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Breeds Wife Wives


Breeds Wife Wives
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30 y.o. cuck and 28 y.o. white wife had a mixed baby back in February 2019! We believe that women want the best genes for their offspring, and also deserve to have someone who will take care of them and the children they produce. We also believe that whites will very much become a minority, only making up a very, very, small percentage of the population. We believe that white women who birth mixed babies are helping achieve equality to all the world, because they are helping to bridge the gap of racism--especially if they are married to a white man We write about what we see and how it makes us feel. Hubs writes about the common things that go on with our marriage, or the common things that take place during dates, or outings. He also writes about random things that may happen, if it is relevant to the page. From time to time we may post an interracial picture and include our own thoughts under that picture (or group of pictures). We will also be writing about our personal feelings, or beliefs, from time to time. There may be many things we reiterate, and if that is the case, then that means we find it to be of value and very important. We believe women have the right to choose who they marry, who they have intercourse with, and who they have a child with—Her body, Her choice. We don't do the whole sissy, humiliation, permanent chastity thing. A few years ago, we told our family about our journey, which started with siblings and close friends and eventually we told our parents. We also update the avatar picture of the progression of my wife's pregnancy once a month. Also check out our tumblr account:

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We have a three year old border collie mix. Sweetest dog you could ask for. Ever since my wife got pregnant, we have seen a behavior change in him. He constantly will have his nose in my wife's rear, and humps incessantly. That we've been able to handle for the most part. Here's where it gets scary. He has started to get possessive over my wife. At first it just appeared to be innocent and cute. I would roll over in bed and put my arm around my wife, and he would wiggle between us and I would pet him thinking he just wanted some love too. Then it got violent. One night instead of just wiggling and sitting there, he started growling at me and came at me. He didn't bite, but he forced me out of bed and stood between me and my wife. I put a stop to that REAL quick. Now when he would start to growl, I collared him and he was put into timeout and wasn't allowed up on the bed. Since then he sees me as pack leader and runs the other way when I hug my wife. The other night, her sister was over at the house watching a movie. I was at work. They were both sitting on the couch with the dog between them sleeping on my wife's lap. Her sister leaned over to scratch his ears (he loves my sister in law by the way) and he snaps awake barking and growling and chased her out the back door. She's since been over to the house and he's behaved normally towards her. We've been to the vet, and he's had all his shots. The get said it was behavioral and recommended a book by Cesar Millan. I am currently reading it. He listens to me unconditionally, but forget it when it comes to my wife. She'll bop him on the nose for sticking it when it doesn't belong and he'll just look at her and smile. I know she doesn't have dominance over him, but we're having a helluva time establishing it. I don't want him standing between us and the baby when she arrives in March. I've been told the big thing to qualm this is neutering which is a given at this point. Anyone else have other thoughts?
My great dane growled at me ONCE. Gave him a right hook to the snout and it's never happened again. He got protective of my wife when she got pregnant and now he is protective of our son.
Speak with a trainer and make sure these issues are addressed. It's good that he is protective of your wife and its sweet but it is getting to the point where it can be very harmful. The problem needs to be addressed before baby comes or before someone gets hurt. Dogs becoming protective of pregnant owners is normal, however this seems very aggressive. Just call a really good trainer and see what to do. Worst comes to worst you might have to find the dog a new home before he hurts someone and then has to be put down.
Ok, lady here, but I'm also a dog trainer. I've been there. She needs to become a pack leader, like yesterday. I'm also willing to bet things will calm down when her hormones settle. You also need to start a "nothing for free" program. He wants a treat? Make him sit. He wants to play fetch? Make him do a down and stay. Also no more getting on furniture. No more cuddling in bed. Without observing your dog, I can I can only guess that e thinks he's more of an equal now. I would also suggest way more exercise and more mental stimulation. He's a herding breed and they thrive on being challenged. Maybe have your wife and the dog take some sort of training class. It'll help her become a leader and give the dog something to do. And I apologize for this being so fragmented. On my phone and nursing baby at the same time. :)
It's a dominant thing and dogs are actually easy if you both become dominant, now. My dog tried to challenge hubby one day and we put him right in his place, no more couch, no more bed, he's very content knowing who's in charge and if he growls at anyone else tell them to stand their ground with him. I would suggest getting good friends round and let them know the situation. Take it in turns every other night to give him a bone and without hesitation take it of him after 10 mins, then ull b able to see who he thinks he's more dominant over etc.
Don't get rid of your dog, worst advise ever. Oh my kid is acting up lets get rid if him too! Please go to a trainer first! My dog is becoming protective too we make everyone coming over make him sit and give him a treat and then he is over it and acts like himself again. Please do not get rid of a part of your family before exhausting every option!
I see so many dog training issues in this post it's ridiculous. Your dog does not see you as the alpha, and why would he? He is allowed in your bed and on your furniture with you. Your dog is trying to assert itself as alpha because you haven't.
Female here :) my hubby and I have 3 entire male dogs and we have 3 children with the 4th 5weeks away and each time the dogs go a little 'silly'! The oldest dog we have was with my hubby before I came along and was very aggressive towards other people but I showed dominance from day one, he originally was an inside dog on the furniture etc (he is a med/large breed hunting dog about 30kgs) before DD1 was born he was outside and I started (with hubby) training him for what was and was not acceptable behaviour, he already knew basic commands as well as hunting commands but he has since learnt other commands and we are able to take his food or toys away without him batting an eyelid, the 2nd eldest is his son and weighs in at 50kg, he is a big big boy and very strong, he was born not long after DD2 and from day one was trained what is and is not acceptable, both of these guys go hunting regularly and if a stranger comes to the house or tries to get in the yard they will let the world know, however they will not bite unless provoked due to training, they will corner the 'stranger' away from us and growl till the stranger backs off, only time they ever make noise or act like guard dogs, although sometimes they do tend to stick their noses in my bits I know that's due to hormones and I can tell them to back off and sit and they will, it's all in the training :) and if you were wondering the 3rd dog is a 6mo pup and we started training from the day we brought him home about 3 months ago, he knows all the commands the older 2 do and does not jump up on our 3DDs or attempt to take what they have :) goes to show training can still work at any age!
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 Get rid of the dog before he bites off your penis....
Get rid of the dog. His jealousy could become worse once the baby is born.
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