Bound And Fucked Stories

Bound And Fucked Stories


Bound And Fucked Stories
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NonConsent/Reluctance Found, Bound, Forced and Fucked!
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When I sat down for my lunch with Sharon in the university refectory that Wednesday afternoon, I had no idea that I was about to meet one of a group of guys who were examples of millions of others worldwide.
Simon cautiously came and asked if he could sit with Sharon and me, and it was evident that Sharon already knew him, although as far as I could remember, I had never seen him before.
'This is Simon,' my friend said, introducing him to me as he took the seat opposite and placed his plate of English Fry on the table.
There was an initial few minutes of awkwardness between us all as it was apparent he wanted to say something but was not sure how. I have learned through the years that some guys are straight out with it, whereas others try to be gentlemen and bring the subject cautiously round to what they want to ask. It's pretty much the same as sex, I guess.
Simon finished chewing a sausage, swallowed it and asked, 'Rachel can I ask you a very personal question?'
'Yes, of course,' I replied, intrigued.
'Are you into 'Forced Fantasy' at all?
Being aged twenty and despite being intensely sexually aware, I had never heard of such a thing previously.
'No, I can't say I am,' I replied honestly, 'Sounds interesting. Is it a drama programme?'
Simon nearly choked on his next forkful of food, and Sharon tried hard to suppress a little giggle. I could see that both were embarrassed for me in my naivety.
'It's not a drama; it's more a...' Simon tried to explain as his words failed him.
'What Simon wants to know is would you be willing to fulfil a little desire they have and want to play out? Sharon added, stepping into the breach left by Simon.
I looked across the table at Simon, now realising that 'Forced Fantasy' obviously had some sexual innuendo. He was not the greatest looking guy, but was tall with blond hair and green eyes and did, despite his awkwardness in asking, looked as if he could be fun.
'So just what do you want from me?' I enquired still with no idea what a 'forced fantasy' was.
'My friends and I wondered if you'd be willing to be...' Here was his embarrassment showing through again, 'Kidnapped and made to have sex with us?'
'Made to have sex?' I questioned, still stupidly at a loss to understand what he was asking.
'You are unbelievable, Rach,' Sharon interjected. 'You have all the guys in our year and others lining up to fuck you, and yet you don't have a clue what a forced fantasy is!'
'No, I don't,' I confessed rather sheepishly.
'They want to rape you, my dear Rachel,' Sharon explained in the bluntest terms.
'Rape me?' I blurted out in surprise and with such force that other nearby turned their heads to look at me, causing me to blush with acute embarrassment.
'Well, not exactly,' Simon interjected, 'It's fantasy play. You agree to play and what your limits are, and we pretend to force you. That's why it's called Forced fantasy.'
'Oh!' was all I could initially manage in response.
'We won't do anything you don't want us to do,' Simon continued, 'but we would like to grab you, tear your clothes off and make you have sex with us.'
A week later, once lectures had finished, I drove round to the house where one of the five guys was staying. They wanted to show me some video clips they had collected to see if I'd be happy to emulate some of the scenes for them.
As I watched, surrounded by my would-be attackers, I was amazed that so many 'forced' scenes were included in the various movies they had managed to bring together. After each clip, the guys asked, 'Will you be okay if we do that to you, Rachel?'
After a good hour of watching actresses having forced sex, I was strangely confident that not only could I do what they asked but put up as good a job as the women playing the roles in the films.
There was just one I was not happy with where a knife was produced to make a middle-aged women submit before the final act. Once, they assured me that nothing like that would be used and that I would only be manhandled, albeit roughly. I was reasonably happy to give the unusual request a trial.
As we sat chatting, the guys, who had obviously discussed things before my arrival, told me how they wanted me dressed. They had even had a whip-round to collect some money so I could purchase the required clothing. They wanted me very demure, in a blouse, some sort of jumper and long flowing skirt, all of which were to be torn or cut off along with my underwear. Yet another trip to the local charity shops was on the cards!
