Brazilian Mother

Brazilian Mother


Brazilian Mother
Brazilian mother gives birth to two boys at the same time with different fathers
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“I was surprised by the results. I didn’t know this could happen,” said the mother of the two boys.
After giving birth to two boys fathered by two different men, one woman went back to the drawing board to see what happened to cause such an incident.
According to Globo, the new mother grew suspicious about the paternity of her twin boys as they approached their first birthday. From there, a test was conducted with the children’s suspected father, ultimately leaving the woman shocked when the test results came back positive for only one of the boys. “I remembered that I had had sex with another man and called him to take the test, which was positive,” said the unidentified woman. “I was surprised by the results. I didn’t know this could happen. They are very similar.”
The 19-year-old’s attending physician said that while the outcome in this case is extremely rare, it is quite possible. Dr. Tulio Jorge Franco broke down what actually happened to cause such a mishap. “It is possible to happen when two eggs by the same mother are fertilized by different men,” he explained. “The babies share the mother’s genetic material, but they grow in different placentas.”
Heteropaternal superfecundation is the medical term coined for the incident that took place. Biomedica describes it as an “extremely rare phenomenon that occurs when a second ova released during the same menstrual cycle is additionally fertilized by the sperm cells of a different man in separate sexual intercourse.” According to Dr. Franco, an occurrence like this is “one in a million” and something he never expected to witness in his lifetime. Furthermore, the doctor claims that there are only about 20 other instances in the world like it. A similar case occurred in 2015 when a New Jersey man was ordered to pay child support for one of two boys because he only fathered one of them.
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Josimare Gomes da Silva allegedly killed her 5-year-old daughter Brenda in gruesome style


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A Brazilian woman allegedly killed her 5-year-old daughter during a gruesome psychotic episode in which she gouged out the girl’s eyes before cutting out her tongue and eating it, according to a report.
Josimare Gomes da Silva, 30, was arrested Sunday at her home in the town of Sao Cristovao after the girl’s grandfather broke into the bathroom and discovered the horrifying scene, Newsflash reported.
He had noticed blood running from an outside drain after da Silva locked herself up inside the bathroom with her daughter, Brenda Carollyne Pereira da Silva, according to the report.
The grandfather found the mother praying in a daze as the lifeless girl lay beside her.
Investigators said the unhinged mother attacked Brenda with a pair off scissors while she was still alive, according to Newsflash.
Da Silva gave police a garbled statement the following morning in a number of languages including Spanish.
She reportedly denied gouging out her daughter’s eyes and putting her chopped tongue in her own mouth.
The woman, who is known to suffer from mental health issues including depression, is believed to have carried out the attack during a psychotic episode.
She was being held at a police station in Delmiro Gouveia and will be transferred to a women’s prison in the state capital of Maceio during the investigation.

