Brazilian Woman Guts

Brazilian Woman Guts


Brazilian Woman Guts
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Two Russian men killed a 40 year old woman and they ate her

His body was severely damaged after a car accident


The brazilian woman was cut in half by murderers
Woman was found cut in half, covered in blankets. Her lower half body in a plastic bag, upper part with guts out in blankets
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The policeman opened fire in the cafe
How to slit a man's throat and empty his intestines. Instruction
Corpse with a gunshot wound to the head
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You are also a fucked up individual, you remember i made you as i insert my penis in your mom’s… - Cold-blooded murder of a mother in front of her children Sonderfuhrer, the woman in the vid mentions a video of a Kadyrovite chasing and killing a girl. Is there… - Corpses of Ukrainian soldiers
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As a result of the exchange of prisoners of war, 215 servicemen of the Azov…
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In connection with the difficult situation at the front, Putin prepared a decree on the…
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This guy, with multiple stab wounds in his stomach, had intestines falling out. However, the dude is awake and answering questions.
“Say your name please. Hugo Pereira da Silva. *notification sound* What? Hugo! Hugo, how you all can see, Hugo was stabbed. Right side, neck, shoulder, abdomen, arm. A hole in the head. I already called to hospital, since 7:30AM Like you all can see, he is completely bloody. And the hospital telling us to be patient.”
The rest is the recorder saying that if he die from medical negligence, it’s recorded.
Oh, thanks for the valuable clarifications!
Kill your self you racist retard, if I see you being racist again I’m going to make you look like the guy in the video you stupid fuck
Shut the fuck up subhuman nigger / mutilated tranny freak / kike.
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They say that Brazilian women are among the world's most beautiful, and these 7 lovely ladies certainly do nothing to disprove that notion!
Beatriz and Branca Feres Meet the double whammy that is designed to ensure some serious day dreaming... Read More
Meet the double whammy that is designed to ensure some serious day dreaming. The only thing better than one smoking hot Brazilian bombshell is…well…two of them!
These twin angels sent from heaven are not only beyond beautiful but they’re putting those perfectly sculpted bodies to good use as Olympic-level synchronized swimmers. Hey, it’s not their fault they’re more famous for their looks than their talent!
Daniella Cicarelli As a local TV hostess and Brazilian fashion model, she only grabbed the world’s a... Read More
As a local TV hostess and Brazilian fashion model, she only grabbed the world’s attention when she married the cross-dressing, tranny-loving soccer stud Ronaldo. The marriage only lasted for 86 days, but that was enough to catapault her to instant tabloid fame.
She 's done nothing to keep a low profile since then, and was recently caught on tape by paparazzi having sex on a public beach!
Alessandra Ambrosio When Tyra Banks calls someone the ‘future of the modeling world’ you’d sure as h... Read More
When Tyra Banks calls someone the ‘future of the modeling world’ you’d sure as hell better sit up and pay attention. Yet more proof that God loves Brazil more than the rest of the world, Alessandra Ambrosio is the next big runway star to emerge from the sunny South American nation.
Apparently Gisele let her crash in one of her apartments when she first started out and Adriana Lima taught her how to speak English. What wouldn’t we give to be a part of one of those tutoring sessions?!
Tais Araujo This Brazilian soap star became the first black actress to star in television there and ... Read More
This Brazilian soap star became the first black actress to star in television there and it’s really not hard to see why. Oh, and she can act as well!
One look at this sun-kissed beauty should have you saving fervently to buy that plane ticket to South America in hopes of finding some kind of lookalike on the streets of Rio. Wishful thinking of course but a man can dream, can’t he?
Alice Braga You don’t expect to be touched by exceptional beauty in a movie about the wretched favel... Read More
You don’t expect to be touched by exceptional beauty in a movie about the wretched favelas (slums) of Brazil like City of God but the face of Alice Braga adds just that to the dark film.
From then on, she’s continued to stun with both her performances and her unbelievably flawless looks. She's even starred in some big-budget Hollywood films like I Am Legend , an you can be sure that you're going to see a lot more of her in the years to come.
Gisele Bündchen Well, she’s the highest paid model in the world with an estimated net worth of $150 ... Read More
Well, she’s the highest paid model in the world with an estimated net worth of $150 million. Definitely an added bonus, but when you look at that kind of beauty all lavished on one gorgeous woman you’re bound to realize this one’s a catch even if she was living in a slum dealing crack for a living! 
She's married to American Football star Tom Brady and even though she's now a mother, she's no less sexy than when she ruled the runway as one of the world's most famous models!
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If you didn’t think she was going to be on this list, you could use a good neurologist. And if you don’t know who she is…well, we don’t have much to say to you. You know what they say about pictures speaking a thousand words, we’re pretty sure this one speaks a million. Did we mention how much we love Brazil?
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