Breast Smother Story

Breast Smother Story


Breast Smother Story
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March 26, 2014 by blevins 1 Comment
Something about me that I believe I have made abundantly clear is that I attract a lot of weirdos. I don’t know why it happens, but it does. And because it does, I write these stories for your entertainment. It’s my personal way of making the best of a strange situation. Anyway, I will preface this story by saying this is one of the creepier encounters I have had to this point – not in a scary way, just in an odd way. I made up the names of the three guys in this story – I’ll call them Peter, Paul, and Larry – because I don’t remember their real names, and I have changed my friend’s name for the purposes of protecting her anonymity.
A little over a year ago – back in January or February of 2013 – my friend Pearl and I were hanging out in Gallery Place. We had been going to a couple bars in the area, and we wound up going to Iron Horse for our last stop of the night. She and I were at the bar on the street level for a while, then we went downstairs for a bit. While we were downstairs, we passed by a table with two guys – one drunk and the other was clearly the DD. The drunk guy grabbed Pearl’s arm and said hello to her as we passed by. Two things about Pearl: 1) she’s very social and can talk to anyone, and 2) she seems to know everyone downtown – like I will easily meet 5-10 new people every time I hang out with her – so when she said hello right back and started talking to him, I figured she knew him. I didn’t hear Pearl’s conversation with Peter, as I was talking to Paul (the DD). Paul was a very pale redhead with a high & tight haircut. He said he was a student at the Citadel but came home for the weekend. I don’t know if it was that Paul was boring or that I didn’t want to chat up a guy in a bar, but I tuned him out quickly after he told me their other friend had gone to the bar to get drinks. I looked over at Pearl and she had a “get me away from this dude” look on her face, so I said “they’re waiting for us upstairs, Pearl, so we should go.” At that, Pearl and I headed back upstairs to the street level, grabbed a couple more drinks, and forgot all about Peter and Paul downstairs.
Probably an hour or so later, Pearl and I were leaving the Iron Horse. Her bike was out in front of the bar, so we stopped to get that before walking to the Metro. Since it had been raining earlier, she had a plastic bag tied around the seat. When we walked out of the bar, Peter and Paul were outside smoking, and the friend Paul mentioned to me earlier was with them. Pearl unlocked her bike from the bike rack when Peter and Paul started talking to her. The friend, Larry, introduced himself to me, then began chatting with me. I wasn’t really interested in what he had to say until he said “a guy I know was blinded by a prostitute.” When somebody tells you something like that, you owe it to them – and to yourself – to listen, and listen I did. This is how our conversation went:
Larry: A guy I know was blinded by a prostitute.
Larry: Yeah, he was blinded by a prostitute…or hooker. I don’t know, whatever they prefer to be called.
Larry: I guess it isn’t fair to say she totally blinded him because he was already blind in one eye because of a car accident, but she took care of the other eye. He called her up because he loved having girls sit on his face, and he told me she rode him hard. It caused some hemorrhaging or something, and he wound up losing the eye.
Larry: She was all “ ride ’em, cowboy! ” going hog wild and shit! That’s how I want to go out, man! What a lucky guy!
Me: I don’t know if “lucky” is the word I’d use.
Larry: He said it was totally worth it. I mean I’d probably try it too. [Larry looks at the plastic bag on the bike seat] Can I have that plastic bag?
Me: My friend is using it to keep the bike seat dry.
Me: You want…to smell…the plastic…bag? I’m going to say no.
Larry: Remember that story I told you about my blind friend?
Larry: Yeah, that one. *motions at Pearl* Do you think your friend would be down? I mean if you’re cool with it.
Me: Down for what? Cool with what?
Larry: Hey, man, be cool. Be cool. [Larry starts gesturing with his hands while telling me to be cool] I’m asking you if it’s cool. Is it cool? Are you cool? Be cool, man.
Me: Be cool with what? I’m still not clear what you’re asking me here. What do you want to know?
Larry: I want to know if you’re cool and if she’s down. Are you cool with it? Is she down?
