Brazil Foot Feet Domination

Brazil Foot Feet Domination


Brazil Foot Feet Domination
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The crowd cheered and roared as Vanessa delivered her final blow to her final opponent, her foe who's name she believed was Cecilia stumbled back several feet in a daze before collapsing after receiving a devastatingly powerful kick from Vanessa. The twenty-five year old raised her hands in victory as a voice boomed over the intercom. "And after performing a perfectly executed high kick, Vanessa has won! Ladies and gentlemen, the 26th annual regional Karate and martial arts tournament has its winner!" A hour or so later... Vanessa walked alone down a secluded path through a local park, it was around midnight and admittedly a bit creepy out but she didn't care. Still in her white Karate Gi robes and black belt also Vanessa wore a well earned smile thanks to her performance in the tournament, after years of training in low cost classes she was able to effortlessly defeat all ten of her opponents without receiving a single hit from any of them. "I still can't believe I won!" She said to herself, patting her pocket where prize money sat. "And I won $5000, I gotta cash the check fast, I'll actually be able to afford rent this month with money leftov-" Not far ahead of her a twig snapped, Vanessa paused for a moment but otherwise kept walking merrily until she heard the faint snapping of another twig. She came to halt and scanned her surroundings. The dirt trail she was on was in a rather remote corner of the park, aside from a meter of grass to either side there was nothing but thick forest to her left and right. She waited another moment before shrugging, every thirty or so feet was a lamppost that provided decent lighting so it was unlikely anything could sneak up on her. "Meh, probably just a squirrel and besides, if it's a mugger I can take him, I just won that tournament so I'm unstoppable." Vanessa said, she continued walking with her ponytail confidently bouncing behind her. The confident brunette walked six or seven more steps before the bushes off the side of the trail several meters away began to rustle. Vanessa stood there and watched as a young girl with short blonde hair and flipflops casually strolled out wearing a pair of black karate robes as well as a black belt. She couldn't be more than eighteen years old. "Um, hello?" Vanessa said after a few seconds of silence, upon reaching the dirt path the blonde kicked off her flipflops and began to walk towards Vanessa who took a step back. "Can..I help you? Wh-" "Hello, I'm Willow. Saw you win that tournament earlier today, you seemed like a half competent fighter." The girl said rather rudely with a confident grin, she came to a halt about two meters away and stood barefoot on the dirt trail. "I've beaten every capable fighter I could find. Karate, jujitsu, Taekwondo, MMA, boxing, I've beaten them all and have gotten pretty bored, you seem like you might put up a decent fight." "So you're challenging me to a sparring match? Uh, sorry kid it's late and I have things to do tomorrow so no thanks." Vanessa politely declined, after being called a 'half competent fighter' she'd love to kick the smug look off this Willows face but she had other things to do and as such, walked past the younger girl. "Hey!" Willow yelled, causing Vanessa to pause and turn around after barely walking two meters, the blonde girl was now facing her with a annoyed look on her face. "I wasn't asking you to fight me. I was telling you." "No I don't want to fight you, you look like your in high school kid. Now leave me alone, it's probably past your bedtime anyways." Vanessa said sternly, this only seemed to anger blonde girl and as she opened her mouth to speak again Vanessa suddenly found the bottom of Willows now slightly dirty foot flying towards her face. Vanessa was caught completely off guard by the unexpected attack but still managed to dodge it by jumping back though the kick had been so close to her face she could practically smell the blondes foot. Now a bit annoyed and angry as well Vanessa took up a fighting stance. "Okay then, if you want to lose that badly then fine. I've beaten ten people today, I can certainly take on a girl like you." Vanessa growled at the short and very unthreatening blonde girl before her. "You can try to beat me, it's not gonna happen though." Willow responded as a incredibly cocky grin came to her face. "I'll even let you make the first move." Confident she'd be victorious within several seconds Vanessa barely let the blonde finish speaking before lashing out with her first attack, she sent out a incredibly fast kick aimed for the arrogant blondes face. Vanessa was more than a little surprised as Willow effortlessly ducked under the attack, she was even more surprised as her opponent swept her leg out from beneath her sending Vanessa falling to her back