Brazil Fart Lick

Brazil Fart Lick


Brazil Fart Lick
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"DON'T MAKE ME ANGRY!", I said, hitting a younger person (I'm 30, he's like... 25) until he bleeds. They called the ambulance, but the police did nothing, as he voluntarily entered the fight. Everyone was acclaiming, I felt so good knowing the true power of my fists. "ANYONE ELSE?", I shouted. Nobody wanted to fight me, as they knew I was really strong! *Text Message* Oh, look, my sister invited me to her house, I will really look forward to it, she usually cooks amazing foods and, after a fight, her nachos are delicious! It will be such an amazing dinner. I drive to her house, happily, and enter. My sister soon handcuffs me. I'm confused. "I heard you hit a person", she said. "Yes, I do it all the time", "That's not good! It's time for you to get punished!", "Please...", "You'll be smelling my daughter's farts!", "WHAT?!" "YES!!! You're going to cry a lot, hehehe...", said Melissa. Melissa is a 15 years old girl. She always had super stinky farts I've never been able to tolerate. Everytime she farts I have to go to another room, with tears falling from my eyes, and now I'm forced to smell them. NOOO!!! My sister places a belt around my neck. "What are you going to do?", I ask. I'm legit scared. My niece takes down her pants. I can see her panties, how embarassing. My sister places the belt between my neck and Melissa's waist. My nose is basically in her ass. My sister closes the belt very tight, and now I can't move at all. My nose is forced to stay there, and I can't move it. "Do what you want with him, he's totally yours!", my sister said. "OH YES! I'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF FARTING ON SOMEONE'S FACE! THANK YOU MOM!", said Melissa. "You're welcome, sweety" "I have to fart, hehehe... it's gonna stink... a lot" PBBBRRRFFFTTT "*sniff*" OH MY... IT STINKS SO MUCH I CAN'T DESCRIBE IT! I CAN'T TOLERATE IT, IT STIIINKS!!! "GYAAAAAA!!!!!!" I scream in pain, this is the most awful, rotten, pungent, noxious fart I've ever smelled. Words can't properly describe how much it stinks. And to make it worse, Melissa was giggling. "Hehehe... it stinks... oh yeah it stinks so much... hehehe", she was singing. How annoying. PBBBFFFRRRTTT "*sniff* PUUUAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! PUUU PUUU PUUUUUU!!!!! *sniff* GYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" I can't take it, the smell is so strong and putrid.. "*sniff* GYUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!". I'm suffering so much, I can't breathe this toxic gas, I'll die! I have to find a solution soon, but how? I can't move at all! "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT'S SO FUNNY!!! A COUPLE OF FARTS FROM A TEENAGER GIRL BRINGING A GROWN MAN TO TEARS! BWAHAHAHA IT'S RIDICULOUS! GROW UP BABY! TAKE THIS AND SHUT UP!" PBBBFFFRRRTTT "*sniff* UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! AAAUUU AAAUUU AAAUUU!!! *sniff* PUU PUU PUU PUU!!! *sniff* GYUUUAAAAAAHHH!!!" "ARE MY FARTS TOO STINKY FOR YOUR LITTLE BABY NOSE? HAHAHA!!!" BBBFFFPPPRRRTTT "Please, let me go, I will never hit anyone again, *sniff* GYAAAAAAAAA PAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!", I said, hoping she would release me. You can't understand how much it stinks, it feels like I'm breathing... "*sniff* QUAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! AAAPPUUUUUU PUUU PUUU PUUU PUUU *sniff* PUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!" I don't know... the stinkiest cheese ever, mixed with the stinkiest girl sock ever, mixed with... "*sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUU PUUUUUU EEEEEEWWWWWW BLEEEEEEGH *sniff* PUUUUUU AUUUUUU AAAUUUUUUUUU AAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUU!" ......mixed with five months old rotten eggs and rotten cabbage, all of this right inside my nose. It's devastating, an assault to my nostrils. "NO! I'm having so much fun, I LOVE seeing you squirming from the stench! Hehehe..." BBBFFFPPPRRRSSSTTT "*sniff* GYIIIUUUUUUAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE MELISSA, PLEASE LET ME... *sniff* ABUUUUUUAAAAAAAAA AUUUU AUUUU AUUUU *sniff* BAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! *sniff* BUUUUUUUUU!!! *sniff* DUUUUUUH *sniff* FEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW *sniff* GAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! *sniff* NUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! *sniff* PUU PUUU PUUUU PUUUU!!!!!! MELISSA PLEASE LET ME GO!!! I CAN'T BREATHE!!! *sniff* IIIIIIAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! *sniff* IIIHHH IIIHHH IHHH!!!" It's absolutely rancid, it's impossible to tolerate this kind of stench, and you'll never get used to it, forget it! It's like breathing in tear gas, but an extremely stinky one. Melissa was singing again. I feel so humiliated. "YEAH YEAH YEAH, MY UNCLE CAN'T STAND MY FARTS, HE'S A WEAK OLD ASS, I'LL TORTURE HIM WITH STINK BOMBS, UNTIL HE CAN'T BREATHE ANYMORE, YEAH YEAH YEAH, HERE'S ANOTHER STINK BOMB..." TTTSSSRRRPPPFFFBBB "*sniff* BGAAAAAA!!!!!! HAVE MERCY ON ME! PLEASE! *sniff* BLEEEEEEHHH!!! *sniff* BNUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!! *sniff* BZAAAUUUUUU!!! *sniff* BLEEEHHH!!!" How can I describe it? Whenever she farts, I feel a hot and incredibly fetid wind entering my nose, "*sniff* PUUUAAAAAAUUUUUUUUU PUUU PUUU PUUU PUUU!!!" and I can't do anything to prevent it, I'm totally helpless, since I can't move my nose because of the tight belt and handcuffs... *sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!". Everytime I breathe I feel like I'm in hell, it's putrid, rancid, rotten, decayed, spoiled, pungent, nauseating, vomit-inducing... "*sniff* GYAAAUUUAIUUU