Bound And Broken Whores On Tumblr

Bound And Broken Whores On Tumblr


Bound And Broken Whores On Tumblr
"i like my eyebrows like i like my women; thicc, wild, & on my face"
never forget when louise verneuil, alex turner’s current gf, posted a photo where she’s giving her ex bf a blowjob in a public telephone booth
fluorescent adolescent: tw od, toxic relationship, emotional abuse
today i told my parents about my sexual assault. they wanted to press charges & i said no, i broke down thinking about what would happen if i was a witness, if i had to be cross examined & made to look like a liar, an attention whore. ive heard the things judges have said during sexual assault cases & i live in the south, its not exactly far removed for me. we were in an argument about how i was unmotivated & cheating to get an A in chemistry, & they were making me upset & it spilled out. my mom told me “everything traumatizes you” today, i feel so weak & so empty but so so full. im aching from how full i am, how full of trauma & scars & weakness, how all my memories fight each other to get to the surface. only someone as weak as me could allow something like this to happen. i shouldn't have given in to the pressure, maybe they wouldve left me alone if i had said no a second or third time. i feel so small & i just want to disappear. how the fuck is someone like me ever supposed to be loved? whole people dont love broken people, only other broken people love broken people & it never ends well. i just feel so hopeless, & so fucking worthless. i dont want to go to school tomorrow, i dont want to leave my fucking bed. i dont want to be a part of the world, i want to exist in limbo, because life moves on & that is terrifying. she's right, everything does traumatize me & im too weak for this world. i mean that in the least cute way possible, i dont want this to be skewed as romanticizing. i literally feel pathetic for how much trauma i have, for being too fucking sensitive, for being a fucking baby, for being so fucking stupid. i just want it to stop. how can i make it stop? i know the obvious solution but im not there yet. I just want to make the world go quiet. 
may I offer my two cents on the Alex/Taylor/Louise thing? I'm not convinced that Alex has a wandering eye. I really think that he and Taylor had grown apart, and that he was realizing that their long term wants and needs weren't compatible, and he needed a "way out" of that relationship (do you know the song Getaway Car by Taylor Swift? Kind of like that). Louise was that way out.
i can understand where you’re coming from here, it’s just even if he & taylor had grown apart, if he was looking for an out & he got with Louise while he was still with taylor that is cheating. i mean, it’s alleged that he cheated on alexa, personally i dont believe that one but rumors of alex cheating have been around forever. i think the timeline is just too dubious, he got w louise less than a week after he broke it off w taylor, & as much as i hope & pray that he did the less shitty thing & broke up w taylor before pursuing a relationship w louise, the photos of louise & alex together during his relationship w taylor make that seem unlikely.
hi, wdyt about louise and alex relationship rn? why do i have a feeling that they’re broke up?
honestly it seems as meh as ever. i feel like she's nearing the end of her cycle w alex, but thats total speculation. she seems even more tense & is deleting almost any mention of him from her comments, even more so than usual. things may be a lil rocky now, & hopefully we’re about to witness the end. 
i hate everything about this ask. it haunts, unsettles, & upsets me. i hate that i dont see it. i hate that i understand it. i hate that all my frens bully me & tell me alex looks like Eminem during the bald era. i want this image erased from my mind. please for the love of god never bring this up again. this ask nearly killed me
I don’t want to be mean, but I wonder how Louise will handle if Alex dumps her for someone who is more successful and popular than she is. Would she be jealous of the new girl ( new relationship), make smear a campaign against him, or move on.
total speculation here but i think she’ll definitely be on the war path. she’ll probably expose alex for cheating w her on taylor & if he cheats on louise w someone else i am calling that she’ll either a) pull a taylor & be too proud to admit it or b) go for the jugular & expose him & ruin his reputation. im personally leaning towards the latter, she seems like she’d realize this is her chance to be in the spotlight & have the media on her side. i think when taylor’s finally over him she’ll do the same thing & expose him. i dont see their relationship lasting too much longer, & if he really has a wandering eye i’d be nervous. 
