Breaking Up With A Gemini

Breaking Up With A Gemini


Breaking Up With A Gemini
by Denise March 31, 2019, 6:58 pm
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Those looking to break up with a Gemini woman may need to take a closer look at their relationship because their Twin partner may be one foot out the door already.
It’s just impossible for her to stay around for too long, especially when feeling a heartbreak is going to follow. People who are looking for closure should avoid being with Geminis because these are not known for spending too much time being intimate. Furthermore, they don’t like individuals who are feeling sorry for themselves or who can’t stop expressing their emotions.
Top 5 things to know about the breakup with a Gemini woman:
Gemini women can easily move on after a failed relationship. As soon as they’re no longer with a person, they have this need to change the rules of the connection, not having a problem to become even friends with benefits with their ex.
Everyone knows the Gemini woman can wander around and flirt with many men, not to mention she’s also famous for rapidly deciding to be with a person and shortly after to break up with him in the same manner.
The Gemini woman is all about not getting bored, so as soon as she’s no longer paying attention, she’s lost forever. Those easily trusting others and who are thinking all people are reliable will never even see this woman coming up with her ideas.
It’s possible for her to just give a call to her exes from time to time. They should answer but get out of the conversation as fast as possible or else they may end up being told, to every little detail, about what they’ve done wrong in the relationship with her.
She may even insult, only to say sorry afterwards, but not necessarily all the time.
All the breakups involving this lady have taken her a while before starting to affect her emotions because she has this amazing mind that she uses to protect herself from getting hurt.
When approaching any kind of problem intellectually, this woman gets to feel just fine. She seems to learn very fast, but not when it comes to what she has to do in case of a breakup.
She can even be so innocent that she’s trusting the same separation scenario all over again. She should be really appreciated for not allowing her emotions to take over and for getting over her exes without too much struggle.
When in a relationship, the Gemini woman is fun , playful and charming, but not only with her man, with others as well. Being an Air sign, she can’t be tied down and is highly intelligent or able to fascinate men just by passing through.
Being sociable and open, she can simply charm people at different social gatherings and have no inhibition while doing it.
The men who dumped the Gemini woman are surely missing her, but she moved on from them a long time ago.
Friendly as she is, this woman loves being at parties and social gatherings, so she’ll all the time meet new people, not having any time to text her exes. And even if she may think of doing it, she won’t take action.
She may be easygoing, but her strength is twice more present in her. It’s suggested from the man who breaks up with this lady to no longer see her afterwards.
He can say they’ll still be friends, but this shouldn’t be done right away because it may cause a lot of confusion and make it more difficult for both partners to let go.
When two people have had feelings for each other, the break after the separation is absolutely necessary for the period of getting over each other to pass.
Not seeing one another and not chatting is the only way for this to happen. The man who wants to break up with the Gemini woman should be sure of what he wants and that he’s not acting out of impulse, only to regret his actions later.
A final decision needs to be made, and whatever this may be, the Gemini woman shouldn’t be allowed to convince him of anything else. It may be difficult for both of them to part ways, but if this is the right thing to do, they should just go ahead and proceed with it.
The Gemini woman needs to know she’s not to blame for the breakup and that she’s an amazing person, but the relationship simply didn’t work out.
Her soon-to-be ex should say they both did some wrong things and that couples don’t last forever, especially the ones not meant to be. She should have confidence all the time while this is happening.
This woman hates being wrong more than anything else because it makes her feel humiliated, more than any other sign in the zodiac.
Therefore, she may get angry when being told she’s done a huge mistake, no matter if this is about forgetting to get home one night or not booking a vacation for her and her man.
She doesn’t like to confront others, but this doesn’t mean she can’t learn a lot from arguments and discover the fire burning in her.
When upset, she needs to be given space, but not all the space in the world. No one should tell her where she made a mistake or what she could have done to make a situation better.
She’s too stubborn to ever listen anyway, not to mention she’d probably think of the same things, only in her mind. It’s okay for this woman to know someone is being there for her and even to receive a lot of chocolates as a goodbye gift.
She’ll become nice again, as soon as finishing being upset. This lady doesn’t like disappointing herself in any way.
When she’s the one deciding to breakup, she may start to remember how good the single life was as soon as having the first though of separation.
She doesn’t like paying attention to what happened in her previous relationships, but she surely adores thinking about her single lifestyle. If there would be a way for her to be with someone and in the same time single, she’d be very happy.
The Gemini woman could never be in a boring relationship. As a matter of fact, she’d be desperate to escape such a situation. When dealing with a dull man, she begins to feel tired and depressed.
