Booty Training

Booty Training


Credit: (edited web screenshots, Kenhub anatomy video) CFCF via Wikimedia Commons cc
Credit: (edited web screenshots, Kenhub anatomy video) CFCF via Wikimedia Commons cc | Posterior hip muscles: Credit: Beth ohara~commonswiki via Wikimedia Commons cc

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If you want to build a stronger, tighter, rounder, firmer booty , then you’ll want to do this free workout.
In this booty workout guide you’ll learn:
It’s simple, easy to follow, and you will get results.
You can build your booty in your living room with no equipment and no need for a gym. All you need is a structured, optimized workout. Click the button below to get a workout sent straight to your inbox.
If you’ve read my muscle building guide for women , you know all about this process. Muscles are built through some form of resistance training and a diet that supplies the body with enough nutrients to make the muscle repair and grow over time.
Just like any other muscle, the same rules apply when you are trying to build your booty.
In short, you have to do three things in order to grow your butt.
This resistance can be in the form of weight training , body weight training , or even high-intensity sprints or interval training methods.
The trick to making sure your muscles grow is to force your body to adapt by constantly pushing yourself just a little bit more than you did before.
The best way to do this rapidly is to focus on getting stronger from workout to workout.
You also have mechanical tension, metabolic stress, and muscle damage, but I cover that in full in my muscle hypertrophy article.
In short, create consistent progressive overload over time by getting stronger (aka adding weight to the bar).
You can build your booty in your living room with no equipment and no need for a gym. All you need is a structured, optimized workout. Click the button below to get a workout sent straight to your inbox.
Muscles can only grow in the presence of a properly created caloric surplus . For women, I highly recommend your caloric surplus doesn’t exceed more than 300 calories per day. Your training experience matters as well.
I touch on this more below, so keep reading.
Your body must repair itself before you train it again. And if you’re not sleeping enough, or taking enough time off during the week to allow your body to repair, you won’t build your booty, or any other muscle group as well as you could with ample amounts of rest.
We’ll touch on these points more in the following tips.
You have 3 muscles that make up the booty. Those are the:
The Gluteus Maximus is responsible for extending your hip/leg backward. So think about when you’re walking, running up a hill, doing deadlifts, glute bridges, hip thrusts, or the bird-dog exercise.
Since this muscle is very large, you will want to focus mostly on overloading this muscle when trying to grow your booty as it has the potential for the most growth.
The Gluteus Medius is responsible for abduction, which is raising your leg upward away from your other leg. Also, it helps you rotate your hips, so think about when you rotate your foot outward from your body. Movements like machine abductions and side lying clams will work your gluteus medius.
The Gluteus Minimus helps the medius muscle in the rotation of the hips.
When it comes to doing the right exercises, you want your booty training to focus mostly on two types of movements that are:
Examples of glute dominant exercises:
Examples of hip dominant exercises:
You can build your booty in your living room with no equipment and no need for a gym. All you need is a structured, optimized workout. Click the button below to get a workout sent straight to your inbox.
Here are some examples of the movements above.
Body Weight Glute Bridges / Hip Thrusts:
Hyperextensions (with a booty focus):
There are many exercises that contribute to your overall booty development, so the way I like to set up these glute focused programs are by building the training around a few glute dominant movements and then followed by hip dominant movements.
You’ll notice that the movements above are what we call compound movements because they utilize multiple joints and muscles. These exercises are also using mostly free weights as opposed to machines. The one exception to free weights being glute kickbacks, which are usually done on a cable machine, or a specific glute kickback machine.
There are also other movements such as side-lying clams, hip abduction, and bird dogs that are mostly done using body weight that can help with proper activation of the entire gluteal muscle group.
Here are some good examples of those exercises:
A lot of arguments have been made for using free weights over machines, but the truth is that most all exercises can be beneficial when done properly. Free weights tend to be easier to load over the long term because you can continue adding weight to the bar, or by using heavier dumbbells.
Machines can pose an issue when you get so strong you’re using the entire stack of weights. For the most part, you should ideally be incorporating both free weights and machines into your training for optimal progress. Of course, if you have limited access to one or the other (machines or free weights) you can still get an equally effective workout.
You can build your booty in your living room with no equipment and no need for a gym. All you need is a structured, optimized workout. Click the button below to get a workout sent straight to your inbox.
We’ve all seen the so-called ‘pancake butt’ which is what some people say when their butt is flat (like a pancake) and without shape. There are multiple reasons for this, such as genetics or low body fat. But for many people, it means their glute muscles are under stimulated, underworked and underdeveloped.
Our glute muscles are not stimulated as much as our other muscle groups during daily activities such as walking or bending over to pick something up. And because we often spend so much time sitting, our glute muscles can actually become weaker over time.
Lots of sedentary people complain of lower back pain and many times it’s because they have weak glutes and hamstrings. Over and over again, I’ve helped people strengthen their glutes and hamstrings only to find their low back pain went away.