The lads also wanted to know what else they could engage in other than sex. I understood that some slapping was expected to be allowed simply by having watched the recordings, and they wanted to know how hard they could hit me. I knew that little taps would not really be suitable and make everything, at least for the five young men, a bit dull.
'As long as you use your open hand and don't punch me, you can slap me as hard as you wish.' The guys were almost ecstatic.
We were all a little cautious as it was the first time any of us had done such a thing. I wanted to enjoy the event myself and was desperate to make it as much fun for Simon and his four friends as I could. We agreed on spanking and forced cold water torture as the 'extras' they wanted to perform and the obvious sex in three holes. They also asked if they could have an option to incorporate anything else that occurred at the time. Again I agree.
We also, after some discussion, came to the arrangement that all day they would treat me without any respect - just as if we were strangers to make the day as real as possible.
We arranged for the 'event' to take place on the coming Saturday. I would arrange for Sharoon to drop me off very early on a country road about fifteen miles from the university. They would then drive up, snatch me and take me to another student hose for the 'fun' to commence. They wanted it to be early in case someone saw something and thought the 'kidnap' was for real.
It was getting rather embarrassing visiting the charity shops. I seemed to be in them almost weekly, looking for outfits that might suit some sexual pursuit I was engaging in. One older and seemingly rather mischievous assistant in one shop even put items aside for me that she thought might be of interest. What she thought I did with them all, I will never know. She just smiled and asked, 'Are you looking for something else for your wardrobe?' Little did she know!
Between the various shops in our two local shopping areas, I managed to cobble together a suitable skirt, top, jumper and even a jacket that, although not matching, fitted the bill nicely.
Saturday arrived, and as I pulled back the curtains in my tiny room and looked out, it was dry and bright with the sun just beginning to rise in the pale blue sky. I trembled a little with a degree of excitement of what lay ahead as Sharon kindly drove me to the allocated place and dropped me off, wishing me a breezy 'Good luck' as I left the car.
As she drove off, I suddenly had a realisation that here I was at six in the morning, all alone on a country road and fifteen miles from the university. I tried to suppress a slight degree of panic that I could feel beginning to rise.
I came back to my senses as I heard a car approaching from the rear. I knew this was it. I was about to partake in my first ever forced fantasy. The car drove past, and as it did so, I could see that there was only one person it in, and that was an older gentleman. The car slowed a little way further on, then stopped and reversed back towards me. Now I was in a panic.
As the car pulled alongside, the driver opened his passenger window.
'Are you okay, love?' he enquired amicably.
'I just wondered if you'd broken down somewhere or something?'
'No, no, just out for an early morning walk,' I lied, knowing that most women would not go out walking the way I was dressed.
'No problem as long as your not stuck and happy. You can't be too careful these days. Take care,'
With that, he drove off. The encounter did indeed make me think of just how vulnerable someone like me was at that time, all alone on a country lane with no houses in sight. I would never usually have considered such a thing.
The sound of another car approaching caught my attention, and looking over my shoulder, I saw, with some relief, Simon's car coming towards me. As it started to slow down, and I readied myself for the ordeal to follow, another vehicle appeared out of nowhere, travelling in the opposite direction.
Simon saw it too and just kept on driving past me as if he did not know I was there. The other vehicle did the same, and both disappeared out of sight around the various bends in the hedge-lined road. A minute later, I saw Simon's car returning towards me. He stopped, and his four companions jumped out, grabbed me and bundled me into the car without further alarm.
I did not make too much of an attempt to get away on the road in case yet another early morning traveller chanced upon the scene and thought the whole thing was for real. Once inside the car, though, I decided to fight like fury as I kicked and punched as though the entire thing was for real.
'Get off me! Let go! Don't you dare!' I shouted as I fought.
I think my willingness to enter into the scene so fully and forcefully took my captors by surprise as it took them a little while to overpower me finally, bind me and eventually put me in the trunk of the car for the last mile or so to the house. As I lay bound and gagged in the darkness, I was aware that I had perhaps been a little too forceful as two of the guys had complained I had hurt them as I fought in the rather overcrowded car.
