Bolognese sauce

Bolognese sauce

Coffee Meets Firfir
Bolognese Pasta


-2 big onions

-1 small carrot

-2 tablespoon tomato paste

- 3 peeled tomato

- meat 1/5 kg (just eye ball it)

- 4 mugs of water (yes that much)

-pasta of your choice but we recommend our homemade Tagliatelle

- salt

- 1 cup of wine(optional)


- sauté the onions after dicing them (obviously)

-add the chopped carrot

- add your ground beef and wait for it until it turns grey/ all the water evaporates (Left-over Kitfo will do the job)

- add your wine (optional) and wait for to simmer/ማንተክተክ

-add your tomato paste and mix it well

- add your peeled tomatoes (dicing them is optional because they’re gonna be cooked anyways)

-add 1 mug of water and wait for it until it simmers/ማንተክተክ down and repeat this step 3 times ( it’s important you do this because the meat becomes more tender and absorbs all the other ingredients well)

-finally, add salt to taste

PS we didn’t forget the berbere… this dish is about the flavors coming together not about spices… it gets the color from the tomato paste if you’re wondering. We hope you enjoy it!

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