Boys Shouldn't Be So Modest

Boys Shouldn't Be So Modest


Boys Shouldn't Be So Modest

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on 2010-02-19 03:49:58
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on 2014-06-11 01:34:21
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on 2014-06-21 05:07:10
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on 2014-06-24 02:48:05
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on 2014-06-24 03:08:57
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No problem if it's just the guys. If the parents or females are there, I might reconsider.
Our daughter swam in a swim suit with nude boys. We moved into a new neighborhood when she was 7. Our neighbors who had boys aged 5,7, & 9 invited us over for a barbeque. Our daughter wore a modest 2 piece swimsuit. One of their sons asked if they could go in the pool. Their mother said wait a minute and asked us if she should send them into the house to get their suits or let them swim in the buff as they usually do. Given that the kids were so young, we said we were OK with the boys skinny dipping. Our daughter, wearing her swimsuit, swam with them and had a great time. The boys nudity was not much of an issue for her. She acted a bit surprised when they dropped their shorts, but after a minute they were playing together as kids normally do, both in the pool and on the lawn. Our neighbors often had their cousins and other friends visit. Their boys always swam in the nude. Some of the children visiting swam nude and some in swimsuits. Visiting boys were more likely to swim nude. the only visiting girl I remember joining in the skinny dipping was their 7 year old cousin. Our daughter was present during most of these visits and saw quite a few naked boys. Our neighbor's oldest boy started getting a bit modest when he was about 11 1/2 (6th grade) and started wearing a suit when there were visiting girls. However, when there were no visitors he swam nude with his younger brothers. But when it was just his brothers and our daughter Kathy he continued to swim in the buff. When asked about this, he said Kathy had seen everything for so long it didn't matter. Over the next couple of years, Kathy got quite a education as he went through puberty with pubic hair appearing and the $%!@ getting bigger. When he started high school his mother made him start wearing swimsuits all the time in the pool. There was never anything sexual in his relationship with Kathy. It was more like a big brother little sister relationship that continued through high school and college.
Our experience was a little different. We have 3 kids. The oldest is a girl who is 5 years older than our twins, a boy and a girl. Our older girl always wore a swimsuit in the pool. Our twins took baths together as toddlers and liked to go in the pool in the buff from an early age. We insisted that they wear swimsuits when we had visitors, but they didn't like that rule. At age 8, the younger daughter got us to let a neighbor girl swim with them while they swam nude. The neighbor girl at first swam in a swimsuit but after a month got her parent's permission to swim in the buff as long as it was just with our kids in the pool. She had a boy cousin who was a year older visit for a couple of weeks each summer. He also joined in the skinny dipping group for 2 summers. When he was 11 (entering 6th grade) visiting he came over to swim wearing swimsuit. The girls teased him about being modest and told him they'd already seen his "thing" so what's the big deal. He kept his suit on and later that summer our son starting wearing a suit too. The girls banned him from the pool area after that when they were skinny dipping and sun bathing.The girls continuing skinny dipping and sun bathing in the buff through high school, but they did put on swimsuits for coed swimming.
Our neighbors and us both had only childs born about 2 months apart. Our Jeff and their Kate were playmates as toddlers. As both mothers worked parttime they took turns watching the children. Kate was a bit of a tomboy and both kids were usually dirty by late afternoon. Both mothers bathed the two together up until they were ready for prekindergarten. So Jeff and Kate were tub buddies and had great innocent fun. when they were 8, my wife agreed to give them both swim lessons in our new swimming pool. On the second day of the lessons, Jeff couldn't find his swimsuit in the laundry room. Our neighbor joked that he could go in in his underwear or skinny dip. My wife laughed and told him that was the choice. He surprised both of them by opting to go in in the buff. Kate just smiled and seemed ok with it. The lesson went on as normal. After the lesson my wife joked that she wouldn't have to wash and dry a wet swimsuit that night. After the lesson Kate asked her mother if she could swim naked the next day. After some musing the moms agreed that the lessons would be held in the nude. After about a month of lessons, the kids were free to use the pool. We allowed the two to continue to swim in the buff as long as it was just the two of them and our family's present. We also let Jeff swim in the buff with his buddies, but with no girls present. With coed groups swimsuits were mandatory. Jeff and Kate continued to swim together nude until they were about 10 1/2. Then Kate started wearing a suit. Jeff didn't cover up until he was 12 and started to grow some pubic hair. He and Kate would swim together, her in a two piece suit and Jeff with it all hanging out until then. Kate was so used to seeing all of Jeff, it wasn't a bit deal for her We never had any incidents with this arrangement except one time Jeff's Little League team was over for a swim party after a game and Kate was there, the only girl. A couple of the boys not realizing Kate was there stripped off and dove in naked. Kate saw everything but was cool with it although the two boys were embarrassed. She was 12 at the time and one of the boys was definitely into puberty.
Kate is now grown up. Her parents recently told us, they were concerned about being too libertine with Kate for a while after the skinny dipping started. But looking back on it, they think it gave her an opportunity to see a boy's body in a nonthreatening environment. Kate was very well adjusted and had minimal issues as a teen.