A general rule of thumb is if you can’t feel the muscle working during a certain exercise, you probably won’t get much out of that movement. When we lift weights, our bodies will try to move the weight in the most efficient way possible.
Think of a bench press, for example. The bench press is using 3 primary muscle groups to lower the weight down to your chest and to press it back up to the starting position. Those muscle groups are:
Sometimes people complain that they can’t feel their chest during the movement. They never feel like they get a good chest workout, and their chest remains underdeveloped. And that’s primarily because their triceps and shoulders will take over during the exercise, so their chest doesn’t have to work as hard.
As a result, it’s important to focus on movements to get the chest activated —and to actually feel the chest working, so when you do an exercise like push-ups or a heavy bench press, you stimulate the chest, not just the shoulders and triceps.
What does this talk about the chest have to do with the glutes? Everything. Because the way you grow any muscle is the way you’ll want to grow your glutes.
Since I mentioned the glutes are often underdeveloped, the only way to fix this is by actually working them out consistently and getting your glutes to activate during exercise.
During squats, many people will say they feel the movement in their quads or hamstrings, but not much in their butt. But after some proper warm-ups and glute activation exercises, they’ll notice the feeling in their butt with every single rep.
Now, this is not to say the squat is the best movement for a big butt (it’s not), but it’s an example on how you can get your glutes to activate and actually feel them working with various movements.
Some form of glute bridge is the answer. Here’s a quick example of what I mean:
Notice how she demonstrates the glute bridge and then the more advanced version of the exercise, the hip thrust.
In the free program I’m giving away ( you can get it here ), you’ll notice that I start out each workout with some glute bridge movements to encourage proper activation before doing a compound movement such as a barbell hip thrust, squat, or deadlift.
The short answer is all of them. For sets and reps , you want to do enough work to produce the results you’re after.
The lower rep ranges, such as the heavy sets of 3-6 reps will contribute to more strength, which helps build muscle by overloading it with lots of tension.
Mid rep ranges, such as 7-12 are great for creating lots of tension, but also helping you get the pump which causes the muscles to grow as well.
And then the higher rep ranges contribute to further growth by encouraging even more activation and inducing fatigue (which is part of the muscle growth process).
There are many ways to create a program that works for you. Depending on your goals, you could train twice per week using a full body training split, or you could train 6 days per week focusing on different body parts each session.
It’s mostly up to you, but there are some factors that must be taken into consideration when choosing a workout plan that’s good for you.
Here are a handful of variables to think about when choosing how many days you’ll be able to work out per week:
For sake of example, a majority of people will be able to get to the gym or train regularly 3 to 4 times per week.
The free Booty Building Workout I’m providing focuses on 3 days per week, but can be scheduled for 4 days as well.
It’s common to follow full body, or upper/lower split program over 3 to 4 days per week, from beginner to advanced trainee.
My beginners workout routine is an example of a full body program.
Here’s a sample schedule of how a full body program would look:
Monday: Full Body Training Tuesday: Off / Cardio Wednesday: Full Body Training Thursday: Off / Cardio Friday: Full Body Training Saturday: Off / Cardio Sunday: Off / Cardio
Monday: Full Body Training Tuesday: Off / Cardio Wednesday: Full Body Training Thursday: Off / Cardio Friday: Full Body Training Saturday: Full Body Training Sunday: Off / Cardio
All workout programs and training routines have their place. Any of them can work as long as it fits your schedule and you’re able to recover from them.
It’s done through something known as progressive overload.
In order for a muscle to grow, strength to be gained, performance to increase, or for any similar improvement to occur, the human body must be forced to adapt to a tension that is above and beyond what it has previously experienced.
If you want your butt (or any other muscle groups) to grow, you’ll want to consistently overload the muscle group through weight training by getting stronger, and increase your intensity slowly over time.
A quick example is to take a simple movement like a bicep curl. The first time you attempt the movement, you won’t be able to curl the 30 pound weight. Chances are you’ll need to start with the 5-pound weights and move up over time.
You might do 3 sets of 10 reps with 5 pounds for 3-4 workouts before you feel comfortable moving up to the next weight, which could be 7.5 or 10-pound dumbbells.
This principle should be applied to every other exercise if you want to improve your strength and experience muscle growth.
If you’re not consistently getting stronger on the movements you’re using to build your butt, you won’t get a bigger booty. Period. You must focus on making progress over time.
The more you workout consistently, the more your body will begin adapting to the weights you’re lifting consistently. And as you get stronger from session to session, you will want to make sure you’re adding weight to the bar, or trying to get more reps than you did before.
For an example, let’s look at how progressive overload works with a squat workout from workout to workout. In this scenario, you can squat 135 pounds for 3 sets of 6 reps .
Squats performed: 135 pounds | 3 x 6
Squats performed: 135 pounds | 3 x 7 (+1 rep per set)
Squats performed: 135 pounds | 3 x 8 (+1 rep per set)
Squats performed: 140 pounds | 3 x 6 (+5 pounds rep per set)
In this example, you improved by adding 1 rep to each set on workout 2. The same happened on workout 3.