PEEEEEEWWW BLEEEEEEEEHHH!!!" I may end all adjectives. "Good news for me! I'm never going to end this torture, you're gonna smell my farts forever!!! EHEHEHEH..." PPPFFFFTTTTTRRRRRRSSSSSSSBBB "*sniff* FUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!! *sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! *sniff* MNNNGGG PEEEEEEWWW PUUUUUU *sniff* BLEEEEEEHHHHHH AUUU *sniff* AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUU AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" "Well uncle, you have to accept the fact that your pathetic nose is going to be stink-bombed every single day for many years to come. It's not hard to understand. Smell this one, you're going to be insane very soon, it's gonna stiiink!!! Good luck breathing in this one, hahaha" PSSSSSSFFFFFFTTT "*sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Ohhh... it was... silent but deadly! Hehehe *giggles*" The other ones were deadly enough, but this one... this one takes your soul away, trust me... "*sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU PUUU PUUU PUUU BLEEEEEEHHH PEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! *sniff* UUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniff* AAAAAAUUUUUU!!!!!!". I'm going to desperate very soon, this gas is totally raunchy, I can't take it... "Don't worry, little crybaby, this gas is 100% natural so it won't harm you, it's totally safe, it just stinks like a chemical weapon hehehe..." PBBBFFFRRRSSSTTT "*sniff* GYUUUUUUAAAAAAAAA MELISSA I'VE LEARNED MY LESSON PLEASE LET ME GO!!! *sniff* PUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MY EYES ARE BURNING!!! *sniff* PUUUUUU PUUUUUU PUUUUUU PUUUUUU BLEEEEEEHHH!!!" "It's going to be a very stinky year... for you! Hahaha!!!" PPPBBBPPPFFFRRRSSSTTT "*sniff* GYUUUUUUAAAAAAAAA Only a year? Wheew *sniff* PUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" "Yes, but it's going to be all day, every day, and trust me, it's gonna be a pure torture for your sense of smell! Hahaha!" PPPFFFSSSTTT "*sniff* NOOOOOOOOO UUUAAAAAAHHH!!!" *sniff* PUUUKHAAAAAA PLEASE NO! I WILL DO ANYTHING! *sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" "Nope, you're going to be gassed anyway. Hehehe..." PFFFTTTSSSFFFTTT "*sniff* UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! PLEASE MELISSA I BEG YOU, YOU ARE A GODDESS PLEASE IT STINKS SO BAD HERE!!! *sniff* GYAAAAAA PUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! PLEASE LET ME GO!!! HAVE MERCY!!! *sniff* GRRRYUUUAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAA" Oh this girl's farts sure do stink. Breathing them is a cruel torture and with this belt there is no escape from these lethal fumes... "*sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!" "You have no idea how fun it is to watch you getting desperate and hopeless because of my toxic stinky toots! It's fun because you are so old and you're crying like a baby because of what? Because of my stinky farts?! That's fun! I feel so powerful! I'm so happy that I will do this to you all day long, every single day. I'll give you no break from this game! Hehehe..." PFFFSSSTTT I surrender to suffering, there is no way I can handle this unbearable stench. "*sniff* GYAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" "One whiff of my farts is enough to bring a grown man to tears... how funny! Hahaha! They smell sooo bad, hehehe.." PPPBBBFFFRRRSSSTTT "*sniff* PUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!! MELISSA PLEASE DON'T GAS ME EVERYDAY, IT REEKS DOWN HERE! *crying* I WANT TO GO HOME *crying* *sniff* GIUUUPUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" "You won't be going anywhere, you're staying under my butt for this year!!! Enjoy my natural stink bombs! Do they stink too much for your cute little nose? Hahaha" PPPBBBRRRSSSTTT "*sniff* EEEEEEGGGHHH!!! KKKPUUUUUU!!! *sniff* PUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! HAVE MERCY!!!!!!" "But... I'm having so much fun! Seeing you not being able to stand the smell of my farts is so cool! They are super stinky, and that's hilarious!" PPPBBBRRRSSSTTT "*sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! *crying* THIS IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!! *sniff* PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" "Oh, yes, it is indeed. Just think about how many people I can bring to desperation just like I'm doing with you! If they do something wrong, they will learn their lesson! Duh..." PPPFFFSSSTTT "*sniff* PUUUUUUUUU GYAAAAAAH!!! PLEASE MELISSA YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL AND KIND, DON'T BE NAUGHTY *sniff* AKKKPUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! *crying* MELISSA PLEASE LET ME GO I'M DYING FROM THIS TERRIBLE STINK *sniff* PUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" She was singing again. Such an annoying little girl. "HAHAHAHA!!! YOU CAN'T STAND MY FARTS, BE READY TO BE GASSED, THIS TORTURE IS FOR YOU, YOU CAN'T GO AWAY... NANANANANA..." PPPBBBFFFRRRSSSTTT "*sniff* PUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I WILL DO YOUR HOMEWORK EVERYDAY IF YOU LET ME GO! *sniff* GYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" "I don't need it, I prefer stinking up your nose with my putrid farts... hehehe..." PFFFBBBFFFRRRSSSTTT "*sniff* UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! PUUU PUUU PUUU!!! *sniff* PUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!" "I love this game! And this is just the beginning! We're going to have fun together, me, you, my butt and your nose... eheheh" I can't take it, I'm going to suffer the most painful torture a human nose can ever experience, and this is only the beginning. I'd rather die, really.

