Boy Humiliated By Girls

Boy Humiliated By Girls


Boy Humiliated By Girls

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Check out the latest release by Fight Pulse : Buffy vs Duncan . Preview photos are available in this topic . Get this video at: Fight Pulse - MX-234 .

One day I was watching a movie with my little sister Maggie on the couch. I forgot what movie it was and all I know is that it was girly and I didn’t like it. She had the remote so I asked her if we can watch something else and she said no. She was 16 years old 5’3 about 115 pounds and she was wearing black Jean shorts and a black tank top. She was a brat and a real girly girl who had never wrestled or fought anyone before. So I was 18 5’10 about 160 pounds and I was in basketball shorts.Since I was bigger I told her to give me the remote or I’m going to take it from her. She said no in a real bratty way and called me a dumbass. She knows how much I hate when people call me that so I started grabbing at the remote so she tried to keep it from me by turning on her stomach. So now I’m laying on her back while we both have our hands on the remote struggling for it. She kinda rolled her body and we both fell of the couch and continued to struggle for the remote. I then lost my grip somehow and she got the remote out of my hands. She then got up really fast and had this triumphant look on her face that infuriated me because she got the best of our little struggle for the remote. Our parents were out at the grocery store so I told her in an authoritative tone that she better give it to me or I’m going to pin you down because mom and dad aren’t here to stop me. She then got really scared and tried to run off so I grabbed her and threw her on the floor. So I’m on top her her pinning her wrists down the remote falls next to her phone on the floor about 8 inches away from her. She’s squirming underneath me and starts kicking at my chest to try and push me off of her. She kicks a few more times and her legs end up around my head. Neither one of us notice anything but after about 30 seconds she starts kinda squeezing her legs. I feel a little pressure and immediately start prying her legs apart. She realizes what I’m trying to do and locks her ankles together and now I’m having trouble unlocking her legs. In the mist of struggling I slip forward and now my head is in between her thighs. I start getting a little nervous because the hold feels tighter and I have yet to get out of her hold. She then starts twisting her hips to get me off of my knees but because of my size she can’t get me off balance. After about 2 minutes of her doing that she twist one last time and for some reason it knocks me off balance and I fall to my side still stuck in her thighs. She props herself on her elbows and looks at me like she’s scared that when I get out I’m going to hurt her. I keep struggling but I just can’t get out I don’t understand how she has such a good hold on me. The fear starts sinking in that I might lose to my little sister so I start flailing and thrashing trying to get out but I still just can’t. She then notices her phone laying there and realizing that I can’t get out. She starts recording me stuck in her legs and demanding that I admit that I got beat up by my little sister. I just told her that this was lucky and I can get out if I really tried but in reality I was trying my hardest to get out. I had a pit in my stomach because it was sinking in that I just lost to her. We hear our parents outside pulling up in the driveway so I in a panic admit that I lost to my little sister and I couldn’t get out of her hold. I start begging her to let me go because I didn’t want my dad to see the Maggie had me in a leg hold and that I couldn’t get out. She just smiled but didn’t let me out. The door opens and our parents see us and ask what was going on. I immediately said before Maggie could speak that I was teaching Maggie how to wrestle and that I let her win because I didn’t want to hurt a girl. Maggie then said that’s not true Chris attacked me and I defended myself and got him in a little leg hold and he’s just to embarrassed to admit he can’t get out. I said I can get out if I want to I’m just being nice. My mom then said if you can get out Chris then just get out. So I tried my absolute hardest thrashing around because I didn’t want my dad to know the truth but she still held me and it absolutely crushed me to see my dad watching it. He just left the room looking really disappointed in me. My mom said Maggie you can let him go his male pride is hurt enough. She just smiled and let me go and skipped out of the room. I just sat there and cried a little because I was humiliated. The next few months she would send me the video of the incident and would say if you try and hurt me I’ll send this to everyone you know so I couldn’t do anything to her. Every time for some reason when she wore shorts I would think about that day and it would infuriate me. It was the absolute most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me.

Great story! Sent you a message about it

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Check out the latest release by Fight Pulse : Madame Curie vs Peter . Preview photos are available in this topic . Get this video at: Fight Pulse - MX-235 .

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danddbard wrote:
Stripped And Humiliated in school by danddbard

My name is Collette. I am 19 years old, have brown, frizzy hair, a little overweight, and have 32 c sized boobs. During high school, I got a part time job working as a librarian’s assistant at a local middle school. My job was to shelve books and help the kids find whatever books they were looking for. It was pretty fun at times, but one day at the beginning of my second year working there, everything changed.

A teacher brought her eight grade class in to look for books for a research project, and I was there to help some of the kids find books on the subject they were researching. At one point, 3 boys (chase, john and Adam) came up to me and asked if I could help them find a book about bats. I took them to a section near the back of the library where we had all of our scientific books on animals. The library was very big for the school, so I needed to use a ladder to get to the top of the shelves to get them some books they could use.

