British Guys Vs American Guys

British Guys Vs American Guys


British Guys Vs American Guys

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Crystal Brannen

August 14, 2014


Having been to England and dated a guy who's half British (his dad was English), I think I can make the assessment that British guys are better than American guys. And here are five reasons why.
1. More mature. When find yourself drooling over a 24-year-old British guy... and you're a a little bit older than that... you feel a little sad. Of course, I'm not talking about myself... no of course not. But if it were me, it would be because this British dude had a sense of maturity about him that makes him so appealing. I don't know what they teach them in school, but British guys tend to have a better head on their shoulders in their twenties, then our guys in the States whom don't tend to mature until about 50, sometimes even longer.
2. Sense of humor. Who doesn't like a guy who can have a wacky sense of humor without coming off like an Adam Sandler like man-child. Maybe it's the maturity that gives them that wicked edge, but all I know is there is a distinct difference between a British guy's perverse sense a humor and the potty joke, frat boy sense of humor American guys have, that makes British guys stand out.
3. Style. British guys got it. When riding the subway... I mean "tube" when in London; I was surrounded by tall English men wearing sleek suits and stylish sweaters and smelt like heaven... A lot different than what I'm used to in New York, where I've stood next to too many guys wearing sloppy clothing and smelt like alcohol and as if they hadn't showered in weeks.
4. Smart. I love being able to have a fun conversation about why batman is better than superman one minute and the next minute be discussing The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a sapiosexual, but I love a guy who is well rounded. And British guys actually like to read apparently. As well as many other things, which seem uncommon here in the U.S.
5. Doting. With the exception of Jude Law, most British men have respect for women and treat their ladies well. Don't believe me?? Just use Hollywood as an example, and you will see that some of the best couples that have lasted are the ones that include at least one British person. British guys seem to be less superficial and partner up for life, which is just another trait that makes them so sexy and appealing.

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Putting the L in LGBT: Tina Sabuco’s Imagination Is Limitless

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Nothing stops true love.

Photo by Vegas Weddings Photography

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Frank Atchley is stylin' and profilin'.

Phoebe Seymour shows off her signature subtle style.

Since we started the Houston Press , it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Houston, and we'd like to keep it that way. With local media under siege, it's more important than ever for us to rally support behind funding our local journalism. You can help by participating in our "I Support" program, allowing us to keep offering readers access to our incisive coverage of local news, food and culture with no paywalls.

Sam Byrd is a freelance contributor to the Houston Press who loves to take in all of Houston’s sights, sounds, food and fun. He also loves helping others to discover Houston’s rich culture.

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Ming-Na Wen is one of the actors to make the Disney Trifecta.

Screencap of Ming-Na Wen in Book of Boba Fett

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Jef Rouner is a contributing writer who covers politics, pop culture, social justice, video games, and online behavior. He is often a professional annoyance to the ignorant and hurtful.

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Houston's independent source of
local news and culture

Crystal Brannen

August 14, 2014


Having been to England and dated a guy who's half British (his dad was English), I think I can make the assessment that British guys are better than American guys. And here are five reasons why.
1. More mature. When find yourself drooling over a 24-year-old British guy... and you're a a little bit older than that... you feel a little sad. Of course, I'm not talking about myself... no of course not. But if it were me, it would be because this British dude had a sense of maturity about him that makes him so appealing. I don't know what they teach them in school, but British guys tend to have a better head on their shoulders in their twenties, then our guys in the States whom don't tend to mature until about 50, sometimes even longer.
2. Sense of humor. Who doesn't like a guy who can have a wacky sense of humor without coming off like an Adam Sandler like man-child. Maybe it's the maturity that gives them that wicked edge, but all I know is there is a distinct difference between a British guy's perverse sense a humor and the potty joke, frat boy sense of humor American guys have, that makes British guys stand out.
3. Style. British guys got it. When riding the subway... I mean "tube" when in London; I was surrounded by tall English men wearing sleek suits and stylish sweaters and smelt like heaven... A lot different than what I'm used to in New York, where I've stood next to too many guys wearing sloppy clothing and smelt like alcohol and as if they hadn't showered in weeks.
4. Smart. I love being able to have a fun conversation about why batman is better than superman one minute and the next minute be discussing The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a sapiosexual, but I love a guy who is well rounded. And British guys actually like to read apparently. As well as many other things, which seem uncommon here in the U.S.
5. Doting. With the exception of Jude Law, most British men have respect for women and treat their ladies well. Don't believe me?? Just use Hollywood as an example, and you will see that some of the best couples that have lasted are the ones that include at least one British person. British guys seem to be less superficial and partner up for life, which is just another trait that makes them so sexy and appealing.

