Boys Forced Nudity

Boys Forced Nudity


Boys Forced Nudity
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Boys forced to have sex with each other
By Mogomotsi Selebi - 20 February 2013 - 09:28
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THE desperate cries of the young boys were not enough to deter their attackers.
A cellphone recording was made of a group of three boys who were forced to have sexual intercourse with each other.
The video footage, recorded near Ngwana ga Lwale river in Moruleng village, North West, showed three boys aged 10, 11 and 12 being forced to have sex with each other.
The boys had gone to the river to swim.
Although the video is only one minute and 13 seconds long, it is extremely graphic.
A voice, believed to be that of one of two boys aged 16 and 17 who allegedly forced the three boys to have sex, can be heard asking "Go monate?" which loosely translated means "are you enjoying yourself?"
The video also captures one of the boys being hit on the back with a stick.
Another cries repeatedly, saying "you are hurting me" as he is being hit as well.
The mother of the 17-year-old teenager said she had not seen the video.
"I have only heard about it but, really, I would not like to see it. It is disturbing enough just hearing about it," she said.
Asked if she had spoken to her son about the incident, she said: "I spoke to him and he told me that he recorded the whole thing to show the affected boys' parents.
"Apparently, those small boys had tried to rape the 16-year old's 10-year-old sister. The boy then forced them to have sex with each other as punishment," she said.
Councillor Lekuka Tshite said he was outraged by the incident: "I have been trying to get hold of other community leaders to see how we can get to the bottom of this problem.
"We have planned a community meeting on Tuesday [today] where we plan on calling the police and the parents of all the children to talk about this and other matters," Tshite said.
Police spokeswoman Captain Amanda Funani said charges of compelled sexual assault, compelled self-sexual assault, child pornography and assault had been laid against the two boys.
"They are currently under the care of social workers. Police are still waiting for an assessment report from the social workers.
"No court date has been set yet," she said.
An aunt of one of the younger boys said: "All of us are equally stressed out. I stay with him because his mother is in Thabazimbi [Limpopo], and it has been difficult hearing all this talk in the village."
The primary school pupil said: "They said that if we didn't do as we were told, they would beat us up." -
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Taylor, I’ve been following your story lately, and though I had doubts at first (mostly because of how bright you sounded for a nine-year old), you sound sincere.
I’m glad that your aunt didn’t force the shirtless or naturist lifestyle on you and your cousin, but instead eased and encouraged you into it. I’m glad that she also helped you by making that journey herself, in a way. It seems that boys who are forced into it often have negative opinions on it, but those in clothing-optional homes often see it as a great thing.
I never got to experience the clothing-optional or strict nudity lifestyle. But I’m trying to live life by logic. I’m now trying to learn from people who are happy, like you. I may incorporate as much naturism in my life as I can, if it’s truly a beneficial lifestyle. I hope you don’t mind answering a few questions.
Though I’m sure that this answer would vary depending on location, I might as well ask out of curiosity. How often do you and the naturist members of your family get sick? Whenever it rains, do you just let yourselves get soaked or go indoors? Has a doctor been checking on you about skin cancer?
Things like getting skin cancer or frequent colds worry me, so I hesitate to embrace it. I do usually sleep naked, though. I have no hang-ups about people seeing me in just my underwear. If I knew that they were comfortable with it, I’d probably not even have hang-ups being seen nude. But as far as I can tell, my family has attitudes about nudity that lead me to believe that they would be uncomfortable seeing or even knowing that I’m nude, so I need to figure out how best to deal with it.
Once last year, one of my brothers and I went swimming, and afterward, we headed to the showers. We went there in our bathing suits, along with a grown man and 3 boys about 11/12 years old. I started out with my hair, but knew I eventually had to get my shorts off so that I could wash the area underneath. When the time came, I did take them off, but my brother sort of freaked out. He thought I was trying to flash or get some kind of sexual pleasure from it, but I tried to assure him that I was only trying to fully clean myself. He seems to have this mentality that nudity and sex is the same thing.
One more thing, since you (and your mother, I assume) have gotten tanned, has your hair gotten lighter? I heard that the more tanned your skin becomes, the lighter in color your hair becomes.
First of all, I'm twelve, not nine, and I was ten when I wrote my first post on this site. I was still a textile when I was nine, and even wore a shirt 24/7. I don't think people in my family get sick any more or less often than other people. We live in Florida so it's usually sunny, but when it is rainy we stay indoors. Everyone in my family applies sunscreen at least a couple times a day, and my Aunt pays attention to UV ratings and tries to keep us in the shade or inside when it's too high. My Aunt says that sunshine is mostly good for us, and that people who spend a lot of time outdoors get cancer less often, except for skin cancer, which is the easiest to treat, so it's worth the risk if we're careful about it. Since we're nudists anything weird on our skin would be noticed pretty quickly, and we would of course see a doctor about it.
As much as I love being a nudist, it's only fun because I have the support and love of my family. If nudism would alienate you from your own family, then you shouldn't do it. If your family can accept you being a nudist, great, but if it would only cause trouble than it's not worth it. If I had to choose between my family and being a nudist , I'd choose my family. I'm lucky enough to have both, but you may not be.
We are all very tan in my family, but we also all have black or dark brown hair. UV light can lighten hair, but if you're dark haired to begin with it's not really noticeable. My girlfriend has the same dark, all over tan that I do and her hair is still pitch black.
Sorry Taylor_98, my bad about the age thing.
I know it's too late to bring it up in my family, so what I really had in mind was for if I ever get a wife and kids of my own someday. Even though there's still snow where I live, I suspect some families up here allow the kids to roam the house nude, or may even be encouraging it.
I'd also homeschool my kids as well, at least until they get to a certain level. It probably deserves more credit for your happiness than the nudism, because studies found in Wikipedia say that homeschooled students end up happier and are better achievers than those in public schools. We have horrible public schools where I live anyway.
Keep posting here every once in a while, though. They inspire me and I'm sure a lot of other people to try the same thing. Some people probably have the ability and are relaxed about nudity in the house, but never thought of making it a part of their lifestyle. I'm curious; since you've been nudists for a while now, what's the longest time that you spent entirely nude? How about just barefoot?
I recently discovered that you may just be able go to college shirtless, barefoot, maybe even nude, if the conditions are right. I figure that in a lot of colleges, they never considered a certain dress code in their policies. If you look up Andrew Martinez or Jacob Authier, the staff couldn't do anything about them going shirtless or in Martinez's case, nude, because it wasn't illegal and they had no college policy that they had to have certain pieces of clothing on. Like you, Authier was homeschooled shirtless and decided one day to remove his shirt in class. Most of Authier's professors and classmates had no problem with him being shirtless, so he was allowed remain as such. Some professors did have a problem, though. When he was in their class, he respectfully pulled a shirt on. Unlike Authier, Martinez fought it, lost and ended up quitting or being expelled or something and the college he went to created clothing policies. I suggest that if you go to college, you follow Authier's example. If you're lucky, you may be allowed to take some classes nude.
I may go shirtless casually this summer. I remember that there were so many occasions last summer in which I could have gone shirtless, but never did because it didn't seem all that practical to me and probably also because I still had hang-ups about it. This time, I have a very practical reason, which occured to me as I ran (shirtless and barefoot) on our home treadmill one morning. In the magazine, "Runner's World" they have said that our workout performance tends to improve when it cools in the fall, and wane when it warms up in spring. This is why we should adjust our workout outfit based on the climate. I thought, if it applies during workouts, why shouldn't it apply when not working out? If it's true, and I strip off my shirt and maybe either my pants or underwear (I go barefoot), then I should be more productive in what I do throughout the day. I currently work at home, which gives me all the more reason to do so.
Hi i love your storie. What part of florida do you live? I too love being naked. Its goid your aunt didnt force you too go naked. But i think its an awasome thing you got your gf too be naked too. My name is daniel and i would like too be your friend. How old are you now? I am from georgia.

