Boy Naked Swim

Boy Naked Swim

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Subject: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
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Date Posted: 23:24:45 02/11/17 Sat

Anyone ever experience swimming nude at a swim meet where female spectators were allowed?

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[> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 08:45:22 02/26/17 Sun

We used to swim naked with our coach. A couple of times some guys mom came by to pick a kid up early or drop something off. But whenever it was a public meet where females were present we were required to wear trunks. I think this was more to protect the girls from having to see us than out of any concern about our modesty.

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[> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 22:41:30 02/28/17 Tue

When I was 6-7 IO took beginning swimming lessons at the Y. It was all boys in the class though a couple of the assistants were teen-age or young twenties girls. We were nude for the lessons. Some moms, I presume those with farther drives back home or not running errands, stayed and watched the lessons. Sometimes, their might be a sister as well. This was back in the mid 50s.

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[> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets

Randy D, (Embarrassed)
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Date Posted: 14:54:27 12/26/18 Wed

When I was 16 I went with my neighbor to swim at the YMCA. He mom and two sisters drove is to the Y then they went to buy groceries. I knew I only had to bring a towel and so I was prepared to swim naked with other boys. That didn't bother me I was used to the gang showers that we took after high school PE class.
What I wan't prepared for was the end of the swim. About 10 minutes before our swim time ended mothers and girls walked in and sat down to watch and wait for their sons to finish swimming. One girl was a girl I knew from church and I was embarrassed to have her see me naked when I got out of the pool to practice starting dives. When I walked by she said hi to me and smiled. A little later my friend's mother and two sisters walked in. His oldest sister who was close to my age look at me standing there and smiled also. By time the swim period ended there were probably 5 or 6 mothers and 8 or 9 girls, probably sisters watching. I was embarrassing to have walk by them naked on the way to the dressing room.
I went the whole week with my neighbor and had to swallow my pride and let girls I knew see me naked. Sunday at church two girls who had seen me smiled and told me how much they enjoyed "seeing" me swim with the other boys. It was embarrassing but at the same time a touch exciting to know they had seen me naked.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 10:39:50 07/01/19 Mon

To Randy D.:

" When I was 16 I went with my neighbor to swim at the YMCA. He mom and two sisters drove is to the Y then they went to buy groceries. I knew I only had to bring a towel and so I was prepared to swim naked with other boys. That didn't bother me I was used to the gang showers that we took after high school PE class.
What I wan't prepared for was the end of the swim. About 10 minutes before our swim time ended mothers and girls walked in and sat down to watch and wait for their sons to finish swimming. One girl was a girl I knew from church and I was embarrassed to have her see me naked when I got out of the pool to practice starting dives. When I walked by she said hi to me and smiled. A little later my friend's mother and two sisters walked in. His oldest sister who was close to my age look at me standing there and smiled also. By time the swim period ended there were probably 5 or 6 mothers and 8 or 9 girls, probably sisters watching. I was embarrassing to have walk by them naked on the way to the dressing room.
I went the whole week with my neighbor and had to swallow my pride and let girls I knew see me naked. Sunday at church two girls who had seen me smiled and told me how much they enjoyed "seeing" me swim with the other boys. It was embarrassing but at the same time a touch exciting to know they had seen me naked. "

I don't understand why you would continue to be embarrassed. maybe, just maybe, it might have been awkward for a few minutes at the beginning. they have already seen you naked. and then at church is the other thing. seems like at church, you can bring all your issues with you and leave it at the altar. after all, Adam and Eve were in the garden, and they were not ashamed. It wasn't until after they sinned and confessed to God that they were naked. Instead of getting after them for being naked, God asked, "WHO told you you were naked?"

Sounds to me like maybe you still need healing. Maybe you should also try to forgive. But I am glad to hear you didn't give up and run and hide. I am also happy to hear that you didn't try to cover your penis, your 'privates'. doesn't seem like they are all that private after all. and why are they called 'privates'?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 17:07:30 08/20/19 Tue

It was normal practice for boys to have to swim naked at the YMCA, there was no reason for you to be embarrassed as you didn’t make the rules and were simply swimming and diving. One reason for girls needing to wear costumes is because they may be having a period and need to wear a sanitary towel, boys don’t have this problem so there was no need for them to wear swimwear.