Mother goddesses are present in all kinds of mythology around the world. They all bring the archetypical mother qualities: giving birth, nurturing, taking care, and teaching their offspring, for example. In Brazil, we have the influence of three big –- and totally different –- cultures that shaped customs and beliefs we have today.
In this post, I’ll bring some maternal figures from each of these three groups and how they are still alive in our culture today.
Jaci, or Jacira, is the mother goddess in Tupi-Guarani folklore. She is the moon goddess who gave birth to River Amazon and to all life forms. Tupi-Guarani is one of the indigenous peoples from Brazil. Their customs and beliefs are alive today.
Legend says that Jaci fell in love with Guaraci, the sun god. Guaraci started burning in infatuation and then he started setting fire on everything on earth. Jaci then started crying and couldn’t control her emotions. Both decided that it would be better if they were forever apart, preserving life.
So while Guaraci has his eyes open, Jaci remains hidden. When Guaraci sleeps, Jaci comes out, brightening up the dark sky.
As Jaci couldn’t see her lover she started crying again, but for sorrow. Her tears flooded the earth and created the River Amazon.
Yara, or Iara, is considered to be the “Brazilian siren”. She is often depicted as a beautiful mermaid who lives in rivers and lakes and lures fishermen who are overfishing to drown them.
There’s also another aspect of Iara which shows her as a goddess of love. Very much like the Orisha Oshun, or even the Greek goddess Aphrodite, Iara fills everyone’s heart with love.
It is said that Yara was a formidable warrior and hunter. She was the best one around and her brothers were jealous of her skills. As they couldn’t get better than her, they plotted to kill her! But Yara was wise, and she noticed the plot, killing her brothers first.
Her father got so nervous that he tried to kill her himself, throwing her in a river. Different kinds of fishes came and rescued her, taking her to the bottom of the river and rewarding her with special powers. She became a goddess and she started protecting the fresh waters.
Her importance is so big that, recently, she appeared on the news. A new virus was found in Lake Papulha, Belo Horizonte. Scientists described the virus as “alien” for its structure is totally unlike any other viruses. The most interesting part of this discovery is that the virus was named Yaravirus by Professor Jônatas Abrahão, for it was discovered on a lake, the domain of Yara.
As a matter of fact, this same professor who discovered and named Yaravirus also discovered and named Tupanvirus, the biggest known virus up-to-date (50x bigger than the average viruses). Tupavirus is named after Tupã, the greatest God of all in the Tupi-Guarani mythology.
Portuguese “colonized” Brazil from 1500 on. Later then, around 1540, they brought slaves from Africa. Apart from being enslaved, they were also obliged to abandon their faith in their gods. However, they were smarter and they kept most of their beliefs.
With time, they made some syncretism with the Catholic religion. Thus, two religions became very popular here and they are Umbanda and Candomblé. Both have their roots in the African customs and they rely on the magic of the Orishas, deities and spirits who carry and represent the powers of nature in Yorubá mythology.
Considered to be the mother of Orishás, Yemanjá is the most prominent deity of all of them. She is a mother goddess who protects everyone, mainly children, women and fisherman.
On February 2nd, thousands and thousands of people make their offerings to Yemanjá around Brazil. They all wear white and blue clothes and they carry boats with Yemanjá statues, treats and gifts towards the sea.
Once they arrive at the seashore, they send the boats adrift to Yemanjá and they ask for protection and fertility in return.
Although Yemanjá is an African deity, due to this syncretism process, it is pretty common to find her depicted as a pale-skinned woman. And, when this happens, she really bears a “Virgin Mary-ish” image.
In Salvador, Bahia, there is a monument dedicated to the Orishas. It’s called “Dique do Tororó”. Among the Orishas there, we can find Yemanjá and another mother Orisha: Oshun.
While Yemanjá reigns over the salt waters, Oshun, one of her daughters, reigns over the fresh waters. Oshun is the goddess of love and also fertility. She is the one who teaches her children how to control their emotions and desires. She also teaches how to value ourselves and how to apply self-love.
Oshun is always depicted wearing a yellow dress and holding a mirror, in which she is always admiring her own beauty. Sometimes she is also depicted as a pregnant woman, reinforcing her ability to give and sustain life.
It is said that she was always a curious woman and that nothing could stop her when she decided to have or to learn something. So, one day, she decided to learn how to read the Búzios, a type of divination method very common in Africa and in the religions such as Umbanda and Candombé cited above.
However, Ifá (the Orisha of divination) and Eshu (the trickster Orisha) refused to teach her, so she aked some sorcerers to help her and, in the end, she tricked Eshu and learnt the power of divination.
Today, the “Children of Oshun”, pray for her and ask for love, beauty, prosperity and protection.
In Porto Alegre, a capital in the south of Brazil, we can find a huge statue of Oshun and every year, on the 8th of December, people throw a big party for her.
In Catholic religion it is pretty common the appearances of Virgin Mary around the world. In each place she manifests, she gets a new name that is linked to the place itself or to things she does. For example, we have “Our Lady of Fatima” who appeared to three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917.
Here in Brazil, we have one of these manifestations which led to the construction of the biggest Catholic cathedral in the world, after the Vatican. This tale is known as “The Appearance of Our Lady”.
According to the tale, some fisherman decided to fish on the river Paraíba do Sul and serve a feast to a count called Dom Pedro de Almeida who would be visiting their city, Guaratinguetá. They knew however that it was not the fishing season, so they prayed to Mary for some help.
During the whole day, they caught no fish. When they were about to give up, they threw their net and caught a headless image of Mary. Then, throwing the net again they caught her head. Right after this, they had abundant fish for the feast, more than their small ship could handle.
After coming home, their story became popular throughout the whole country and people started visiting the image of Mary and praying for miracles. Even the prince and the princess — Brazil was still a Monarchy — visited the image.
In 1888 the temple was inaugurated and until today it expands. It became a centre of pilgrimage and people from all over the country go there on foot to offer prayers and gifts and to ask for miracles.
We’ve got many other references to “mothers” in our culture, but these ones are the biggest ones. Are you familiar with these stories? Please do share your thoughts on Twitter!
Daniel is the creator of Trismegistia, and runs the Santuário Lunar YouTube video channel and website, sharing historical, mythological and magical information. You can visit his website here .
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Published: 09:01 BST, 7 July 2020 | Updated: 09:29 BST, 7 July 2020
A mother who appeared to be the perfect parent strangled her 11-year-old son to death because she was fed up with him playing on his cell phone late into the night.
Police in Brazil said they charged Alexandra Dougokenski with Rafael's murder on Thursday, July 2 after she confessed to the shocking crime .
It comes just weeks after Rafael recorded a poem in which he expressed how much he loved his mother. 
In the poem, Rafael thanked his mother for looking after him and his brother and said that her smile meant 'everything' to him. 
Police in Brazil said they charged Alexandra Dougokenski with Rafael's murder on Thursday, July 2 after she confessed to the shocking crime. Above, mother and son pictured together 
The 33-year-old divorced mum of two initially tried to divert attention away from herself by claiming the child had run away from home following an argument over his behaviour. 
Investigators launched an extensive search, with the help of sniffer dogs and anxious family and friends, in the forest close to the family's house in Planato, Rio Grande do Sul state.
When the search failed to find the boy, she broke down and confessed that she had strangled him with a clothes line in a rage.
The suspect claimed she 'couldn't live with the lie anymore' and needed to offload the 'burden' on her conscience.
The body was found on May 25 in a large cardboard box in the garage of a neighbour's house (above) just six yards from the family's property
Ten days after he disappeared, she revealed where the schoolboy's remains had been hidden.
The body was found on May 25 in a large cardboard box in the garage of a neighbour's house just six yards from the family's property.
The badly decomposing corpse was wrapped in a sheet with a plastic bag placed over the head.
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