Bottom Funnel Marketing

Bottom Funnel Marketing


In a nutshell, the bottom funnel is where you convert your leads into paying customers; the spot conversions occur.

The conversions that happen at the bottom of the funnel are a two-part process. Leads are stagnant here, still comparing alternatives and weighing their options. This is when you have to be very intentional with your messaging to give them that final push that would cause the conversion to happen.

Here B2B leads would need to speak with a sales representative, while B2C leads may never need any support to complete a purchase. 

The bottom of the funnel basically is where you;

  • Foster the decision-making process
  • Convince leads your product or offer is their best choice.

The number of leads you have at this marketing funnel stage is much smaller and is a more qualified fit to become paying customers.

As you’ve taken your leads through the earlier stages of awareness, interest, and desire, you’ve cultivated their zeal and trust.

During the next stage, these potential buyers will check, intend, and take the Action every business owner craves – purchase.

Let’s now examine what a good bottom funnel marketing looks like, and then we’ll explore why a good bottom funnel matters to any business.

Why Does a Good Bottom Funnel Matter?

Before we look at why a good bottom funnel matters for eCommerce brands, it is essential to know what to look out for to recognize a good bottom funnel.

At the bottom of the funnel, the main deal is convincing indecisive leads and converting them to paying customers. To achieve this objective, marketers must explain why their product is the best in a pool of similar products. Marketers do this by using campaigns or incentives to encourage the leads to convert to customers.

At this point, you should have noticed our four magic words to give you a grasp of what a good bottom funnel marketing should do.

  • Convince
  • Encourage
  • Convert
  • Increase sales

1. Convince

The leads at the bottom of your marketing funnel are warm leads, ready to make a purchase. However, there is a small problem here – your competitors.

These warm leads are on the fence. They know they have a problem and have an array of solutions to that problem. But they’re not sure which of these solutions would solve this problem. They’re waiting for that nudge to push them to make the right choice.

They don’t want to be made to look like a fool and regret the decision of buying from a particular eCommerce store. They’re looking for the assurance that they’ll get the right product from the right company at the right price.

Customers are indecisive by the time they enter the bottom funnel. You must find a way to convince them before one of your competitors do.

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