Bondage Latex Story

Bondage Latex Story


Bondage Latex Story
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Before I get into this bondage story illustration business, allow me to give you some background information about myself.  Back in the days before I got into creating and producing bondage photography art, I found my release in penning erotic bondage stories.  Made quite a name for myself on IRC as a bondage story telling scribe in the imaginary world of on-line Gor.  Kajira flocked to my cyber room which pissed off more than a few "Masters", especially those of the warrior class.  Much to my delight I must add.    Pushed my belly away from the keyboard, got off my pretentious ass, (still pretentious but as least I'm not sitting on it any more) turned in my pyjamas for street clothes and put that chapter of my life far, far behind me.  My on-line nick was and still is Masato which is what the M in Uncle M stands for.  I might add that I was famous for never quite completing a story which was done on purpose to create some suspense and give my work a sort of cliff hanger twist.  "The Long Lesson"… part one… part two is no exception.  Now...onto the illustration part of this journal. I crossed paths with a like minded bondage artist here on dA who creates some pretty cool bondage drawings.  He takes the time to dream up a little story for each drawing which adds a lot of life to the drawings.  In our exchanges this artist made it known to me that he has a bit of a fetish for a certain type of footwear on a model and that bondage photos of this nature were a rare find indeed.  Simple, inexpensive, attractive, easy to find and totally in keeping with my style of photography bondage.  What the hell...lets make this guy happy I thought so I have set things up for our very next shoot.  Fair is fair, I'm dealing with a gentleman of honour and I asked that he do an illustration from one of my stories and suggested The Long Lesson.  I'll be damned...he was not only well aware of the story but had it committed to memory.  Stunned the hell out of him too when he realized that I am the author.  This artist friend of mine is   3may5sq1 … his first illustration for the story is complete.  Please read my comment on this piece.  3may5sq1 has put a lot of work and effort into getting the drawings as true to life as possible.  Not a bad likeness of my wife at all.  Drop by and have a look...put this guy on your watch list if you already have not.  you are not going to want to miss his instalments.  Oh....go and read the story.  Cheers!

Good question. Unfortunately I am still not out of the woods yet with this cancer thing. I'm loath to make my personal health woes public but I let that pussy cat out of the bag awhile ago. Good news is the radiation therapy got the vast majority of a mass the size of a mans forefinger. Shows my body responds positively to treatment. Bad news is there was a bit of a tumour left over and they found more cancer. This is cancer the "magical" scanning machine apparently missed or the people reading the original scan were not paying enough attention to detail. I'm going with the latter. Not to worry, this all has been caught early enough t
Enough of this cancer talk....let's get onto something a lot more positive and fun shall we. Over the years I have gotten to know quite a few of you though our connection here on dA. A lot of good natured and fun bantering but honest and sincere at the same time. The chances of me ever meeting up with most or any of the lovelies for some bondage fun is remote at best. I get that. However, that doesn't stop me from making a bucket list does it? I'm going to share, one bucket item (NO, I don't consider anybody an "item" but this is the best descriptive word that I can come up with at the moment) my little fantasy "bondage play" scene with
Way past time for a bit of an update on myself. On a positive note, I'm not only still very much alive and kicking but on the mend albeit slowly. I successful completed my 6 weeks of treatment which was 6 weeks ago now. The thing with radiation therapy is it's accumulative and the body is still radiating itself 6 weeks after the last radiation treatment. Think of being under a heat lamp for a period of time then shutting off the lamp. What ever is under that lamp keeps on cooking. My type of cancer was painless so I was bloody lucky to have noticed something was amiss early and acted on it. My troubles or issues is dealing with all the
It's certainly been awhile since I have posted anything of significance here on dA and not without reason. I'm loath to post bad or negative news especially when the news is of a personal nature. Double if the news concerns a serious health issue. After much thought I am going to make an exception for my dA followers only. Late January I was diagnosed with cancer of an unknown origin. Picture a fire with an unknown source. Fire fighters can control the fire and eventually put it out but dammit where did it start and what caused it? Kind of important information to have if you want to ensure the fire doesn't flare up again somewhere els
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I didn't know you were into Gor. Maybe you need some kajirae photoshoots!

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Patient Name: Cucumber Age: 22 Risk Level: Low Patient Overview: It is very common for people to contact the Sternway Institute when an individual they are close to is experiencing mental distress. We have received reports that the patient, a young woman, is suffering from a severe mental breakdown and has seemingly forgotten her identity, refusing to acknowledge her real name. As such, we have sent out a team of orderlies to bring her to the Institute in order to diagnose and treat whatever issues are plaguing her. Other than her distinctively cat-like ears and tail, the patient’s appearance is no different to that of a human. Thus, with the assumption she has average human strength for a woman her age, we have decided that the standard Sternway Institute Full-Body Straitjacket is all that’s necessary to restrain her, at least at this early point in her treatment. ----- Sitting at her computer, a young catgirl was browsing the internet, angrily scrolling through photos on a
The school was empty on the weekends.

