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Boston Massage Backpage


Nestled four floors above Boylston Street in Boston’s historic Back Bay, Boston Massage Associates rises above the hustle and bustle of the busy city streets below. We are conveniently located near the Arlington T stop at 437 Boylston Street, between Life Alive Organic Cafe and Starbucks
Please arrive 10 minutes early for your first massage to fill out a brief intake form.
Your therapist will take their time and sit with you to discuss your goals and concerns for that visit as well
as answering any questions that you may have. Your history of injuries, surgeries, past massage
experiences (what does and doesn’t work for you), acute or chronic pains are all very helpful in creating
a treatment especially for you.
Although massage is most effective when working directly on the skin, we understand that everyone is different and not everyone is comfortable getting undressed. Typically, after consulting with your therapist they will leave you alone in the treatment room to undress down to your underwear and lay between the sheets. Some people only want upper body work and leave their pants on, others only want lower body and leave their shirts on. Massage is always about making you comfortable first and you will never be asked to undress more than you are comfortable with. During the session only the body part that is being worked will be uncovered and you can expect a tight modest draping at all times.
During the massage your therapist will check in with you often to see if we are using enough or too much pressure and about general comfort such as temperature and the face cradle (they are adjustable so if it’s too low or too high, no problem!). You should always feel comfortable asking questions or giving feedback during your massage, real-time feedback is important and very much appreciated, always feel free to speak up. Some people relax to the point of falling asleep while others remain alert and like to chat with their therapist.
Directly after a massage some people feel increased energy, but most people feel relaxed, sleepy, sometimes even a little dizzy so take your time getting off the table. People sometimes feel soreness for a day maybe two, this is to be expected. Drinking water and staying hydrated after your massage is important to maximize the benefit. Do not feel obligated to tip your therapist, it is never expected but always appreciated. Your therapist will send you a follow up email within a few days to see how you felt after your massage.
Our goal is to partner with you on your journey to health and well-being. The massage therapists at Boston Massage Associates are nationally certified, fully insured and licensed in the state of Massachusetts and maintain the highest professional standards in our practice. We will listen to your concerns and work with you to diminish stress and pain at the same time improving energy and flexibility.
Every treatment is customized specifically for you and how you feel that day. Before beginning each session the practitioner will ask you what your goals for the session are. Together you will identify areas the practitioner needs to address or avoid and go over any questions you may have. Whether you are training for your next big athletic event, recovering from an orthopedic surgery, managing an acute or chronic pain or just need relief from the stress and tension of everyday life, our practitioners will design a treatment just for you. We also educate our clients on what they can do between sessions to maximize the benefits of the work that we are doing together.
BMA uses fragrance free, hypoallergenic products and offers massages ranging from 30 minutes up to 2 hours in duration. Scheduling your appointment is easy and convenient using our online scheduler Schedulicity.
Eric Derrico, owner and massage therapist at Boston Massage Associates, is passionate about making the world a better place… one muscle at a time.
Allison Derrico, a 500 hour certified yoga teacher through the Yoga Alliance and licensed Ayurvedic Health Counselor and meditation teacher.
It was as early as high school that Eric knew bodywork would be in his future. His mother always had massage and anatomy books laying around the house, it was there that his interest in body mechanics was sparked. He began to practice massage techniques on family and friends when he was only 15 years old, his mother raised the massage therapist she always wanted to have in the house. At the age of 19, in his third year of plumbing his boss (Joe the plumber) asked him if he loved his job. Although he laughed and answered emphatically “NO” this was a turning point that convinced him he COULD love what he did for a living. In 2004 he attended the prestigious Massage Institute of New England and knew by the feedback he received there that he had a gift for the work. After practicing for 4 years at Athena Aveda Salon and Spa and then at Boston Bodyworker he decided to launch his own practice. Boston Massage Associates was born in November of 2009, here he would have the opportunity to create the optimal healing environment that he envisioned.