with a loud thud. She laid there in the dirt with the young blonde towering over and looking down at her, a degrading smile was on her lips. "Wow! And I thought you'd be a competent fighter and your already on the ground, pathetic. How'd you make it past the first round in that tournament?" Willow asked, despite sounding almost disappointed she took a moment to laugh at the woman at her feet before taking several steps back and harshly ordering. "Okay, get up. Clearly you weren't nearly as good as I'd hoped, so I'll go easy." "Okay you're starting to get pretty annoying now." Vanessa said as she got to her feet, she was still pretty confident she could win as she faced the young blonde again. Vanessa lashed out with a punch she planned to follow up with a kick but instead Willow managed to effortlessly block her punch and before Vanessa could retaliate the blonde girl had moved in close and unloaded nearly a dozen lightning punches into her opponents stomach with enough strength Vanessa let out a embarrassingly loud cry of pain before she stepped back, nearly tripping as she made some distance between her and the young girl she'd clearly underestimated. "That..didn't even seem like a karate move." Vanessa said, she held her stomach in pain after receiving the dozen or so punches. "Well duh, it wasn't karate you dumbass, I've trained with experts in karate, Taekwondo, jujitsu, MMA, boxing and like ten more." Willow said, sounding both incredibly smug and conceited, she took several barefoot steps along the dirt trail towards her opponents. "I've trained with the best teachers money can buy. My parents are rich, I can train with whoever I want. And I can beat whoever I want." "Oh so your just some snobby little rich gi-" Vanessa began but her words turned to a pain filled grunt as the blonde lunged forward and delivered a powerful kick directly to where she'd been punched before. Vanessa stumbled back several feet and nearly tumbled back to the ground, she held onto her stomach. After being punched a dozen times then kicked it felt as if her organs were on fire but regardless of the pain she didn't intend to lose to such a cocky girl, she stood up straight just in time to find Willows left fist several inches from her face. Vanessa took the punch with barely any reaction but her confidence was immediately crushed as she felt the blonde move in and begin to deliver another barrage of punches and kicks directly to her stomach, with each back to back fit Vanessa was slowly pushed back until the duo were about fifty feet from where they had began. After nearly fifteen consecutive seconds of being both punched and kicked in the stomach and chest by the surprisingly powerful young blonde Vanessa was very happy that the constant attacks had ceased, at least for the moment. Barely able to stand, Vanessa somehow managed to keep from collapsing as she wiped some blonde from her lip, she was certainly going to have dozens of bruises by tomorrow. "So are you even going to fight back? You're allowed to fight back, you know that right?" Willow taunted, she quickly raised her arm as if she were about punch again and laughed as Vanessa flinched. "God, you're pathetic! I'm surprised they even let you join that tournament!" "Shut up you little brat!" Vanessa yelled, she lunged forward with a punch but Willow was far too quick. Before Vanessa could even process what was happening Willow had sidestepped, grabbed her arm and stuck her foot out causing Vanessa to trip and fly several feet before landing face first into the hard ground. Vanessa laid there for a moment, despite having just effortlessly won a martial arts tournament she seemed to be absolutely no match for this random eighteen year old. With her face in the dirt Vanessa could hear the blonde approaching, the sound of her bare feet on the dirty ground and the sounds of her demeaning laughter were the only noises around. As much as Vanessa hated to admit it, she felt a slight bit of fear towards her young foe but even still she was undeterred and determined to win. Alls she had to do was lay there on the ground, waiting for Willow to get close, she'd sweep the unsuspecting blondes legs and then she'd proceed to destroy her. "Done already? I've honestly fought five year olds more skilled than you, pathetic." Willow taunted with a humiliating laugh that echoed throughout the surrounding, a sinister yet satisfied look was on her face as she approached her unmoving opponent. "What? Did I accidentally kill you? Come on, you can't be that weak!" Finally Willow was within leg-sweeping distance, from her position face down on the ground Vanessa sprung into action. With great speed she got to her hands and knees, she kicked out with her leg and turned her head back just enough to see her foe and was immediately greeted with the dirty sole of Willows right foot which stomped down onto Vanessa's face with so much force it was