Unfortunately, I happened to be wearing a skirt that day, and when I looked down, the boys were taking pictures up my skirt with their phones. I was really angry with them and I told them to delete the pictures. Adam said “I don’t think we will. You can’t make us”. That pissed me off royally, and I grabbed their phones out of their hands and ended up hurting one of them by twisting his arm too much. Instead of leaving, which I thought they would do, they said that they would tell the teacher that I hurt them. I didn’t want that to happen. I didn’t want to lose my job, or worse, have assault charges filed against me. I begged them not to and said that I would do anything for them to not tell. That got their attention.

“Alright, we won’t tell the teacher”, said chase, “but you need to do anything we say”

“Fine, I will, just please don’t tell her” I begged.

“Ok then, lift up your skirt”, said Adam. “I want to see your panties”

“No way”, I said “I won’t do that. I’m in public”

“You said anything we wanted. This is what we want. Or we could just leave right now.”

“No please” I said. “I’ll do it. Just don’t tell anyone”.

Reluctantly, I slowly lifted up my dress for the boys. I was wearing black and white stripped panties that day. Not my most revealing pair, but I was still red as I showed it to them. I pulled my skirt above my waist so they could see everything. They were staring at me for a long time and I was really embarrassed to have three 13 year olds looking at me exposing myself. The worst part was that the longer they starred, the more turned on I was becoming. My panties started to get wet, and I couldn't control myself. To make matters worse, they got their phones back out and took more pictures of me, this time with my panties in full view. Luckily, the bell rang before too long and they had to go. However, before they left, they told the librarian how helpful I was to them, and they wondered if they could come in after school to see me.

“Of course you can. She will be happy to see you” said the librarian. And I knew I was in trouble.
After school, the librarian left for the day, and I was alone in the giant library. Not too long after the last bell rang, the three kids showed up. They wanted to go back to the back section, and I complied.

“You know”, said Chase, “we could do a lot of things with those pictures we took of you. I wonder if we should put them on the bulletin board outside of the lunch room”

“What? No please don’t do that” I begged. I knew I was in trouble. I gave into them once, and now they had more ammo to use against me.

“Alright, we will make you a deal” said john “we won’t leak these pictures to the school, but you need to do something for us”

“What?” I asked

“You need to do what we say every day for the rest of the year.”

I didn’t really have a choice so I agreed. “What do you want me to do?”

“For starters, you will only wear skirts and dresses for the rest of the year. The shorter, the better”

I thought that was a little odd, so I agreed.
For the next few weeks I did what they said. We would meet at the back of the back of the library after school where no one would see us and they had me expose myself in all sorts of ways. Most days I would lift up my skirts and expose myself to them. They enjoyed making fun of me and humiliating me as I had to show them my panties. One day, when I was wearing a particularly short skirt, they had me do jumping jacks for their amusement. Every time I jumped, my skirt would flap in the air and they would laugh at my bright blue panties. The same day, they made me bend over to see if my skirt covered myself. Turned out that it didn’t as they could clearly see my panty clad pussy getting wetter and wetter.

They decided that I was a bad girl for breaking the dress code and decided to give me a good spanking. Adam bent me over his knee and lifted up my skirt. I was so humiliated having my blue panty clad ass exposed to the world like that. Even more embarrassing was the fact that my butt would jiggle every time they slapped it. After a couple minutes of spanking, Adam pulled down my panties and began spanking me right on the ass. This gave them more ammo to use against me as the not only took pictures, but filmed me getting spanked. They laughed so hard at my naked ass jiggling after every hit. And every day, I found myself getting more and more turned on by this.
Eventually they got bolder. When we were in the back, I was wearing a flowering pink strapless dress. They started by making me do jumping jacks, like usual. However, after doing a few, my boobs popped out of my dress, leading to my dress falling off my body. I stood there in shock for a second, standing just in my purple flower panties. They wasted no time in taking multiple photos of my nearly naked body. I finally came to my senses and tried to cover up my boobs the best that I could, but they were so big and my nipples were poking out through my hands.

“Wow, check out her tits” laughed john

“And look at those panties. She looks like a baby with those purple flowers”

My face turned beat read as they were all pointing and laughing at me, my pussy getting wetter and wetter every second. As I bent down to get my dress, Chase said “no no no, don put it back on yet. We want to play with you some more”

“But I’m standing here just in my panties” I said

“You agreed to do everything we said, and we want to play with you boobs”


“I mean, we do have these new pictures of you standing nearly naked. I wonder what the other kids would think of your tits.”

“Fine, you win” I said. I had given up at this point. I lowered my hands from my boobs and let them have their way. They took great pleasure in squeezing my boob, pinching my nipple, and making them bounce. After a few minutes, I felt something building up in my pussy. I didn’t understand why I was so horny, but it nearly became too much. I was so wet that some of my juices began leaking out of my panties. I prayed that they wouldn’t notice it, but luckily they were too distracted by my boobs to notice.

