Bootleggers 3.5? Pie, with some mad stinky stuff

Bootleggers 3.5? Pie, with some mad stinky stuff

Bootleggers ROM

Well, this is kind of a update, we may not like it, but this is what "not being lazy" looks like. Pie is here, and it's almost 2 months since AOSP sources were out, we got really behind and we should give you news about what happened on here.

We give you the choice between releasing the ROM bugless or allow releases with some bugs, and delaying this release due to bugs it's not a great idea, we did it in the past and many thought we were dead, but we were silently working. But on this special situation, we decided to release builds, straight unpolished on various terms. From some bugs to some undecision about silly stuff like logos or our musical codename. Until we decided to release a Stable build, we got a name for the builds that may be inbetween of our mostly buggy (more than it's normally). We decide to name these experimental builds MadStinky. Why? Because we're not kinda proud with the status of the source but well, by letting people testing it might get better. So, that's why we decided on that name. By now, these are the features that are on our source:

>Statusbar icons: 4G instead of LTE, disable Roaming, disable X on network disable and the option to bring back the old signal icons (require a systemui reboot), battery icon and clock customization.
> Quicksettings: Vibrate on Tap, Adjust tiles, columns and title inside the QS, added tiles for gaming mode, theme, screenshot, and more

> HW Buttons: The classic volume features, and the extra customization for physical keys.

> Navbar Keys: Some customization for that too

> Lockscreen: Charging info, media cover and visualizer, shortcuts and the font mess: Clock, date and owner font stuff is back, for those who wanted to mess that on a beautifully crafted UI like Lockscreen.

> Power menu: All the items with the advanced reboot toggleable.

> Notifications: Just headsup customizations

> Recents: Set the recents style (credits to @ishubhamsingh from AEX team for doing the main code to switch from quickstep to normal recents)

> Misc: Wake on charging, dashboard conditions and suggestions toggle, and toast app icon

> Extra changes: Using lawnchair as default launcher, Shishu themes are updated into a 1.5 update and adapted to P with some extra stuff ;), Disabled hush gesture (you can enable it back on Settings > Sound), Fixed padding on status bar (i miss the QS tiles going out of margin, don't you?), Added copy logs to (on FCs, thanks deletescape), a new ROM Info to keep the aesthetics with P about device, and many more stuff that we don't remember clearly now.

Even though that's great, we have the current bugs rn:

> Statusbar clock shows on LS
> Themes may not work correctly sometimes
> Notifications gets reloaded but some notifications don't (just swipe them, or in case you want to hold 600 notifications on your statusbar, just reboot systemui, it's just for the actual notifications, not for the future notifications you recieve)
> Lawnchair is on a Alpha state, so bugs will show up
> Theme are missing some exposures, resulting on unthemed sections, maybe fixable in the future, and some stuff from the themes may not be on our stable release, maybe some changes will happen.
> Battery saver tile icon disappears on charging
> OTA not working + disable until we get the stable builds
> Maybe some more extra bugs

Hope that aside from that, you have a good experience and help us keeping the bootleg in the best way as possible. We would like to hear your feedback, opinions and maybe some meems in our main group or heck, even some wallpapers and logo design, you decide. Thank you for your support in this 11 months of existing and let's keep the bootleg together.

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