Brazilian Teen Fucking

Brazilian Teen Fucking


Brazilian Teen Fucking
Brazilian student who had sex with Usain Bolt reveals his unusual pulling technique after their Olympic romp
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The Jamaican sprinter bedded her at the athletes' village after meeting at a Rio club
Usain Bolt has been snapped partying with a string of women from Rio to London, but the secret to his pulling power hasn't got anything do with his Olympic medals.
According to Brazilian student Jady Duarte, 20, who claims to have bedded the Jamaican sprinter while he partied in Rio after his Olympic success, Bolt made sure language was no barrier when it came to their steamy hook-up and used the Goggle translate phone app, to tell her just how much he fancied her.
"It was mainly just small talk and him telling me how beautiful I was," she told the MailOnline . "We used Google but I didn't need a translator to tell me that he wanted sex."
The pair met in Rio's upmarket club All In last week and Jady claims the sporting legend wasn't exactly shy when it came to introducing himself, apparently just walking over to her and her pals and pulling up his top.
"He was stood in front of us and suddenly he pulled up his shirt and showed us his six pack," she explained. "I had never seen anything like it. I just had to reach out and stroke it."
Jady claimed his body was so good, she didn't even realise who it belonged to: "It felt incredible. The muscles were as hard as stone. But I was paying so much attention to his abs that at first I didn't even notice it was Usain Bolt."
Jayde spilled some of Bolt's sex secrets in the tell-all interview where she said his sex track is Rihanna's song Work, "I think he likes to listen to it when he makes love" and that unlike on the track, he took things slowly.
"'I was expecting him to be fast but it was actually the slowest sex I've ever had. We did it for about 40 minutes then he took a couple of minutes rest before we did it again," she said.
Jayde continued: "It was very passionate and hot - we were devouring one another. He has the body of a champion although his male parts do not match - he is just like a regular guy."
While he might be one of the world's most famous athletes, the sprinter didn't splash out on a swanky hotel for the couple and instead whisked the student back to his digs, at the Olympic village where they got intimate in one of it's single beds.
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More information has come to light regarding the sexual abuse of a fifteen-year-old Brazilian girl who, in October, was placed in a jail cell with 30 some-odd men in the northeastern Brazilian state of Para. For those not familiar with the case, the teenager (pictured and flanked by family members) was arrested on suspicion of petty theft and then incarcerated for 26 days , during which time she was raped, tortured, and forced to barter sex for food. The police officers at the jail were complicit in her torture, and went so far as to shave her head with a knife to make her look like a boy. (The girl is under five feet tall and weighs about 80 pounds). Federal human rights official and lawyer Márcia Soares has taken on the young woman's case, and she tells the New York Times : "When I first saw her I thought she was 12, not 15."
A woman arrested on suspicion of theft in the Brazilian state of Para was put in a jail cell with…
Within her first two days in jail, a man raped her in the bathroom. Inmates rely on visiting relatives to bring food. With no such visits, extreme hunger soon overtook the girl and she began trading sex for food, investigators said. Other men, however, simply raped her when they wanted to, and tortured her for amusement, investigators said. Some placed crumpled papers between her toes as she slept and lighted them.
Though people who lived in close proximity to the jail heard the girl's screams, no one came forward. Her plight was discovered because someone sent an anonymous note to child protective services.
In other horrific women's news, the case of the young Aboriginal girl who was gang-raped is inspiring swift action. Following international outrage over the leniency of the original sentences handed down, the 10-year-old's assailants are going to be retried on January 30. Unfortunately, the judge who presided over the original trail, Sarah Bradley, is being defended by Queensland Law Society President Megan Mahon. "Personal attacks on any member of the judiciary are utterly intolerable and should be rejected completely," Mahon said in a public statement. "Neither the media nor any community group, however sincere and well-meaning their motives might be in this matter, should try and supplant the due process of our justice system which is a robust one with inbuilt checks and balances."
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The gang would produce the numbered tickets with the young girl that was up for grabs. Various girls were raffled, who were aged between eleven and 17
In our experience, families routinely push their young daughters into prostitution, and men seek the services of girls as young as 10 and 11 without an inhibitions, because it is rarely seen as a crime 

