Breaking Up With A Gemini Man

Breaking Up With A Gemini Man


Breaking Up With A Gemini Man
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Gemini men are the kind of men that go through many relationships in their life. When they love you, they will hold on tight.
However, when they know it’s time to say goodbye, they’ll do it without a second thought.
Ruled by the planet Mercury, communication is everything to the Gemini man , and he’s the type of man that will text you 100 times a day, and phone you in-between. He does this because his ruling planet compels him to do so.
If you’re breaking up, it cuts him hard, as he‘ll feel like he has lost his best friend and the person he communicates with most in life!
The following article covers what you need to know about Gemini men and break-ups!
If you and your Gemini man had a relationship that was built on a lot of love, there are two ways he’ll break up with you. He will either break up with you in person, or call you and tell you that the relationship doesn’t serve him anymore.
Perhaps you’ve only been dating for a short while, then your Gemini man may just send you a text message expressing that he has decided to break up with you.
It’s not the nicest way to do things, but Gemini is not a deeply emotional sign , and will want to communicate efficiently and quickly.
The most obvious way you’ll know if a Gemini man is done with you is the instant lack of communication. He will stop sending text messages, and will stop calling you.
He’ll kind of just disappear, and only reply when you contact him first.
His weekends will suddenly be filled with activities where he hangs out alone with his buddies.
Geminis are always busy, constantly moving and doing things – they fall under the Mutable modality and are fluid in their minds and actions.
He may carry on having sex with you, but there won’t be too much eye contact or emotional connection.
If you live together, he’ll constantly be on social media or talking with his other friends, or playing video games. There won’t be much attention on you.
There is a high probability that a Gemini man will get back together with his ex. If the two of you have broken up, and he hasn’t really been able to connect with another woman, you’ll be hearing from him after a few months.
However, he won’t call you, for fear that you won’t pick up the phone. He’ll send you text messages on WhatsApp, to make sure that you’ve read his messages.
Only if you don’t reply, will he then call and talk to you about getting together again.
It’s important to remember that you’re dealing with a Gemini – and he has tons of people to communicate with each minute of every day.
The best way of getting him back is to simply give him space and not contact him. Let him miss you, and the fire within his heart may start burning for you again. 
Gemini men don’t like being alone, and do miss their ex. They need people to communicate with every day.
Often their girlfriends are their best friends, and they need them in their lives to talk to about everything. Without their girlfriends in their lives, there will often be a void in their hearts.
Geminis have to be busy all the time.
No doubt, when the two of you were together, you were doing many things together. You were going places, seeing sights, tasting great food at restaurants, and watching movies – of course he will miss you!
Gemini men deal with break-ups by immediately getting onto social media and other forms of communication, and talking to as many people as possible. It’s the easiest way for them to get their minds off you. 
They may also hit the road with their favorite playlist, and just go for drives to think things through. Geminis find it hard to deal with painful emotions, and will try to get involved in as many activities as possible, as not to feel any emotional pain.
Since the two of you aren’t watching movies together anymore, checking out the newest bookstores, or texting each other back and forth, your Gemini ex will:
Gemini is the sign of duality, and he’s going to see as many other girls as he can, often seeing two girls at once, until he finds someone perfect to fill the void in his heart.
He needs to be loved, it’s the biggest expression of communication.
Geminis are communicative men and if they’re not being verbal, they often write down their feelings. Some of the best poets and rappers have been, and still are, Geminis.
Famous Gemini poets include W.B. Yeats, Allen Ginsberg, Alexander Pope, and Gwendolyn Brooks.
Famous Gemini rappers include Kanye West, the late Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G, Ice Cube, as well as Iggy Azalea, and more!
Gemini men will sit with a notebook and pen, and will write endless poetry about love lost, and will diarize their feelings.
However, the difference between Gemini men and women, is the fact that Gemini women may post on Facebook how they feel, while Gemini men won’t. 
Sometimes, a man just wants his car to drive around the streets at night – and this is ever so true with a Gemini. Geminis rule transport and short-distance travel (Sagittarius rules long-distance travel).
Geminis will get into their cars, and just think about things while they hit the open road. They may even play songs that remind them of you!
Without you there, Gemini will feel the need to do something that appeals to his mind.
Nothing does this better than studying. He may enroll in a course – nothing too long, but a short course to occupy his mind and add to his skills.
Your Gemini ex will enjoy the fact that he will have the opportunity to socialize and meet new people as well. He needs to be around people to feel his best!