Me: She’s not my property, so I won’t speak for her. I believe in letting people make their own decisions, so if you want to know, you should ask her yourself. [I turned to Pearl] Pearl, this guy has a question for you.
Larry: Hey, be cool! You said you were cool, man!
It was clear to me that Larry was riled up at that point, as were both Peter and Paul, so I told Pearl we should probably get going. She seemed to think it was a good idea too, so we headed to the Metro. While we were riding the Metro back home, Pearl tells me “I can’t believe you left me to talk to those two weirdos outside the bar.” Incredulous at the accusation, I said “you think you were talking to weirdos? Let me tell you about the guy I was talking to.” When I told her about the guy whose smother fetishist friend was blinded by a prostitute and who wanted to smell the plastic bag on her bike seat and to know if she “was down” (presumably to sit on his face, possibly with the hope that she’d blind him as his friend was blinded), she conceded that I talked to the weirder guy in the group.
Filed Under: Story time Tagged With: Plastic Bag , Weirdos
More of a question! Have you got any other stories?!?!
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(Special trade with the lovely ~VoreToons ( starring their OC Rosie! Also just in time for her birthday. Happy Birthday bud ^w^)

  Adam was a small little boy, and quite shy. Didn't have too many friends and was pretty much an outcast in his class. Currently, during recess, the little 3rd grader hide behind a nearby tree in the playground, looking at the target of his affections: Miranda. Miranda was a cute little brunette, with curly hair and loved wearing cute pink dresses. Adam had a crush on her for a long time, and always wanted to tell her how she felt. There she was, giggling and conversing with her friends by the benches. Ad
Cindy was a 12 year old girl who was living with her huge mother. She was a professional wrestler. She stood around 7'1 and weighs 600 pounds. She calls herself "The Mistress" Her daughter, Cindy stood around 4'7 and weighs 65 pounds. One day, Cindy was sitting at her watching TV in the living room when her massive mother walked in. "Sweetie, did you did your homework?" She said, placing her hand on her hip. "Yes, i did, mom." Cindy said, looking up at her. "Good. Did you get an A+ on your History test?" She asked, smiling. "Yep! I aced it." She said with a huge smile on her face. "That's good, sweetie! You know what that means, right?" "Uhhh
villalbaangel354 wanted an OC story involving Moona using her 'Fat Shifting' ability to please her little son Suni OC Info: Moona OC Suni OC
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Strangely my most used character has a similar ability. Didn't even know you had this when I made Beurre
(Just a cute OC story with Moona and Suni as requested by villalbaangel354 involving Moona's special 'Fat Shifting' ability)   Suni was home after a long day of school. He had too much homework to do and was a little stressed from all of it. He had hoped his mother, Moona, would get home soon; just looking at a smile from her pudgy face was enough to cheer up the young shy boy. While doing his work on the kitchen table, Moona finally walked in. “Why hello my baby boy!” that Moona, she was always so cheerful even when she got home from her rigorous job, Suni wondered how she did it. “Oh, h-hi mom,” whispered Suni, waving to his chubby mother. He was always a quiet and nervous boy, even when around his mother. She was extremely beautiful after all, like a fat beautiful light-brown cloud.
           “Aww, what’s wrong darling, had a hard day at school?” Moona asked, wrapping her chubby arms around the sitting boy. The short guy blushed at this action, her arms were soft and warm; he loved being hugged by her. “Y-Yeah a little bit, I’m just r-really tired from today,” said Suni, moving his hands on her soft arms. Just then Moona had a nice idea to help relieve the little boy. “C’mere sweetie, let me relax you,” Moona lifted the boy up from his seat and carried him to the living room like a baby. “M-Mom, w-what are you-” Suni was blushing like crazy as he was plopped on the colossal couch. They needed an extra-large couch to take in all of Moona’s massive behind.
           “I wanna show you something to help cheer you up,” Moona winked at her little son who was still blushing from being picked up like a fragile doll. “W-What is it M-Mama,” Suni knew much about Moona’s special abilities, but was always surprised when it came to how she used them. “Just a little bit of… this ,” just then, Moona stretched her arms over her head and swayed her wide hips back and forth, almost like a belly dancer, jiggling her tummy with each movement. “N-N-Nice dance mom,” Suni said clapping slowly watching her little dance. “Oh this isn’t it baby,” during her dance, strange gurgles resonated from her fluffy body parts. The fat on her arms, legs, and belly began to shrink leisurely. But her breasts and hips…they grew… Huge!
