Book Of Lust

Book Of Lust


Book Of Lust
Version reviewed: on 07/12/2022
Version reviewed: on 12/28/2021
Version reviewed: on 10/12/2021
Version reviewed: on 02/01/2021
Version reviewed: on 11/28/2020
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A NSFW time-management/rpg/visual novel in which you play as Jake Hart; a somewhat average young man. One day, he's given a mysterious spellbook and accidentallyreleases a succubus. Embark on a journey of complete and utter degeneracy as you mind control, swap bodies, birth demons, and order your personal succubus to possess those around you.
-Furry -Possession -Mind Control -Incest -Body swap -Infidelity -Hentai Dialogue -Impregnation
There will be Male/Male and Female/Female pairings, but I wanted to try keep them optional. You won't see any of these unless you actively start looking for them.
Most of what's available and isn't available to do is in the Read Me.
Use the Save Salvage Button incase I break the saves again. Load up a broken save file, go to options and click the button. It'll reset the game but you'll keep all your exp.
Assume the role of a wolf named Jake Hart. A spell book falls into your possession and when you decide to open, you unleash a succubus into the world. You deal with the consequences. It seems as though not all consequences are bad.
Jake Hart - The protagonist and the current owner of the Book of Lust.
Cassandra Hart - Your older sister. Attends the university that Jake applied to.
Olivia Hart - Jake and Cassandra's mother. Is possessed by the succubus when Jake opens her book.
Mel Price - Cassandra's boyfriend. Wears a school hoodie a lot.
Mia Woods - One of the Hart's neighbors. Married to Donovan Woods.
Donovan Woods - One of the Hart's neighbors. Married to Mia Woods.
Julia Woods - The neighbor girl. Daughter of Mia and Donovan.
Succubus - Was released from the Book of Lust by Jake. Both her true name and extent of her power are unknown.
Caroline Waters - A strange bunny girl.
Book of Lust v0.0.91.1a   (SubscribeStar Build)
-Added Lined and Colored sex scene with Donovan when playing as Olivia. -Added two new areas: Old Street and Reggie's Club. -Added a fourth save slot. -'Helping' Olivia out during Mel's visit as jake will increase her minimum Love by 5. -Fixed Mia's minimum inf not being set to 40 when Jake makes her call him 'daddy' -Fixed Julia's advice/seducing Caroline, and Caroline's finale quests not checking to see if Caroline's pregnancy is showing. -Fixed Carolines stats not being reset on a loaded game under certain conditions. -Fixed Akasha and Caroline's stat portraits not resetting under certain conditions. -Fixed Deletion of Save file not updating UI displaying empty save slot. -Fixed Daytime Background showing during Olivia's Night Time Dildo Soul Passenger scene.
-Fixed softlock when joining in Jake/Caroline/Julia threesome while playing as Julia. -Fixed daytime scene playing when walking in on Jake/Caroline having sex while playing as Julia. -Fixed softlock when having sex with Delved Cassandra as Valerie. -Fixed Julia and Jake not having sex in the evening under certain conditions. -Fixed Cassandra disappearing when casting Delve on Valerie.
-Fixed softlock during Olivia's soul passenger when Julia is in Jake's room. -Fixed background not loading during Cassandra's Soul Passenger when Julia is in Jake's room. -Fixed color palette showing up during 'Valerie Hunted by the Aspect of Lust' scene.
-Fixed softlock during Cassandra's Soul Passenger while masturbating during the late morning.
-Lined and Colored Valerie's hunt scene for both the Aspects of Lust/Dominance. -Added Variant to Cassandra's morning masturbation scene when Mel's having sex with Olivia on Sunday Morning if her Lust is over 70. -Added 20 stamina requirement for bodyswapping back the first time with Caroline. -Aspects no longer dispel automatically at the end of Chapter 1. -Fixed talent tooltoop for aspects saying that "only one person can be pregnant at a time". -Fixed some typos. -Fixed pregnant Olivia being displayed during her Soul Passenger when Mel is having sex with Cassandra. -Fixed some portraits bugs. -Fixed seducing Cassandra as Mel mentioning that 'she has a boyfriend'. -Fixed Caroline not being in her Dorn on Friday morning after completing Chapter 1. -Fixed Succubus' sprite not unloading when walking in on Julia and Caroline's sex scene in the evening. -Fixed blank screen showing when exiting Julia and Caroline's sex scene in the evening. -Fixed Jake and Julia not having sex during the evening before completing Chapter 1. -Fixed dismissing the Aspect of Lust, dismissing the Aspect of Dominance as well.
-Fixed Mel not appearing in correct rooms after certain interaction on his visit.
