Bondage Soumise

Bondage Soumise


Bondage Soumise

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April 24, 2019


Reposted from Restrained Elegance with exclusive permissions.
The human body is capable of adopting an almost infinite variety of poses and positions. Some of these poses are awkward, ugly or ungainly- these are inappropriate for a Restrained Elegance slavegirl to adopt, for a Restrained Elegance slavegirl should be alluring, elegant and as beautiful as possible, whether in bondage or out of bondage.
The following is a lexicon of named poses and positions, along with more general modifiers and descriptions which will aid Masters in specifying the position that they wish their slavegirl to adopt. The positions in this second part of the lexicon are those in which the slavegirl can be tied.
Many thanks to WykD Dave from Ropetopia for helping us out with the rigging of some of the Japanese-inspired ties seen below.
Needless to say, mistakes in the terminology are ours, not Dave’s
They might even be us cheerfully renaming things so it sounds more fun to us. As always, these are our names for the positions that we use on shoots for Restrained Elegance. They aren’t ‘official’.
By the way, we don’t really talk like misogynistic 1950’s scientists in real life. Well, not often, anyway. We don’t mean any of this seriously (except for the side notes on safety). It’s a game for play scenes and the bedroom where the use of loaded terms like “slut” can be fun and hot (with the right person with consent in the right context)… just like the bondage itself is hot and fun, but only if done consensually with the right person in the right context.
This position represents the classic damsel-in-distress of the silver screen. In the normal variant shown here the elbows are tied touching together behind the back, wrists are tied, and the legs are tied together above and below the knees as well as at the ankles. The elbows together produce a strenuous tie and the shoulders-back position forces the subject into an involuntary display of her bosom, thus emphasising the sexuality of the subject. However, the fact that the legs are bound together so conclusively renders any sexual activity rather difficult, so this is considered a modest pose, suitable for display, tease and disciplinary use.
The variant shown here adds a crotch rope and a drawn-tight satin scarf gag.Ariel says:“I love this position, because I think it forces my body into an elegant shape. Having elbows tied together makes my back arch and my chest stick out, which isn’t exactly comfortable but it feels very glamorous to me, and I’ve never ever been able to wriggle out of an elbows-together tie because it just doesn’t allow enough movement to make it possible. I like this position too because it makes me feel like an innocent damsel in distress who’s not in imminent danger of anything really horrible happening to her – I feel like a sort of bondage-statuette when I’m tied up like this; I feel as though I’m more likely to be admired than abused.”
The box tie is the basis of many bondage positions, being restrictive without causing discomfort or blood flow and nerve issues in the way that the elbows-together tie often does. It is therefore suitable for positions that take a considerable time to tie, whereas elbow together positions should be limited to those where the elbows can be tied last and untied quickly.
The shape so formed is somewhat less aesthetically pleasing than the elbows-together tie to many eyes, but is very useful for the large number of combinations it allows. The ropes passing around the upper arms and chest prevent the subject from wriggling her wrists free of the tie at the small of her back; for additional immobility this wrist rope can be attached to a crotch rope if desired.
The position shown here combines the bow tie arm position with the frogtie leg position. Frogtie is the vulgar name for a most useful position- the leg is bent fully at the knee, and tied just below the knee and just above the ankle. This allows considerable variation in pose and some mobility, whilst preventing the slavegirl from attempting positions above her station- it is impossible to stand up, or raise her head above a certain level, which can be a useful feature of this tie. A humiliation task could be set by promising the reward or release the slavegirl if only she can reach a token placed at her normal head level- a place which will inaccessible, even if she is agile enough to be able to get up onto knee-point.
The primary use of frogtie, however, is clearly sexual. Despite the restrictions imposed by the tie, the subject can open her legs widely and therefore can be taken in any or every desired orifice. As shown in the first photo on the second row below, the subject can still adopt some variant positions (the illustration showing an attempt to replicated the CFM pose whilst tied). The addition of a bolster or bar to support the hips or other support structure permits even more variations to be created.Ariel Says:“In this position I feel much more like a slavegirl than I do in Classic Damsel; the arm position can be sustained for ages, so I like the feeling that I could be left tied up like this all evening. It’s not anywhere near as painful as the elbows-together tie but it still makes me arch my back so it feels graceful too. I spend a lot of time kneeling now that I’m the RE Slavegirl, but I think you can probably tell from my expression that I really like it! In this tie, you can actually kneel with your legs together, but I often forget that because it feels sexier this way. “
The most salient feature of the hogtie is the rope attaching the bound wrists to the bound ankles. It is this feature which ensures that the hogtie delivers maximal restriction for the slavegirl from minimal exertion on the part of her captor, which goes some considerable way to explaining its enduring popularity, particularly in Western Bondage. There are few ways of immobilising someone as effectively with as little rope as the basic hogtie. Even just tying ankles, wrists and a short line between them can be most debilitating and, if the knots are tied so as to be inaccessible to probing fingers, largely inescapable.