           “M-Mom?” questioned Suni as he looked at her. Moona’s boobs increased to goddess like size, easily surpassing the size of any standard woman, it was surprising her dark blue top was still able to hold those colossal milk pillows in. Her butt…it was also increasing to a tremendous size. Her cheeks easily stretched a couple feet behind her, and those thighs… they effortlessly became several times the size they usually were, and they usually were already super huge. Her black jeans stretched, tearing a bit on her knees. Those massive thighs would put his goddess grandmother Stara to shame. After they were done swelling up, Moona posed for the little boy.
           “So, what do you think sweetie? Don’t I look lovely,” Moona chuckled, moving closer to her boy, wagging her marvelous breasts uncomfortably close to his innocent face. He looked away covering his face with his little hands, hiding his crimson blush from his now curvy queen of a mother. “Y-Y-You look very pretty mother,” he stuttered, not wanting to offend the milf. Just then, Moona jumped in excitement: “Oh baby! Thank you!” She grabbed the little boy and hugged him. Hugged him tight to her mountainous chest. The boy shivered in nervousness from the embrace. She was warm and soft , and a little bit sweaty. Her scent was mesmerizing, like roses and coconut. His tiny body sank in the tan flesh, her breasts were so large that they swallowed him completely in her cleavage. His body couldn’t even be seen, only his little head popped out from between the two pillows.
           A large kiss made its way to the boy’s face, Moona smooched him multiple times, covering him in light-purple kiss marks. Suni was squeaking like a delicate little mouse; the kisses on his face and the boobs squeezing his body, it was too much for the lucky little youngster. “M-Mommy, I-I…” Suni tried to talk but his face was overwhelmed by her fat lips. “Oh baby boy, you like mama’s boobies don’t you,” said Moona as she bounced the boy up and down in her cleavage. Suni had to be honest, his mother was amazing, “Y-Yeah, it f-feels really g-good,” he finally said. Moona hummed a little tune to soothe her small son, hugging him like a teddy bear, feeling so loving as her heartbeat synced with his steady breathing.
           “Now…” unexpectedly, Moona pulled the boy from her boobs with a pop. “Let’s do something else, something a little warmer .” Moona sat down on the couch, the whole thing nearly indented as her massive ass crushed the cushions. “W-What do you m-mean mom,” asked the naïve young boy. She spread her legs apart and dropped her son down; there was a little bit of space between them. Suni looked up at his curvy mama, she could barely see her face as it was hidden by her wide boobs that stuck out a couple feet ahead of her. While he was in between her colossal legs, a nice heat was emanating from her and it soothed him. He wasn’t even touching those meaty thighs and he was already being washed by their heat, “Uh, mom?”
           “Okay baby…now let mama squish you,” her voiced felt like butter to his ears, so warm and motherly. It distracted him from the fact that she began to close her legs around him! Those massive thighs, much wider than him, closed down around him, swallowing him between hot soft muscles. Suni yelped in surprise as her legs sandwiched him, the cloth of her jeans felt good on his body and the sweet smell of her crotch was strong. Suni completely disappeared in Moona’s loins; the chubby mother always only noticed how tiny Suni really was when he was smushed so easily by taller and larger woman. “Oh baby, Suni you feel so nice. All snug and trapped between my legs,” she laughed as she rubbed her thighs together, rolling around the boy.
           All little Suni could see was darkness and little creaks of light from the outside world. He was packed so tightly between the legs and the heat and softness made him so aroused. “M-M-M-Mom…” he tried letting out, but his words were muffled under the fat of her tree-trunk thighs. Moona could slightly hear her boy, “So little Suni, you feeling better, has my boobs and thighs relieved your stress, I sure hope so. Not a lot of people have ever been snuggled up between these divine thighs!” Moona said so stoically, yet so maternally.


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