-Fixed Dreamwalk a few dreamwalk conversations with Caroline not resetting Caroline's leave timer. -Fixed Cassandra's Soul Passenger not having scenarios for when Julia/Mel are already over and having sex. -Fixed Olivia's Soul Passenger not having scenarios for when Julia/Mel are already over and having sex. -Fixed Cassandra's Soul Passenger leading to aftermath of Mel and Jake having sex. -Fixed Jake not appearing in Cassandra's Soul Passenger in the Hart Den when playing as Caroline.
-Fixed softlock when commanding Delved Olivia to seduce Mel.
-Fixed issue with stats carrying over and resetting every once in a while. -Fixed Olivia's soul passenger scene masturbating to Mel and Cass not updated to lined and colored version. -Fixed some typos.
-Lined and Colored Olivia's generic Soul Passenger scenes. -Rewrote some of Olivia's soul Passenger scenes to fit the new pictures a little better. -Added new scene between Jake and Mia. Must have Dominate Mind Sex with her as Jake at Late Night. -Cassandra now eats a turkey sandwich during her Soul Passenger. -Changed Compulsion/Dominate Mind sex with Olivia and Cassandra to their respective bedrooms instead of Jake's while playing as Jake. -Making Mia call Jake "Daddy" during their sex scene will raise Mia's minimum Inf with Jake to 40. -Fixed having sex with Jake triggering Caroline's "study spell" dialogue during her quest. -Fixed incorrect Masturbation scene when using Soul Passenger on Cassandra at late night. -Updated Valerie's character portrait. -Fixed black transitional screen not showing up when gaining EXP in G'nisi's realm.
-Added about 6 missing pictures from Mia's Delved sex scene while playing as Jake. -Fixed Mia's missing freckles during her delved sex scene while playing as Jake. -Fixed softlock during Possessed Julia's visit. -Fixed Delve portraits not updating properly on occasion. -Fixed Bodyswapped "Confident Caroline" not appearing during Olivia's soul passenger. -Fixed some typos.
-Added lined and colored Sex scene with Raven Mother. -Added small variant to have a threesome with Possessed Julia and Caroline. -Lined and colored sleep sex aftermath scene with Mel during his visit as Cassandra. -Lined and Colored "Succubus Leaving" bad end while playing as Julia. -Adjusted impregnation animation in G'nisi's realm. -Added possessed and delved variants to Julia's visits when she's possessed. -Added Olivia soul passenger scene in which she masturbates to Mel banging Cassandra. -Fixed time passing when declining sex with Olivia in her bedroom while playing as Mel. -Fixed incorrect stat values being subtracted during some 'Fuck Other' scenarios. -Fixed having sex with Olivia while Mel's over picture not having a night variant. -Fixed inability to cancel "Aspect of Lust" impregnation buff. -Fixed softlock if attempting to have threesome with Caroline/Julia if Inf is too low. -Fixed Julia not leaving when visiting and declining her invitation. -Fixed several actions not checking stats properly. -Fixed Various typos.
-Changed Cheat button menu to have +10/-10 to stamina/mana. -Fixed softlock when attempting to have Compulsion sex with Mia/Olivia/Cassandra without enough stamina while playing as several characters with no scenes. -Fixed UI not dissappearing correctly when Caroline declines sex.
-Fixed softlock when having sex with Delved Cassandra as Julia. -Fixed incorrect portrait if bodyswapped during Caroline's dorm room introduction. -Fixed some coloring errors in various scenes. -Updated Julia and Mia's possessed portraits. -Updated possessed Mia's character sprite. -Updated Cassandra's bodyswap picture. -Updated Jake's portrait.
-Fixed some incorrect speaker portraits being displayed. -Fixed incorrect camera transition color when having sex with Cassandra as Jake. -Fixed a few typos. -Fixed Caroline's "leave" timer not resetting when having sex with her after Julia's visit and after talking about the first Dreamwalk with her. -Fixed Caroline's sex animation when playing as Jake not showing pregnancy.
-Lined and Colored Sleeping sex scene with Mel during Cassandra's Soul Passenger. -Lined and Colored Cassandra's bad end when telling the Succubus to leave. -Lined and Colored Mel's bad end when telling the Succubus to leave. -Added Morning Star's Home and a small questline leading to it. -Added Morning Star's theme. -Lowered requirements to advance G'nisi's quest to increments of one time assisting her faithful. -Fixed pregnant Olivia not showing sometimes when making the succubus leave.