The YMCA wanted people who may have been too poor to be able to afford to buy a swimming costume to be able to enjoy having a swim and by making nude swimming for males mandatory swimming was made possible for all regardless of class.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 04:44:13 04/06/20 Mon

Girls were excused from gym/swim class when on their periods, so this is another bogus reason.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 03:12:37 04/07/20 Tue

In my compendium for reasons for the double standards,
that was number 5.
But now that you mention it, it was a bogus reason.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 16:57:12 07/02/19 Tue

Same at our YMCA when we took lessons in junior classes up to age 13. Some moms and older sisters would come early to pick up the boys and would just sit and watch while we swam nude.
Some would bring along a younger sister with them.
It was a little embarrassing for us boys having the girls see us all naked.
But this was only in the junior classes as I mentioned, during boys swims over 13 females were not allowed in the pool.

It was the same during swim meets, the junior teams up to 12 or 13 years old always competed in the nude in front of mixed spectators. Boys teams over 13 wore brief speedos.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets

Doug Roberts (😁)
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Date Posted: 11:46:37 01/02/21 Sat

My first ever blog on this very topic.

Yes, my Mom and sister watched me regularly, so did my Aunt and her oldest daughter Annie. Even my next door neighbor did at the invitation of my mother.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 12:46:17 04/12/21 Mon

Any decent respectable mothers or daughters/girls on seeing that you were all swimming nude when they walked in, just wouldn't sit there and watch you. Any decent respectful female would have immediately turned around whilst shielding their eyes, and waited outside. I can only assume that this lot were a load of low life pervs who get a kick out of looking at 16 years old boys' naked bodies. And they go to church ? Not the sort I would like to invite to my church.

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[> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 10:46:32 07/13/19 Sat

I have a different perspective. I grew up in a home with a private backyard and skinny dipped all the time. It was typically just mom and my two younger sisters, and it ever bothered me. I was a competition swimmer in high school and of course we wore tight Speedos to minimize drag and they draw attention to the butt and groin - this used to make me feel more on display than being nude.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets

Male35 to Amy
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Date Posted: 14:02:05 07/13/19 Sat

Amy why not just have your husband swim nyde.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 14:34:20 07/13/19 Sat

Someone mentioned that they had teenage girl assistants during junior boys swim classes. It was the same in our class when I took lessons at age 10-11.
Each girl assistant took a group of 4 or 5 boys under her charge. Since there were usually about 15 to 20 boys taking lessons there would be 4 assistants with a group of boys in different parts of the pool.
What I found strange at the time was that the girls would hold us with one hand under our chests and the other cupping our genitals to keep us level in the water when teaching different strokes or to keep us afloat.
Admittedly it was embarrassing with her cupping and fingering our penis and balls, but I suppose it was the natural way to keep us in balance in the water.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 15:09:23 07/13/19 Sat

About swim meets in front of female spectators the junior boys teams up to 12 or 13 always competed in the nude.
Teams after that age wore brief type speedos.
As another poster mentioned this was not for the boys modesty but so as not to offend the female spectators' sensibilities.
In fact if the spectators were all male the older boys also took part in the nude.

I guess the difference was that they saw young boys being nude as cute and inoffensive in front of females, but older teen boys would have been seen as gross and improper in front of females.
None the less the girls same age or younger, or a bit older than the young boys saw it as exciting watching all those nude boys.
I was not on the swim teams but attended several meets as a spectator and could notice the young girls excitement at seeing so much boy nudity.
Rude comments were of course not allowed in front of the adult spectators and the girls would just whisper in each others ears, so it just went unnoticed.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 09:35:14 04/14/20 Tue

I can so relate with everything written in this feed. I am 50 years old and my wife is 33 year's old. I don't know why it came up but I told her how when I was younger I would swim nude at the Boy's Club. At first she thought I was making it up but as I saw story after story she began to understand what I was telling her was the truth. I guess if you didn't grow up with it and by today's standards it is hard to believe it was allowed. My story happened in the mid 70s and by then or at least in my city swim meets your had to wear a bathing suit. A fact I didn't know and showed up at my first practice without a suit. The female coach said no way could i practice nude and told me to wait there. 5 minutes later she returned with an American flag Speedo a size too small.

Again ok with being nude around people in the pool area. I immediately stripped off my clothes. She wasn't ready for that and said if you waited a minute I would have gave you some privacy. I was 14 at the time and started reaching puberty a year or so earlier, So I had hair down there and was more developed than the average 14 year old. I guess she couldn't help it because it was so unexpected she looked at my private area and said, You should really start wearing a bathing suit when you swim from now on. Im sure you have noticed the changes your body has gone though and you're not a little boy anymore and beginning to more like a young man than a young boy.

Like I said the Speedo was too small for me if I was a medium back then the bathing suit had to be an extra small. I wiggled and struggled to get them on. Immediately they felt uncomfortable and too tight.