It was still early when we reached the house that would be my dungeon for the day. I could feel the car reversing and heard a garage door being opened was. Suddenly light exploded into my darkened tomb. I was quickly lifted out of the boot of the car and carried through the garage and inside the house.
'Cum with us, you fuckin bitch,' one of them exploded.
Once inside the house, the tape around my ankles was cut away. Then with my hands still taped behind my back I was pulled roughly, but still struggling, by the hair up the stairs and towards a largish bedroom.
'Stop your fighting you dirty whore,' I was commanded. I didn't.
Once inside, I was thrown with some force onto the bed. Then all five lept on me to stop my legs from kicking under my long pleated skirt. I could feel them trying to reach under it to grab my knickers, obviously with the intent of removing them. Bound as I was, all I could do was wriggle and try to kick my legs free to protect some form of modesty. I managed to get them to release my left leg, and I wildly kicked it out to stop them from going any further.
'Stop right now,' I commanded feverishly.
I caught one of them a proper wallop on his face, which caused him to put his hand to his cheek and cry out. Next, he was sitting over my chest and telling me what he intended to do in retaliation. I received two good hard stinging slaps across my face before he and his friends turned me over and, sitting on my back, pulled the skirt up and my knickers down before giving my five hard smacks right across my backside.
I could feel it stinging like crazy as still with my hands bound, they turned me onto my back and held my legs tightly apart so that access was available into my hairy pussy. The long skirt was carelessly thrown up and over my midriff, leaving me naked from the waist down.
Simon wasted no time in getting down to business as he undid this trousers and pulled his pants down to reveal a huge erect cock waiting to explode inside my prone body.
'You'd better enjoy this, you dirty bitch,' He almost spat the words out as he lept onto me.
I knew there would be little resistance once he thrust into me; how could there be? I had been dripping wet since being bundled into the car. I felt him find the right place and thrust in hard and fast.
The tape around my wrists and my uncomfortable position stopped me from enjoying the moment too much. I still put on a vain pretence of struggling against him as he was thrusting wildly on top of me.
With a mighty surge, Simon dumped what I imagined was a pretty hefty load deep inside me and quickly moved away to assist in gripping my legs as the second guy took up position. Within seconds he too was pushing my body deep into the mattress as he pounded away at my ever moistening pussy.
Suddenly he stopped and looked at me. 'You like this, don't you, you fuckin little bitch?'
I realised as he said it that I had relaxed and stopped struggling. He lifted his hand and gave me another hard stinging slap across my face. He then took careful aim and, to the delight of his mates, spat straight into my eyes. Without another word, he recommenced his vicious pounding before announcing with a loud groan that his mission was, for the present, fulfilled.
As with Simon, he wasted no time changing places, and I was only allowed a few seconds respite before the next pounding commenced. My shoulders started to ache as I tried to find a more comfortable position to receive the seemingly continual action for my five abductors.
'Stop wrigging Bitch,' the one on me shouted as he ceased his momentum. Then turning to his friends, he said,' Let's show the Whore what happens when she does not do as we say!'
He pulled out, and in a second, I was rolled onto my tummy. Somebody quickly lifted my skirt over my tied hands, and I heard a sharp 'slap' sound before feeling the pain of a hard smack on my bare buttock. They followed with several others that were not in the least bit tame. These guys really were going to give me the works.
I groaned in pain and pleaded with them to stop, which eventually they did as again I was pulled onto my back so that the third guy could finish off inside me. I lay almost exhausted with a red face and backside as he thrust away more wildly until he too exploded, sending his cum to join the rest in my cunt as he shook with uncontrollable pleasure.
The pattern was repeated twice more as my legs were held firmly open and my body kept in place by the person's weight lying on top of me. Suddenly it ended as the final male also shot his load into my prone body.
'Strip the dirty bitch naked,' Simon ordered as I was roughly lifted into a standing position at the foot of the bed. They cut the tape around my hands, freeing them. I wasted no time in attempting to break away from the grasp of the five guys. Entirely what I would have done next or where I would have run to, I had no idea, but I knew, for their sakes, I had to keep up the pretence that this was as real as I could make it.