On workout 4, you added more weight to the bar since you added reps to your last 2 squat workouts.
Ideally, you will focus on improving in this manner for as long as possible to see rapid changes in your figure.
You can build your booty in your living room with no equipment and no need for a gym. All you need is a structured, optimized workout. Click the button below to get a workout sent straight to your inbox.
When it comes to muscle hypertrophy , the science tells us that training a muscle two to three times per week is likely optimal when it comes to maximizing rates of muscle protein synthesis.
If you train a body part (your glutes) three times per week (like in my free program you should totally get and start doing), you’re giving yourself three chances during the week to grow that muscle group.
Each time you workout intensely, you’re breaking down muscle tissue. And when your body begins to repair those muscles, it has to rebuild them (via muscle protein synthesis) and make them stronger.
It has been shown that muscle protein synthetic rate (MPS) is elevated in humans by 50% at 4 hrs following a bout of heavy resistance training, and by 109% at 24 hrs following training.
Here’s another paper in case you want to get extra nerdy about protein synthesis.
Please know this one thing. Building muscle takes time. You won’t wake up next week with a big butt after following the booty workout I’ve laid out for you, but if you keep it up, you will see growth and positive changes within the next eight to 12 weeks.
I also recommend that when you create your caloric surplus, you do it ONLY on the days you workout. So if you are working out three days per week, you would ideally be eating 100-300 calories above your maintenance intake . You can use our calorie intake calculator to determine a good starting point.
So if you want to build your booty, you should ideally be eating enough protein to support muscle gains. If you’re wondering how much protein to be eating on a daily basis, I recommend around 1 gram per pound of body weight.
If you want step-by-step instructions on how to set up your diet and training, get my free booty builder program .
If you want to maximize your rate of progress, you’ll want to have some protein and carbohydrates before and after your workouts.
For your pre-workout meal , you can keep it simple with some fruit and a protein shake, or you can treat one of your main meals as a pre-workout meal. For your post-workout meal , you want to make sure you eat a snack or a regular meal depending on your schedule.
Make sure you’re NOT under-eating. If you don’t eat enough, you’re not giving your body a chance to recover and grow. All muscles need energy to repair themselves after a hard workout. If you constantly under-eat, or just eat enough to maintain your weight, you likely won’t see the progress you want.
If you’re not consistently getting stronger on the movements you’re using to build your butt, you won’t get a bigger booty. Period. You must focus on making progress over time.
Recovery periods are when your body repairs itself and progress occurs. If you never gave your body time to heal and relax, chances are you will stunt your progress.
The most important part of recovery is making sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is the most underrated and overlooked part of the recovery process.
It’s easy to search for all the supplements, food choices, and workout plans that provide the best recovery.
But no diet changes or supplements can hold a candle to how restorative proper sleep can be.
So make sure getting enough restful, uninterrupted sleep (around seven to nine hours per night) a massive priority.
Once that’s covered, you can start to look at other methods of improving recovery. I’m a big fan getting a regular massage (as often as you can afford), taking Epsom salt baths, and doing things you enjoy that are generally low stress.
Some forms of exercise are actually good for recovery as well. Things like leisurely walking, light biking, stretching, and yoga because they promote relaxation and blood flow. At the end of the day, your recovery comes down to the following factors:
Training is the active part of the muscle building process and recovery is the passive part. They’re both equally important, so don’t skimp on recovery methods.
You can build your booty in your living room with no equipment and no need for a gym. All you need is a structured, optimized workout. Click the button below to get a workout sent straight to your inbox.
Tracking progress should be so easy that you have no reason to skip out on it.
There are four metrics you should be using to track progress correctly.
When tracking your bodyweight, it’s important to remember that it will fluctuate on a daily basis.
I know this can be frustrating. But taking a weekly average will give you an accurate picture of what’s going on with your weight.
Many times we get on the scale a few times per month at random times during the day and our weight can be up or down due to many factors.
And depending on our mood, it can make or break our day.
NOTE : if weighing yourself everyday freaks you out, then you don’t have to do it. Just realize that weighing yourself once per week may not be accurate given how much our weight can fluctuate from day to day.
The next metric and probably the most important variable to track are your measurements. For all of my clients , I have them measure their waist in three places.
But since we store the most fat in our stomach, we’ll notice the biggest changes in this area over time.
However, this guide is about growing your booty.
So you’ll want to add your hip/booty measurements to make sure your butt is growing.
In general, with my free training program, you should see your booty steadily improving over the next two to three months.
Tracking waist measurements will also help you see if you’re gaining unwanted weight during your pursuit of a bigger butt.
Take a look at Instagram and there are TONS of booty photos.
So to track your journey, I highly recommend you take some selfies once every few weeks. These photos should be under the same conditions when you weigh/measure yourself.
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