a miracle she wasn't knocked unconscious. But still, the stomp to the face Vanessa had just received was more than enough to end the fight, the force from it was powerful enough to slam her face back into the dirt. It seemed obvious who the more skilled fighter was and as such Vanessa simply laid in disgrace and defeat at the snobby rich girls feet. After a moment or two Vanessa felt a powerful kick strike her side causing her to flinch as a yelp of pain escaped her lips. "Aww, come on..seriously? You're done already? That wasn't even a fight, get back up!" Willow ordered, she sounded like a taunting child and after a moment of waiting she grew impatient, she gave her opponent another powerful kick to the side before demanding in a more annoyed tone. "I said get up and fight me!" Vanessa reluctantly continued to keep her face in the dirt, most of her body ached from the blondes many savage attacks so she was in no rush to be further beaten. Though after Willow had placed several more kicks into her side Vanessa felt her levels of anger rising, just as she was about to spring to her feet she felt two hands grab her by the back of her shirt before being hoisted up into a standing position. Upon being forced to her feet Vanessa found she was in much more pain than she realized, her torso felt like she'd received multiple broken bones and organ damage and her head throbbed terribly. "There ya go! I knew you weren't done, not yet at least." Willow taunted, she gave her clearly beaten and bruised opponent a light shove that nearly caused her to collapse before she took several steps back. "Alright, come on, I'll even let you punch me once." Vanessa didn't respond, she wobbly took several steps toward the smirking blonde, she rose her arms into terrible fighting position that looked more like a old timey boxing stance than anything karate related. As she neared Willow she half expected the her young foe to attack but surprisingly she remained unmoving, seemingly on the verge of falling over Vanessa clumsily swung a fist towards Willows face, hitting her in the chin with enough force to just barely turn the blondes head. "Okay wow, that really was pathetic." Willow sighed, she almost sounded embarrassed for her older adversary. "Oh well, I think I'm just gonna hurt you some more now." Before Vanessa could utter a word Willow sent another powerful kick straight to her stomach, she stumbled back several feet but still the blonde kept up her assault. Not a moment after the kick Willow had ran forward, grabbed Vanessa by the shoulders and drove her knee straight into the brunettes stomach. Willow repeated her attack several times, Vanessa was practically powerless to resist and with every time the blondes knee slammed into her stomach Vanessa felt herself growing closer to collapsing in defeat for second time. Finally, after nearly thirty seconds of being kneed in the stomach and chest by a surprisingly powerful eighteen year old Vanessa felt a hand grab her ponytail, her head was forced downwards just as Willows knee came flying up. The blondes knee struck Vanessas face with so much force she stumbled backwards in a daze, her head throbbed and world spun in circles as if she were drunk, her body was beyond beaten and bruised as if she had been attacked by a angry bear and she was fairly certain her nose was bleeding as well. "Okay, I think it's time to end this. You're a fucking terrible fighter, you know that?" Willow scoffed, she sounded both disappointed and amused as she approached her barely standing opponent. Within seconds Vanessa's blurry vision was filled with a dirt covered sole, as Willows foot made contact Vanessa's face the thoroughly beaten brunette flew backwards several feet as if she'd been thrown before landing on her back with a loud and painful thud. Motionlessly laying in the dirt Vanessa's vision spun as stared upwards into the night sky above, it would have been a rather lovely sight if she hadn't just been utterly beaten and humiliated by a girl six years younger than her. Soon she found Willow standing alongside her, looking down with a degrading smile as if the blonde were looking down at a amusing bug. "Well, it looks like I overestimated you. A lot." Willow chuckled as she disappointedly shook her head, she lifted her right foot and hovered it above her fallen foe, her sole was covered in a foul amount of sweat and dirt. Vanessa had just enough time to observe the filth before the blonde casually lowered her foot and placed it lightly against her throat. "Well, fighting you may have been a complete waste of my time..but our fun isn't over yet! I have plenty of uses for a piece of worthless trash such as yourself." The instant the blonde had finished speaking Vanessa felt her foot press down against her throat with enough force to make her gag, after a second or two Willow didn't let up and only applied more pressure. That, along with Willows