-Finished Mia's Dominate Mind/Compulsion Sex scene when playing as Jake. -Reworked Olivia's character sprites. -Fixed "program not responding" between certain scenes on occasion. -Fixed various incorrect portraits in various dialogues. -Fixed various typos. -Fixed Julia's Soul Passenger not calcutating her stats for Late Night options.
I don'r write reviews often, but this game deserves one. I'll admit, I saw this game multiple times but stayed away from it because I generally don't like furry stuff, but I got despserate for something to play tonight and decided to give it a download. I do not regret it one bit. The game is amazing. A great mind control/corruption system, beautiful art, and beautiful animation are all in this game. Also this game has a pretty well done preganancy system which is an imediate 10/10 for me.
The only issues I had with this game were 1. it seemed a bit grindy at first, but it quickly becomes easy to target a girl for sex and to grind levels. 2. I wish I could impregnate multiple girls at the same time, but this isn't an issue since with the way pregnancy works, it would be busted if you could. Other than that, the game is awesome. I regret not following sooner, but I'm happily onboard now, and if you, like me, stayed away because it was furry stuff, maybe give it a try. It may not be your cup of tea afterall, but you'll never know unless you give it a shot.
Four years later and we're here! A full chapter and some change on top. Kanashii still doing all the art, and has some amazing dedication! You might want to consider bringing in some assistance with the programming if you haven't already; it could give you hours of your time back! If the finished product is anything like the content so far has me expecting it to be, this is a game I'd buy! Never give up!
Keep up the good work! I like where this is going, and it has a lot of potential! It looks like you've already crafted the framework for the adventure, so I now eagerly await to see what you fill it with. I've noticed a lot of great stuff never gets finished around here, so I'll leave you with some encouragement that I hope will help you in the tough times: Never feel rushed. Make your masterpiece the way YOU intended it, and never suffer from the fear that what you do might not be good enough or quite right. If you ever come across writer's block or a moment when you just feel like doing nothing even though you know you could easily be accomplishing your goals, just do a little piece for that moment. And then another small thing the next day. An additional drop in the bucket the day after, and just do that. You'll eventually come out of being stuck and feel better for it. I'm saying this because I want to see this reach beta version, and then eventually even completion. I very much like the possibilities here!
1:this game is not a normal transformation. but its the best mental tf game.
2:the art for this game is buetiful and very well done. im a little let down on the large amount of missing or incompete visuals.
3:the story is a beudiful work of art. the emotion and relatablility of this story is awe inspiring. the story is both wholesome and very sexy. the emotion explored with caroline losing her family brought me more emotion, than any other tf or sex game.
end:in conclusion i would recomend this game to anyone looking for a story filled game with wonderful sex scenes
Lets get this out of the way first (as of version 71.1b): as a TF game this game SUCKS.
That said, the art is fantastic AND the game has sex animations made specifically for this game. Zero human porn gif rips here. With a built-in Cheat Button, theres no reason not to try this game.
As others have mentioned there isn't much in the way of TF at the moment. A lot of the game is playing around with the spells that get from the succubus which can be enjoyable. however there is plot to be found and one part brought me to tears and I was really worried I would make the wrong choice. the characters have enjoyable personalities(at least the ones that have been fleshed out) and their art complements them very well.

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In some way pretty cute actually.
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Hey, guys.  Wanted to try another Book of Lust comic.  This time it's about Olivia and Julia taking selfies.
Also, I'm not sure if I should upload each individual page. Might be easier with just the long strip.
If you want to support my art or just wanna try the most current version of Book of Lust, consider becoming a patron !
The new version is mainly some finishing of the existing scenes.  There's one new background (Outside the Hart house) and most of Cassandra's Soul Passenger scenes are finished.  I didn't finish the scenes with Mel in it yet.
There's also an additional pregnancy scene for two of the bad ends.
Aside from that, I fixed some typos, and two small bugs.
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Amazingly done with the comic, always loved Mrs. Heart from the beginning.
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Book of Lust - Private Beach (Animation)











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A little something for mother's day.  Jake and Olivia at the beach.
Book of Lust v0.0.39.1c Public Build
If you want to support my art/get the latest version of 'Book of Lust'; consider becoming a patron !
Hey, guys.  This time around, I finished Cassandra's portraits.  I wanted to try something a little different to signify that she's under the effects of Command: Delve, so I ended up removing her pupils.  We'll see how I feel about that later.  I'll either end up changing Olivia's to match the style, or give Cassandra her pupils back.
I've also added a gay scene between Jake and Mel.  No special hoops to jump through.  I'll probably end up adding some incentive to do the visitation scene later, maybe a reduction to his inf/love/lust requirements for any scene after that.
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I wish she was my mom with benefits <3
Amazingly done, always loved seeing her.
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