Eventually, after an uneven struggle that saw us all land on the bed in an ungainly heap, my arms were pulled up tight behind my shoulder blades bringing to a sudden and painful end my attempted flight to freedom.
I was once again yanked unceremoniously to my feet and pulled slightly backwards so that my small breasts were slightly forward, pushing tightly against the coat, jumper and blouse I was still wearing. The coat was unbuttoned quickly and slipped off my shoulders, assisting the two behind me in holding my arms in place.
A pair of scissors appeared and began to hack at the material of the jumper until it cut through in an irregular zig-zag pattern that left the blouse exposed to their reach. The two who had taken charge of the stripping process didn't think about using the scissors on the blouse.
One just took a grip of it tightly in his hands and, giving a hard yank, tore the top three buttons right out of the material. The second guy immediately took hold of the rest and tore it utterly open, and with another hard pull, left just my bra covering my relatively small 34A sized breasts.
The remnants of the jumper and blouse joined the coat down my arms at the elbows.
Suddenly, the scissors appeared again for the 'coup de grass' of removing my bra and unveiling my breasts. The bra was cut at the centre with one swift movement, falling away from my chest and leaving nothing more to the imagination.
Strangely they left the skirt in place as the three lads paused for a few seconds to take in the sight of my naked and very vulnerable chest.
'The bitch doesn't even have any tits,' one of them announced. 'You filthy ugly titless cow. Hold her tight.'
With that, he took his right hand and slapped my tits from right to left and back again hard. 'That will teach you to deceive us like that,' he yelled at me, placing his threatening, angry face right in front of mine.
Suddenly, the grip on my arms loosened, and the clothing that had been resting at my bent elbows was pulled away from my body. My arms were then once again contained in a vice-like grip.
For a third time, the Scissors appeared and slipping between the skirt, and my skin commenced to hack at the fabric until my last piece of covering fell uselessly around my feet. With a quick push, I was once again on the bed while all five men straddled me as my shoes and socks were also removed, leaving me as they wanted - naked.
I don't think I had time to even catch my breath before, despite my continued struggles, I was placed face down on the bed as my arms were brought round to the headboard and quickly bound with tape, to the metal frame.
My buttocks were lifted high so that I was kneeling as I anticipated an assault on my arse hole was next on the list. I was not wrong as Simon once again led the charge by squirting copious amounts of lubricating jelly into the tight opening before quickly and without warning, following with his once again erect penis.
I'm tight in my backside. I might be tall but wearing an eight dress gives some idea of how tight I am. I could feel my arse hole expand to what felt like splitting point as Simon pushed hard in and without mercy. I bellowed like an old cow in pain as his cock opened to what seemed like maximum capacity as he fucked me hard.
His actions turned my abusers on as they encouraged Simon to 'fuck the stupid whore good and hard.'
On the other hand, Simon needed no encouragement as he pounded away, often slapping my exposed backside as hard as possible, causing me extra pain. I fought back real tears as anal sex is always painful for me, and this was especially so.
Not only were my buttocks the targets for some abuse, but Simon reached around and pulled my tits as though he were milking a cow. He drew some laughter as he stated that the 'old cow' was dry.
I was relieved when once again, he had pleasured himself at my expense and pulled out to let the next 'lucky' lad get in. Thankfully before he pushed in, he took time to relubricate my anal passage. Once completed, I was stretched wide again for another session of ass pounding, buttock spanking and tit pulling.
The pace and vigour of the five young men were relentless as they enjoyed every moment of my discomfort and pain as my ass was stretched to its limit while I whimpered bound as I was to the headboard.
As the last one pulled out, my knees slipped down the bed, and I lay panting hard, feeling the stinging sensation in my breasts and buttocks from the brutal pounding they had endured.
I was delighted when my assailants unbound my wrists by cutting the tape.
I was hoiked off the bed and slammed onto the carpet with some force in a kneeling p
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