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The Boss Baby: Official Clip - Tim vs. Baby Gang
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - Brotherly Love
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - New Baby Brother
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - Baby Vomit Fountain
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - Saving Puppies and Parents
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - BabyCo Headquarters
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - Where Babies Come From
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - Catch that Baby!
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - Puppy Pants
The Boss Baby: Official Clip - A Family of My Own
Pro Phone Tips With Alec Baldwin: Exclusive Interview

A new baby's arrival impacts a family, told from the point of view of a delightfully unreliable narrator -- a wildly imaginative 7-year-old named Tim. The most unusual Boss Baby (Alec Baldwin) arrives at Tim's home in a taxi, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. The instant sibling rivalry must soon be put aside when Tim discovers that Boss Baby is actually a spy on a secret mission, and only he can help thwart a dastardly plot that involves an epic battle between puppies and babies.

Kids & family,




Dolby Digital, Datasat, SDDS, Dolby Atmos

Alec Baldwin

Boss Baby


Miles Christopher Bakshi



Tobey Maguire



Jimmy Kimmel



Lisa Kudrow



Steve Buscemi

Francis Francis


ViviAnn Yee



Eric Bell Jr.



Conrad Vernon



Tom McGrath


Michael McCullers


Ramsey Ann Naito


James Ryan

Film Editing

David James

Production Design

All Critics (179)

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Rotten (84)

There is absolutely no excuse for this crappy animation to have been nominated for the Academy Awards (or anything other than the Razzies, which is what it deserved), since everything we see here is poorly thought out, the gags are pedestrian and terribly unfunny, and the plot just lame.

Carlos M

Super Reviewer

I remember having a conversation with my friend, during my exodus, where I lamented the fact that, at that time, I hadn't been able to watch any movies for months. I mentioned to her that one of the last movies I watched was Big Momma's House 2. I didn't really actually watch it, I was just using the laptop and it was playing on tv, so I left it on as background noise. I said that I was saddened that this was one of the last movies I watched, but also mentioned that I would watch it for a week straight if it meant I'd have electricity back. I also mentioned to her that when I had Netflix back, I'd watch the stupidest thing I could think of. This movie and the last Smurfs CG movie came up. This is what brings us together this evening. Which is not to say that I think this is a stupid movie, but it's something silly and for kids. I think that's what I meant by stupid more than anything else. Having said all of that, I don't know what you want me to say about this movie. I mean I know what I want to say. What I mean is that this just isn't what I would call a good movie. I suppose my run of good-to-great movies ever since I came back had to end eventually. It's not bad, but it's a painfully average little movie. DreamWorks Animation will never be Pixar, at least A-team Pixar, that much is obvious. But they've been struggling to produce high quality movies ever since the release of How To Train Your Dragon 2 in 2014. I haven't seen Captain Underpants, but I hear it's pretty good. But, from my perspective, the only good movie since then for DreamWorks has been King Fu Panda 3. And it's not like that was an incredible movie to begin with. This doesn't change that run of substandard movies. You know things are bad for you, creatively speaking, when ILLUMINATION ENTERTAINMENT (the assholes responsible for Despicable Me and the awful minions) have made a better movie than you have in almost four years with Sing. That's scraping the bottom of the barrel. Perhaps it sounds as if I'm being too harsh on this movie. I don't actually mean to be, because this was just a middle of the road movie. I think there's a decent enough story here with Tim feeling that he's been replaced in his parents' hearts by the new baby, who works for this Baby Corp, a company that is hell-bent on making sure that puppies don't replace babies as the most loved thing in the world. Yes, really. That's the plot. The brothers, at first, have difficulties in getting along. After one incident where Tim is careless with his baby brother, he is grounded. Before we move on, I feel that I need to point out that when I say there's a decent idea here that I mean exploring the dynamic between the brothers and how, in some cases, siblings, in some cases, due tend to feel like they're being ignored and/or replaced by the new baby. The whole thing about Baby Corp trying to ward off irrelevance from Puppy Co is as silly as these movies get, to put it nicely. Anyway, after Tim is grounded, he and Boss Baby come up with a plan to find out what find out what Puppy Co is planning so Boss Baby can go back to Baby Corp and Tim can have his parents all to himself again. Of course things don't go as planned as the brothers start to bond and enjoy each other's presence. You've seen this before, you'll see it again. The idea that this baby isn't really a baby, but someone who displays intelligence and speaks fluently has already been done countless times. More famously by Family Guy. Given that this a kids' movie, you obviously have to expect things to be more toned down. But they don't really do much here, they just expect the idea that it's a talking, walking baby will provide laughs in and of itself. There's a few chuckles here and there, the most memorable concerning the Elvis impersonators. Well it's not the whole scene, more like the interaction between one of the impersonators and the boys, who are dressed up like one to board a plane headed to Vegas. The most entertaining character in the entire movie, in my opinion, has to be Tim's aggressive Wizard alarm clock. I was gonna say Wizzie (as Tim calls him) was passive-aggressive, but Wizzie didn't bother with that. He's a character that I need more of, because he was the only consistently entertaining thing in the entire movie. Anyway, the movie hits all of the story beats you would expect. Tim and Boss get closer and they start to rethink their arrangement. Tim learns that it is possible to share their parents' love equally and Boss learns what it's like to have a family that cares for him. Simple and basic. There's nothing special about it, but it is what it is. I think the main problem that I have with this is the fact that it's just not that funny. This was never meant to be a deep and complex character study on the nature of brotherhood. This was just meant to give you a couple of laughs and a couple of laughs they do NOT provide. Again, they rely way too much on the concept of the baby being voiced by Alec Baldwin. That's it. No real effort was put into the comedy, even though there's flashes of a better movie that was shifted and changed into something else by the time it was finally produced. I will say that the ending, while a little sentimental, was sweet. The animation is nothing home to write about, it's colorful enough, but it lacks an identity all its own. This looks like every DreamWorks B-movie available. There's nothing about the animation that stands out at you, like all the little details you'd pick up on an A-team Pixar movie. Hell, even A-team DreamWorks Animation has these small details that they don't bother to put into films that they're not fully behind. Voice acting is fine, another part of this that offers nothing home to write about. Alec Baldwin is, essentially, playing himself and, no shit, he's good at that. No one else really stands out enough to single out. Other than James McGrath, who voiced Wizzie. There's really not much else I can say about this movie. If you're in the mood for somethi
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