sinister words and the equally sinister expression on her face made Vanessa panic. She lifted her arms, placed her hand against the blondes foot and began to push. Having already been violently beaten Vanessa didn't have much strength and it showed, she desperately pushed against the foot that was choking her without managing to move it even slightly. "You'll have to try harder than that! Come on, push!" Willow laughed as she effortlessly crushed the brunettes throat beneath her sweat and dirt covered sole. "I don't plan on moving my foot, you'd better try harder!" Vanessa already felt her arms weakening, her lungs burned after barely ten seconds and with each passing moment it became more and more obvious she wasn't powerful enough to even slightly budge the blondes foot. She struggled for several more seconds, pushing up against Willows surprisingly revolting foot until she couldn't resist anymore, as her arms flopped to the ground Willow only let out a evil yet victorious laugh as she pressed her foot down harder. "I just beat your face to a bloody red pulp and now its turning blue, that doesn't seem very healthy." Willow said with a giggle, looking down in amusement at her currently half choked victim she wiggled her toes playfully. "How about this, I won't crush your throat under my cute little foot if you admit I'm the better fighter! Do that and then I'll gladly-" "You're the better fighter!" Vanessa wheezed, she found it unsurprisingly difficult to speak with a foot crushing her throat. "You're the better fighter!" To Vanessa's horror the evil smirk on Willows face grew wider as she pressed her foot down harder, the clearly defeated girls began to dim and diminish. Very much so panicking, Vanessa once again began to try and force the sadistic blondes foot from her throat, she squirmed and struggled as she pushed but it was obvious she was far too weak to even slightly budge Willows foot. With the sounds of Willows evil laughs of victory filling the air Vanessa reluctantly accepted her fate as she once again came to the realization that resisting was pointless. Just as Vanessa was on the verge of slipping into unconscious the sweat and dirt covered sole was lifted from her throat, immediately she rolled over to her hands and knees and began sucking in air. Behind her she heard the blonde continuing to laugh and degrade her for being so easily beaten, but Vanessa wasn't listening. She weakly began to crawl away from the demented blonde, she made it perhaps a meter before she heard the sound of approaching bare feet. Not a moment later Vanessa found her head speeding towards the ground as Willow stomped down on the back of her head, her already beaten and bloodied face once again smashed into the dirt and was painfully held in position by Willows foot which was firmly planted on the back of her head. "First I completely destroy you in a fight, then I nearly choke you to death with my foot and now you're trying to crawl away? I'm offended, our fun has only just begun!" Willow announced, she pressed her sole against her defeated foes head with all her might. "Now then, you're a utterly pathetic fighter but I have something even someone as useless as you can do. So here's what's going to happen, you're gonna do every thing I say, you're my foot slave tonight. You're my property, understand?" "Y-yes." Vanessa mumbled as her head was squashed underfoot, she had no idea what a foot slave was but it certainly had to be better than being used as a punching bag by a sadistic teen. "I knew you'd agree, hehe, we're going to have a lot of fun together." Willow said with excitement, she pushed her foot down for several more excruciatingly painful seconds before finally taking a few steps back, placing her feet side by side she spoke. "Alright foot slut, first you can kiss my feet." "..what?" Vanessa asked with a bit of disgust in her voice as she got to her hands and knees. "What do you mean 'what'? Are you deaf or just retarded?" Willow asked rudely, she pointed down to her feet and loudly ordered. "Kiss my feet, you piece of trash! Unless you'd prefer for the beating to continue?" "No no, I'll kiss them!" Vanessa stammered fearfully. She crawled forward a bit, without thinking she lowered herself and planted a kiss on the top of the blondes left foot. Vanessa began to pull back but was quickly corrected as Willow yelled out 'Keep kissing!', after flinching slightly from the blondes shouting Vanessa shoved her face back down. She placed several quick kisses atop Willows long and slender toes, in the dim lighting provided by the various lampposts along the path Vanessa was able to see that the short blonde girl had surprisingly large feet which were nicely tanned like the rest of her body. As Vanessa pressed her lips against the tops of Willows left foot a incredibly pungent stench floated to her nose that
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