Brazzers Teen Brother

Brazzers Teen Brother


By Katie Weston For Mailonline 10:09 BST 27 Jan 2021 , updated 10:11 BST 27 Jan 2021
A brother who fathered a disabled child with his own sister after he coerced her into an incestuous affair has been jailed for 32 months.
The man, then 24, from Bury, Greater Manchester, had sex with his teenage sibling on repeated occasions - sometimes at a house he was sharing with his girlfriend.
The sister, then 16, later gave birth to a daughter who was diagnosed with a physical disability which left her unable to walk. The baby was adopted by another relative and has since been told who her father is.
In a statement to police the sister, now 40, said she went to her brother's home because she was being bullied at school.
At Manchester Crown Court, the brother, now 47, and who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted incest.
The sister told police: 'I didn't want this to happen but he was the closest person I could go to. He was my brother. I loved him. Now I'm isolated and I don't have any family. It sticks in your brain forever. This has ruined my life.' 
The court heard the illicit encounters between the siblings began in the 1990s following the death of their father.
Just hours after the funeral the brother watched a pornographic movie at their family home in South Manchester then had sex with his sister saying: 'It's ok no one will know.'
Prosecutor Mr Alaric Bassano said: 'The next morning, the complainant felt awkward but nothing was said between the two of them. Shortly after he moved out to his own home where he lived with his girlfriend but further acts of incest took place.
'One morning, she went to see him when she should have been at school. She remembers being in her green school uniform and the defendant's girlfriend was in bed. Sexual intercourse took place between them before the defendant's girlfriend walked down the stairs and they had to act as if nothing had happened.
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'This sort of sexual activity took place regularly. She would skip school and go to the defendant's flat. Once or twice, if there were people at the defendant's flat, they would go upstairs and have sex on a mattress in the bedroom. She told police she was being bullied at school around this time and would go to his home.
'On one occasion she had acquired a bottle of tequila that she had taken from her mother after a row at home. She took it to the defendant's house and they drank it together.
'He then asked the complainant, "are you up for it". She didn't say yes and she didn't say no as she was "pretty much out of control" and she told the police she just lay on her back and let the room spin.
'Sometime after that that the complainant discovered that she was pregnant with the defendant's child. She knew that the baby was the defendant's but she had to lie to her mother.
'Eventually she told her mother but initially felt too guilty to go to the police because of the effect it would have on the family. The baby was adopted by the complainant's sister.
'When the girl was aged five, the complainant told her mother the truth and the defendant accepts that he is the father. The girl requires a wheelchair and breathing apparatus almost 24 hours a day and has a shorter than normal life expectancy.
'She expresses her anger at discovering during this investigation that the defendant is her biological father. But the Crown cannot and does not suggest there is a causal connection between her health difficulties and her parentage.'
The brother was arrested in October 2018 but denied wrongdoing in police interview.
His lawyer, Benjamin Knight, said: 'He knows this is something which should not have happened and must never happen again.
'His father died when he was in 20s and he took that exceptionally badly. He has a low risk of reoffending or committing further sexual offences, and a low risk of serious harm and sexual harm.'
Sentencing, Judge Hilary Manley told the defendant: 'What happened to your victim in childhood has ruined her life. What happened is stuck in her mind forever. 
'You were in your 20s and and living with your girlfriend but engaged in sexual activity with your sister who was still a child. She was extremely vulnerable.'
The brother was sentenced to 32 months in prison and will have to sign the Sex Offender Register for life.
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Brother who fathered a disabled child with his own 16-year-old sister is jailed for 32 months
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