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When I was 15 going on 16 I saw a boy being forcefully stripped by a group of older boys. They had him held by his arms and legs and watched how they stripped off his clothes. I think his helpless screaming and kicking was what sexually aroused me. He ended getting paraded stark naked, waving his p**** in from of a bunch of cheering girls that did nothing to stop them. They just looked and laughed at his p**** getting hard. I got so turned on, I masturbated when I got home re living the whole experience. I thought it was extremely erotic because it was done against his will. The truth is that I enjoyed watching it and have used it to m********* myself since them.

Mmmmmmm so hot, I’m hard reading it

In 1981 my cousin was a substitute gym teacher for girls at Alhambra High School in California. She says there was a workout room right off the boys lockers and showers that had been converted for girls to use. The doors between the showers and this room had windows, so they painted over them and put rubber strips around the edges so you couldn't peek in. However, she found the girls had scraped off little holes in the paint and regularly watched the boys. From then on, when that room wasn't scheduled she'd go in to watch the boys shower.

The boys showers were right next to a gardening tool shed. One day my girl friend and I found out there were holes line up on the wall were towel hooks once were. When we looked through them we discovered we could clearly see the row of showers on the other side. All we had to do was wait for PE period, sneak in there an watch naked boys. In the three or four times we went in there we saw at least more than 15 boys with the d**** hanging out. Every thinks boys like peeping on girls but we like it also. It was such a turned on and couldn't get enough of it. If they only knew we were watching them whole time I think they would have died of shame. We stopped doing it for fear of being discovered and expelled. I don't know how many times I fingered myself watching all those butts and d**** . If they only knew we had them all clarified by size. H**** as h*** .

I couldn't figure out why my brother spent so much time locked up in his room. I tried peeping on him through the key hole and nothing. Then I tried the outside window and the curtains were drawn. I lost interest on till I discovered the ventilation grid between his room and mine. I just had to remove my side of the gird and a perfect high view of his whole room. There his was laying on his bed completely naked, watching p*** on his laptop and rubbing his hard d*** . I never thought of my brother as a pervert, but his d*** was so hard and stiff, I just kept looking and hoping to see him c** . He never found he was being watched. I remember getting so wet and h**** I also began locking myself in my room.

The important thing to remember is that males require these sort of videos to help relieve stress. He is no pervert for doing what he had to do.

Awesome. I did some of that too as a boy with girls.

Reading these stories get me h**** . I would have loved to have girls see me naked and get hard if i had a nice body and nice d*** ! But i have small d*** almost mic ro.

I was in middle school in the late 60's and part of a civic girls club. We always met at one girl's house where her mom hosted the boy scouts, and both groups met on the same day. During summers the boys swam naked in the pool, which was covered from view by hedges so we could see that they were shirtless but we knew they were naked. Even then, our activities were in the front of the house away from them. We always hurried through the group activities to go up to the bedroom of the girl that lived there, and we'd sneak into her parents' room to watch the boys. You could see everything from the upstairs window. In my 30's I mentioned this to my mom on a long car ride, and she told me most of the moms knew what we were doing and allowed it as harmless.

This happened to me on my way home from school by three older senior boy's. No girl's were around but after these boy's stripped my clothes off one held them from me. They knew I was gay even though I'm not out. Talk around school about me led these boy's and other's to believe this. I'm a feminine boy born androgenous and speak in a high voice, so other's took notice to me and being pretty didn't help. Well, these boy's held my clothes from me until I went with one of them further into the woods away from the other two and did what he wanted me to, sucked this d*** for a awhile and then the other two boy's came to where we were and watched. One boy took his clothes off and came over to me when I was sucking on the one boy and pulled me up by my hips and onto my knees. He penetrate me and it hurt so bad at first. All three boy's had their turn f****** me that day which felt like hour's. I could hear other's passing by in this wooded path behind where we were. We all stayed quiet until it was clear. One boy kissed me when this was over. These boy's even talked nice to me while f****** me, saying how pretty I was and how much I was like a girl. These boy's talk to me at school, and smile at me if no one is looking. I've come to like these boy's strange as this my be. I've let the boy who kissed me f*** me again after this in his bedroom many times. All three of these boy's have a girlfriend and this one boy says he like me more. You found it erotic to see a boy against his will, stripped in front of girl's and get hard. Me experiencing a similar encounter an now accept, even look back upon it at one point while the boy's were f****** me, that I ws so sexually aroused and into it, even let the c** of these three boy's stay in me and on my legs until late that evening. Hmm...? I guess being sexual takes us into another world.