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Putting the L in LGBT: Tina Sabuco’s Imagination Is Limitless

Sam Byrd

June 30, 2022


Putting the L in LGBT: Tina Sabuco’s Imagination Is Limitless

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Jef Rouner

June 30, 2022


Putting the L in LGBT: Tina Sabuco’s Imagination Is Limitless

Putting the G in LGBT: Ben Chou Wins Over His VIP Supporters

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5 Legit Reasons British Guys Are WAY Better Than American Guys
By Lisa Marie Basile — Written on Aug 25, 2015
I know it sounds shallow, but I've realized that dating an Englishman is just ... better.
When I was younger, I remember watching Closer (yes, please, Jude Law) and thinking that if I could find an Englishman, I'd be living in Natalie Portman's fancy (and somewhat depressing) British fantasy land. Luckily, that fantasy came true when I met Ben, a posh-speaking Brit from just outside London.
Unsurprisingly, the accent knocked me off my feet as I ordered my wine. Standing there and chatting Ben up, I could see a handful of curious girls whose ears had perked up.
I could practically see them salivating over the Queen's English and his dapper outfit. Luckily, he liked me . And guess what? The whole "bad teeth" thing is just a gross rumor (because, you know, an entire nation isn't just ignoring the dentist).
1. The cultural difference makes for compelling conversation.
I'm a native Jersey girl turned New Yorker, so my share of boyfriends have been from the East Coast. We've usually had the same experiences, favorite TV shows, and same political ideologies.
With a Brit, all of that goes out the window.
The other day, he actually asked me what Sesame Street was. I won't lie, this broke my heart a little. But you know what? It's OK. Now I can show him all the bad American TV I want.
And when I'm not showing him my favorite old shows, he's introducing me to English television, which I highly recommend if you like uncomfortable laughs and totally normal looking human beings.
2. Their accent literally melts your face (and underwear) off.
There's no doubt that an accent is an aphrodisiac. For some reason, the English accent is the prize winner. And there's nothing hotter than listening to an Englishman in the bedroom. Go ahead: imagine it. (Uh-huh. Yep, it's super hot.)
If it sounds like I'm objectifying men by their accents ... well, I am. I'm not really sure why this particular accent drives me so wild, but when I walk into a room with him, I can tell it does the same for everyone else. Let's just say I had to learn to combat my jealousy early on.
Ever seen an Englishman at a wedding ? They've got impeccable taste. From double-breasted wool jackets to well-cut sweaters (jumpers) and top hats, they just seem to put more effort into everything. Not to mention England is a rainy and cold country, so they've got to be able to put outfits together that combat the constant rain and still manage to look good.
American guys throw on some jeans and a T-shirt, and that's fine. But the Brits? They're always so well put-together. It keeps me on my toes!
English people tend to be exceptionally polite. Maybe this is an over-generalization, but who cares. They say their "please" and "thank yous," they hold the door, and they don't cut you in line (the queue). It's refreshing!
If you think about it, the English have a very posh Royal Family to look to for inspiration, so you bet they've got a classy edge over their American contemporaries. So, even if a Brit is acting like an arse, his delivery will always be quite polite.
5. They're really, really friendly.
When I was much younger, I was super into those depressive, angsty types. That got old pretty quickly. If you love to meet new people and have adventures, a British guy will be your dream date . Trust me.
The English aren't just pale, pasty and rain-saturated (alright, some of the time they are); they're chipper, inclusive, and down for a pint or two or three with just about anyone.
I've never met a Brit who didn't just want to have a good time. So, if you're ready to make new friends, an English beau might be your best bet. In fact, my boyfriend doesn't know how to shut up.
But, at the end of the night, if you're his girl he will dote on you and you alone. Cheers, darling!
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