I am not trying to be mean or anything, but I don't think people follow Louise for her work or her personality . They follow her because they want to see a glimpse of Alex. They like that fact she was a fan of his before she was his girlfriend , so she gives them hope that one day they can be with him too. I feel bad for her that she doesn't have any real fans.
this !!! you’re very right anon, its honestly kind of sad & definitely not very sustainable if she's wanting a career. ik her album flopped during quarantine, like it didn’t make any discernible impact & it charted at a very low position for a very short amount of time. i think the fans who like louise like her for the reason you stated, she was a fan before she knew him & it gives them hope. tbh before i knew about her problematic stuff i thought the same thing, like good for her she’s living the y/n lifestyle. i dont feel too bad for her seeing as she’s extremely passive aggressive to anyone who mentions alex or her own problematic past behavior to her on her insta & she blocks like a shit ton of people on the daily, & ultimately it is kind of on her. i’ve followed her for about a month or two now & i have no idea what she's interested in, her personality, or what she’s passionate about. her page is very bland & it feels like a typical pseudo-hipster millennial insta. i personally dont know if there’s much in the way of personality there even after you get rid of alex but maybe she’ll end up being somewhat interesting if she stops being so defensive & surface level on her socials & starts actually creating a public persona. idk i’m not the biggest fan of lv for a multitude of reasons, but maybe she does have a personality underneath all those superficial insta posts & defensive responses
Streaming TBHC so Alex can afford to buy Louise another pair of YSL heels she can’t pull off
okay ik this is a lil mean but its also directed at an islamaphobe so idrc
I'm sorry but if alexander david turner is playing piano in front of you, how would you be able to go on with your conversation ??? this video is literally so weird to me like i get not everyone is starstruck by him but come on, this is some pretty good music !!
i guess when i was young i shone a little too brightly. i was made radiant by my openness, my vulnerability, my illness. I'd had people take advantage of me my whole life, including your ex boyfriend, people trying to steal my fluorescence & bottle it up for themselves. i was used to it. my love was a coveted currency, due to its strength & its fervor, & people wanted it, wanted me to love them w the same abandon, the same shamelessness, the same intensity. but never in a million years did i think you would be one of them, one of those bad people who left me high & dry, crumpled on the floor of the bathroom, mascara running down my cheeks, tears staining my slip, crying & begging for you to come back, to stop, to leave, for the love of god to stop hurting me. you became a villain within my story when all i ever wanted was for you to be the lover. i was fifteen when we met. you were on the cusp of adulthood, the edge of seventeen. you knew better than to do what you did, you knew how much i loved you, & you played me. you played me like a violin, till the only notes coming out of my mouth were praises for you. everyone warned me, my mother told me this was bound to end in disaster, but the movies & the music told me this was what love was like, all excruciating pain & insatiable yearning & pits in my stomach & pretty words & beautiful lies & walks on the dark side of paradise. well either the movies lied or the music did, because if that is love i don’t want it. it was funny, because when i was happy w you i was so happy i actually craved life, euphoria couldn't come close, i was covered in pixie dust & baby i was flying, i thought it negated all the darkness. but the darkness was far more frequent, & it wasn’t the romantic kind. it was darkness where my stomach was in knots, my pretty words stayed silent in the back of my throat for fear that you wouldn’t approve, my mind obsessed over all the sporadic hints you left laying around, trying to disentangle those beautiful lies from plainer truths, & the darkness climaxed with a cluster of pale blue pills on my tongue, sliding down my esophagus, desperate to silence the pain. do you know how humiliating it is to realize it was all a game? my life, my emotions, my thoughts, all of it. i was a child playing a dark, twisted game, & oh how it hurts. it hurts so bad, & rage blossoms in the center of my gut at the thought of how much could've been avoided if you had just been a real friend. were we ever friends? what were we, my love? answer me, were we friends, were we in a mentor/mentee relationship, were we lovers, soulmates, soul siblings, what