You didnt say how big your c*** was. I would be really humiliated because my c*** is 1 and half ins. soft and 4 ins. hard. Its also skinny.

I was 15 when I saw a naked boy in summer school camp. I was sitting with other girls on the steps of the bleachers when a teacher walked into the boys showers. Found out later he had caught a boy towel whipping another boy in the shower. He dragged him outside by his ear all the way to the principal's office building completly naked. I remember boys laughing at him and girls gheoing crazy looking at his baby p**** swigging up and down. He was 13 and old enough to feel shame about everyone seeing him naked. !God! It was so h**** my girls couldn't stop talking about how embarrassed ve looked.

In 7th grade the fun was pantsing but we never took it all the way. Forced stripping in public like these posts is my favorite category online, far better since nobody's going to catch an STD and die. Seriously though that kind of humiliation is less powerful when you're not a kid anymore. Now, we head out on the World Naked Bike Ride and hope to get our pictures taken by the folks cheering from the sidewalk.

That was a ritual when I was in the 8th grade. The high school had the last 5 years combined while a new high school was being built, and of course the older boys picked on the new younger ones. Initiation was you got your pants pulled down in front of some of the girls, that happened at lunch break over by the track. Most of the boys ran away but we got called "chicken" if we did, and usually a half dozen girls showed up to watch. The older boys would grab us and try to pull our pants off, we would struggle to try and stop them. I was pretty good size so it took 3 of them to finally get my pants down, usually the underwear stayed but the one kid got a b***** nose so he was p***** , and off came my white cottons. I got seen by several girls, and being blessed even at that young age, later on word got around and I got lots of dates.

My stepmom forced her son and me (12 & 13) to swim naked and lay out by the pool while her book club met in the den that looked out onto the pool. I'm sure they were all watching us. My dad laughed it off as no big deal when he got home that night. I always hated her for that.

I bet the women got turned on a bit and you got hard ons.

I was on school camp where we slept in huts of 8 bed. Four double bunks. I lost a dare and had to make all the beds in the nude.

I was 20 yrs old and lost a dare bet with my 12 yr old sister. she bet me her 12 yr old boyfriend had a bigger c*** than me! i laughed my ass off ha ha. so i bet my c*** hair to be completely shaved bald if i lost the bet. my big 5 inch c*** never been beat! then he pulled his pants down and i cryed my eyes out i was so embarassed. he had an 8 inch c*** ! my sister loved it and proceeded to shave my gorgeous c*** hair off completely. she took pictures of me crying and laughed her ass off. never been that humilated ever, never bet my LITTLE D*** again! still crying.

That was your own willful (silly) doing. This boy was raped. If this ever happened to me, then rest assured that will be reports of c*nts that bled and/or went missing...

And if that were a girl, that'd be rape. Why aren't you calling this rape? What's wrong with you?

This *is* rape, and everyone involved should be raped back.

Should!? MUST and WILL be RAPED back if ever they get exposed.

Abusers don't a s*** . Only sharing the pain will make them care.

My girl friend and I picked the lock of the bathroom door to catch my cousin naked in the shower. Only thing he had in there was a towel and we quickly threw it out on the hall. I remember he was shapooing his hair with eyes closed un aware that we were looking at his d*** . He was so embarrassed he never told his mother. I remember he was 13 years old, hairless down there and forced to finish bathing in front of us and parade himself all the way back to his room. H******* thing we ever did. Know he ovoids us every time he sees us.

Hopefully the fact fact that there are 5 spelling or grammar errors in a post that's only 6 lines long means that you will never earn above minimum wage. I hope you fully understand that you AND your friend are S** OFFENDERS!

Not really. A s** offender actually DOES something s** related to someone else, against that someome else's consent. Stealing a towel and looking at a naked person isn't good behavior, it's not a s** offense.

You comment about grammar then you make a mistake as well. You won’t earn above minimum wage either I guess.

That was wrong to do but it makes me h**** reading it. You said he was hairless, how big was his d*** ?

I did that to my 13 year old cousin. His friends left him tied up to a fence as a joke. My two girls friends took advantage and yanked his p
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