Bondage Corset Stories

Bondage Corset Stories


Bondage Corset Stories
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Before I get into this bondage story illustration business, allow me to give you some background information about myself.  Back in the days before I got into creating and producing bondage photography art, I found my release in penning erotic bondage stories.  Made quite a name for myself on IRC as a bondage story telling scribe in the imaginary world of on-line Gor.  Kajira flocked to my cyber room which pissed off more than a few "Masters", especially those of the warrior class.  Much to my delight I must add.    Pushed my belly away from the keyboard, got off my pretentious ass, (still pretentious but as least I'm not sitting on it any more) turned in my pyjamas for street clothes and put that chapter of my life far, far behind me.  My on-line nick was and still is Masato which is what the M in Uncle M stands for.  I might add that I was famous for never quite completing a story which was done on purpose to create some suspense and give my work a sort of cliff hanger twist.  "The Long Lesson"… part one… part two is no exception.  Now...onto the illustration part of this journal. I crossed paths with a like minded bondage artist here on dA who creates some pretty cool bondage drawings.  He takes the time to dream up a little story for each drawing which adds a lot of life to the drawings.  In our exchanges this artist made it known to me that he has a bit of a fetish for a certain type of footwear on a model and that bondage photos of this nature were a rare find indeed.  Simple, inexpensive, attractive, easy to find and totally in keeping with my style of photography bondage.  What the hell...lets make this guy happy I thought so I have set things up for our very next shoot.  Fair is fair, I'm dealing with a gentleman of honour and I asked that he do an illustration from one of my stories and suggested The Long Lesson.  I'll be damned...he was not only well aware of the story but had it committed to memory.  Stunned the hell out of him too when he realized that I am the author.  This artist friend of mine is   3may5sq1 … his first illustration for the story is complete.  Please read my comment on this piece.  3may5sq1 has put a lot of work and effort into getting the drawings as true to life as possible.  Not a bad likeness of my wife at all.  Drop by and have a look...put this guy on your watch list if you already have not.  you are not going to want to miss his instalments.  Oh....go and read the story.  Cheers!

Good question. Unfortunately I am still not out of the woods yet with this cancer thing. I'm loath to make my personal health woes public but I let that pussy cat out of the bag awhile ago. Good news is the radiation therapy got the vast majority of a mass the size of a mans forefinger. Shows my body responds positively to treatment. Bad news is there was a bit of a tumour left over and they found more cancer. This is cancer the "magical" scanning machine apparently missed or the people reading the original scan were not paying enough attention to detail. I'm going with the latter. Not to worry, this all has been caught early enough t
Enough of this cancer talk....let's get onto something a lot more positive and fun shall we. Over the years I have gotten to know quite a few of you though our connection here on dA. A lot of good natured and fun bantering but honest and sincere at the same time. The chances of me ever meeting up with most or any of the lovelies for some bondage fun is remote at best. I get that. However, that doesn't stop me from making a bucket list does it? I'm going to share, one bucket item (NO, I don't consider anybody an "item" but this is the best descriptive word that I can come up with at the moment) my little fantasy "bondage play" scene with
Way past time for a bit of an update on myself. On a positive note, I'm not only still very much alive and kicking but on the mend albeit slowly. I successful completed my 6 weeks of treatment which was 6 weeks ago now. The thing with radiation therapy is it's accumulative and the body is still radiating itself 6 weeks after the last radiation treatment. Think of being under a heat lamp for a period of time then shutting off the lamp. What ever is under that lamp keeps on cooking. My type of cancer was painless so I was bloody lucky to have noticed something was amiss early and acted on it. My troubles or issues is dealing with all the
It's certainly been awhile since I have posted anything of significance here on dA and not without reason. I'm loath to post bad or negative news especially when the news is of a personal nature. Double if the news concerns a serious health issue. After much thought I am going to make an exception for my dA followers only. Late January I was diagnosed with cancer of an unknown origin. Picture a fire with an unknown source. Fire fighters can control the fire and eventually put it out but dammit where did it start and what caused it? Kind of important information to have if you want to ensure the fire doesn't flare up again somewhere els
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I didn't know you were into Gor. Maybe you need some kajirae photoshoots!