Pterodactyl, rise! Spread your wings And fly! Fly afar! Revered ancestor Tyrannosaurus rex King of ancestral lands HAIL TO THE KING! Restore his legacy Pterodactyl, rise! Preying from above Feel its claws Ending your life Necrophagic parasites Feeding from your corpse Fallen Kingdom of Animalia Scavengers of our dead goddess Will soon restore the ancient wisdom
When he pulled down her pants I was shown just how big her ass is. It was scary. I wanted to scream but I was too out of breath, I wanted to move but I was too tired. Her ass began to fall back down onto my face as I gasp. My nose fit perfectly into her ass, almost too perfect, but without her pants I felt how sweaty she was and how bad her farts were effecting her ass. “Much better” my teacher said as she shakes her ass, getting my nose deeper into her ass. I was in absolute hell and all I wanted to do was leave. “Now I got plenty of work to grade so you can stay sniffing my ass and farts while I finish” I just stayed and sniff. I gagged so much, it was too much to handle. She started to push again and I got worried once more. PPFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT PPPPPPPFFFFFFFTTTTTTT Two more farts blared out and I was forced to sniff it. I hate it. The smell was so potent and I started to feel light headed. I had a sudden burst of energy and decided to try to struggle and was meet with quick
To anyone reading this new part it gets a little powerful. Not a lot of humiliation but this was commissioned by the same guy who started me off on this series to begin with. Anyway, her farts get unrealistically large so if you're here for realism, sorry. Hope you enjoy!

Things were getting a little difficult to manage at the twin’s household. Gabby and her brother had been at war trying to dominate the other. Most of the time Gabby had come out over top. Alex had won maybe twice, and his second victory had been small. He had managed to lock his door and keep gabby out for an entire night.

However, after months of leave, their fathe
It was my first day as a teacher at Lakeview High, an all girl school. I was fresh out of college, and it was fair to say that I didn't have a lot of money. It was hard being a 25 year old girl with average boobs and a mediocre ass, to fit in. I strolled down, observing the surroundings. I walked into the staff room, and greeted all the teachers. They were all mainly women in their forties. Suddenly, I saw a beautiful girl calling me over. She had boobs as big as volleyballs and an ass as big as two basketballs. She was about my age, with blonde hair and the kind of face and body you see on magazines.