in the ever loving fuck were we? ive stared evil in the face before, in the cop who grabbed my thigh, in the maniac we called president, in the church leaders who told me i was going to hell for loving women, in my middle school bully, in my ex boyfriend when he would humiliate me for the amusement of his frens, in the woman who ran my therapeutic boarding school denying that girl seizing on the ground medical assistance, in the wilderness therapist who told me none of my trauma was valid, hell i saw flashes of evil in my mother when she would tell me i looked like shit or when my father would turn away from the sight of me, but the evil i now see in you is so much worse because it was sneaky, cunning. you’ve left me with a hole full of cement in my heart, a war in my brain, & sometimes i want to pull of my skin because it was once touched by you. if i saw you in person i dont know what i'd do, if i would cry or freeze or yell or if i'd do what i always do & offer a half smile & a wave, because mama raised me to be polite. i'd probably wave at you anyway. i'll close this with a request, & since you’ve surely done so much damage, you wouldn't mind doing this. can you pretty please get the fuck out of my head
out of the blue but I really respect how you want the facts and not just a bunch of rudeness to any of the gfs. quite a few of the "discussion" blogs basically are just shit on Louise pages and it's very nitpicky but I'm glad we have a genuinely interested person who is just pointing the truth out now 💘
tysm ! i very much am one of those women who loves gassing up other women, god the amount of times i use the word girlboss is unsettling. i try to support my fellow women, & if a woman is dating Alex turner id like to be happy for her & wish her the best living the y/n dream. i also dont really dislike people unless they do things that are kind of major to warrant it, & i personally do not really like body shaming or anything like that. the reasons i dislike taylor bagley & louise & even arielle to a degree is because they’ve done very shitty, bigoted things (tb believing in reverse racism & calling herself an aryan, louise making jokes about blm & islamaphobic remarks, arielle using the r slur, etc). i try to stay very fact oriented on here & when i do speculate i try to make it very clear that thats all it is, speculation. thank you for your support, it genuinely does mean a lot to me🖤🖤🖤
You seem young people should give you a break. The am fandom is pretty toxic
some of it is undoubtedly valid but yeah, like i just started this for fun. part of being a celebrity is people speculate about your life, & i feel like shipping can become toxic at a certain point & for the most part its just this harmless thing that teenagers do. im literally a junior in hs & i just happen to love am a lot bc their music helped me get out of a very toxic & abusive relationship, & i love & support that band w my whole heart. ive only really interacted w the am fandom via instagram before this & all of my interactions were very positive, so this was definitely a shock. i considered just ghosting Tumblr tbh but realized that this is enjoyable & that the opinions of anons dont necessarily affect me as a person. despite all the therapy ive been through im still kind of a sensitive crybaby type, so like ngl it was really overwhelming at first. but ig i realized that if worst comes to worst i dont have to come back to Tumblr. thank you for your empathy tho, i kinda posted about it just to vent & it means a lot to me🖤🖤
That Alexa anon I sent was directed at the original anon that she was problematic not you. Sorry for the confusion
thank you so much for clearing that up🖤🖤 i thought i had said smthg wrong & was really confused
Idk about the dream synopsis being about Taylor, Alex said that some of the songs on that record aren't really about anyone specific and are more about the sound of the words/the melody/etc. She Does The Woods is very likely about Taylor though, if the rumours are true the sex between those two was great lol and they took a road trip to Big Sur (which is a national park/protected nature reserve or something like that in California) in summer 2015 I believe. That song is def about having sex outside/in nature (Alex confirmed that himself in an interview lmao) so a lot of folks think that trip inspired the song.
updated it ! dream synopsis was listed on the reddit thread i looked at as being about taylor, but after a second listen i decided that it was definitely more abstract. i do buy into she does the woods being about tb tho, thank you for bringing it to my attention!
im an older teenager lol. dont feel really comfortable sharing my age because i dont want my opinions or beliefs to be downplayed. may i ask why this is relevant & why you’re asking? 
