Brady Bunch Erotic Stories

Brady Bunch Erotic Stories


Brady Bunch Erotic Stories
Home “The Brady Bunch – Perverse and Sick”

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It was a warm, sunny day. A typical day at the Brady household. The suburban neighborhood was alive with the sounds of children playing touch football in the street, dogs barking, and cars cruising. Yes, life was beautiful that day — just as life is ALWAYS beautiful at the Brady’s.
Marsha had just gotten home from high school with Greg and Peter. Jan and Cindy had come home in Mom’s car. But, just like it does every weekend, the Brady household was cumming alive.
Yes. Mom and Dad had gone out to a dinner engagement with some of Mike’s clients. They werent going to be home till about 12 that night. Plenty of time to PLAY!
Greg already had the speed out, and was laying a couple of lines for him and Peter. Just then, Marsha came into the room.
“Gee, Greg, that speed of yours sure is groovy! Think I can have some?” Greg decided that a little speed was what the entire Brady household needed that night.
“Everyone up to MY room! Time to start the evening!”
Everybody ran up the stairs to Greg’s room, even Alice and Tiger. They all KNEW what Friday night meant up in Greg’s room. Not only speed and dope, but if they were lucky, maybe a bit of a “family affair” might start up, like it did LAST Friday. That would be great! Groovy!
Once everybody had sniffed a bit of Greg’s magic powder, Peter asked the group if it wanted to play “GQ Model”, like they did last Friday. “YAAAAAAY!”, said Cindy. She loved this game. So did Bobby! Oh yeah… Bobby LOVED GQ Model! Because it was always Bobby that got to pose for the group.
The rest of the family never told Bobby (cause they figured he’d be upset) that the pictures of him were sent to that strange man down the street to be used for some magazine that none of them had ever heard of. Yes…. In fact, Peter once said that he SAW some of the Bobby pictures a couple of weeks after playing GQ Model. Peter was in a drugstore, and he saw the picture that HE took of Bobby outside on the jungle jim. It was the picture where you could see Greg’s hands doing something to Bobby’s privates. It was making Bobby hard for the camera.
Anyway, everybody at this point was shaking and sweating profusely cause of Greg’s great speed. Alice was already pulling out her vibrator, and nervously fingering the switch. Everytime she made it go WRRRRRRRR, Tiger would start to wag his tail. Tiger KNEW what Alice’s “Love Gun” could do to a feisty beat up mutt.
Marsha walked over to Bobby and grabbed his crotch. “No!”, cried Bobby, “unbutton my shirt, and I want Peter to pull my pants down, like last week!” OK. Bobby got his way. Like he always did. They knew that if they let Bobby call some of the shots early in the GQ game, Bobby would owe each of them a few favors. Heh heh heh.
When Peter had finally taken Bobby’s underwear off, the group was already visibly getting excited. “Gosh, if only Mom and Dad could be here, like they were last Friday…” Bobby always wished that his Mom and Dad could take part in the family fun each week, but sometimes they just HAD to miss it (even though it hurt them so).
Greg got out his two pairs of handcuffs. He gave one pair to Jan and the other pair to Cindy. He told both of them to take ALL their clothes off first, and then to cuff Bobby to the desk. Tiger, meanwhile was jumping up and down—-he knew what was NEXT!
“OK, TIGER! Show Bobby how much you love him!”
Tiger ran over to bondage Bobby, and gave him a tongue bath, paying special attention to those VERY special little boy areas. Yes. Tiger knew how Bobby liked it. All this experience hadn’t gone to waste on this dumb canine.
Alice, meanwhile, had gone into the Brady’s bathroom to get Mrs. Brady’s special jar of mentholatum cold cream. And she wasnt going to fix her makeup! No…..Alice was going to give Marsha that VERY special treatment that Marsha always begged for. You see, Marsha loved to look at all her brothers naked, while she had the live-in maid grease her up for some serious anal sex. Yes, and Greg ALWAYS loved to join in.
While the flashbulbs were popping in Greg’s room, and Bobby’s giggling could be heard across the hall, Greg took Marsha to their parent’s bedroom. They knew that it was ok to screw in Mom and Dad’s room, because Carol and Mike ALWAYS commented on the wonderful smell the room had after such encounters. They knew perfectly well that it was their own daughter’s rectum they were smelling—-but what the hell, if it turns you on, right?
