Bride Double Penetration

Bride Double Penetration


Bride Double Penetration



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By Guest | 12 posts, last post 5 months ago

When I have sex with my boyfriend, i think sometimes he goes too deep. He has a very long penis, and knows how to use it too. Certain positions I think he is going too deep. I feel pains in my abdomen. I am 23, and have only had sex with him and one other guy. I never felt these pains before, like his penis is reaching too far inside of me.

Sometimes it seems more painful than others, and he is so passionate, and caring otherwise, I can tell how great he is feeling so I dont want to aske him to stop. He does stop when I tell him it hurts, but as he gets caught up in our pleasure, and starts going deeper and deeper again. Is there any internal problems I should be worried about, or is it fine if he is reaching so deeply into me? I dont know for sure but i would guess he is more than 8 or 9 inches.

8-9 inchs is average size for an adult male so u have nothing 2 worry about
if hes 14+ u got something 2 worry bout...

In reply to godofthesun143616 on 2010-03-13 - click to read

So tell us, what color is the sky in your world and how many moons do you have?

In reply to godofthesun143616 on 2010-03-13 - click to read

For real? godoftheson: 1st - we try to provide factual and helpful responses to posts. 8-9" is no where near the average size for an adult mail. 5-6" is closer! 2nd - this post you responded to is OVER 1 year old. While there is no rule about that...the message was posted by a guest - so there is almost no chance they are still checking back daily to see if someone responded! AND - you responded with wildly inaccurate information on top of that!

6 is the avreage size, im sure a 6th grader would know that from health class

In reply to taz189094076 on 2010-03-13 - click to read

For a black guy 8-9 inches normal.. Cut godoftheson some slack.

In reply to anonymous on 2014-04-21 - click to read

Even though 5-6 is average. The distribution of penises is such that 8-9 is not uncommon. Perhaps 10-25% of penises are 8in or more. You should be able to find more accurate numbers online.

At any rate, vaginas vary as well. For some women 6in could be too big

In reply to godofthesun143616 on 2010-03-13 - click to read

OK I get it so he can't go 14 + I got to worry

In reply to subscribed mark on 2010-03-13 - click to read

In reply to anonymous on 2021-10-02 - click to read

Only put your fist 4+ not 14+ it hurts I'm a female to I had that happen before if you ever have sex

In reply to godofthesun143616 on 2010-03-13 - click to read

14" or 14 cm? You have no idea what are you talking about!

In reply to godofthesun143616 on 2010-03-13 - click to read

You didn't tell us your gender. Are you a guy and he is going 8-9" inside you anally? Happens to me too and I've been trying to find out what it is and do this is that I have found out so far. 5-7 inches deeper, depending on the person, there is a second sphincter. That pain is caused then the partner is trying to penetrate and open your second sphincter. Allow it to open just like you allowed the first sprinter to open and enjoy double pleasure.

In reply to taz189094076 on 2010-03-13 - click to read

Many things can be issues. Cervix infection, prolapse cervix or even iud placement. Please see your doctor. In the meantime avoid doggy position as it shortens the length of your partners stroke and may hurt you. Good luck

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