Booty Bump

Booty Bump


Booty Bump
A hit of tweak , blow, or other drug taken rectally
After asking me to give her a booty bump, I wondered whether our ensuing intercourse would lead to some second-hand benefit for myself as well.
Inserting foreign substances inside your rectum for the purpose of absorbing the active ingredients into ones body. using vasoline or another lubricant to coat the outer edge of the rectum in an attempt to soothe the experience is common.
"dude, where are those rolls?" " ahh man , i just booty bumped 'em , why, did you want some?"
When you administer a drug intramuscularly through the gluteus maximus muscle also known as the buttox .
I just booty bumped my girlfriend with some ketamine .
the intimate touching of double buttocks for a short moment before releasing
Jennifer : want to booty bump?
Lola : ok .
it means putting some pep in your step .
damn girl that booty bump you gave me last night was awesome ! i am still wide awake !
(verb) The anal ingestion of a drug, administered with a syringe . The method is nearly as effective and as fast as intravenous method. As with all things there can be some unpleasant side effects depending on what chemical/drug is being injected.
Stevie could not hit a vein for shit earlier. I think he did it that on purpose because in short order after a few attempts, the fagget-singer broke the needle tip off his rig, raised up in the seat, cause I was driving when he did it, and then he worked his hands behind him and gave me a first hand demonstration of booty-bumping.
Idiot: Booty bumping tweak is awesome!

Idiot with deathwish : Stop being stupid. It's all about mainlining .

A drug can be absorbed by the mucous skin of the arse hole or inside lining of the arse, where it gets into the bloodstream and is taken to the brain. This is known as a booty bump.
Powdered drugs can be dabbed or rubbed into the lining of the arse with a finger. Pills or powdered drugs wrapped in cigarette paper can also be stuffed into the arse.
Sometimes a drug in its liquid form (or powder or crushed pills added to water) is put in a syringe with no needle in it, and then inserted through the arsehole to be squirted into the inside of the arse.
Drugs taken anally are absorbed faster than if swallowed and tend to have a stronger effect.
Rubbing a drug on or into the arse can numb the area or irritate it, causing it to bleed or get inflamed, making it easier for infections to pass in or out of this part of the body.
Drugs sometimes taken this way include mephedrone , cocaine and crystal meth . Mephedrone can burn the lining of your arse, causing pain, bleeding and making haemorrhoids (piles) more likely.
‘Dabbing’ is when a powdered drug is put on a finger which then is put up the arse.
‘Stuffing’ means putting powdered drug wrapped in a cigarette paper into the arse or inserting a pill up the arse.
Be aware that ‘dabbing’ and ‘stuffing’ mean more risk of the drug burning your arse lining because it’s not been dissolved in water – and a damaged lining leaves you more open to infections.
Some drugs such as GBL are so caustic (GBL can melt some plastics) that you should not attempt to booty bump them, as the lining of your arse is too delicate and it could cause serious damage.
If you’re going to put a drug up your arse, dissolving it in water and squirting it in with a fresh needleless syringe can reduce the chances of it burning or damaging the lining of your arse.
However, sharing a needleless syringe once it’s been inside someone else’s arse has a risk of passing STIs like gonorrhoea or hep C between men, particularly if the lining of their arse has been damaged by arse play or drugs. Dabbing drugs into more then one arse without cleaning the finger could also spread infections.
A clean one for each arse is needed, but if you find yourself in a situation where you know you’ll share one, the syringe should be thoroughly cleaned with boiling water each time it’s used on a new person – this doesn’t guarantee complete safety though.
As with any arse play, infections like shigella or hepatitis A can transfer in tiny pieces of shit. Making sure you thoroughly clean hands and toys can help reduce the chances.
Published: 30/08/2018
Next review: 30/08/2021
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Home Lifestyle What is the Deal with Booty Bumping (or Boofing)

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Booty Bumping is a means of narcotics — generally methamphetamine, heroin, or cocaine – being used by your butt, often termed boofing .