Greg pounced on Marsha and started grabbing her pubic hair. He pulled it out in tufts, while groaning in her ear like a mule.
“The SONG! THE SONG” Marsha demanded. She always LOVED it when Greg sodomized her while singing “the song”.
“I-N-C… E-S-T… That’s what sister means to me.”
Greg continued to sing this silly nurseryrhime as he vigorously screwed his sister. Yes. Greg had always lusted after Marsha! Ever since the whole family went mule packing the Grand Canyon, and Greg rode right behind Marsha and her creamy pre-pubescent little butt, Greg just couldnt get her out of his mind. That is—-when he wasnt thinking about Peter.
When Marsha and Greg were done, they went back into Greg’s room to see how the GQ Model game was progressing. “Sorry Bobby, we ran out of film…”, Peter explained to the obviously dejected Bobby. Maybe next week, we can take MOVIES of you with Dad’s camera, instead. Bobby seemed somewhat comforted by this consolation.
Alice jumped up in front of the group! “OK! Now its time for my favorite game! NAKED TWISTER!” YAAAAAAAAAY!” Everyone was excited. They all loved it when Alice would whip out her Twister game.
Cindy was first. Spreading far, she put her right foot on the blue dot, and her left hand on the red dot. Everyone jumped in immediately when they saw the awesome sight of a juicy, fresh 7 year old girl spreading for the family. “Me NEXT!”, demanded Jan. She nestled in REAL close to Cindy’s smooth warm flesh. Peter was next, his obvious erection rubbing up and down in Cindy’s face. Cindy eagerly gobbled it up. But Peter pulled his cock out soon, cause Cindy was just TERRIBLE at giving head. They had tried many times out back in Tiger’s doghouse, but she just couldnt seem to keep her teeth out of the way. “Forget it Cindy, you stink at dicksuck!” “Sorry…”
“I want Bobby to suck MY weenie! Bobby will suck anything! He likes it, hey Bobby!!!!!!!”
Yes, Bobby really enjoyed Peter’s weenie in his mouth. Now the entire group of Brady children was piled in one naked heap on Alice’s Twister game. Alice ran into Mike’s study to get Mike’s VCR. “Mr. and Mrs. Brady SURE wouldnt want to miss THIS!!!” Alice exclaimed! No, Mr. and Mrs. Brady DIDN’T want to miss this. They had been trying to get all the kids together on the Twister game for WEEKS! But since, Jan had had the clap last week and the week before, they couldnt do it.
“Give Tiger your Love Gun, Alice! Come on! PLEASE???!”, the kids cried. Ok. Tiger always loves it at high speed.
“Can I help???”, asked Greg. Greg really liked to help insert the plastic toy while beating off. It really gave him a thrill.
WRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, went the Love Gun, and Greg started to furiously beat off while staring intently into Tiger’s love-filled eyes. The dog shot its load easily, like it always does. “Gosh golly, Tiger, cant you EVER hold out??”, cried Cindy. She always wished that Tiger had a little more staying power than he did. I guess thats because of all the times that Tiger had shot his load early while with Cindy. You know how unsatifying that can be.
“Stop whining, Cindy.” begged Peter. “I hate it when you whine about Tiger being a little fast on the trigger.” “You know that he is sensitive about that!”
“Just for that you little bitch, its time to bring YOU to the playhouse!!!”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”, cried Cindy in desperation.
Yes. It was time for Cindy to learn what penetration is all about. Time for Cindy to become a “real” woman. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Peter and Greg handcuffed the little girl to the rafters of the playhouse, suspending her above the floor.
“OWWWWWW!”, cried cindy, in obvious pain.
“You think THIS hurts you little bitch, wait until GREG whips out BIG EDDIE!” Alice HAD to leave at this point. She always DID love watching Cindy have sex, but when it came to BIG EDDIE…..
Well, Alice had ALREADY seen Greg’s throbbing member at work on Bobby, she realized that she really didnt need to watch it at work on Cindy too. Greg greased up his cock, stroking the HUGE length back and forth. Cum was already oozing from its tip. He placed it against Cindy’s pussy, and SHOVED it in HARD! No mercy from this big brother. Peter, meanwhile had greased up his dick with Crisco and had placed it on Cindy’s tight little rosebud butthole. “OUCH!” “Yeah, you know it….”
This was DEFINITELY going to hurt this little 7 yr old. But what the hell. THRUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSST! Cindy screamed LOUDLY!