She won’t face him about the problem and is possible for her to have regrets after the breakup with him, but she’ll surely be happier. This lady can take anyone by surprise with her decisions.
She’s very good at pretending everything is okay, after which she could just suddenly say she’s no longer in love. The breakup with her can come out of nowhere and can hit like a thunderstorm.
Geminis can refuse to confront their partner even when breakup is just around the corner and things between them are sure to no longer last. The can just pretend everything is fine and that they’re doing it better than anyone.
Hating to argue with others, they’re selfishly hoping to just get dumped. Sometimes, it’s only up to them and they’re taking a lot of time, even falling in love with a new person and still feeling attached to the soon-to-be ex.
Their sign has the Twins as a symbol, so natives born in it have two faces that they’re both displaying during a breakup.
These people are all about communication and interacting with all kind of personalities, which is good because they can immediately admit to many of their friends that they’re over any relationship.
It’s possible for them to stalk their ex for a little while, but not in a mean way and not at all trying to obtain a confrontation from these people. It can be rare for them to say the first word about a breakup because they have all kind of mental strategies to convince their partner this is what he or she wants.
As a matter of fact, this is a classic move in their book of tricks. Loving to socialize, Geminis enjoy telling stories and talking in a dramatic way about how they’ve split up.
While many may accuse them of kissing and telling, they’ll justify all this with their process of healing. They shouldn’t be alone after a breakup because it’s possible for them to make a fool of themselves on their ex’s social media.
They’ll laugh when their heart will tell them to cry, not to mention they may call their former partner during the night and sob on the phone, just to make another call in the morning and to laugh all about it.
If they realize there was something illogical about their past relationship, they may start acting chaotically. A breakup can have them spinning around many emotions inside their heart because they have no idea how to deal with their own feelings.
Their only way for this is to bring about the balance in their life by making jokes all the time. It’s okay for these natives to laugh in this situation because they may really need it. It’s very likely they’ll sometimes end good friends with their exes as they’re flexible and able to learn from their past mistakes.
Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope .

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Are you contemplating a breakup with a Gemini man? Perhaps you’re wondering if he’s going to break it off with you. Either way, you’d like to know what it may be like when or if the time comes. Here are some things to keep in mind.
Often times, Gemini men will put off breaking it off even though he’s very unhappy and wants out. Why? Well, he doesn’t like confrontation or dealing with emotions.
This makes him want to put it off or avoid it. Instead, he’d rather cut you off in other ways to get YOU to get tired of him and want to break it off with him. If he does manage to break it off, it will be a strange and painful experience.
Gemini men often cannot deal with the emotions behind a breakup and thus will tend to keep checking on you to see if you’re alright. He’ll tell you that it’s over but then keep calling you or texting you.
Rest assured ladies, if he broke it off, he is DONE. Just because he keeps calling or texting does NOT mean he wants to get back together. It’s simply his guilt that keeps worrying about what you think of him.
He also doesn’t want others to think he was a horrible guy for breaking it off with you. So he’ll keep checking on you so that he can show others that he cares and isn’t being mean.
Even if he was mean to you, he will never let it appear that way and certainly doesn’t want to look like a Villain.
All of this makes a woman very confused and uncertain whether he truly means it when he says he is done with it or not. I can understand why it would feel this way.
Just keep in mind that if he does this, it’s to ease his own mind, not because he wants to make another go of it with you. Try not to let yourself believe anything else otherwise, you’ll get double the hurt.
Before he reaches the point of departure, the Gemini man will first give signals like spending less time with you, stop calling, stop texting, and stop answering your questions.
He’ll find reasons to not be available to you or for you. Again, this will be confusing because after he does break it off, he’ll do all these things again as though nothing happened.
It isn’t to get you back though. It’s to make him feel better about having broken your heart. His overcompensation of affection makes him look like a good guy who feels horrible for having ended it.
Do not buy into his guilt trip. If he was ok with treating you this way while you were still in his life, he doesn’t deserve to have you back. He doesn’t deserve your time or your affection.
He may also say really nasty things to you when he wants to break up. That also has something to do with trying to get you to do the deed and end it. It’s better for him if you do it because then he looks like the good guy.
Honestly, if you notice him treating you badly, kick him to the curb but not after telling him how cowardly it was to treat you like that.
One of the frustrating things about Gemini is that he has a dual personality. One personality may be done with you and decides to break up with you. Then when the other personality comes out, he feels bad and DOES want you back.
Be prepared ladies, there IS a possibility he may rebound with you. This means he may try to get you back once he realizes what his darker side did. It’s almost as though he has a hero and villain inside him.