Geminis enjoy reading, and he may just download a ton of books to read, and keep him occupied.
He’ll enjoy fantasy stories, and anything that keeps his mind off the pain he may be going through!
He may also start playing video games.
If your Gemini man doesn’t return to your heart, so what? There’s so many other “fish in the sea” that are ready to “take your bait” and make you happy!
You’re beautiful, and worthy of the most wonderful love!
Go have fun with your friends, and do everything you used to do that filled your heart, and in no time at all you’ll have the most awesome love-life again! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
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Gemini ends the affair when he or she gets bored or when a partner makes to many emotional demands. While the affair may appear to end suddenly, Gemini has no doubt been secretly unhappy for a long time. Once a decision to end the affair has been made it will be irrevocable and Gemini will merely freeze the lover out or vanish. If a partner ends the relationship, Gemini will be deeply insecure and at a loss. Gemini will mask these feelings from the outside world with a display of dazzling confidence, while continuing to search for that elusive soul mate.
Rule number one: don’t treat him like a fool. It always sucks to be dumped, and he’s played both roles - dumper and dumpee - many times. So he can handle it. But don’t you dare take the avoidant route with him. Say what’s on your mind. He’s a talker and will probably want to "work it through." But if the fire is out, don’t worry too much about him. He’s got plenty of friends to dish you with, and he’ll secretly be happy on some level to have the chance to experience someone newer and more interesting than you. Now do you feel as if you’ve just been dumped?
♉ Taurus in Love ♥ — ready to rush into the pool of feelings literally headlong. Love of Taurus is born slowly, flows like a trickle, turning into a river, then to become an immense sea. From this moment, neither he nor his partner can stop. The ideal spouse for them is someone who is constant and true, perhaps this is another sign of the earth.

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A Gemini man after a breakup can be full of surprises. He’s not the type to hold a grudge or create drama.
He may have moved on, but he’ll usually want to remain friends.
The first rule to bear in mind is that just because a Gemini guy breaks up with you, doesn’t mean it’s really over. Gemini men are notoriously indecisive.
If you follow a no contact rule with a Gemini man after a breakup, you’ll miss the opportunity to get back with him. To him, a breakup is a revolving door, not a dead end.
He’ll often try to stay friends as a way of keeping you in his life while he tries to decide what he wants to do. It’s best not to rule out a second chance.
When a Gemini and Libra breakup or when a Gemini man breaks up with just about anyone, he may move on quickly. It’s a mistake to assume he never took the relationship seriously in the first place. This is usually not the case at all.
A Gemini man may have found someone new, but this is usually just a matter of satisfying his desire for companionship. Geminis hate to be alone. They always need the attention and stimulation of another person.
Often, Gemini men will go on the rebound and often these rebound relationships will be superficial and won’t last long. Plus, his rebound relationship is actually a good sign. It is an indicator that he is more likely to think about you.
He’ll mentally compare his new love interest to you in every way, analyzing what is different in the new relationship. When he’s quick to move on it also means he’ll be quick to miss you because things just aren’t the same.
Don’t expect a Gemini man to dig deep and express vulnerable feelings. Instead, even after a breakup when he’s really hurt and missing you, he’ll try to act like everything is fine. Once again, you may take this to mean he never really cared about you.
To make this assumption is a mistake. A Gemini man simply hides from emotion, regardless of the situation. He’ll never show vulnerability. It’s just not his style.
Don’t interpret his casual demeanor as a sign that he was never really into you. Chances are good that even if he’s laughing and joking with friends on the outside, he’s hurting and misses you deep down. He’ll just try to hide his sadness from you and from himself.
A Gemini man will try to remain friends no matter what. His is the sign of friendship and he prides himself on having many connections and friends dating back to childhood. He’s good at being diplomatic.
Even if you both have hurt feelings, he’ll try his best to keep the peace and stay in touch. If it is too much for you to maintain a friendship at first because your feelings are hurt, the best thing to do is keep a distance for the sake of boundaries, but keep communication light and friendly.
There may come a time when you find it easier to talk with him. This may also coincide with his change in heart. Gemini men can easily fall in and out of love with friends and can fall back in love once he feels like the pressure is off.
When a Gemini man is done with you, he may still try to keep up appearances. He may communicate and still tell you he loves you, but if you pay close attention you’ll see he’s become ambivalent.
He may put less emotion into the relationship or act indifferent about whether or not you see each other for a date. He may also start to express doubts or disappointments about the relationship. At the same time, he’ll insist he wants to work things out.