By integrating a very unique blend of Deep Tissue, Thai Bodywork, Classic Swedish and SI techniques Eric’s work alleviates tension, reduces pain, increases energy and promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Eric combines his use of his intuition with his extensive knowledge of bodywork to bring about a sense of health and well-being for his clients.
In addition to his passion for bodywork Eric enjoys surfing, rescuing dogs, hiking, philanthropy, and Crossfit. Eric is often sought out by private groups to provide pre and post massages at events such as PMC and Boston Marathon and loves being out in the action connecting with athletes on race day. Eric often volunteers his time and talents and has even organized his own massage fundraisers for organizations such as the American Cancer Society, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Doctors Without Borders, and Boston Marathon runners for Children’s Hospital just to name a few.
Our work is a unique blend of massage techniques inspired by a number of modalities including but not limited to Deep Tissue, Thai Bodywork and Structural Integration. This exclusive fusion of work utilizes the deep, specific work that defines Deep Tissue, an assortment of Traditional Thai Bodywork movements such as stretching and jostling as well as an educated, holistic approach to therapeutic bodywork influenced by Structural Integration.
Read below for more information on all the different modalities that have shaped this particular type of massage. Feel free to contact us directly with any questions that you may have.
Deep Tissue techniques are best for giving attention to specific areas of tension throughout your body. The practitioner will use slow, deliberate strokes that focuses pressure on the different layers of connective tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments and all the fascia surrounding them). Although less rhythmic than other types of massage, Deep Tissue can be extra beneficial in relieving chronic patterns of tension, healing strains and increasing rehabilitation time for both injuries and workouts.
During a Thai Massage the practitioner will move the client into a variety of stretches with the intention to increase range of motion and circulation throughout the body. This all encompassing holistic approach to therapeutic bodywork combines compressing, jostling and stretching of muscles, joint mobilization, tapotement and acupressure. All this culminates in a more energizing massage often clients report walking out feeling taller after Thai Bodywork.
Structural Integration (SI) is a process-based approach to somatic education that explores the possibility of change in how you use and experience your body. Through education, awareness, and therapeutic touch you can release painful, stressful patterns of tension throughout the body. SI takes into account the effect of gravity in our everyday lives and aims at reversing the resulting dysfunctions (ie: forward rotation in the shoulders, pelvic misalignment, knee or ankle collapsing, etc.). **Eric is not a SI therapist but his monthly continuing education with a SI practitioner heavily influences how he approaches dysfunction in the body.
Prenatal massage is both therapeutic and relaxing. It focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be as her body goes through the dramatic changes of pregnancy. You will lay on your side fully supported by plush comfortable pillows. Afterwards you can expect greater ease of function in muscles and joints, improved circulation, and relief of mental and physical fatigue. The gentle, non-invasive approach of prenatal massage can ease discomfort associated with pregnancy and help give the mother-to-be nurturing emotional support.
A form of soft tissue therapy used to treat somatic dysfunction, pain, and restriction of motion. By applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions it relaxes contracted muscles and eliminates pain.
Trigger points are discrete, focal, hyper irritable spots located in a taut band of muscle. They produce pain locally and in a referred pattern and often accompany chronic musculoskeletal disorders. Acute trauma or repetitive micro-trauma may lead to the development of stress on muscle fibers and the formation of trigger points. People with trigger points may have regional, persistent pain resulting in a decreased range of motion in the affected muscles. These include muscles used to maintain body posture, such as those in the neck, shoulders, and pelvic girdle. Trigger points may also manifest as tension headache, tinnitus, temporomandibular joint pain, decreased range of motion in the legs and low back pain.
This style of bodywork is geared towards those focused on athletic performance, training, and injury rehabilitation. It is used to help prevent injuries, prepare the body for athletic activity and maintain it in optimal condition. Sports Massage helps athletes recover from workouts and injuries and compete at peak performance with pre-event massage, post-event massage and maintenance massage.