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Here are my own answers to some questions I asked on a thread on Nude Sleepers Forum, Mandatory Institutional Nudity---If You Had the Power ( ... +the+Power ). As I wrote there I wanted to try to activite this forum little more.

Yes, I would vote for required nudity in the school or gym pool, if I could come up with a convincing utilitarian reason.

As I wrote in an earlier post on this forum, coming up with a utilitarian reason for *any* requirement might be problematical. What would be the utilitarian reason for shorts of such and such a length, a T-shirt, tenna-shoes, etc. (i.e., a “standard” PE uniform). Why require all shorts be red, all shirts white, etc.? Why uniformity at all, from a strictly utilitarian perspective?

But this might be my rationale for nude swimming. It’s been coming up in the news for years that the anti-biotics we’re using are become less and less effective, verging on a healthcare crisis. Apparently the major cause is overuse, but could an underlying cause be that we’ve taken it for granted that we don’t have to be careful about sanitation and hygeine anymore, since we can just run to the doctor for anti-biotics whenever we get infected?

If that’s a plausible theory, then maybe we could justify nude swimming on a combination of "public health” and environmental grounds. Just as we require certain practices in the name of keeping the environment clean, which in turn keeps the public safe, maybe nude swimming could be justified in the name of taking more responsibility and combating over-use of anti-biotics? Sort of like "recycling" and "washing your hands in the lavatory". It may be a stretch, but it’s my best shot.