What should you do? Run! Again I tell you that if he treats you horribly, he probably doesn’t deserve a second chance. Then again, sometimes love is so thick that it’s hard to say no.
If you find yourself in the position that you cannot refuse his proposal to get back together, be careful and don’t let it happen to you a second time. Watch for the signs and don’t let him hurt you again.
Guard your heart and make him earn it back over time. Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for being smashed into tiny bits once again as though the first time wasn’t enough.
Watch for the coldness, the lack of communication, and nasty comments. If you get wind of any of those things returning, head for the hills and save yourself.
The Gemini man sometimes will end things with his lady love if he wants to be able to plow another woman’s field. In other words, to ease his guilt of cheating, he’ll break it off, go have his fun, and then try to come back to you.
You should be able to recognize this behavior and nip it in the bud. If he ever leaves and you know it’s to go to another woman, don’t let him come back unless of course, you don’t mind him doing this to you.
All of the things I’ve mentioned in this article reveals that a Gemini can be very back and forth in relationships and breakups. You’ll really need to keep an eye out for how he acts.
Catch the signals before he starts heading down the wrong road and talk to him about things. You may be able to change the path that could be ahead for you and your Gemini man. It’s best to fully get to know his behavior.
While he can be hard to figure out, you can definitely see more than you could possibly imagine with the right guidance. Click here to learn more about the types of things Gemini men do.
Click this link here and when you scroll down to the bottom of the page click “ADD TO CART.” Once you complete your order, you will gain INSTANT access and can start understanding your Gemini man within minutes.
You will now receive 4 amazing guides PLUS my “VIP CONSULTING” to ask me anything — all for the price of just 1 guide! My Gemini Man Secrets helped THOUSANDS of women like you…understand, attract AND keep their special Gemini man, I’m sure it can do the same for you, too.
Ready to calculate your chances with your Gemini man?
Don't hesitate to take this fast, 9-questions test and see is there a future for you two!
I don’t want to believe it’s done. He’s told all these things. I want to believe he’ll come back. I really have no chance?
How did it go? Is it really over? I’m in the same
Liz, there is always a chance. Don’t wait for him though and instead do something about it. The longer a woman waits, the more difficult it becomes for him to believe you want him back. He has to like anyone else, sees and hears you want him back
Gemeni man, your comment makes not sense like most Gemini men. My experience with them so far proves them to be idiotic, manipulative, little brats. Who needs thier crap?Good riddance.
ya Ya… Looks like all the gemini man are stupid. As a gemini I can tell we love from our heart. When we love someone we made them like a queen in the world. But we only broke up when we find that our love women consider as our weakness. By the way I have been dating an aquarius women for 1 year and I did everything to make her happy. And finally I ended up with a broken heart. All I know among all the people gemini people get most hurt from a breakup.
Hi road_side! Thank you for your input as a Gemini man. I agree with you, all Gemini men are not bad or evil. What some women seem to be missing is that everyone has all 12 signs in their birth chart which means they also have Gemini in them. Also, moon signs, rising signs, etc all play a role in someone’s personality. There is much for women to learn and I think this is where my book “Gemini Man Secrets” can help them understand the sign better so they don’t cast them off.
Hi Liz! Without knowing your whole story with the Gemini man, it’s hard to tell you that you have no chance honey. NOTHING is ever impossible. I think perhaps it would benefit you from reading my book on Gemini man. It may help you understand him better, what you can do to work at getting him back if there IS a chance, and what would be the right way to approach him. There are things you can do, you are not helpless. Only give up if it seems that he is 100% done. Is that what your gut tells you? You’ve to got to trust your intuition, not a worry or sadness.
So I’m so confused, all last week and all last month even Saturday my ex was loving and texting me all the time he needed me and wants me . We were always messing around joking and when it came to conflict we got better as a couple and talked it out and went on with our day goofing around. Saturday he went to drill and was texting me all regular ( babe , I miss my baby with hearts , I love you and etc) when he gets back from drill he loves up in me and we go to the gym work out kiss and hug here and there. We later went to eat taking about our vacation days and joking around. We got home and called his parents and we’re taking funny pictures. Comes Sunday morning he looks at me and I smile at him when I wake up he later cry’s and sits next to me and tell me he doesn’t want to be with me. Of course I’m a great break moment and asking him what was wrong and he wanted me to leave to I did what he wanted. But im soooo confused !!! He said to me when I was packing where do we stand , if he could help me pack and that he would check up on me. When I was walking out the door he looked at me depressed and he wanted a hug I didn’t want to but I did and left. He says he needs to work on himself and I’m talking to his family and they tell me it’s normal because he did this is his past relationships. He would end it then come back. Now
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