damn ya’ll weren't joking when you said tumblr could be hella toxic. like there’s really no chill here for mistakes or even just differing opinions. the amount of people in my asks who are yelling at me for having fun & telling me things like “you’re not y/n” is outrageous, like do ya’ll find joy in telling teenage fangirls that they’re stupid & they have no chance with their celebrity crush? like i'm fully aware that my chances of getting w alex turner are approximately the same as my chance of winning the lottery, & what the fuck do you get out of reminding me? i'm literally still in high school, & most other fangirls are too. chill the fuck out & take a load off, like seriously. ya’ll are acting like those fucking killjoys who reminded the teacher they forgot to assign hw. & this doesn’t apply to people who are actually calling me out on problematic shit, like yes please call me out if i post smthg that is offensive to you or is in poor taste, because i genuinely want to grow & learn & will 100% hear you out. but to the people who are telling me it’s ‘disrespectful’ to ship alex with other people or yelling at me for being invested in his personal life, like why do you care ?? is it hurting you ?? do you actually believe alex is going to find my little fucking blog out of the hundreds dedicated to his work ?? do you believe that louise is gonna see me say that i think alex would be better off w someone else ?? because wow, whatever world you’re living in seems great. i’m doing this for fun & as smthg to fill the hours & some of ya’ll are still upset. just don’t interact if you don’t like what i'm doing. i won't blame you, & you'd probably be happier. ig thats it for now, i was gonna post from my dysmorphic diaries but ig i’ll save that for another day
Please, Alexa is not a perfect woke unproblematic girl and she’s done some questionable things but nothing bad and who hasn’t? she’s a privileged girl from the uk much like Alex is but the reasons listed by that anon are so fucking dumb. Walking a runway of a problematic designer? Cancel every model ever and every person who ever wore their designs. L’Oréal? Whatever girl. Cancel everyone who isn’t vegan and use cheap drag store that are not cruelty free products or even eat meat or wear leather. And Lolita? She referenced the style of the movie and she likes the book which is very much anti predatory relationships and you would know that if you would have read it (I’m assuming you didn’t). So Alexa is problematic for all this reason but you can look the other way about Alex dating a dumb racist liberal white American girl who called herself an aryan? Bullshit. He may not have Instagram but he dated that girl for 3 years he knew what she was about
ummm in my response to that anon i broke down why i disagreed on the lolita thing. lolita is my all time favorite book, i read it in eighth grade & have reread it several times since, if you actually read my response you would see that i said the exact same thing about it condemning predatory relationships. & also what gave you the idea that i ‘look the other way’ about tb ?? just bc she wasn’t mentioned specifically in that post does not mean that i don’t know & haven’t condemned Taylor for the harmful, vile stuff she said. i’ve been fairly vocal about my dislike for tb because of all the aforementioned reasons, & i’ve posted multiple times about how i dislike her & how it was her behavior that got me to start questioning alex’s overall character. did you even read my response to the ask, anon ? because you seem very angry at me for shit i didn’t even say. like, all i said was thank you for clarifying & the points about miu miu & l’oreal are valid. i literally disagreed & went on a long ramble about lolita, & i even mentioned that it is my favorite book. im honestly very confused as to why you are this angry, this isn’t slander & you even mentioned yourself that alexa has done some questionable things. all that anon said was that she wasn't perfect

Y o u ' l l n e v e r b e b o r e d a g a i n .

Although I will try to keep what's posted here TASTEFUL.... it is nonetheless intended strictly for ADULTS ONLY!
To my faithful followers, nearly seven thousand of you, which is just incredible! It has now been three and a half years since my last orgasm. I’d like to say that it’s been fun, but not so. Life suddenly became very serious, and unfortunately I have lost interest in my favorite pastime. Today I looked at a few pics & memes and it’s frankly just uninteresting and boring. I find myself wondering what used to be so fascinating about it. But yes, it definitely was, for most of my life, more like an obsession.
My cancer treatments ended two years ago. Life has really changed. Without male hormones, any sort of sexual thought is just impossible. My doctor does not want me to take any T supplements as it might feed the cancer, which is always lurking in there, just waiting for a time to resurface. Until then, I am healthy and comfortable. Just no interest in sex, at all. I’ve told my wife that she can take a lover if she wishes, since I am no longer able to satisfy her. As long as it is purely physical, without emotion. Because we love each other, deeply.
Yes, I plan to post an update on my page. Thank you!
1.     The
constant ache of desire. I literally ache for My Love. She is on my mind 95% of the time.
2.     The dripping. The
love the precum leakage. It turns me on
having constant wet spots. 
3.     Lack of
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