Here's an attempt at some official wording. “No clothing will be allowed in the swimming pool for hygienic reasons and as a socially responsible measure in reducing the need for, excessive use of, and degeneration of anti-biotics in the population.”

I’m sure there are good psychological and social reasons to require nude swimming, but personally, I’d be hesitant to make them a part of official policy. I think they may be too “subjective”, too much like a “religion” or “ideology”, and for many, all the talk about "manliness, camaraderie, body acceptance, male bonding, etc." a bit over the top. But then of course, there’re probably any number of social-value assumptions underlying all kinds of practices in school, so maybe if carefully worded, some acceptable "extra-utilitarian" rationales could be found.

Once you get a *convincing* utilitarian rationale for required nude swimming, and maybe a social-value one too, you’re a step closer for students/parents/members to accept the decision, to allay their skepticism and gymnophobic biases. You’re not pushing a philosophy on them (like nudism/naturism, whatever its merits). You’ve provided good “practical" reasons for such non-sexual nudity.

Then, if you have a good facility, and it’s professionally run, and offers other advantages besides nudity, you may get some students/members.

I’d give required segregated nudity for women a shot, but I wonder if it’d be a market-breaker, whether in a private school or gym like the YMCA. Maybe parents would go along with it for boys, but just not enroll/bring girls, and women wouldn’t join if nudity was required. Maybe some market surveys would have to be done first.

Again, no disrespect to nudist camps, I'm glad we have 'em, but I think these other kind of places would have a different vibe, more “business-like” and “pay as you go”. Less commitment to a lifestyle or philosophy. And that would be, like the old days, I think, part of their strength.

My theory is quite the opposite: we're too careful about cleanliness and sanitation. We live, or attempt to live, in sterile environments and thereby reduce our natural immunity to germs and diseases. That point has no bearing, however, on the issue of wearing or not wearing swimwear at a swimming pool. Nudity in general does, however, if it is actually practiced out-of-doors. If you read enough, one might conclude that one cannot go outside unless one is covered head-to-toe with either sun proof garments or sunblock. If you look around at the real world, which writers seem to be isolated from, you see people wearing shorts all year round. One person's crisis is another persons irrelevant footnote.

The expression I've come up with is "hothouse people." Living in a climate controlled and hygienic world, mostly indoors, does not result in a vigorous constitution that can thrive in the real world.

On the other hand, what's natural about a swimming pool?
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So I was in class 9 and not a bit interested in studies, I failed in my quarterly exams “the paper was quite easy and rest all of class passed, your child is a duffer” – this is what my maths school teacher informed my parents.
Quite worried about my future, my parents approached my maths tution teacher and asked him to give extra focus on me. “Laato ke bhoot baato se ni mante” – h e replied and further said to my parents that my marks will be his responsibility provided they allow him to deal with me in his ‘own manner’ to which my parents agreed and from that day no class of my tution passed without a good beating.

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The education system in our country has been questioned a multiple times. A wise woman once told me that technology has come so far that you have to be updated with new changes every few years. But as for our books and courses, we are almost studying the same thing we were studying 25 years ago!
And it is one of the biggest reasons that a college/school graduate starts his life and finds his passion after he is done with studies. While teaching is a very respectable profession, teachers in the past have resorted to brutal ways of teaching lessons.
He always used to threaten the class “paroge nahi to nanga karke maarunga” (if you will not study, i will strip you naked and beat you)- something which I earlier believed was just a senseless threat.
But finally when i refused to study in spite of all beatings he finally one day said to me “chal nanga ho ja”(come on! get naked). I first took it as a joke but then soon i was forced to pull down my jeans and I thought it is what he meant by ‘nanga’ but then I was asked to remove my underwear to which I resisted a lot and started crying, but he was adamant and so finally after a struggle of five minutes he managed to forcefully pull my undie down with the help of some front sitters and further made me to put my hands on my ears.
So it was first time when I was in my own senses and my willy was exposed in front of all(nearly 40 pupil) to see and I couldn’t do anything about it apart from crying. I was humiliated to the very core and it was a time when I felt like to run away but I couldn’t.
My teacher totally unconcerned of my situation tried to set me as example and it was announced loud and clear that if anyone will not study, he will find him standing in the same state. In order to humiliate me more, he made me to agree that I was getting punishment which I actually deserved a nd did further restrained me from putting my eyes down and said I should face my audience while standing in same state because that is my true punishment.
So after standing in that state for nearly 30- 40 minutes of shameful exposure, I was allowed to wear my clothes and the punishment ended.
But that punishment did actually changed my life. From that day onward Ii studied, not for my own future but to live a life of respect. The eyes of my mates staring at my penis pinched me and I wanted tho
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