daughter is 4 years old ..while using water to clean her in toilet..the water stream was strong and there is a few drops of blood and she said she felt like a pain in her vaginal area ..back at home I made her spread her legs and used a strong light to check out ..I found no bleeding and I spread her labia ..however I couldn’t see any rupture I saw her vaginal opening completely closed with a membrane (I even compared it with my vaginal opening which looks like a dark tunnel when you look at it ) but everything is closed and I saw it looks like folded membrane with some skin traces around ..and no pain ..but next day I found a drop of blood in her panty did I broke her hymen or just little rupture or I hit another spot and caused bleeding?
Can a gynecologist tell how a girl lost her virginity (hymen), during intercourse or accidental exercise ?
hello sir i need ur help.I have sexual intercourse with my girlfriend 3 to 4 times but she did not get bleeding so i need to know that she is still virgin or not?i just want to know how to check it? And Is ther any idea for healing? waiting 4 ur fast reply
I had sex and my partner entered without rousing me or making me wet……i bled….a little tho…however my hymen looks alot like a fimbriated hymen……..i want it to be a bit wider so that intercourse is not a problem
Um… If you had intercourse with her, then she is definitely NOT a virgin, regardless of her hymen…
Okay I got drunk w a guy and don’t remember. I use to masturbate a lot and ever since that night I’ve been pain. I just got two fingers inside myself without any pain, but I use to only be able to use one. I WAS A VIRGIN. Help?
We have a lady gynecologist / Plastic Surgeon who performs hymen reconstruction surgery -and are very serious about your confidentiality level.Hymen repair surgery,hymen restoration to tighten and restore to a more intact hymen, for national and international patients.
The surgical options will be discussed with you and adequate choices given to you related to the type of procedure and choice of hospital at Delhi,India where we do our routine surgeries. We perform hymen repair surgery at New Delhi, which can also be done on same day – office surgery using general or local anesthesia. The material that we use to stitch the hymen during repair, is dissolvable, so you do not need to have them removed.
I am a virgin and I had a cervical cancer test done please is my hymen still intact
With such an examination it is quite possible the hymen was broken but it is not a certainty.
I kinda tried doing stuff with my boyfriend but I don’t let him go in really cus it hurt. So I tried doing the finger test to test if my hymen is still intact but I was too scared to go so in but it hurt a bit when my finger wenter in…and u still feel it after removing my first get. Is my hymen still intact?
Yes it does sound like your hymen is intact
Mine is similar to “worried girl”. When I seperated my labia there was something shooting out with a line on it, dividing it into two but there was this colour from my vaginal like a brown vaginal discharge
Omg I’m the same and I have been searching but have found nothing and I’m really worried and confused
i followed the steps stated here but i still don’t understand what the h
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