I sat down beside her and she told me th
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Im sooo jealous I want this vorever

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Kaley Cuoco from Big Bang Theory is outed by her boyfriend for her farting habits in this Instagram clip. He claims that she farts alot!
A post shared by Kaley Cuoco (@kaleycuoco) on Nov 18, 2017 at 4:51pm PST
Actress Chloe Bennet from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. happily tweets and posts about farting on Instagram. This post says it all!
A post shared by Chloe Bennet (@chloebennet) on May 26, 2016 at 10:05am PDT
She also tweeted this about farting in yoga class.
Just ONE time I want someone to fart really long and loud during my yoga class.
— Chloe Bennet (@chloebennet) June 20, 2014
Kenyan actress Brenda Wairimu is extremely candid and admitted to farting during a recent interview. She said “I always try sneak in a nap during the day on set, especially on days with very early call times, and late wrap times. So imagine me being woken up by laughter. I had let out a fart in my sleep. It was a cute one! Like a cute toot. Not a thunderous one! Better in than out, as they say.”
Scout Willis is the celebrity daughter of Demi Moore and and Bruce Willis. After an awkward paparazzi photo of her exiting a convenient store with an armful of snacks and a mischievous smile on her face emerged, she said this
“You know, if you’re ever in need of some humility just come back in your next life through the vagina of a celebrity and you too can have an existence filled with surprise paparazzi encounters and photos of yourself looking like you’re enjoying the smell of your own fart on the internet!!”
Karina Irby is a an Australian bikini model, designer and social media star. She also isn’t afraid of farting. On Instagram she said “I fart your offended.”
A post shared by KARINA🦄IRBY (@karinairby) on Mar 1, 2019 at 5:12pm PST
Here is a clip fo Karina Irby farting up a storm! She is our kind of woman!
Instagram influencer Molly-Mae confessed on Love Island that the most embarrassing thing she’s done in bed is fart !
And here is a clip of Molly-Mae ripping a fart accidentally on Love Island when she sneezes. Nice little fart from this cutie!
Reality star Cameran Eubanks apparently has some rancid farts . She ripped a bad one on the show Southern Charms and co-star Chelsea Meissner said “Your a$$hole smells like low tide.”
Comedian Alyssa Limperis has no shame about farting. Here is what she tweeted.
You ever accidentally fart in public & try to sniff it up in time so no one else smells it? Omg I am disgusting
— Alyssa Limperis (@alyssalimp) December 3, 2018
Stassi Schroeder from the Vanderpump Rules has learned the hard way to never trust a fart! She told her shart horror story on LadyGang . She said she was gassy while she was driving but she got way more than she bargained for! It was so bad that she had to shower afterwards.
English actress Emily Atack didn’t feel comfortable farting in front of her ex-boyfriend. She admitted that she never farted in front of him in 6 years. That is insane! Emily said “My ex-boyfriend didn’t hear me fart once and we were together for six years. It made me ill. It was a mission, I had to come up with all these different ways to go, it was a nightmare. I just hated the thought of grossing him out.”
Popular Twitch streamer Alinity has farted several times during live streams. Guess its bound to happen since she is streaming all the time but she really embraces her farts!
Here is a compilation of Alinity Divine farting.
Amanda Holden is a celebrity judge on Britain’s Got Talent. She was recently caught farting on camera. During the clip she is dancing and a fart slips out. It must have smelled pretty bad because she starts fanning the air.
Actress Amanda Cerny has a great sense of humor when it comes to farting. She posted this on Instagram about her farting butterflies.
A post shared by Amanda 𝕮𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖞 (@amandacerny) on Apr 23, 2017 at 10:08pm PDT
Here she is practicing yoga and getting a little “too relaxed”!
Yoga: The Art of Relaxation w/ Curtis Lepore
— Amanda Cerny (@AmandaCerny) January 11, 2014
Kristen Schaal farted on Will Forte during a sex scene in an episode of Last Man on Earth. Here’s the links:
Omg any other farts clip or tweet or something about eva mendez fart ? Her fart sound loud O.o
Nicki Minaj has been confirmed farting. Once in front of her boyfriend and second in front of female wrapper Coi Leray.
Really, it was fake? My apologizes, I thought that video was a real.
Someone already mention this, but she’s already becoming famous, but Liv Morgan farted one time on Busted Open Radio.
I just found out that Doja Cat farts. I just found out on Reddit. Here’s the link explaining all of her farts, mentions, and admissions on various social media sites. Here are some tweets:
Thank you, would you do the honor and put her on the list?
Thank you also here are some other links too.
A Beautiful Woman Farted Loud while on the stand during the Johnny Deep and Amber Heard trial and she owned it and said sorry that was me that’s my kind of Woman!!!
Natalya Neidhart farted one time on SmackDown against Alicia Fox, 02/17/2012. It was when the referee was distracted and disgusted by the smell while doing the countdown when Natalya was giving Alicia the sharpshooter. Here’s the video,
Thank you, would you like to put her on the list?
Found a quote for Kristen Bell. Talking about being vegan- “It’s fart powder. It makes you gassy”
oh no Tia farted on a reality show but cant find it
Rebecca Ferguson was talking about queefs when she said Fanny farts. She’s English so fanny means vagina there.
Liv Morgan from WWE apparently Ripped a Big Fart during an interview on
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