Allison discovered yoga in her early twenties. Yoga was just starting to become more popular and she found a heated power yoga studio right by her workplace at the time. Always looking for the next best workout to “get toned” or live up to the unattainable ideal you see in magazines, she decided to try a class. She found the practice to be very challenging which she love/hated but that feeling after finishing a yoga class kept her coming back for more. She began to feel better in her body and her mind was more at ease. The practice became more about how great she felt and less about how her body looked.
Allison completed her first 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2012 and has been teaching ever since. Allison is also attuned in Reiki. She completed a 650 hour training as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor through Kripalu School of Ayurveda in 2017 and is currently working on a 300 hour Yin Yoga Training through Summers School of Yin Yoga.
In her Private Yoga Sessions she aims to lead clients through a sequence that creates a sense of balance. Life can be hectic and complicated, your yoga practice can be the opposite. She believes that there is power in slowing down, paying attention, and moving deliberately. By connecting physically to postures that encourage stability, strength and fluidity she hopes to create an experience that leaves people feeling more free and at ease in their body, mind, and heart.
She tries to empower clients to get curious and explore what works best for them. Yoga is not meant as a one-size-fits all practice, it’s not about nailing fancy arm balances or touching your toes. It’s about showing up, understanding our own unique needs, and learning to accept ourselves as is, no fixing necessary.
Her teaching is heavily influenced by her studies in Ayurveda, Yin Yoga, and by trainings completed with amazing yoga teachers she’s befriended along the way: Lorraine Shedoudi, Maybelle Rountree, Jacqui Bonwell, Alex Amorosi, Chanel Luck, Terri Cockburn, & Josh Summers. Along with her private practice Allison teaches group classes in and around Boston at various yoga studios.  She also teaches at Corporate Office settings through her on-site yoga company, On The Spot Well-Being.
“Yoga has opened me up physically, mentally and spiritually.  Yoga has taught me to slow down, to listen better, to feel and to connect with myself in an honest way.  My practice has helped me form a much healthier relationship with my body and my world around me. My practice is a steady foundation to keep me grounded and remind me of my inner strength and to take things one breath at a time”
Our Private Yoga classes and Holistic Health Coaching sessions are custom tailored to our clients. We believe that each individual is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness. A yoga pose that might be beneficial to one body may be detrimental to another body, and the same goes for food and lifestyle habits. A sedentary person may need to add a little more energy to their day, while the “can’t stop, won’t stop”, always on the go type of person may need to slow down and meditate more. We aim to see the big picture and help our clients feel the best in their bodies.
We work 1-on-1 with our clients to help them understand their individual constitutions and what best suited for their unique needs. We combine nutrition, yoga/exercise, meditation, breath work, lifestyle habits, and set goals that are attainable and not too extreme, baby steps are still progress! This is not a fad diet, it’s creating diet and lifestyle changes that are manageable and lead to a happier and healthier life over time.
This is a 60 minute 1-on-1 yoga lesson designed to give you the attention that you may not get in a group class. Private sessions are a great for people brand new to yoga, people working with mobility limitations, or the seasoned student looking to fine tune their practice. You will leave feeling stronger, rejuvenated, and at ease in your body and your mind.
This is a 90 minute health coaching session. It’s a big-picture approach looking at your life as a whole not just diet and exercise, and we work to create an individual plan for you to cultivate a healthier, happier life. We work 1-on-1 to help you understand your individual constitution and what best suited for your unique needs. We combine nutrition, yoga/exercise, meditation, breath work, lifestyle habits and set goals that are attainable and not too extreme, baby steps are still progress! This is not a fad diet, it's creating diet and lifestyle changes that are manageable and lead to a happier and healthier life over time.
This is a 30-minute meditation class that combines restorative yoga poses. You will get the benefits of meditation and restorative yoga. Part of the meditation is guided and part will be in silence. Your mind and body will get the opportunity to restore and relax.