Up in the house, Marsha and Jan were busy eating one another out, when they heard their little sister scream in pain. Immediately on hearing this, Marsha ripped her face from Jan’s bush and began to shudder wildly. Jan had NEVER seen her sister EVER have such a quaking orgasm!!!!!!1 She bucked wildly, licking Jan’s pussy juice from her chin, fingering her clit, and she fell in a naked heap to the floor.
“Gosh, Marsha, was that all just because my cunt tastes so good??”
“No way, Jan. I just thought it was SO GROOVY to hear Cindy scream in pain, I just COULDNT help but explode!”
Well, this is a long story, that could never be told in one night. But be sure to stay tuned to find out about what Mike and Carol did upon returning to the Brady household! What did Mom and Dad do, when Peter had to tell them that he had ruptured poor little Cindy’s rectum… What did Alice say when she found out that it was little BOBBY who was stealing all of her crotchless underwear. Find out!
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could you come here, I need to talk to you?" she said.
Mom what's up?" Greg asked. Mrs. Brady tossed the playboy magazine
to her oldest stepson.
are you doing with this?" she asked.
well, " Greg stammered, not quite knowing how to answer.
I know that you are a young man, now" she told him. "This material
isn't appropriate, what if Bobby or Peter would discover this?" she
continued. Greg was at a loss for words.
Mrs. Brady
looked at her oldest stepson, yes, Greg was becoming quite the young man.
"Why don't you hide it more carefully next time" she told him.
Mrs. Brady ran to the bathroom. She began taking a shower, hoping it would
curb her horniness from looking at those photos. "Greg," she
yelled, "could you please bring me a towel?" she asked. Greg
grabbed a clean towel from the linen closet and ran to the bathroom.
Greg extended
his arm into the shower with the towel in his hand. "Oh, thank you
sweetie" she said. Before Greg could leave, Mrs. Brady was coming
out of the shower. Greg watched her shapely wet legs as they slid from
the tub. As he watched his step mother, he felt his cock begin to stir.
Mrs. Brady let the towel fall to the floor and stood naked in front of
Greg. Greg looked at her small firm breasts. She had very beautiful nipples.
Medium sized and a very pretty shade of pink.
His eyes
wandered towards her pussy. She had quite a lot of pussy hair. More than
he had ever seen. As he looked at his stepmother's hairy pussy, his cock
began pushing against his bellbottoms. Mrs. Brady noticed how his crotch
had developed quite a large bulge in it. She asked him if he liked looking
at her naked? "oh, yes, very much, you have a hot body mom"
he added. "It's totally groovy" he continued. "Well, I
think that you have a, uh, groovy large bulge there, son" she added.
don't you take off those tight pants before you hurt yourself" she
said, pointing to his straining erection. Greg began undoing his pants,
and let them fall to the floor. Mrs. Brady firmly grabbed the waist band
of his briefs and tugged them down. She watched as his young firm erection
popped from its tight confines. "Oh, my you are a big boy" Mrs.
Brady told him. She reached for Greg's 8 inch hard cock and took it into
her soft hand. As she held it, her pussy juices began flowing. "Oh,
I know it's so wrong, she told him, but I am so lonely"
Greg began
kissing his stepmother. Their tongues passionately found each other, and
they furiously made out. Mrs. Brady continued stroking her stepson's large,
hard cock. Greg reached between her legs and began rubbing her swollen
clit. "Oh, Greg, she moaned, you know just the spot" she said.
Mrs. Brady's pussy was sopping wet, and his finger slid easily inside
of her. She moaned as he began to finger her pussy. She rapidly increased
the speed of her hand as she jacked him off.
Greg turned
her around with her back to him. He bent her over the bathroom sink. He
began pushing his large cockhead against her surprisingly tight pussy.
As he entered her, she grunted. He could feel her pussy tighten as she
thrust against him. Greg began sliding his cock deeply inside of her hot
pussy. "What the heck?" they heard a voice say. As they spun
around, there was Marcia standing in the door way to the bathroom. Before
Mrs. Brady could say anything, Marcia was stripping her clothing off quickly.
"Hope you saved some for me too, Greg" she said.
was so hot, I need some more" she added. Mrs. Brady was shocked,
but was at a loss for words. Greg continued pounding away at her pussy
from behind. Marcia stood before her mother totally naked. Mrs. Brady
felt herself attracted to her daughter's teenage body. Marcia moved closer
to her mother. She pushed one of her tender nipples into her mom's mouth.