The only person Rainnie had even seen so far was the guard, snoring away in his little guard house, dead to the world.

"Where is that girl?” Rainnie asked herself yet again as she scoured the campus for her friend. “She was the one who asked me for this morning practice!"

After several more minutes of looking around, Rainnie was beginning to think the girl had forgotten about their meeting. The longer she wandered around the school, the more she suspected this to be the case.

"Whatever, I'll get changed first then look for her some more. Maybe she's in the locker room."
With a sigh, Rainni
Quick info: this story is a direct sequel to my automated asylum story, so you will be completely lost on what is happening if you didn’t read it.

Enough was enough for Mary. She had been in that asylum for God knows how long, and she needed to get out. The lack of movement made her arms much slimmer than before, giving her some wiggle room in her sleeves, but she would need a lot of time to slither them out of her jacket. She therefore needed another plan. She had asked Judy for help, since she knew all the corridors of the Sanctuary Gardens. And despite telling her that her plan was folly, Judy did help, telling her the way from Mary
  It would’ve been a bit too obvious to place the cell door at the end of a long hallway. Blueprints had originally called for heavy doors and extra security along the hallway - tripwires, security cameras, sensors, and more. They had been all thrown out. There was no need for such excessive force. Such measures merely enticed a breakout and added mystique.
  Cell Zero was hidden in plain sight. It had no label and only a simple nine-digit keypad for entry. As an alternative, an ordinary metal key would do the trick. There was no need for obscene defensive measures when the cell could’ve been mistaken for a broom closet.
A story starring Liz, an OC of JacketFreak , being encased (... duh), and discovering that she should be careful what she wished for, even if she's a masochistic lover of bondage. I only hope that I did her character justice Will Liz ever get out? Will Elena come save her? Was Elena actually the one behind her encasment? Who knows. I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors. English is not my first language.
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Liz awoke to find herself sitting in a chair, stripped naked. The room she found herself in did not have much furniture. There was only a desk in front of her, another chair beyond that, and to her right, a table. The walls were all painted white, and she couldn’t tell where the door was, or even if the room had any doors.
Having been sedated only minutes before, she could hardly remember why she was here. She could remember parts of what happened, but not too much. She had been with Elena, in her own personal cell behind her mistress’s office. The police had busted in, waving their guns around. Then they took her. That was all she could remember for now.
It must have been for a crime so big, that it could not be ignored by them. Elena was the most powerful gang leader in the city, and when police would come to arrest her, it would often end up worse for them than it did for her. She looked down to examine her naked body. They had given her a sedative after they had strapped her into the back of the police van, and they must have taken her clothes when she was unconscious. She was disappointed. She would have liked to experience the thrill of being strapped tight in the back with her straightjacket.
Her skin was paler than the last time she remembered seeing it, before she became a slave. Seeing herself naked, seeing herself unbound, it felt wrong. She belonged to Elena, and she belonged in a tight straightjacket, all bound up for her mistress to tease and torture.
Just then, a doorway opened in one of the walls, and three women, one wearing a business suit, and the other two clad in tight-fitting latex suits and carrying large packages wrapped in plastic, walked in. Liz always hated the material. She loved the feeling of powerlessness that came from bondage, but she couldn’t stand the feel of latex. The woman in the business suit sat across from her, and the other two stood at her sides. One of them had blond hair, and the other was a brunette.
“Elizabeth Jong,” the businesswoman spoke with a cold voice. “You have been found guilty of the first-degree murder of a federal judge.”
Her words caused Liz to remember. The police had come to arrest one of Elena’s bikers for the murder of a judge. That had caused too much noise for even corrupt officers to ignore, especially with people outside the city more powerful than them wanting an arrest. It was enough that they had raided the gang's headquarters with a SWAT them.
Elena had offered Liz up as the culprit, and the police had arrested her. She had felt the sunlight on her skin for the first time in years, and she had hated it. However, there was no way Liz could have done it. She had been tied up as Elena’s slave for several years now.
“You have been sentenced a lifetime of bondage and isolation,” the businesswoman stated. “You will serve out your sentence at the JF Institute, our current location, starting now.”
Liz couldn’t believe it. She was at the JF Institute. She knew that Elena would sometimes send nosey reporters there to disappear. And she was being sentenced to permanent bondage, to imprisonment for the rest of her life. The words almost made her drool. This was more than she could have ever hoped for. She imagined what it would be like, how good it would feel, to be trapped, locked away deep within one of the facilities dark rooms, struggling against her bonds with no chance of escape. The JF Institute was also an insane asylum, so no doubt they used her favourite item of bondage, the straightjacket.
This was too perfect. She couldn’t wait for her punishment.
“Really?” she asked, squirming in her seat. “Right now?”
“Yes,” the businesswoman stated. “These two nurses will begin preparations for you to live out your sentence.”
