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Brit Care

Brit Care super-premium pet food has been developed to protect the body against negative environmental influences. It starts with carefully selected, high-quality ingredients, such as lamb, salmon, herring, duck, and rabbit to produce balanced, hypoallergenic formulas that prevent food intolerances and are easy to digest. Brit Care also contains functional components that support immunity, improve overall condition, and help eliminate the risk of serious disease.

The elimination of typical allergens from the diet reduces the burden to your dog’s body and helps prevent the onset of food intolerances.

We trust in prevention by nutrition. Well chosen proteins and functional elements helps to achieve great condition
Inflammation prevention. Metabolism improvement. Liver regeneration. Cellular and microbial immunity support.

Amino acids are the building blocks of muscle tissue. Salmon contains all of the important amino acids in optimal proportions, which means it is absorbed more efficiently than common proteins. Salmon also contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA ), which play an important role in the quality of skin and coat, development of the senses and mental skills, and cardiovascular and heart health.
Great digestibility. Minimum portion size means lower burden to digestive tract.
Salmon contains all of the important amino acids known also as building blocks of muscle tissue.
Improves skin and coat quality. přispívají ke zdraví srdce a cév.
Lamb is very digestible and contains high levels of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids with excellent usability). The complete profile of amino acids has been optimized to nourish the muscles and tissue and maintain perfect condition.

High content of protein and essential nutrients for proper development
Polyunsaturated fatty acids with excellent usability
Optimized complete profile of amino acids
All dogs go through periods when, due to changes in daily routine or condition, regular nutrition isn’t enough. Introducing balanced nutrition designed to meet the special needs of overweight dogs, dogs with increased energy demands, and dogs with sensitive digestion or food intolernace.
Rabbit & Rice formula for overweight dogs
Duck and Rice formula for for active dogs with high energy output
Salmon and Herring formula to keep show dogs in excellent conditio.
Venison and Potato formula for sensitive dogs and dogs with intoleranc.
Small breeds have special nutritional requirements. Due to their petite size, they are exposed to higher concentrations of dust and other harmful substances, which leads to increased stress levels and is an extreme burden to the body‘s external and internal protective barriers: the coat, skin, mucosal immunity, and cellular immunity. Their unique anatomy – short digestive tract and fast digestion compared with other dogs – requires a high concentration of nutrients in a small portion of food. Brit Care has created a new line of dog food free of compromises and specially formulated to meet the requirements of small breeds. It‘s grain free and features a high meat content with functional substances that support the immunity, condition, heart, coat, skin, teeth, and skeleton of mini dogs. The formulas contain fresh lamb or salmon for improved long-term palatability and a positive effect on digestibility.
Low glycemic index. Obesity prevention. Lower burden to digestive system.
Shiny coat, cellular immunity support, antistress factor and heart health. Antibacterial protection.
Improves digestibility and has positive effect on long-term palatability.




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