A Reiki healing session creates a deeply healing and relaxing experience for the client. Reiki is a beautiful and natural hands on healing practice that enhances the flow of energy. Crystals will be utilized during the Reiki session to amplify the healing energy, promoting a sense of peace, well being, and balance. The powerful combination of Reiki and crystals will leave you feeling restored in mind, body, and soul.
90 Minutes Holistic Health Coaching
30 Minutes Follow Up Health Coaching
30 Minutes Restorative Meditation Session
Refer a friend and save $20 off your next session!
Refer 5 Friends and get a free 60min session!
* Must be redeemed with the same practitioner
10% Discount for Veterans and Seniors
Appointments must be canceled with 24hrs notice otherwise you will be responsible for 50% of the full cost of the session. No call, No show / last minute cancellations will be subject to the full cost of the session. If you are honestly sick and need to cancel on the day of your appointment, be sure to call a few hours in advance and you will not be charged.
Working in the strength and conditioning field I came to Eric with an above-average knowledge of the human body along with a poor perception of the “spa-like” massage experience. Eric, however, was just what I was looking for. I truly understand how important keeping tissue healthy is and his massage therapy has allowed me to be pain-free while improving my strength and move more efficiently. I now hand my training clients over to him and he has done the same for them.
Eric gives some of the best massages I have ever had, and I’ve had a lot! He’s also enjoyable to work with – smart, friendly, and fun. I absolutely recommend him to everyone!
Suzanna B., Independent Massage Therapist
Eric is hands down the best massage therapist I have ever been to. He is professional and accommodating and truly cares about his patients. I first saw Eric when I was having IT band issues and my doctor had informed me I would never run again without pain and to find a different hobby. Eric listens to my needs and found a resolution to my issue. I now not only run, but I run without pain. He is a miracle worker as far as I am concerned!
I have been seeing Eric for massage therapy for the past 2-3 years, first at Body Works and more recently Boston Massage Associates. Eric is a highly accomplished therapist. He is able to identify areas of stress and injury, apply the appropriate techniques and bring about the best results. Additionally, he is a great guy – caring, personable and fun. I would recommend Eric to anyone seeking a therapeutic massage of the highest quality.
Eric is an outstanding massage therapist who works with and listens to his clients to truly understand what ails them – and then fixes it. On top of that, he has a great sense of humor and is very personable. Looking for a massage therapist? Definitely give Eric a call!”
If you have aches and pains, this man will heal you. Hands down the best massage therapist in Boston. Eric is an entrepreneur who has just opened his own shop, so give him a try – you will not be disappointed.
Eric’s expertise in a variety of modalities enables him to be responsive to my needs every session– whether it be stress reduction, stretching with Thai massage to increase flexibility or the occasional self-indulgent pampering. I’ve tried and been disappointed with so many other therapists in the area; Eric is a godsend
I have been seeing Eric for a couple of years now. Not only is Eric an amazing massage therapist who truly listens to what I have to say but with all of his support and awesome techniques I have made it through numerous marathons and even an Ironman. Without Eric, I may not have made it through any of my athletic challenges injury free and still smiling! ???? No matter what kind of week I am having I always look forward to my sessions with Eric. Session after session we work through any body-related issues I am experiencing and I leave feeling renewed and ready to tackle the rest of the week! He will always have a special place in my heart as he always knows how to make me feel better! Thanks, Eric for all that you do!
I recently discovered the talents of Eric Derrico, and am thrilled that I was able to find someone who really listens to all of your concerns and does superb work that helps relieve pain and stiffness. I have two small children and work a desk job, and have many issues with sore muscles. In only a few sessions, Eric has already changed my upper body flexibility and helped me get rid of a lot of neck and shoulder tension. This is definitely a more focused type of massage that I would highly recommend to anyone seeking a very customized approach to therapy or fitness. I cannot wait until my next appointment!
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