"Mmm,. God," Marcia moaned. Mrs. Brady hungrily sucked Marcia's
beautiful nipples. As Greg's cock slid furiously in and out of her tight
She watched
as Marcia began fingering herself. It really turned Mrs.Brady on. Marcia
spread her pretty pussy widely apart. Mrs. Brady wished she could taste
it as she looked at her. Marcia immediately climbed upon the sink. She
spread her creamy thighs widely apart and pulled her Mother's face into
her tasty pussy. Mrs. Brady's tongue naively found the swollen clit, and
she licked and sucked her daughter's wet pussy. "OH, God, I'm gonna
cum" Greg moaned. Mrs. Brady felt his hot cum as it shot into her
tender pussy. "MMm, she moaned. Her pussy clamped tightly around
her stepson's throbbing cock.
yes, yes , yes" Mrs. Brady moaned, "I'm cumming too." Her
pussy exploded. Greg could feel his stepmom's hot pussy juices as they
poured from her wonderful pussy. She buried her face into Marcia's wet
pussy and hungrily ate her wet snatch. "Oh, yes ,mom, oh yes"
Marcia moaned. Marcia's pussy gushed it's sweet juices inside of her mother's
mouth. Mrs. Brady licked and sucked her daughter passionately. Marcia
held her short blonde hair tightly, grinding her pussy against her face.
Greg's cock still squirting inside of her own spasming pussy, Mrs. Brady
came again.
Greg removed
his cock from his mother, and began stroking it as he watched her eat
Marcia's pussy. Greg leaned forward and joined his mother. Marcia giggled
as the 2 tongues slid in and out of her tight teenage pussy. "Oh,
yes, this is groovy" Marcia moaned. They licked her sweet pussy until
she climaxed over and over again. "Put it in me" Marcia, moaned
to Greg. "Oh, yes stick it in your sister" Mrs. Brady moaned.
Greg pushed his large cock into Marcia's sweet wet pussy. Mrs. Brady watched
his young cock disappear deep into the wet pinkness of Marcia's pussy.
Mrs. Brady
began playing with herself as she watched her son and daughter fuck each
other. "Oh yes fuck her Greg" Mrs. Brady moaned as her fingers
dug at her own hot , wet pussy. Mrs. Brady pressed her hot pussy lips
against Marcia's young mouth. Marcia eagerly slid her tongue inside of
her mother's warm, wet pussy. "Mmm, dear God" Mrs. Brady moaned.
Marcia's tongue expertly darted around on her swollen clit. Mrs. Brady
had never felt such pleasure. "Oh yes" she grunted, as her pussy
juices poured from her pussy. "I'm cumming baby" she moaned.
Marcia rapildly fucked her mother's pussy with her wet tongue.
Mrs. Brady
climaxed numerous times, she held Marcia's face against her creamy pussy.
"oh, Marcia she grunted, it's so groovy". Marcia felt Greg's
hard cock throb uncontrollably. She squeezed him with her tight pussy
muscles. "Oh, yeah" he moaned. She felt his hot cum explode
into her teenage pussy. Marcia furiously ground her pussy against Greg's
large cock. She came as his cum emptied into her hot pussy. Greg continued
pumping until his last drop of cum filled his sister's gorgeous pussy.
As he removed
his cock, he watched as Marcia's tongue flicked across her mother's big,
swollen clit. He pushed his cock head against his mother's mouth and she
greedily swallowed him. His cock grew very erect again as his mother sucked
him. Marcia joined her mother and both of them sucked and stroked his
hard cock. Greg erupted and his cum splashed across both of their faces.
Marcia and her mother hungrily licked the white droplets from each other,
and moaned. "oh, yeah, this is out of sight" Greg said as he
watched them. "This was so wrong, kids" Mrs Brady told them.
"But, it felt so good" she added. None of the three had noticed
as Alice snapped the photos with her new camera.
"I bet
Mr. Brady will be surprised when he sees these" Alice thought to
herself. "How disgusting, I can't believe they were doing that"
she thought. "Yep, Mr. Brady will sure appreciate these"
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Brady Bunch Sequel
by Kip Carson ©
all comments about this story to Kip
Carson .

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Celebrities & Fan Fiction The Amorous Brady Bunch Ch. 1
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