The Institute

Cross-Dressing Punishment and Humiliation for All

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Since this was supposed to be my last visit to Fantasy Island and it had always been my life-long dream to be a Bride, I had planned to ask the Mistress of Fantasy Island if I could please be a Bride.
Not knowing really what to expect from my extension of visits, I figured that this might be my last free wish. So I decided that I should stick to my original planning.
“Mistress – Please grant my wish to be a Bride and may I dress up as the prettiest frilliest Bride ever and attend a my Wedding.”
As always – she smiled and granted my Wish. I was whisked off by her assistants to the Bridal Salon to prepare for my Wedding.
As I came from the Bridal Salon Mistress said I looked Lovely. Then Mistress walked me to the steps of the Church and as the Doors were opened and the music started I could see the Church was packed with My Mistress’s friends. I was somewhat embarrassed to walk down the isle as a Bride, but it was my dream and I stepped out with courage.
A short while ago we were all given an assignment. Because the Institute had become quite dusty, we were to present ourselves as a sissy maid prepared to clean. A Poll was established to vote on who had presented themselves as the most humiliated sissy maid.
The losers were to be trained further and experience further humiliation as “Sorority Bitches”.
From the Start my performance was inadequate and had 0 Votes until a late surge left me with 2 Votes, but still in last place. I guess I was the most in need of humiliation and training by the Sorority and now I was to be a “Sorority Bitch”.
The assignment was basically that you were to experience a Sorority initiation Training Exercise in obedience and humiliation. There would be four Training Sessions over the course of the Evening divided into a Pleasant Dinner at a reception hall followed by a punishment session for insolent Sorority Bitches. You were then to be taken back to the Sorority House for some additional Training Punishments. Then, finally, it was Bedtime and a pleasant Sleep. The actual training episodes were not so pleasant.
It was for each of us to determine our training activities. We were required to pick at least one activity in each session, a minimum of 7 total activities and the Judges were to decided which Sorority Bitch would graduate and which would need further training.
I intended to try as hard as I could to impress the Judges and would attempt as many activities as I thought I could accomplish. To start, I strove to make myself as pretty as I could and be the Best Sorority Girl I could. I was to attend a Dinner at a reception hall and the dress code was a Corset, stockings, high heels and a dress. Since it seemed like a formal affair, I chose an old, but very pretty Fancy Dress that I once imagined wearing to a Prom.
I stood ready to be a Sorority Bitch.
This image was originally uploaded to Flickr by StacyLovesBD .
I got a note back from missy maid the other day:
missy maid is very sorry to hear that all of miss pieclown’s pictures and video were uploaded since missy maid cannot understand why miss pieclown cannot follow the directions. missy maid was right to think that miss pieclown would find a way to cheat. missy maid is also upsets with mistress amber because missy maid knew that miss pieclown would not complete her apology correctly.
I have already sent my apologies to missy maid, as I forgot that I must give pieclown very explicit directions. While I told her to “Get yourself dressed up, proper feminine makeup required, with properly sized and weighted breast forms…properly corseted, plugged, packaged and ball gagged,” I did not specifically mention this time that the pictures must reflect this. So there is a whole lot of pictures of her meditating and writing that all pretty much look the same.
Was there a digital clock in any of the pictures? Not a chance. (Well, there was a computer added timer, but that wasn’t quite the point.) And apparently, my directions should have said “Take readable photographs (or scan) the original apology letter.” There’s nothing like an apology you can’t read.
I did manage to catch a couple of pictures with pieclown all dolled up, so I will be sure to post those soon. As soon as I hear back from missy maid. (Maybe pieclown will feel sorry for missy maid and send some full body pictures. I am not holding my breath.)
Stacee Skye has quite a bit of clothing in her closet which could politely called hideous. So I though it would be good for her to get rid of it–but not before taking pictures of herself in it first. And of course I had to make sure that she was properly underclothed first.
Of course, I couldn’t tell Stacee Skye the real reason for the photo shoot because she wouldn’t give it her all. So I told her that I was going to have her take photos of some of my favorite clothes in her closet and to make them look good. And as a little added incentive I put one of her plugs and the her harness out where she could see them. She could do it my way, or she could do it my much more painful way.
Yeah, and do I even need to mention that it didn’t start out well? Before she had even tried on one piece she had already earned her tightest (white) corset panty, her tightest (white) girdle panty, her posture collar and high heels. Some girls never learn. I’ll post the results as soon as I have them.
Answers to Questions You Didn’t Ask:
Of course there were rules for her photo shoot: (1) No lying, sitting, kneeling or leaning–even when changing clothes. (2) The high heels do not come off when changing clothes. (3) Exactly three pictures of each article. They should all be good. (4) No peeking at the camera after the pictures are taken. (5) Use only the 2-second timer. Hit the button and run into place. (6) Pictures with skin showing below the bra, white underwear showing, bra forms showing, without all cuffs showing or out of focus are not considered “good”.
I wouldn’t call it hard. If I wanted it to be hard she would be hooded and gagged and have her ankles clipped together and her wrists on a short chain and her tits a more appropriate size. If I wanted it stupidly easy, I would have had her do it while I wasn’t around. I don’t need to sit around while she lounges in panties, trying to pick out things to get rid of.
Well there is still plenty of stuff in her closet, some of which still needs to go. I wouldn’t bet on her going naked anytime soon.
No, I don’t like pants that much. My girls should spend all of their time in skirts and dresses (if they are even allowed to wear outer clothes at all.
Of course I gave her a break. I sent her outside once she took the pictures in the coral striped dress. I actually like it. And since I was worried about the shoes in the yard, I let her take those off.