A Gemini guy can linger in this indecisive state for months or even years. Just as he fears committing to a relationship, he can also fear committing to ending a relationship. He may drag this pre-breakup-phase out for an extended time.
One of the more surprising things a Gemini man will do after a breakup is to act like he’s infatuated with you all over again. This is because sometimes all he really needed was a break in order to recharge and chase you.
Sometimes a Gemini guy will ask for a breakup when he really just needed some downtime to figure out what he wants. Sometimes he just needed the pressure and expectations to be lifted.
As a friend rather than a boyfriend, a Gemini man feels free to be himself again. This can mean that he will be more likely to flirt with or chase you. He will feel more comfortable with his romantic feelings and may try to be friends with benefits or go back and forth between dating and friendship.
Sometimes, a Gemini man doesn’t really know what he wants. He may break up with you, or drive you to breaking up with him, as a way to step back. From this vantage point, he will try to test the waters. He may experiment with friendship, dating and sex to see if you are really the one.
If he’s testing boundaries, it can be a sign he’s not serious. If you’re wondering how to know if a Gemini guy is playing you, pay attention to his other signals. If he’s serious about you but not sure about what he wants, he’ll at least try to experiment with more committed forms of relationship.
He may also test his own boundaries to see what feels right to him. Unfortunately, if you become too connected or attached, this can be heartbreaking and confusing for you. It’s best to try to keep feelings in check.
Will a Gemini man regret losing you? Quite possibly, he will. Yet Gemini men suffer from a constant feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. He’ll miss you when you’re not around but as soon as you’re back together, he’ll feel restless and dissatisfied again.
Gemini men have difficulties with decisions and commitments. A Gemini guy can be indecisive because he loves the idea of a relationship but he doesn’t always like to do the heavy lifting involved.
Relationships require work and personal investment and Gemini guys love to keep things superficial and interesting. When it’s fun and exciting, they’re all in. As soon as things get serious, he may panic or become bored.
A Gemini guy may run hot and cold for years for this reason. He may chronically break up with someone he loves because he’s gone into panic mode or become bored. When he’s truly ready to settle down, he may relax and commit to the relationship. But it can take him a while to reach this point.
What happens when you ignore a Gemini man? A few scenarios are possible. He may assume you’re not interested and move on. He may also become more curious about you and chase you again. This is the desired outcome and so often it’s worth the risk to ignore him.
The key is to ignore him for a little while and then check back in. Sometimes, Gemini needs space in order to realize he really does miss you. It can take some time for him to reach this point.
He may act aloof after a breakup. If he does this, he’s either hiding his deeper hurt feelings or he’s trying to take a step back from the relationship to decide what he really wants.
When a Gemini man is acting aloof, he may not contact you. He may also take a long time to reply to your text messages. He’ll act like he’s avoiding you. Don’t chase him when this happens. Give him space to become curious about you and touch base to see how you are doing.
If a Gemini man is heartbroken, he won’t show it. He may reveal it to only his closest friends. On the surface, he’ll try to act as if nothing is wrong. If he can’t pretend not to be hurt, he may simply go quiet.
It’s important to understand just how unusual it is for a Gemini man to be lost for words. If he’s quiet it either means he’s dealing with deeper emotions and doesn’t want to admit to it or he’s taking a break from communication in order to catch up with other friends.
After a breakup, if a Gemini man goes quiet it can also mean he’s angry with you but these deeper feelings don’t usually last long. Whether he’s angry or heartbroken, a Gemini man will usually cool off and then try to reach back out to have some ongoing contact with you.
If you want to know how to get revenge on a Gemini man, the worst thing you can do is to tell his secrets or insult his intellect. If you do these things, he may go silent for a longer time or perhaps even permanently.
If you’re wondering what to do when a Gemini man ignores you , the best thing to do is keep yourself busy and give him time. Eventually, you’ll hear from him again.
A Gemini man may celebrate his newfound freedom after a breakup by traveling. His is the sign of travel and communication. He may announce on social media that he’s taking off for a road trip or traveling across the country.
This is something a Gemini man does to heal his heart and distract himself from the pain of losing you. It’s best to let him go and not try to contact him.
At some point along the way, he’ll start to think the trip would be better if you were there. If you want to know how to make a Gemini man miss you after a breakup, let him go and step back.
He needs a mental “reset,” and traveling gives him this opportunity. In no time, he’ll be thinking about you and wanting to know what is going on in your life. Let him reach out to you first.
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