The businesswoman stood up and left, leaving her alone with the two latex nurses. One of them, the blonde, walked over to her, and put her hands on Liz’s shoulders from behind. Liz shuddered at the latex’s touch.
“I just want you to know that there’s no getting out of this. We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” the nurse told her, as she slid a hand down Liz’s side and stroked the side of her breast.
“W-What does that mean?” Liz replied, getting way too excited for her permanent imprisonment.
“It means that either you cooperate with us, and we’ll let you be in control of your body while we put all this stuff on, or you don’t, and we’ll take that away from you, shove you inside this stuff, and tighten the straps so much that you’ll beg us for mercy.”
Liz considered taking the second option then and there. This was a dream come true for her.
The nurse lifted one of the packages up off the desk, and showed it to Liz. Liz could see a card on the front with her name, her mugshot from that one time she was arrested, and a list of several of her measurements.
“All of these items had been made exactly to your measurements, Ms. Jong,” the nurse explained. “All these restraints will fit you exactly.”
As Liz stared at the package, she began drooling. It was all made-to-measure. It would all fit her perfectly, being tight and snug in all the right places, and no doubt showing off her generous bust. It was heaven.
The nurse put the package back down, ripped off the plastic seal, and opened the package. She took out the first item of Liz’s bondage and held it in the air for her to see.
In an instant, Liz’s dream turned into a nightmare, her heaven into hell.
The red catsuit covered her hands and her feet, and it looked like it would run up all the way to her neck.
Liz backed away from the latex catsuit, knocking over both her chair and the nurse behind her in the process, and ran away from the nurse holding her doom. She quickly reached the wall and pressed her back against it.
“No! No!” she screamed. “Stay away! Get away!”
The fallen nurse picked herself off the ground and gave her a glare that made Liz trembled and whimper.
“I guess it’s the hard way, then,” she said.
The two nurses approached her from different directions, in case she tried to run away. Liz couldn’t take her eyes off the slowly approaching latex catsuit. She wanted to trapped the hard way, but she didn’t want to be trapped inside that.
The other nurse lunged at her and managed to restrain her arms. The nurse carrying the catsuit laid it down carefully on the fallen chair, and rushed over to her colleague. Liz tried to resist, struggling with all her might, but the grip of two strong women was too much for the weak bondage slave to handle.
She felt something prick her neck, and suddenly, she lost all feeling of her body below her neck. She could still move her eyes, still talk, and still breathe thankfully, but her arms and legs were no longer under her control. Nor could she move her head.
“The drug you were just injected with cuts off communications between your brain and any motor muscles below your neck. Don’t worry, it won’t kill you. The muscles that keep you alive are not effected. But it will make you be a nice cooperative girl while we tie you up.” The nurse then added, “You will be nice for the time being, but that does not mean we will be.”
The nurse took the needle out and lowered her to floor. Liz tried her hardest to move, to somehow shake off the effects of the drug, but her efforts were fruitless.
The nurse she had knocked over grabbed the latex catsuit from where it lay, and approached Liz with an evil glint in her eye.
“No! You can’t do this to me!” Liz yelled.
Ignoring her pleas, the nurse pulled the zipper at the front of the catsuit all the way down to let Liz get a good look at the inside. At the place she would be spending the rest of her life in.
Slowly, the nurses slipped the catsuit onto her. She first felt the cool, sickening touch of the latex on her feet. Then, it rose to her legs, then thighs, then her crotch and stomach, then her bust, and finally her shoulders from the back. After that, they slipped her hands inside the catsuit’s mittens. They surprising weren’t bondage mittens. Had she been able to control her hands, she could have moved all five of her fingers separately within them.
She would have liked that control now.
Tears began streaming down her face as she felt them zip the catsuit up, sealing her inside this eternally tormenting prison.
“Aww, don’t cry,” the nurse cooed. “We have only just gotten started.”
When they had finally finished zipping up the catsuit, Liz had a realization that stopped her tears. The catsuit had no holes to take care of her using the bathroom. That meant that, even though she had been sentenced to permanent bondage, they would have to take her out sometime. She was thankful for that.
The nurse gave her an evil smile. “This catsuit here is made of a special type of nanomachine-laced latex. The nanomachines will take care of all your bodily needs, dealing with urine and feces disposal and keeping your body clean.”
In a single sentence, the nurse destroyed any hope Liz had of respite from this hell. The nurse demonstrated how screwed she was by moving the zipper up to the very top, pulling it off the catsuit and leaving no way to open it back up.
“N-No,” Liz stuttered, as the tears began once more.
“I think it’s about time we shut her up,” the other nurse opined. “I’ll get the gag.”
As the other nurse went to get the gag, the nurse Liz had knocked to the ground earlier ran a finger down the center of Liz’s latex-clad body, taking in the shine. She traced from her neck down through her cleavage to Liz’s crotch, then brushed the inside of her thighs. If Liz wasn’t wearing latex, she might have been turned on.
“It’s a shame someone like you has to be put away,” the nurse told her. “Believe me, when we are done, nobody will know you are even human.”
Liz was about to answer, when the other nurse came back and slipped a ball gag into her open mouth. The gag was the perfect size, stretching her mouth open wide,
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