After a while, they had had their fun, and they told me that they had added another condition to our deal, I was not allowed to wear bra’s anymore and that I had to strip down to just my panties every day after school for them. There was nothing I could do, so I had to agree to their demands.
For the next couple days, I would do just that. They would meet up, and force me to take off my shirt and pull down my skirt, until I was just standing in my panties. They would have me jump around to get my boobs to shake, and they had me shake my ass right in their faces like I was in a music video. And every day after we were done, I was so wet that I would rush home so I could masturbate.

One day after I had stripped down and they started to touch my boobs, they became even bolder, squeezing harder and rubbing them faster. I was already turned on, and this was sending me over the edge. I began to moan and gasp, and more and more of my juices began to flow out of my pink heart panties. Eventually it was too much and I began to rub my pussy right in front of them.

“What is she doing?” asked Adam

“I think she is masturbating. I think that is how girls do it” said john.

“Ooh, oh yeah, oh god yes” I was moaning. “Don’t stop rubbing my boobs”

“She likes this. She wants us to keep going. Make sure you film this” said Chase as he began to rub my boobs even harder.

The embarrassment I felt while I was masturbating in front of 3 little kids only served to turn me on even more. And it wasn’t long before I came with a loud “I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, I’m going to…oooooh, I'm cumming!”
When I opened my eyes, I saw that they were laughing harder than ever, and that they had filmed the whole thing on their phones. There was nothing I could do now. They had seen me in my most private moment having an orgasm, so I knew I had to submit to whatever they said.

Chase stopped playing with my boob, moved behind me and pulled down my panties. I was standing there fully nude, my pussy on display to the world. It was covered by my brown pubic hair. I had never shaved or trimmed it. They all said that they wanted to see me masturbate again, only this time naked. I felt so humiliated, but I had to do it. I moved my hand down to my pussy and slowly began to rub my pussy. After a few seconds, I began to squeeze my boobs with free hand. I then put my fingers inside my wet pussy and began to finger myself even harder, until I brought myself to another screaming orgasm, where I actually began to squirt. When I opened my eyes, I saw that, of course, they had caught all of that on video.
From that point on, I would be stripped completely naked after school every day. Instead of playing with my boobs, they would make me finger myself until I squirted several times. One day, when I was taking too long to cum, one of the boys bent me over his knee and began to spank my ass. That sent me over the edge and a came right in his lap. After that, he began to spank me even harder. I kept going, grinding myself on his leg. I felt like such a whore, getting spanked by an underclassman and grinding on his leg to make myself cum. Eventually though, his hand began to move lower, closer to my already gushing pussy. He stuck his finger inside of me and began to finger me hard, moving it in and out really fast.

“Oh god, oh my god, oh god don’t stop!” I found myself screaming. I couldn’t control myself. I had turned into such a little slut wanting to be fingered by this boy. He brought me to another screaming orgasm, and I lied there limp in his lap.

“You really are such a dirty little slut” said Adam “well I know a way you can repay us for all of the orgasms we have given you”

As I opened my mouth to say “what?” Adam trusted his cock into my mouth. I was really surprised by this and started to move my head back and forth to have me give him a blow job. The worst part was I found myself willingly sucking his dick shortly after. I was truly a slut now. They took more photos of me licking his cock and shoving the whole thing in my mouth. After a bit, he began to cum, but he held my head in place, telling me to swallow it. It tasted really weird and I choked a little on all of it. Of course I wasn’t done though, as I had to swallow the load of Chase and John.

After a few weeks of stripping naked and sucking their dicks until they came all over me, that is when they made their final move. I was on all fours, sucking john’s dick like usual, when I felt something thrust into my pussy. I gasped and saw that chase has shoved his dick deep inside of me. Before I could do anything, he thrusted again, this time, hitting me right on the g spot. I closed my eyes and began to moan loudly as he began to ... me hard. He was pistoning in an out of me really quickly, and I had at least 2 squirting orgasms as he ...ed me. My face was flushed red as I felt a wave of humiliation of getting dominated by a thirteen year old. He ...ed me good, before sticking it in all the way one last time and unleashing his load inside of me. His cum felt so hot that I had another long orgasm after that one. From that point on I was fair game. I would strip completely naked and let them ... me hard in every hole I had. I would lie down, spread my legs and spread my pussy open with my hands and let them dominate me however they wanted. The worst part was that I liked it; I loved exposing my pussy to them. And I would beg for their hard dicks inside of me, I wanted them to dominate me and use me like their own slut.
Some days, I all three of them would ... me at once. I would be sucking one of their dicks, while jerking another one off, while the third one ...ed me in my pussy. I truly was their slut.

On the last day of school, as I was putting books away, I looked up at the TV showing the morning announcements and I was horrified. There was a picture of me, spreading my pussy for everyone to see. The kids had gone ahead and shown the pictures to other people. Not only that, but there was the video of me fingering myself and squirting right in the library. I was so humiliates, I ran out of the library. As I was running down the hall, chase stepped out and stepped on my dress, tearing it completely off of my body. I was standing right in the middle of the hallway with nearly every kid looking at my bare boobs and my blue and white stripped panties.

“See, I told you she was our slut” said chase, as the entire hallway erupted into laughter, with every kid pointing and staring at my near naked body. I tried to cover up, but the hum
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