It might alternatively be called “ plugging ,” “ hoop ,” “ up ” or “ UYB .”
In the past, homosexual men, transsexual women and their partners have all been connected with it. But let’s get one thing right: booty bumping is an option for everyone, including those who don’t want anal intercourse.
Look at more closely what it’s done, how it is done, efforts to make it safer and why it can be less dangerous to some individuals than to inject, sniff or smoke.
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How is anything up there powdery, sticky, or rocky? It starts with having the right materials.
Most booty bumping materials are provided free of charge by Nextdistro, a harm reduction group, via your local syringe service program (SSP).
It’s not risk-free practice of booty bumping. These precautions, however, can help you decrease your chances of infection, overdose and other hazards if you do this:
The safest choice are sterile syringes, but they’re not the only one.
There are those who make assumptions. However, they are usually taken with prescribed medicines and are gradual to release, which may not be perfect if you hope to experience the results fast.
Injectors with lubricants and enema bulbs can be used, although not as accurate as syringes. Sterilization is also needed for reuse (syringes, on the other hand, can be disposed of).
“ Stuffing ” or placed medicines on your ass can create tears, increase the risk of infection and rectal bleeding, particularly by rocky and crystalline substances. This approach is thus best avoided.
The effects often take a few minutes and continue for hours, although depending on the material used, this might vary. Keep in mind that the research around this isn’t very good, thus the precise timeframe is not certain.
When the start time for methamphetamines is concerned, some researchers Trusted Source defer Tweaker, a harm reduction resource for males who are Queer using the substance, to an estimate of 3 to 5 minutes.
No matter how you eat it, the effects of Meth are typically hours long.
The beginning time of boofing was like that of injection, which is recognized to produce quickly effects for heroin in an older 2004 clinical triand.
Some report that the high booty bumps may be felt in your body or limb, compared to the smoking head rush.
Others also sense an excitement (including heterosexual, cisgender guys). Some — but not all, by all means — could feel shameful because of the pervasive anal stigma.
The fact that the prostate is prone to this excitement is obscured by the lengthy history of condemning so-called “sodomy.”
Some like boofing in particular because of the special excitement it may bring during sex parties. This is true of people in the chemsex and the PnP scene, primarily of gay males or transgender women and of their partners. This applies to those in the Chemsex.
When correctly done, boofing prevents the most widely used medication routes from some dangers and effects.
Boofing can be a safer option if you want to quit injecting (or don’t start). It does not provide the same danger of abscesses, collapsed veins, endocarditis, skin infections and infections of the bloodstream.
Nose and lung irritation, if often and without preventive measures, can be irritated by sniffing and smoking.
Moreover, equipment sharing entails the risk of virus acquiring, including SARS-CoV-2 and hepatitis C. (FYI, the same danger of viral transmission is associated with exchanging boofing materials.)
Other possible sniffing harms vary from a running nose to the formation of trout in the septum depending on the measures you take (such as dissolving cough medications).
Dissolving coarse medicines decreases the danger of nasal tissue injury.
Booty bumping can also assist you reduce your consumption compared to smoking and sniffing. More preparation is needed to boof, which might assist you to slow down and be more aware of your use.
For example, if you’re in a party, using the toilet to boof slows your rhythm more rather than passing the pipe across the room continually.
While booty bumping may offer certain advantages than injection, sniffing or smoking, it is not safe.
Boofing carries the danger of damage, like any technique of administration of medicines; here it carries the anus.
According to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and Tweaker, you can accidently rupture your anus’ inner tissue with pain and blood.
As a result, there is a risk of infection, such as HIV and hepatitis C, and lymphogranuloma venereal associated with chlamydia.
In certain situations booty might overpower your body irrespective of the type of medicine you take.
Opioids and other depressants in the central nervous system can slow down your breathing until death. When someone has an overdose of an opiate, this is what happens.