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Published: 09:14 BST, 15 September 2015 | Updated: 19:23 BST, 18 September 2015
Police are investigating after shocking claims underage girls in a Brazilian town are being offered as prizes in raffles and games of bingo.
In the world's sickest competition, depraved men in Encruzilhada, northeastern Brazil, are buying raffle tickets in which the winner gets a young girl to abuse, according to a local charity.
Hundreds of men have reportedly purchased the numbered tickets for as little as £5, with the draw eagerly awaited in the town and surrounding area.
A number of the raffles have also taken place offering virgin girls as prizes, with tickets sold at 'significantly' higher prices, it is alleged.
Depraved: Men meet weekly and take part in the raffle where young girls, like the ones pictured here, are raffled off as prizes for paedophiles to sexual abuse
Investigation: Police in Encruzilhada, northeastern Brazil, are probing claims the town has hosted illicit raffles and games of bingo where the prize is to rape girls as young as 11
Meanwhile, a venue in the town also organises weekly bingo nights where paedophiles play for the right to abuse underage girls, British charity Meninadanca claimed.
The organisation, which works with victims of sexual exploitation in the region, said the sick games happen 'in the light of day' and with the 'knowledge of most people - even the police.'
Local lawyer Michael Farias, who investigated the raffles, told MailOnline that the competition is so well known that men came from surrounding towns in the region, in the south of Brazil's state of Bahia. 
He said: 'The gang would produce the numbered tickets with the young girl that was up for grabs. Various girls were raffled, who were aged between eleven and 17.
'It was talked about by men for miles around, and tickets were sold far and wide. When the girl was found to be a virgin, the price of the tickets would go up significantly. The draw to find out which ticket holder would win the girl was a big event and awaited eagerly by these men.
'The gang made a lot of money from the abuse of the girls, who felt they had no choice.'
The shocking allegations will heap more pressure on Brazil to protect children and clamp down on child prostitution in the run up to next year's Rio de Janeiro Olympics.
Children's charities have warned of a surge in underage prostitution and trafficking because of the event, when the Latin American country is expected to receive more than 6.5 million foreign visitors.
Sickening: Tickets to the vile raffles are sold to men in the region for as little as £5, although the price is 'significantly' higher when the star prize is a young virgin, a report by a British-based charity claimed
Exploitation: Children's charity Meninadanca said that sex abuse and young prostitution in poor parts of rural Brazil are rife as people there turn a blind eye to the abuse
The country, where 40 million people live in extreme poverty, already has the second highest rate of child prostitution in the world, with studies estimating as many as half a million children involved in the sex trade.
According to the Meninadanca group, the abuses uncovered in southern Bahia state are typical of the country's rural, isolated towns in poor regions where young girls have traditionally been seen as a source of income.
The towns are situated close to the BR-116 motorway, Brazil's longest and busiest road, and dubbed the 'exploitation highway' because of the high rate of child prostitution found along it.
Warlei Torezani, from Meninadanca, said: 'As shocking as these reports are, we are not at all surprised to hear them.
'In many poor areas of rural Brazil, particularly those along major highways where prostitution is ingrained in the local culture, the sexual exploitation of children has become the norm and not the exception.
'In our experience, families routinely push their young daughters into prostitution, and men seek the services of girls as young as 10 and 11 without an inhibitions, because it is rarely seen as a crime.
'Often the people who are supposed to be protecting children from harm are the ones who are involved in the exploitation.
'The raffles and bingo of girls in Encruzilhada are no different. They take place in the light of day, with the knowledge and acquiesence of most people. Despite the actions of a few to try to stop them, most of those with the power to do so, including the police and social services, turn a blind eye.
Lawyer Michael Farias told MailOnline: 'The gang would produce the numbered tickets with the young girl that was up for grabs. Various girls were raffled, who were aged between eleven and 17.'
Probe: The police station in Encruzilhada, where the paedophile ring is being investigated. Detectives there have passed the file to state prosecutors 
'This isn't the image of Brazil that the government wants the world to know about, particularly as it hosts the greatest show on earth. But, tragically for thousands of young girls living in rural parts of the country, it is the reality.'
Fabio Dias, a children's councillor from neighbouring town Candido Sales, investigated separate claims that girls were prizes in bingos.
He said: 'We heard from a number of girls that in one house in the town men would go to play bingo. The girl was paraded in front of the players before the game, and whoever won would abuse her immediately in a room in the establishment.
'Many people knew about this bingo, and despite our reports to the police nothing has yet been done to stop it.
'I'm ashamed to say that in this part of our country child sexual exploitation has become a common part of life. Everybody knows where to go to find an underage girl, and parents think nothing of selling their own daughters. It is the shame of Brazil.'
Last night Arilando Botelho, Encruzilhada's civil police chief, confirmed an investigation into the raffles had taken place and was being studied by the town's public prosecutor's office.
The Meninadanca charity, which works with victims of child prostitution in remote parts of Brazil, is in the processing of setting up a safe house for girls in the region. 
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In Brazil, a young woman has decided to sell her virginity to the highest bidder. Shasta Darlington reports.
In Brazil, a young woman has decided to sell her virginity to the highest bidder. Shasta Darlington reports.
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