The variant shown here is even more strenuous, incorporating additional ropes behind above the knees and above the elbows, bringing them almost to touching behind the back. This can make it somewhat hard for some people to draw in breath (because one cannot avoid weight resting on the chest and diaphragm) and also means the hands are likely to go numb sooner rather than later, so this variant should be considered advanced and more for punishment than for long-term storage.
The same position is easily accomplished with metal, either with handcuffs and leg-irons (one merely has to cross the chains linking the wrists and ankles) or with shackles and chains. In this variation it is referred to as a hogshackle. There are also purpose-designed bondage devices to hold the subject in this position and these items are generally referred to as “hogties”.
Mobility is usually restricted to being able to roll over, and possibly from there being able to level up into a bridge position, as shown in the second photo on the second row below. The subject generally finds it more comfortable to be able to roll, as it relieves the pressure on the chest. If the hogtie is drawn sufficiently tight even this much mobility can usually be denied to most subjects.
Aesthetically, it has the great advantage of displaying the soles of the feet and the face simultaneously, and may therefore be considered the bondage equivalent of “the pose” so beloved of foot fetish enthusiasts the world over.Ariel Says:“Urgh, I hate these! I always try to persuade people to do the cross-ankle variant because it’s much more comfortable for me, but I think most people like seeing this style more. It’s extra hard when my knees are tied together, and adding elbows-together is even worse! I always find it fairly hard to breathe in this position (though lots of models don’t have this problem) so I think I maybe need more training to make me better at it. “
There are many variants on the basic balltie theme. The core similarity is that the knees are brought up to the chest and constrained to remain there with rope. The illustrated version uses a single cinched band of rope at breast level; this may be prone to some slippage if not otherwise secured. Other variants bring the ropes over the shoulders as well, using the arms to prevent slippage.
The balltie is usually completed by binding the wrists and ankles. In the classic variant, these would be tied together (as here) but then additional rope use to draw the bound ankles in to body to keep the knees bent, either by extended the chest band to wrap and cinch around the bent knees and shins or by adding a rope to pull the ankles in, for example to a crotchrope.
Instead in this example the subject’s wrists are bound to her ankles but are not otherwise secured in to the rest of the balltie, allowing her to adopt the JBJS position, or as in the final two photos to be bound with her ankles raised to produce the legs-up balltie variation.
The strappado position refers to any arm position where the arms are bound together behind the back and elevated. The strappado was and is used as a real-world torture and mutilation and we are therefore reluctant to use the term, but it is so widespread that it is unavoidable. It is vitally important to note that the leverage of the arms can in principle dislocate the shoulders (which is how real-world torturers use it) and that one must therefore be very careful when rigging the position- one should be careful that a sudden slip will not result in injury. On no account attempt to suspend or semi-suspend anyone by their arms in strappado!
The position shown here incorporates several elements. The crotchrope is not attached to the rest of the bondage and serves primarily as decoration and titillation. The ankles are bound to a spreader bar, keeping them far apart. The subject was ordered onto her tiptoes and to remain there. Her elbows were again bound together behind her back, which intensifies the effect of the position. Her arms were hoisted to a stout suspension point, but a rope with considerable stretch was used in order that if she did slip or faint there was considerable elastic give in the system.
All that said, the position is very aesthetically pleasing, very practical, allows for rearward penetration of the subject and is an excellent means of display to boot.Ariel Says:“Ahh, this is one of my very favourite ties in the whole world. Hywel did this tie with me at our first shoot, and it was my favourite one of the day. I love spreader bars anyway, especially if they force your legs to be very far apart, and the strappado makes it even better, because I couldn’t use my hands to protect myself if someone decided to spank me. Which is what I was fantasising about the first time Hywel did this with me. I also think it’s an elegant position, because if you want to relieve some of the pressure on your arms, then you have to balance on your tiptoes. Ooh, and if you add nipple clamps then they tend to swing around a lot and hurt even more. I love this position! “
Derived from shibari, the karada or tortoise-shell rope web is one of the basic elements of decorative bondage, here tied by the subject herself after some introductory training. Whilst not being functional as a restriction in its own right, the rope web does provide anchorage for any number of other attachments, and is very ornamental and pleasant to look at. If tied very snugly it can also produce a “rope embrace” which some subjects find pleasurable.
Here the rope web has been used as an anchorage for the stripped-down form of the reverse prayer tie, which keep the hands palms together behind the subject’s back. There are many more elaborate and somewhat more secure variants of the reverse prayer tie but the variant shown is pleasingly minimalist.
The final photo shows several additions to complete the bondage tableau- wrists and knees bound in the manner of the classic damsel position, and nipple clamps added as a display and disciplinary measure. It is possible to produce the same tortoise-shell effect down the legs as well, proceeding in a similar manner to the way the tie is rigged on the body and producing a visually pleasing neatness and continuity.
The legs-up position is of great utility. If used with a spreader bar, it is extremely conducive to face to face intimacy during sex, without the possibility of demurral. If used with ankles together, as shown here, it provides the perfect target for bastinado.
The degree of helplessness produced is proportional to the height to which the subject’s feet are raised. One must be wary of raising the rope too high, however, in order to avoid putting undue pressure on the back of the neck.