If you combine numerous downers, your overdose risk increases. You can also contribute to the beginning or after a break since your tolerance is non-existent or decreased.
Overdose is known as overamping of stimulants. It is not characterized by drug quantity or strength, as is the case for an opioid overdose.
The NHC notes this might imply several things, from psychological crises such as anxiety or psychosis, to physical issues, such as heart attacks and strokes.
If you have not been sleeping, eating, or hydration, you could have a larger probability of overamping. You can also be made more susceptible by mixing several substances or consuming them in an unpleasant setting.
It may be tougher and faster to boof your normal sniffing or smoking dose, thus increasing your risk of overdosing or smoking.
No matter how experienced and tolerant, everyone might be overdosing or overwhelmed.
Due to the constantly shifting adulteration of the unregulated medication supply, your understanding of what is precisely in your product might be challenging.
The powerful opioid fentanyl, for example, is now often present in heroin and in stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine.
There are several things you can do to make your experience a little safer and more pleasant if you are going to attempt this approach:
Booty bumping is a poorly talked-about technique of using narcotics. It can be a safer choice when injecting, smoking or sniffing substances generally while posing hazards.
Regardless of whether you want to use it in your sex life or attempt it as a damage reduction method, boofing may make you safer in your arsenal.
There is assistance available if you are concerned about your drug usage. You can bring it to a medical expert if you feel comfortable. Please bear in mind that patient confidentiality regulations prevent this information from being reported to police authorities.

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Booty Bump…sounds like a cute dance you might have learned in high school, or maybe some incredible thing that Beyonce does with her ass on MTV, but it’s something else entirely. It’s a method of administering crystal meth by mixing it with water and putting the liquid in a syringe with the needle broken off, sticking it up your ass and injecting it. It is also, in my opinion, one of the least effective ways to do crystal and highly undignified and awkward. Instead of merely passing someone a mirror and a straw to snort from, or a glass pipe or bong to smoke from, the booty bumper will have to prepare their apparatus, take down their pants, elevate their ass above their heads and often ask someone else to help press the plunger, then remain ass up in front of others until they feel the liquid is completely absorbed. It can really cast an awkward shadow over the usual greet and snort or ritualistic passing of the pipe. It’s an unusually high maintenance spectacle that screams, “look at me, I’m putting drugs up my ass, the first of many things to be going up there tonight, I hope,” because often times the person who booty bumps acts as if it’s a magic key, suddenly opening the door to the kingdom of passive anal pleasure. The most it has ever done for me is give me an upset stomach.
Personally I’ve always preferred snorting it, the process can be quick and easily concealed on the sly, or more elaborate and ritualistic, like on a mirror, divided into lines and passed around for more formal situations. There are literally hundreds of plastic straw exchange programs in operation citywide, often at fast food franchises and participating Starbucks where the straws are green and wide and extra sturdy, none of those skinny little black cocktail straws, I hate those.
Choosing to administer through your nose will usually keep you away from those weekly treks behind Safeway to the needle exchange, waiting in line wearing dark glasses and wigs like you’re getting ready to rob a bank. That’s an exaggeration, not everyone who does drugs intravenously wears disguises to the needle exchange, in fact you would be surprised at the array of socio-economic levels, paupers to professionals that you will see there, but some of my friends have definitely donned wigs for the chore, and some even refer to it as the wig exchange. Some use the term as euphemism for times when they might be overheard by others or during phone conversations as phone lines might be tapped you know, and what could be more wholesome then a fun trip to the wig exchange or the novice IV drug user who needs assistance might ask a friend to “style their wig” for them. I personally have a definite aversion to needles and have never administered drugs that way and never will as I sometimes faint at the sight of a needle pricking skin.