In all the time swimming nude I never felt embarrassed or subconscious about my body.
I never felt the need to be I grew up with the people I swim with and I have seen them and they have seen me. Oddly enough no one I saw made fun of others or the boys that were late to develop. It was just something we didn't do or care to do. That seemed strange and weird. But standing in these Speedos so tight it wrapped around my penis and it made it stand out and with the material rubbing against my penis it wasn't long after that did it get erected and that made things worse, now the top of my penis(Helmet) was clear to see the outline and I tried to adjust but if I put it up some of it came out of the suit and when I push it down I couldn't hide it. The coach seeing my problem said, Don't worry about you can skip practice and I wont sit you at the swim meet but you have to get a bathing suit between now and then. The one that fits because I can't have you walk out like that. I think she felt bad for me and could see I was embarrassed and confused about the whole situation. She sat next to me and asked, Hasn't your Mother or father talked to you about the normal changes you're going though and you might see other boys your age swimming nude this is something you should stop doing and wear a bathing suit from now on. Please understand she said, what's happening to you is totally natural and you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about it.
Which made me even more confused if there's nothing wrong with me then why hide it? By this time I couldn't stand the Speedo any longer it was starting to hurt and removed them. This time she turned around and said you can't do that and put your underwear on. Which I did. Looking back knowing what I know now. I was so blind and innocent and that woman was a great person in the way she handled the situation. Once I was covered she went on to tell have a conversation I guess my Mother should have a year earlier.
She said again there's nothing wrong with you but when I looked at you trying to squeeze in the bathing suit, I wasn't looking at a young boy but a developed young man and with that comes a responsibility to cover up that area and only in the locker room around other boys is it appropriate to get nude, never around girls or older women.
Do you understand? I said yes.

This is why I have mixed feelings about the whole swimming nude issue. There's a massive part of me that thinks. It was good everyone seen everyone else and it wasn't a big deal and I didn't witness no body shaming. Not saying it didn't happen only that i didn't see it or think about it. Then there's the 2020 me who wonders just because I was unaware of abuse that doesn't mean it didn't happen and I would never let grown men and women be around my children from the age of 6 to 17 years old naked and telling them erection in public is ok and knowing these people sometimes help in getting dressed and even taking a shower with them. I definitely wouldn't be ok with that no matter how innocent it is.

Once the 80s came around the nude swimming stopped and I heard about it less and less but what I did notice and maybe it would have happened even if nude swimming was permitted but in high school body shaming, Some boys making fun of other boys and teasing them, to the point girls in the school would sometimes join in and make fun of some of the less developed boys, calling them names such as peewee or wee willy winkle some mean stuff and the boys it happened to had a horrible high school experience.
In case you are wondering it was the same for the girls. The ones with fully developed breasts were accused of stuffing their bra and the one who didn't have breasts were members of the ity bity tity committee. Again they too had a horrible high school experience.
Very sad people feel the need to hurt others to get a laugh.

So that's my experience with nude swimming at the boys club in the 70s

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 03:57:12 06/19/20 Fri

If you are now(2020) 50 y/o, you were les then 10 in 70's.
The story about 14 y/o was not possible un the 70's.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 16:01:13 07/18/19 Thu

to Kevin:

I think its great that your parents were so open to you skinny dipping in your private backyard. Unclear as to whether your mom and sisters joined you.

when not swimming and regular indoors, were you allowed to be nude in everyday situations? like when you get up in the morning and stay nude. or eating dinner in the nude or watching tv in the nude.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets

Kevin to Sebastian
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Date Posted: 12:13:23 07/21/19 Sun

Sebastian, my mom wore a bikini, and later as an adult I would realize how fit she stayed having three kids. While mom did not go around nude, she breastfed my two younger sisters openly not just in front of me, but any guests at home as well.

My sisters were 4 and 8 years younger than me and typically swam with just panties on at home. They did not start wearing bikinis at home until their breasts developed. I did not go around the house nude per se, but shared a jack n jill bathroom with my sisters until I left home for college, and periodic casual nudity among us was not uncommon.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Female spectators at boys nude swim meets
Date Posted: 15:43:40 08/11/19 Sun

to Kevin

we had a backyard swimming pool, and a privacy fence. it was great growing up. I have two sisters as well, one was 2 years younger and the other 3 years younger. I was also in the competition swim team at school.

Mom let me swim nude. she encouraged me to swim and practice, practice, practice. I had mentioned the speedos and how uncomfortable they were. she said to swim without them. so I did. I was 16. my sisters never giggled or made me feel embarrassed or ash
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