There are many ways in which the hands can be secured. Here they are bound to the ropes around the knees, with the final knot tied behind the knees to be outside of finger reach. It can also be very successfully tied with the arms tied “hugging” the legs.Ariel Says:“I really like being tied with my legs in the air like this. Hywel uses it a lot for Bastinado because the soles of my feet are unprotected and I’m not strong enough to keep reaching up with my hands. It’s also really comfortable (unless someone’s assaulting the soles of your feet, obviously!) and I like the way it gives me plenty of freedom to struggle and get into different positions without being able to escape. It feels a bit like a semi suspension too, but it’s more sustainable than most of them. And it’s quite lady-like because my legs are tied together, so it feels more damsel-in-distress than some positions do. “
This position is typically achieved by the use of the implement called the yoke, as illustrated here. It can also be achieved by the use of ropes tied to a pole (a length of bamboo is typically used) although here one must be careful if the pole is to be attached at neck height- one must as always be very careful of any rope-work or restriction near the neck.
The yoke was featured in the BDSM-themed film “The Secretary”, most particularly in the trailer thereto, where its combination of permitted dexterity with complete awkwardness was well demonstrated. The subject’s fingers are free and unrestricted, so she can write, wash dishes, prepare food and perform all manner of other domestic and menial tasks. However, she cannot get her hands near her mouth, so she cannot feed herself easily or with any manner of decorum, and she must exercise considerable care in walking around as the yoke is often too wide to fit through doorways.
It is frequently used as a training aid, and is invaluable in slowing the slavegirl down to ensure that she take proper care and exercise due attention to her chores. The variation shown here adds heavy leg irons for further restriction; the subject is compelled to move at a relatively sedate pace and it can therefore be very helpful during poise, posture and gait training, ensuring that she move with due deliberation and decorum.
The crab tie binds the slavegirl’s wrists to her ankles and commonly (as here) adds ropes binding at around the level of knees and elbows as well, to keep her lower arms parallel to her lower legs. When correctly and snugly tied it is surprisingly restrictive, permitting only the opening and closing of her legs and rolling onto her back. The subject shown here was unable to resist the temptation to show off by attaining a semi-standing position, however, she was extremely unstable and this is not to be recommended.Ariel Says:“I’ve only just learned about this position! I don’t think it’s used very often, but I definitely want to do it more. I think it’d be brilliant for sex (as long as it didn’t break the tied-up person’s arms) and I love how little rope it uses – it’s very economical and elegant-looking. It’s one of those ties that can’t really help looking quite sexual, so I enjoyed posing like this very much – especially as it allows for lots of struggling, and rolling around which I always enjoy! “
The presence of as simple a piece of furniture as a chair opens many additional bondage possibilities. This is just one of the dozens of variant chair ties that can be employed. For a fuller discussion of chair ties we must beg the reader’s patience; this will be covered in a future supplement to this lexicon.Ariel Says:“Ah, I do love this – one of my favourite BDSM sensations is being bent over furniture – I think it’s probably because I like being spanked and caned so much, and this is one of my favourite positions for feeling helpless. I haven’t been tied up like this very often, because bondage and spanking doesn’t often happen at the same time when I’m at work, but I’m certainly a fan of this tie. “
The waitress position refers to any pose where the elbows are constrained behind the back but the wrists are constrained in front. Here a bar has been used to achieve the effect. The name derives from the fact that a slavegirl so bound can easily carry a drinks tray with which to serve guests, but cannot easily do much besides.
Note that the humerus does not bend, so even slavegirls who can touch their elbows together behind their backs will require that the rope be tied with a spacer cinch when bound in this position.Ariel Says:“I don’t like being required to do anything useful while I’m tied up – it’s very hard work, and very tiring! But sadly, this tie makes it possible to do all sorts of useful chores, while still very definitely being restrained. I find this more humiliating than most of the other positions so I never suggest doing it. But at least you could possibly make an attempt at running away if you were tied up like this, which is always a comfort. “
The slave-girl’s arms are tied together to form two echoed V-shapes in front of her body. Although at first sight allowing her to protect herself from indignity, the addition of a tight rope going from the lowest point of the V’s acting as a crotch rope make any defensive response from the subject exact a frictional price on her dignity, as well as thoroughly limiting her freedom of motion.
The subject’s legs are here shown crossed; a more extreme variant would be to tie her legs in the half or full lotus position, maintaining a connecting rope to the bottom of the V’s to prevent unacceptable postural relaxation.
This simple tie is the mainstay of many a Hollywood damsel-in-distress scene (although their damsels are usually permitted more in the way of clothing than is to be considered fitting for most slavegirls who merit, or demerit, a period in this position).
Simply, the wrists are tied together and hauled up above the head, while the ankles are kept firmly distant from each other by the use of a spreader bar. The overall effect is one of great vulnerability, the slavegirl being unable to protect her modesty or her more sensitive areas from disciplinary procedures or unwelcome advances from her ertswhile captor.
As with all positions where hands are raised above the head, the position should not be maintained for too long to avoid circulation problems and possible fainting. A broad band of rope or, b
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