Over the years I’ve watched some of my friends graduate to the IV method and often wondered why. Another straw toting friend said, “You know why don’t you? So they won’t have to share with us anymore.” Perhaps that’s why, but just because I stayed with the straw doesn’t mean I’m not familiar with those who shoot up, their habits and behaviors as well as the judgment and much of the stigma they face for their choice. This is because I participated in a couple of benefits for the needle exchange program many years ago, as it was one sure way to decrease the high number of HIV infections in the city. My assistance involved modeling some clever accessories crafted by a generous and talented wig stylist called the “I-can’t-believe-they’re-for-junkies” arm bands, which were like socks with the end cut off and pulled up the arm from here to here and decorated with bows or tracks from a toy train set sewed on them, bedazzled with studs, plaid for fall, holiday themes, some even fur-lined and of course all proceeds from their sales were donated to the program. That’s one good deed I’ll probably never live down. All because I modeled a few armbands and a rubber bathing cap covered with syringe caps and whimsically titled “A day at the beach,” many people forever thought I was an IV user. I might as well just be wearing a button all the time that says, “Excuse me, is this the line for the needle exchange?” But I don’t mind the association really; I’ve always been pretty forthright about my own drug use, my general rule being if you do drugs, just do drugs and don’t lie about it and don’t blame it on anyone else, especially someone who was nice enough to share their drugs with you. Take responsibility for your own actions. If someone asks how you are just say, “I’m on speed, day two and I’m spun the fuck out,” if that applies. However, these days I might suggest being a little less than forthright about using crystal methedrine, as the drug has endured a huge media demonization (not to mention the Rufus Wainwright seal of disapproval) and special task forces have been assigned to eradicate the substance as it ravages the Castro and spreads HIV and syphilis throughout the gay community, dancing lead with young gay victims, down the path of self destruction by providing that false sense of well being and invincibility and heightened sexual urges that lead to unprotected sex, bug chasing, and even selective infecting by twisted vindictive evil villains with minds corroded by advanced drug addiction, yeah, like a Jackie Collins novel. That’s a lot of stuff to pin down to a substance that for some people produces frenzied projects that draw them away from other people and more to hot glue guns and window treatments and sponge painting and organizing collections or pinching your own nipples for 12 hours straight or developing an advanced level of paranoia that leads you to call the police and report that your neighbors are trying to drive your cat insane, or dumpster diving for things to put up your ass or gazing out your window into a neighbors window and seeing him jacking off and joining him for hours of exhibitionism till the sun is up and you realize you’ve been cruising a large houseplant and sofa all night, and other games that don’t require two or more players and seldom involve unprotected sexual activities as they seldom involve other real people.
Often times people who do speed do a fair amount of cruising for sex via the phone lines and the Internet. These methods often require a general descriptive message left for others to hear or read and decide if they might be a match. Keywords for people who are doing speed are ‘partying,’ ‘PnP,’ or often ‘slamming’ or any reference to ‘points’ if they’re shooting. Other thinly veiled references to ‘party favors,’ ‘Tina’ and ‘Chrissy’ or ‘crystals’ really make me cringe whenever I hear or see them.
These girly code names are a major turn off and make no sense at all as I’m sure if the narcotics task force is tapping into these conversations on an all male sex connect line, hearing “We’re partying with Tina tonight!” is really gonna thwart their investigation. When I hear it I assume this person is no one I want to meet let alone fuck and I often respond with, “Do you mean crystal methamphetamine, Agent 99?” Their cover is blown. Click. I prefer to call it crack or just dope, that’s far more butch — must gay men feminize everything? Does speed really turn us into such Nellie swishy bottoms we have to nickname it after a character on Dynasty? One need also be aware that anyone asking if you’re partying and further details about it, like “what are you partying with? Do you have a lot?” might not only be a cop but could also be a spun out bag chaser – a high maintenance bore of a sex partner whose quest isn’t for the biggest dick or hottest sex but more the biggest bag of dope. These are the ones who will snort or smoke up every bit of dope you have and rifle through your pockets when you freshen up in the bathroom, take your cash and when you discover it’s gone, will help you tear apart your room looking for it for hours, then when your connection stops by with the stuff you were going to buy until your money disappeared, your trick disappears with him, of course, with the guy
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