I don’t know if the neighbors saw her or not. They were in their backyard riding go-karts.
Yes, I really sent her outside like that.
After I sent her the assignment last week, pieclown said:
I will hold off on comments for the page, so not to give missy maid ideas.
She shouldn’t be worrying about missy maid having too many ideas–she gave me plenty I decided not to use. The one she had about how long you should spend thinking on your knees would have really made you afraid.
MY BIG fear is my 30 minutes on the knees
Her suggestion was almost 10 times that length.
So, hopefully pieclown will be able to eventually finish her apology. On Monday night she wrote:
I was planning to do the apology to missy maid to night, but my ex wife had something come up and now I have my son tonight and who knows how long. So I may not get it done by the end of the month. I did get me a new corset, and the golf balls to make the ball gag. I was waiting for $ to come in to get these and did not have my son here.
Hopefully missy maid will have as much patience as I do.
After further consultation with missy maid, this is the punishment for pieclown. It is due by the end of the month.
Since missy maid is concerned that you will try to cheat in this punishment, all activities are to be recorded via (1) video camera, (2) web camera, (3) automatic (every 30 seconds) camera, or (4) a friend taking pictures for you. (Missy maid would like the last one, so they you can be forced to serve them after this apology is finished. I don’t really care that much.)
Get yourself dressed up, proper feminine makeup required, with properly sized and weighted breast forms. (Definitely no smaller than the ones you used for the second alphabet.) You will be properly corseted, plugged, packaged and ball gagged.
Prepare the location by setting up the camera, then a digital clock and an analog clock in the background (that will still show up in the pictures).
Kneeling, with your hands behind your head, meditate for 30 minutes. (Note that it is improper to have any external input interrupt or end you meditation.) If you will have trouble with your eyes darting all over the place, then you should use a blindfold during the meditation.
If required, bring a chair and/or table to the camera area.
Handwrite an apology to missy maid, explaining what you did wrong and offering a retribution punishment for the grief you caused her. (1500 words would be an appropriate length, but that shouldn’t cut you off.)
Move the camera setup to the computer (of vice versa) and type the apology as a comment to this post.
Take photographs (or scan) the original apology letter.
Post all of the pictures and video to The Institute’s ftp site .
Remember, this is due by the end of the month and you should always let me know that you have received the punishment by sending email or posting a comment.
I was up thinking last night–something just didn’t seem quite right with pieclown’s alphabet . It just irked me until I finally found it. It was her comment about what she was going to do:
It is a pink swim suite with white hose. Pictures will be taken in front of a black backdrop.
So how did she look in white hose? I have no idea. That wasn’t what she took pictures of. So she is going to do another alphabet.
pieclown, your punishment is to get dressed up and create a me another set of alphabet fitness letters and numbers (0 through 9)
Your punishment pictures are due to me by June 29th. Hop to it.
Apparently Stacee Skye didn’t realize that I would be waiting for her when she got home from work. She complained that she wasn’t ready and had to take the lawn mower to the shop. I told her it was fine. She could take it to the shop while wearing a bra and panties without any problem. And the penis harness for good measure. I think she has a clue what is coming since I sent some clothes pins with her “just in case”. I don’t think there is any question that those will be on when she gets back.
Update at 6:22pm: After all of her complaining , she sure wasn’t outside very long before wetting herself. I wasn’t planning on keeping her in a wet diaper very long, but I don’t have anything else planned, so I guess it will have to do. I way even eventually let her take her clothespins off, but not too soon. I need to get them toughened up because Mistress M has mentioned some big plans for them.
Update at 6:45pm: Stacee Skye seemed so happy when I had her take pictures of herself taking off one item of clothing at a time. She didn’t even complain when I only left her in one high heel for a while and the breast forms bounced wildly as she ran to get in place for the picture: at last the clothespins were coming off. Perhaps that is why she looks so sad kneeling next to me wearing a corset, a diaper and those clothespins. She just has not learned her lesson yet.
Update at 7:02pm: When I put some weights on the clothespins and they were pulled off, I wasn’t feeling evil enough to put them back on. (I mean I could have, since she obviously didn’t do a good job putting them on in the first place, but I’ll save more clothespins for later.) So I left them off, but a bra and forms back on, dressed her in her KDPi t-shirt and sent her back outside. It’s not that bad: she doesn’t have on any bondage gear (yet) and the t-shirt mostly covers the diaper. Besides, it should be dark in 3 hours or so.
In helping wives become Mistresses to properly train their husbands, I have found that getting started is usually the hardest part. Once the training has started, it will continue without a problem–but that initial boost is the issue.
For many of the training sessions with Mistress M’s husband , I have ensured he was dressed and bound before she arrived home to “start” the punishment. It has worked well, but it is not always a practical solution. So here is the situation and how I would start thinking about the punishment. Good learning.
Mistress M is planning a training session this weekend, on Sunday, after going to church. She will be dropping her daughter off at the baby sitters and then sending her mother, who is in town for a visit, off to a double feature.
There are a number of ways this could play out, depending on the timing of the church, the movies and the baby sitter. Here are some of the options (in an approximate order of severity). Of course, there are many tweaks that can be made to these choices, but that exercise is left to the student.
After sending her mother to the movies, Mistress M admonishes her husband to be dressed and ready for training when she returns. (In about a half hour, which should be sufficient time for her to get dressed.)
After sending her mother to the movies, Mistress M sends her husband to the baby sitters. She is waiting when he returns and pulls into the garage. She has him strip, then leave
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